Great Basin College, Pahrump Valley Campus, 551 East Calvada Blvd, Pahrump, Nevada – 89048- Phone:(775) 727-2000 -Fax:(775) 727-2014 Course Syllabus for BIOL 100 – General Biology - Fall 2014 Instructor: Dr. Rita Bagwe Office: 101B Email: Phone: 775-727-2005 Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday - 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m & 3.30 - 5.30 p.m; and by appointment as needed; Friday – by prior appointment only. Teaching Assistants: Ms Sarah Czipowski - Teaching assistant will meet strictly by scheduled appointment only. Sign-up sheet for scheduling appointment is kept in the Academic success center. Course title: General Biology (non majors) Course number/ section numbers:BIOL100 /1005 lecture Number of credits: 3 Credits Meeting dates / time/ place: Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 p.m. / Room number 116 Dates when classes will not be held: Classes will not be held on holidays listed in the school academic calendar. Prerequisite: Must have completed MATH 96 or higher or attained satisfactory score for placement into MATH 120 in ACT, SAT or placement tests. Corequisite: No lab section is required for this course. Course description: Study of the organization of the body. Major molecules of life; composition and physiology of cellular organelles; cell metabolism, reproduction and development of the body and gene function of animal cells. Texts: Biology of Humans :Concepts, Applications and Issues, Judith Goodenough & Betty McGuire, Fifth Edition. Publisher: Pearson, 2014 ISBN: 9780321821713 Method of instruction: lecture Goals of this course: Students taking this course will have a general understanding of anatomy, physiology and functioning of the body systems. The GBC General Education Objectives are addressed at the end of this syllabus. Objectives Expected Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the course the student will be able to: 1. Communication Skills Students will have several opportunities to exercise written and oral communication skills throughout this course. They will complete written assignments accessing scientific information as well as written exams. Oral communication skills will also be utilized during discussions. 2. Critical Thinking Outcome Measurements The expected outcomes will be measured by: Lecture Exams: Students will be able to read and answer exam questions in written form. Class Discussions: Students will be able to communicate scientific ideas orally. (Ungraded) Quantitative Ability- Students will Lecture Exams learn how to quantitatively measure Homework Assignment human organ function and characteristics. Reasoning and Independent ThoughtStudents will use reasoning and independent thought to complete Homework assignment and answer exam questions. Scientific Understanding- Students will comprehend workings of molecularbiological and cellular systems and the process by which the scientific knowledge is discovered. They will develop the ability to understand molecular-biological and cellular information and how it relates to them. 3. Personal and Cultural Sense of the Individual in Society- Lecture Exams: Students will be able to Students will gain an understanding of answer exam questions on the importance and Awareness human biology and how this affects them place of human anatomy, on the history of and society. anatomical research, and how their actions Sense of the Past- Students will gain an affect them and their environment. understanding of how biological Class Discussions: Students will be able to knowledge was discovered and how this knowledge has changed society and their discuss the importance and place of human anatomy in society and how their actions affect lives. them and their environment- ungraded. Sense of Accountability- Students will comprehend the consequences of human discoveries in human biology and their implications. Appreciation of Fine Arts- Students will develop an understanding of the value of biological working of organ systems and individual curiosity and creative thought 4. Personal Wellness 5. Technological Understanding Students will develop skills in determining the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment and their personal health. They will gain knowledge needed to make important decisions involving personal health. Lecture Exams: Students will be able to answer exam questions on the human anatomy. Class Discussions: Students will discuss the molecular basis of human health, ungraded. Students will gain knowledge of how Lecture Exams: Students will be able to advancing technology in the field of answer exam questions on technology in cell biology will affect their lives and their and molecular biology, and human health. personal health. Use of computers in this course: WebCampus: This course will make use of WebCampus. To log in, go to Your WebCampus ID is your Great Basin College email address ID. If you don't have a GBC email address or don't remember your address go to or the Technology Help Desk, or 7532167. Passwords will be sent by mail to students who register for their course(s) 5 days before the semester begins. If you register after this time or did not receive a letter by mail, contact the Help Desk as soon as possible. Grading system: The maximum number of points you can receive in the lecture portion of this course is 550. For the lecture part there will be 4 exams of 100 points each during the semester, ten weekly quizzes worth 10 points each and 10 homework assignments worth 5 points each. Homework will be due on the date listed on the assignment and has to be handwritten and submitted