Curie High School Weekly Lesson Plan Updated October 2005 TeacherEscobar Dept. World Lang. Course: Fr 1 TeacherEscobar Dept. World Lang. Course: Fr 2 Week of: 3 Sept 2012 FOCUS: Clsrm basics BENCHMARK(s): 19A PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTOR(s): able to understand and recite supplies, days, numbers, weather INDICATE THE LITERACY STRATEGIES: Word Knowledge: as above Comprehension: 90% Writing: 90 Fluency: 70 ASSESSMENT: writing (listed above) quiz report Performance Resources/Materials: pictures, clock, board, Discovering French audio recordings. M o n d a y T u e s d a y W e d n e s d a Instructional Strategy Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep No class Implementation of Strategy Labor Day Vocab. for wk 1: un agenda, un cahier, une chemise `a deux poches, un stylo, un crayon, le tableau, un feutre, les toilettes, la fontaine, lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche; janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, JUIN, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre, les nombres. Reinforcement of Strategy/Homework Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep 1.BR: Greetings, handshakes, Teacher model, then students to eachother: Bonjour, Bonjour monsieur, bonjour madame, bonjour mademoiselle. Je m'appelle Mme Escobar 2.ALL IN TARGET LANG. sign programs, introme, they write sched,id, phone 2.In French, with concrete prompts, I explain the supplies list and verify that all students have it correctly notated in agenda: Mon, Tues, Wed., Thurs.(notebood eval.), Friday (exam). 3. Attendance Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: tarea #1 matériel de classe #2 syllabus: student & guardian read & sign Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep BR: repeat Tues. orally. 2. Go around to check for supplies. Those who have notebook and other supplies receive :-) point. 3. Review Tuesdays vocab. Model Qu'est-ce que c'est? And then they do it. 4. Add 'les nombres' counting, weather, using pictures. Teacher models, then class, then individuals Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: #2memorize vocab oral, Curie High School Weekly Lesson Plan Updated October 2005 y T h u r s d a y F r i d a y préparez les cahiers Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep BR: Repeat orally adding new vocab of weather and #s. Students w/ partners 2. Continue with interactive notebook: If they have a notebook, a two pocket folder just for French class, and a pen/pencil, 3/3 3. Mock orals to prepare for Friday oral exam: C'est combien? 3. Qu'est-ce que c'est? les jours de la semaine, les nombres, le temp qu'il fait Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: Look at your notes that you've taken from class and practice out loud for oral exam Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep Oral Quiz on all vocab. from week 1: 10/10 Listening activities from 'Discovering French' audio lessons Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: #4 Practice outloud all vocab. 10 extra points for any one who records practice on device or email Applied Principles of Special Education to Clarify Learning Extended Time on Test Extended Time on Classroom Assignment by Reduced Assignment by % Provide copy of Lecture Notes Provide concrete Examples Days Use Audio of Text Use Token Economy Maintain Frequent Eye contact Give Verbal Directions in Clearly Stated Steps Pre-Teach Vocabulary none yet identified Week of: 5 Sept 2011 FOCUS: Clsrm basics BENCHMARK(s): 19A PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTOR(s): able to understand and recite supplies, days, numbers, weather INDICATE THE LITERACY STRATEGIES: Word Knowledge: as above Comprehension: 90% Writing: 90 Fluency: 70 Curie High School Weekly Lesson Plan Updated October 2005 ASSESSMENT: writing (listed above) quiz report Performance Resources/Materials: pictures, clock, board, Discovering French audio recordings. M o n d a y T u e s d a y W e d n e s d a y T h u r Instructional Strategy Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep Implementation of Strategy Labor Day Vocab. for wk 1: un agenda, un cahier, une chemise `a deux poches, un stylo, un crayon, le tableau, un feutre, les toilettes, la fontaine, lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche; janvier, février, mars, avril, mai, JUIN, juillet, août, septembre, octobre, novembre, décembre, les nombres. Reinforcement of Strategy/Homework Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep 1.BR: Greetings, handshakes, Teacher model, then students to eachother: Bonjour, Bonjour monsieur, bonjour madame, bonjour mademoiselle. Je m'appelle Mme Escobar 2.ALL IN TARGET LANG. sign programs, introme, they write sched,id, phone 2.In French, with concrete prompts, I explain the supplies list and verify that all students have it correctly notated in agenda: Mon, Tues, Wed., Thurs.(notebood eval.), Friday (exam). 3. Attendance Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: devoir #1 matériel de classe #2 syllabus: student & guardian read & sign Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep BR: repeat Tues. orally. 2. Go around to check for supplies. Those who have notebook and other supplies receive :-) point. 3. Review Tuesdays vocab. Model Qu'est-ce que c'est? And then they do it. 4. Add 'les nombres' counting, weather, using pictures. Teacher models, then class, then individuals Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: #2memorize vocab oral, préparez les cahiers Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity BR: Repeat orally adding new vocab of weather and #s. Students w/ partners 2. Continue with interactive notebook: If they have a notebook, a two pocket folder just for French class, and a pen/pencil, 3/3 Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Curie High School Weekly Lesson Plan s d a y F r i d a y Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep Updated October 2005 3. Mock orals to prepare for Friday oral exam: C'est combien? 3. Qu'est-ce que c'est? les jours de la semaine, les nombres, le temp qu'il fait Oral Quiz on all vocab. from week 1: 10/10 Listening activities from 'Discovering French' audio lessons Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: Look at your notes that you've taken from class and practice out loud for oral exam Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: #4 Practice outloud all vocab. 10 extra points for any one who records practice on device or email Applied Principles of Special Education to Clarify Learning Extended Time on Test Extended Time on Classroom Assignment by Reduced Assignment by % Provide copy of Lecture Notes Provide concrete Examples Days Use Audio of Text Use Token Economy Maintain Frequent Eye contact Give Verbal Directions in Clearly Stated Steps Pre-Teach Vocabulary none yet identified