School Profile 2013-2014 - Ottawa

School Profile 2013-2014
Manor Park Public School
JK-6 EFI, Regular Program
100 Braemar St.
Ottawa, Ontario
K1K 3C9
Phone: 613-746-8131
Fax: 613-746-2817
School hours:
8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
School Website1
Sue Massaad
Vice Principal
Laura Frappier
Office Administrator
Sheila Unrau
Chief Custodian
Tim Muldoon
School Council Chair
Leigh-Anne Richardson
Our School
Manor Park Public School built in 1948 and named after the
picturesque community “Manor Park” in which it is located. Our
school serves students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 and
offers Regular English and Early French Immersion programs.
Our graduating students will go to Queen Elizabeth, Henry Munro
or the Intermediate school closest to their place of residence.
Regular English students entering grade 4 may choose to
transfer to the Middle French Immersion program at Queen
Elizabeth School. Awards For Excellence in Education: The
Fraser Institute recognized Manor Park Public School as a School
Of Distinction in the category of Improvement in Academics at the
2011 Awards of Excellence Ceremony in Toronto, Ontario. Manor
Park also received the Premier’s Award for Accepting Schools in
2013 for exceptional and innovative work in creating a safe and
inclusive school. The school’s staff and administration have
proven their commitment to excellence and continuous
Our Students
Superintendent of
Susan MacDonald
School Trustee
Bronwyn Funiciello
Chair of the Board
Jennifer McKenzie
Director of Education/
Secretary of the Board
Jennifer Adams
General Board Information:
Phone: 613-721-1820
OCDSB Website2
Accessibility Information3
Our student population of approximately 540 is drawn from
Manor Park, Vanier, and Overbrook. Approximately 80% are
bused to school. The school serves students from Junior
Kindergarten to Grade 6.
Our Staff
Our enthusiastic, skilled and highly committed staff consists of 33
teachers, 3 Educational Assistants, 8 Early Childhood Educators,
part-time library technician, custodial staff, and office and
administrative teams. Our staff work together within the school
and community to support positive social and academic
development of the students. They are actively involved in
ongoing training programs related to curriculum. Our staff is
made up of a team of dedicated teachers at varying stages of
their professional careers. Committed to ongoing professional
learning, many have Masters degrees, Specialist Qualifications in
French as a Second Language, Special Education, Math,
Reading and Computer Technology.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Our Community
Parents and Community
The Manor Park family community represents a rich diversity of people. Every day we
welcome many parents and community volunteers into our school to work with our students
and staff. The Manor Park School Council is an advisory committee whose purpose is to
promote the educational interests of Manor Park Public School and its students. One way in
which we do this is by coordinating and sponsoring fund-raising events which allow Manor
Park School to purchase additional learning resources to support the school curriculum. The
primary events include a School Book Fair, pizza lunches, and the May Fair. Parents are
encouraged to become actively involved in the School Council. The success of the Manor
Park School Council depends on the support of parents, teachers and community.
Council Goals are:
 To facilitate communications among parents, staff, trustees, other school councils and the
 To assist in the development of school programs and facilities and in the enrichment of
school life
 To discuss and provide input into school operating procedures
 To identify, study and help solve problems at the school, area, and system-wide levels
 To advise the Board and Ministry of Education on school, area, or system-wide matters
Mission Statement
Manor Park is our school. It is our job to take care of ourselves, each other and the world. We
believe we are good learners. We can make good choices. We can make a difference.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
Manor Park is a dual-track school offering both English and Early French Immersion
We offer Full Day Kindergarten in both Junior and Senior Kindergarten.
Students in the English program in grades 1-6 receive 40 minutes per day of Core
French programming. JK and SK students receive 20 minutes per day of Core French.
Students in the Early French Immersion program in grade 1 receive 100% of
instruction in French, in grades 2 and 3, 80 % of their instruction is in French, and in
grades 4-6, 60% of their instruction is in French. Students enrolled in SK Immersion
receive 50% of their instructional day in French.
Classroom Organization
Our school organization is comprised of classes from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6. We
currently have 9 English classes and 15 Early French Immersion classes. All of our teachers
work collaboratively to develop high quality programs.