without any reminders on the due day. Late homework assignments will not be accepted at all. The grading scale is as follows: Score Letter grade 97 – 100 94- 96.99 90-93.99 87-89.99 84-86.99 80-83.99 A A AB+ B B- 77-79.99 74-76.99 70-73.99 67-69.99 64-67.99 60-63.99 00-59.99 C+ C CD+ D DF Your “up to the minute” grade for the lecture portion of the course will be posted on WebCampus in an anonymous spreadsheet. Log on to the WebCampus course and follow the instructions (filed permanently in the announcement area) to view your grade. Instructions for dropping the course: If you do not complete the course and do not formally withdraw by the drop deadline, your instructor will automatically assign you a grade of "F".And, of course, it would be lovely for you to include the drop deadline for each of your courses.For full semester courses in the fall, the drop deadline is Monday, October 27, 2014.One-day courses must be dropped no later than the day before the course occurs. For all other non-regular courses, a student must drop before 60% of the course has elapsed. Support staff and Admissions & Records staff can give you the specific drop date for any of your courses; just ask. Congruent with this policy, "Incompletes" assigned for Fall 2013 courses and beyond, will no longer automatically become W's when the March 15 deadline hits. Instead, if you have not submitted an alternate grade before March 15 (or Oct 15 for spring courses), the "I" will become and "F". Attendance policy:Attendance in lecture is mandatory. Attendance will be taken in lecture and Labs. Students remaining absent for more than three lecture or lab classes will be given a letter grade down. Regular attendance is the single most important thing you can do to get and maintain a good grade. Do not forget to sign attendance sheet for every class and lab separately. Six unexcused absence will automatically result in being expelled from the class. Student support information:The Student Support and Retention office provides individualized coaching to students who are struggling in college, either academically or personally. The office houses both professional staff and peer mentors to help students navigate obstacles in their college experience and reach their academic goals. For more information visit or call the Retention Coordinator at 775-753-2255. Lecture exam makeup policy:In order to be fair to students taking the exams on the assigned days I am extremely restrictive with makeups. You will only be allowed to take a makeup if you present a written approved excuse before the next time the class meets. You must take the makeup exam before the exam is passed back to the rest of the class, which is usually the next class meeting. There are also other ways of doing makeup exams that are sometimes allowed such as assigning more points to later exams or the final. These options are only available for approved written excuses at my discretion. If you have missed an exam or know that you are going to miss one see me ASAP. Other policies:Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and may result in a failing grade and/or reporting to GBC Administration. The students conduct policy in the current GBC catalog will be enforced. This syllabus is not a contract and is subject to change, without warning or notification, at any time. Schedule:This is a preliminary schedule. I reserve the right to change any part of it. Exam dates will likely not change. But if they do, I will attempt to announce the change one week ahead of time in class. Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 9/25 6 7 8 9 10/21 10 11 12 13 11/11 14 15 16 17 18 12/9 Topics Humans in the World of Biology Chemistry comes to life The cell Body organization and Homeostasis The Skeletal System Exam – 1 (100 points) The Muscular System Neurons: The matter of the mind The Nervous system Sensory system Exam – 2 (100 points) The Endocrine system Blood The Cardiovascular system and Lymphatic system Body Defense Mechanisms Exam – 3 (100 points) The Respiratory System The Digestive system The Urinary System The Reproductive system Development Through Life Exam – 4 (100 points) Summary of the Assessment of Objectives: Learning and general education objectives will be assessed with three distinct tools. Lecture exams will consist of multiple choice questions that will test three types of knowledge: recall of factual information; definitions of terminology; and conceptual and integrative thinking. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement:Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Director of Services for Students with Disabilities (Julie G. Byrnes) will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services. For more information or further assistance, please call 775.753.2271. The college catalog states, “Messages, attitudes, or any other form of communication deemed to be outside the bounds of common decency/civility as judged by common standards of classroom behavior (determined, as they would be in a regular classroom, by the instructor) will not be tolerated”. Cell Phone Policies:Cell phones must be switched OFF during lecture and lab classes and left off for the duration of the class. Neither phoning nor texting is permitted at any time. Anyone found using it will lead to confiscation of their mobile. No electronic gadgets are allowed in the class during exams. This syllabus does not in any way represent a contract. It is a reflection of the intent of the instructor, but do recognize that it is an organic construct that may change as the semester progresses. Any changes will be announced in class.