Curie High School Weekly Lesson Plan Updated October 2005 TeacherEscobar Dept. World Lang. Course: Spanish 1 Week of: 10 Feb. 2014 wk 23 FOCUS: Describing the classroom using nouns, prepositional phrases and 'estar' BENCHMARK(s): Communication of physical description, Culture of school compare/contrast, Connections with Geography & History PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTOR(s): able to demonstrate understanding of description of room and furniture INDICATE THE LITERACY STRATEGIES: Word Knowledge: as above Comprehension: 90% Writing: 90 Fluency: 70 ASSESSMENT: writing (listed above) quiz report Performance Resources/Materials: Realidades 1 , AMSCO First Year workbook, online sources RESERVE player FOR THURS. M o n d a y T u e s d a y W e d n e s d Instructional Strategy Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep TURN & TALK Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Implementation of Strategy 10 de febrero, 2014, Hace frio. lunes OBJECTIVE: to understand previously studied nouns and prepositions in a scene and script about a classroom. BELLRINGER: p102 Copy out the script for the frames #s 1, 2, 3. Underline each conjugated verb. :-) 1. PAIRED QUIZZING OF NOUNS AND PREPOSITIONS w/ flashcards 2. Look at BR in terms of verb (regular or irregular) and subject. 3. ? Cuál es el título de la videohistoria? What's going to happen? Look at the fotos and predict. TURN & TALK; share out to large group 4. Volunteer to read. ? Cuántas personas hay? 6. Read as large group for comprehension and pronunciation. 5. In pairs, boys' lines and girls' lines dramatization Closure: HW in your AGENDA 11 de febrero, 2014, Hace frio. martes OBJECTIVE: to understand previously studied nouns and prepositions in a scene and script about a classroom. BELLRINGER: p104 Act.4 Copy the title and 'Modelo' and write 8 similar sentences from picture prompts :-) 2. Cierto o falso, p101 like act 2, using classroom nouns from BR listen, thumbs up for true, thumbs down for false 3. Spiral, recycle un v. una 4. Volunteers to write 3 'Hay' sentences from BR on board. Lincoln's Birthday Reinforcement of Strategy/Homework Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: Reread the videohistoria pp102,102. Act. 3 Odds, Copy out question and write CIERTO, or FALSO Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: HW Make-up, p. 103 act. 3:1- 6 all Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Curie High School Weekly Lesson Plan Updated October 2005 a y T h u r s d a y F r i d a y Test Prep Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep Accommodations/Modifications Bell Ringer Cornell Notes Critique Demonstration Field Trip Study Group Activity Guided Discussion Hands On Lab Lecture Presentation Quiz/Test SQUIRT Test Prep Specifics: O: to listen to, understand, imitate and respond to native speakers using previous and current language content Publisher's audion Lesson 2B BR: Paired spelling bee quiz of personally chosen 5 words from 2B <3 Overhead projection of listening workbook pages. textbk p101 act 20 prepositional phrases, pp102-103 'Un ratón en la clase' p103 True v. false verbally in pairs, then spot check as large group SSR BOOK TITLE Update your reading log. Closure: agenda: together identify 5 sentences for Friday dictation. What would be an appropriate bonus? Story of Valentine Obj: to assess the learning of the week <3 La fiesta de San Valentín Quiz on week 23 material: Dictation/Translation (Correct; enter) SSR: Warriors Don't Cry 15 minutes Count and record BELL RINGER points wks 21,21 &23 Turn and talk, share your reading, log your partner's reading. Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: Memorize spelling and meaning of sentences for quiz Field Trip Hands On Lab/Field Report Per. Participation Problems Read Rehearse Sketchbook Structured Note-Taking Test Prep Write Written research Specifics: sneak preview: wk24 estar Applied Principles of Special Education to Clarify Learning Extended Time on Test Extended Time on Classroom Assignment by 2 Days Reduced Assignment by 20 % Provide copy of Lecture Notes Provide concrete Examples Use Audio of Text Use Token Economy Maintain Frequent Eye contact Give Verbal Directions in Clearly Stated Steps Pre-Teach Vocabulary seat according to needs, positive redirection, physical mvt.