Special Education and ESL Programs
In order to address the special learning needs of our students we offer the support of:
 Learning Support Teacher integrated student support , and Literacy and Math support in
class using a co-teaching model from our Learning Resource teacher
 English as Second Language (ESL) support using both a co-teaching and withdrawal
Clubs and Activities
Manor Park offers a Breakfast Club to ensure a good start to the day. Primary and Junior
students also participate in our environmental club fondly known as the “Green Team”. Our
junior level students are encouraged to demonstrate their leadership skills through community
service work such as Reading Buddies, Lunch Monitors, Kindergarten Helpers, Morning
Announcement Leaders, School Bus Monitors, Photo Day Leaders, School Assembly
Greeters and Playground Activity Leaders (PALS). Our Sports Teams include Track and
Field, cross-country running, Borden ball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, badminton and
intramurals. Clubs and Activities include Leadership Club, badminton, Kids In Action, Primary
and Junior Choirs, Instrumental Chime Choir, Outdoor skating, Drama, whole school Cross
Country Meet, Sprint Off Running Event, School Spirit Days, Dance Troupe, Boys Dance
Group “The Breakers”, Green Team, Blue Spruce/ Silver Birch reading club, Skipping Club,
Yoga Club, Engineering Challenge and Public Speaking.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Safe Schools Initiatives
The entire Manor Park community (including parents, staff and students) works cooperatively
to create a positive learning environment that is safe, fun, peaceful and rewarding. We offer a
school wide behaviour program that is based on students following the “ 10 Steps To
Success” by demonstrating fair play, showing respect for others, playing safely on the school
yard and by being problem solvers. A Safe and Caring School Team has been established as
part of the Ministry and School Board mandate. This year we have implemented the WITS
program at Manor Park. WITS is a research based anti-bullying initiative that teaches
children to make safe and positive choices when faced with peer conflict. Character
Education, Safe and Caring curriculum and Equity programming will continue to be
implemented in the 2013-2014 school year. Restorative Circles are used in the development
of relationship building, understanding and to restore a sense of community within classrooms
and school wide. Roots of Empathy, a Canadian parenting and violence prevention program,
is part of the programming in a classroom.
In collaboration with members of the Safe Schools Committee, we have developed and
implemented a school-wide approach to recognizing positive student behaviour that
celebrates the demonstration of integrity, empathy, respect, perseverance, acceptance,
responsibility, appreciation, fairness, cooperation and optimism. We believe that the positive
attention given to students for demonstrating good character and citizenship will contribute to
and reinforce students’ self-esteem and self-discipline. This increased self-esteem and selfdiscipline will then enhance student performance and academic success. Rules and
consequences relate directly to the Ottawa Carleton District School Board Safe School Policy.
Facilities and Resources
Two gyms, a newly renovated library and computer lab, and a learning resource room all
enhance learning experiences within the school. Staff have access to a learning resource
room that houses literacy, numeracy, Science and Social Studies resources. We are fortunate
to have a large grassed play yard, soccer field, tennis courts, basketball hoops, and play
structures all located immediately adjacent to City of Ottawa grounds, which house the Manor
Park Field House, administered by the Manor Park Community Council. An outdoor skating
rink, operated by the City of Ottawa, is open during the winter, providing students with the
opportunity for skating during gym periods. A tennis court, a primary play structure area and a
primary/junior play structure are on the school property.
Google Map of Manor Park Public School
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Achievement and School Improvement Planning
Measures of Student Achievement and Success
Students are assessed according to Ministry of Education provincial standards and
expectations. We follow the fundamental principles stated in the “Growing Success
Document: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools (2010). Teachers use
ongoing assessments, through student/teacher developed rubrics, anchor charts, math
journals, homework assignments, tests and quizzes, oral presentations, classroom
observation, partner and group projects and standardized tests in order to evaluate student
progress and plan appropriate next steps for student learning. Student reading and
understanding are assessed using diagnostic tests such as The Early Literacy Observation
Instrument for Kindergarten students (ELOT), PM Benchmarks (Progress with Meaning), GB+
(Groupe Beauchemin - French benchmarks). Junior Classes use CASI (Comprehension
Attitude Strategies Interests) and Trousses d’evaluation. Many students maintain a portfolio of
their work. The portfolio is shown to their parents in a student-led conference. Expectations
for individual students are modified according to Individual Education Plans developed in
agreement with students' parents/guardians. Each spring, grade 3 and 6 students participate
in the EQAO provincial assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. This assessment
takes place over several days and individual student results are sent home in the fall.
School Improvement Plans and Initiatives
The School Improvement Plan for Manor Park is reviewed twice a year. Each cycle builds
upon the previous plan to ensure a continuum of progress. The goals for our school
community are driven by data: scores, feedback, and surveys. The plan is developed in
consultation with staff, school council, parents, and students and includes major initiatives
that reflect those of the Board Improvement Plan.
Our focus this year is on Proportional Reasoning in Mathematics. The teaching staff is
engaged in exploring, practicing, and refining teaching strategies which will support student
learning across the curriculum. Our Improvement Plan focuses on creative, innovative, and
critical thinking and problem solving to improve student achievement across the curriculum
through a focus on ongoing assessment and feedback.
Language development and language skills are the essential building blocks of all literacy and
numeracy skills. All teachers (classroom, ESL, LRT, LST) and support staff (EAs) take an
active role in teaching Language Arts during specified times, following a Balanced Literacy
approach that includes the following components: read alouds, shared reading/writing, guided
reading/writing, and independent reading/writing. All students are present in the classroom for
the shared reading/writing component. The further development of students’ ability to extend
their understanding of the author’s Big Idea by making inferences, connections, judgements
and/or drawing conclusions. Literacy is integrated in all subjects to encourage students to
become Creative Critical Thinkers needed for the 21st Century.
The Ottawa Reads Program provides additional literacy development opportunities to our
early primary classes as does our Borrow A Book and Reading Buddies programs. Our
students participate in the Ontario Library Association’s Forest of Reading programs each
year as well. Our staff takes advantage of the many literacy and technology integration
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
workshops that are offered on a regular basis and work hard to incorporate what they learn
into their teaching practice.
In Mathematics, we focus on developing skills in the areas of problem solving, the application
of concepts and the communication of mathematical knowledge. The Bansho and Three Part
Math Problem Solving methods are used on a weekly basis in our classes. Math
manipulatives are used by both primary and junior level students on a daily basis to help
develop a better understanding of math concepts. We also help students make the
connection between abstract concepts and real life by participating in such programs as
Engineers-in-Residence and Scientist’s in The School program.
Daily Physical Activity:
Manor Park teachers understand the important role that daily physical activity plays in the
physical and mental health of children and in their ability to maximize their learning
opportunities. As such, they are committed to ensuring that each child participates in twenty
minutes of sustained physical activity each day and eagerly seek out opportunities to further
develop their knowledge and expertise in this area.
We continue to build our bank of technological tools to enhance student learning and
encourage student engagement. Staff has access to 8 Elmo document projectors, 8 media
carts which include laptops and projectors, 3 mounted projectors and a newly renovated
computer lab with 28 student computers. The school now benefits from wi-fi technology and
we are committed to updating equipment on an annual basis.
Healthy Active School:
Our school has partnered with Ottawa Public Health (OPH) in the Healthy Active Schools
Program. Healthy Active Schools (HAS) is designed to promote healthy, active living, create
healthy school environments and ultimately prevent diseases such as Type 2 diabetes. The
goal of H.A.S. is to enable children to make healthy choices about food and physical activity
on a daily basis. Many of our students have anaphylaxis to peanuts and nuts, and some to
dairy and eggs. We support these students by encouraging a peanut/nut free school. Nursing
and Child Youth Worker students from Algonquin College have provided health and
community support for our students during the College placements. Medical students from
The University of Ottawa provide presentations on Healthy Nutrition for our grade 4-6
Litterless Lunches - REDUCE – REUSE – RECYCLE (LUNCHES)
We strive to educate the children to become aware of the garbage they are creating and
encourage them to use recyclable containers. Litterless lunches encourage children to pack
healthy food.
Many of our teachers have an active composting program in their classrooms.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
Leadership Recognition
“Leadership in the OCDSB is the demonstration of personal initiative
to achieve a positive outcome.”
The students at Manor Park strive to “Make a Difference” every day. They excel in academic,
civic and sport pursuits. Junior students act as Kindergarten Helpers, School Yard Activity
Leaders and Lunchroom Monitors. Every year, students show off their musical and dramatic
abilities in a school wide Talent Show as well as in the Holiday Concerts. Student efforts are
recognized at assemblies, in our school newsletter and in the community newspaper the
Manor Park Chronicle. The Principal’s Award for Leadership is presented to a student in
grade 6 who has consistently demonstrated strong leadership within the school and/or
Comments from Students:
 “One thing I like about this school is the nice and caring people.” Grade 2 student.
 “I get a lot of help from my teacher and the other adults who help in my class. I feel happy
when I am at Manor Park.” Grade 3 student.
 “Our schoolyard is so big!” Grade 3 student.
 “My teacher is the best. I am so!! so!! happy that my mom brought me here.” Grade 4
 “We have students that show respect, and “Gotcha” awards that make us feel proud. But
last, but not least, it’s like we’re all family.” Grade 4 student.
 “I feel really lucky to be in this school because it’s fun and you actually learn.” Grade 6
 “This is my last year and I will be really sad to leave.” Grade 6 student
Our staff is made up of a team of dedicated teachers at varying stages of their professional
careers. Many have specialist qualifications in French as a Second language, Special
Education, Math, Reading and Computers. They are dedicated to continuing professional
learning and have actively participated in numerous Board-wide professional development
opportunities particularly in the area of numeracy and literacy. They are committed to ongoing
professional learning, as well as providing workshops and courses for their colleagues and
networking with their colleagues from other OCDSB schools.
Many of our special activities happen mainly due to our wonderful school council also known
as the Manor Park Home and School Association. These activities are funded through several
main fundraisers coordinated by the council. This year these fundraisers include; the
Scholastic Book Fair, Dance -A-thon, the Plant Sale and Mayfair in May. Pizza lunches and
noon hour interest courses are also fundraising activities.
The incredible effort to raise these funds is turned into excellent programming opportunities
for all of our students. For example, transportation is provided for every class to go on a field
trip; last year students explored Parliament Hill, art galleries, museums, plays, symphony
concerts, and visits to farms.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
The Manor Park Home and School Association was responsible for submitting grant
applications to the City of Ottawa and for procuring community and School Board
partnerships that funded the Yard Greening Project. The project included two outdoor
classrooms, trees, our new state of art play structure and a butterfly/wild flower garden.
Members of the Greening Committee volunteer during the summer months in the watering
and weeding of our school gardens. The association funded the new planter in the back yard
where four trees provide shade, and seating for students along the planter. Funding from the
Association also provides students in every grade the opportunity to develop their skills in a
variety of sports every day at during the first Nutrition Break. The students truly love this
experience and can’t wait until it is their turn in the gym. Without the efforts of the members of
Council and the support of their initiatives our students would certainly miss out on the
amazing experiences that these initiatives provide.
Parent volunteers come in to: read to our students, teach yoga in the classroom, run
intramural Badminton, help to supervise field trips, help with different projects around the
school, and more!
As invaluable partners, we thank our parents, guardians and volunteers on an on-going basis,
and look for opportunities to acknowledge them such as school announcements, our
principal’s report to school council, school newsletters, our annual volunteer appreciation
event, and the grade 6 leaving ceremony.
Manor Park is very fortunate to have strong connections with the community. Housed in the
school, the Manor Park Community Council is a very close partner to Manor Park. They run a
day program, an after school program, and recess sports programs.
Spouses of Diplomats are back for another year at Manor Park. They read to individual
students in our primary classes. The Diplomatic Ottawa Reads Team, understand the
importance of reading aloud to children and how it impacts a child’s future success in school.
Community donations from The Montreal Rd. Royal Bank, May Court, the Ottawa Food Bank
and OCRI support our Breakfast Program on an ongoing basis. This support allows the
breakfast program to continue to function and feed up to 80 children breakfast per day.
Other community programs such as the Big Brothers/Big Sisters- Meet you at School
Mentoring Program, the Heart of the City Piano Program, the Ottawa Public Library programs,
and the “Swim to Survive” Program for grade 3 students are some of the community
partnerships in place at Manor Park. The Professional Physiotherapy Centres provides
students that demonstrate citizenship with tickets to the Ottawa 67’s Hockey games. A
number of community groups and businesses have provided support of our character
education, and anti-bullying programs such as the WITS program (The Works, Ottawa 67s,
Ottawa U Gee Gees Basketball Team, etc.). Opera Lyra, Ottawa Symphony and The Ottawa
67’s have donated tickets to many of our classes.
We very much appreciate our community partners and recognize them through
announcements, school newsletters, community newspaper articles, principal’s report to
school council, and thank you letters.
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship
URL References
Educating for Success – Inspiring Learning and Building Citizenship