APUSH Periodization & Decades Review

Periodization & Decades Review
Name the decade . . .
“long, hot summers”
Freedom Summer
Greensboro sit-ins
U-2 incident
Name the decade . . .
Lost generation
Warren G. Harding
Henry Ford
Sacco & Vanzetti
Marcus Garvey
Name the decade . . .
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Phony war
Congress of Industrial Organizations
Brain trust
Huey Long (Kingfish)
Name the decade . . .
Alger Hiss
NSC 68
NATO formed
Casablanca Conference
Henry Wallace
Name the decade . . .
American Colonization Society
Missouri Compromise
Era of Good Feelings
Tariff of Abominations
South Carolina Exposition
Name the decade . . .
American Federation of Labor
Dawes Act
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Horizontal/vertical integration
Haymarket Square Riot
Name the decade . . .
Baby boomers
Beat generation
Brown v. Board of Education
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Name the decade . . .
Bank holiday
National Recovery Administration
Destroyer deal
Scottsboro boys
Wagner Act
Name the decade . . .
Bank of the United States
Virginia-Kentucky Resolutions
XYZ Affair
Whiskey Rebellion
Jay Treaty
Name the decade . . .
Bank War
Spoils system
Second Great Awakening
Gag rule
Name the decade . . .
Battle of Saratoga
Thomas Paine/ Common Sense
Coercive/Intolerable Acts
Olive Branch Petition
Boston Tea Party
Name the decade . . .
Bay of Pigs
Malcolm X
War on Poverty
Warren Commission
Ralph Nader Unsafe at Any Speed
Name the decade . . .
Bland-Allison Act
Thomas Nast
Henry George Progress and Poverty
Munn v. Illinois
“Crime of ‘73”
Name the decade . . .
Boxer Rebellion
Coxey’s Army
Teller Amendment
Battle of Wounded Knee
Name the decade . . .
Chataugua movement
Freedmen’s Bureau
Battle of Little Big Horn
“waving the bloody shirt”
Boss Tweed
Name the decade . . .
Committee on Public Information
League of Nations
Federal Reserve System
International Workers of the World
16th, 17th, and 18th amendments
Name the decade . . .
Connecticut (Great) Compromise
Virginia & New Jersey Plans
Barbary Pirates
Treaty of Paris (#2)
Name the decade . . .
• Creel Committee
• Henry Cabot Lodge
• “Birth of a Nation”/D.W. Griffith
Name the decade . . .
Cult of domesticity/true womanhood
Manifest Destiny
James K. Polk
Lucretia Mott
Name the decade . . .
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Fugitive Slave Law
Gadsden Purchase
Bleeding Kansas
Brooks-Sumner episode
Name the decade . . .
Emancipation Proclamation
Trent Affair
Homestead Act
Battle of Antietam
Crittenden Compromise
Name the decade . . .
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Immigrant quota system
Harlem Renaissance
Washington Naval Conference
Name the decade . . .
Fair Deal
Japanese internment
Truman Doctrine
Yalta Conference
Taft-Hartley Act
Name the decade . . .
Fair Labor Standards Act
New Deal
Bonus March
21st amendment
Name the decade . . .
Federal Highway Act
Montgomery Bus boycott
Eisenhower Doctrine
Korean War
Allen Ginsberg
Name the decade . . .
Freeport Doctrine
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Name the decade . . .
French & Indian War
Albany Plan
Salutary neglect
William Pitt
Name the decade . . .
Georgia O’Keefe
“Back to Africa” movement
Albert Fall
Name the decade . . .
Stephen Douglas
Popular sovereignty
Ostend Manifesto
Lecompton Constitution
Name the decade . . .
Hundred Days
America First Committee
Elijah Muhammad (Black Muslims)
Keynesian economics
National Labor Relations Act
Name the decade . . .
Insular cases
“good and bad trusts”
Charles and Mary Beard
Great White Fleet
Square Deal
Name the decade . . .
Jackie Robinson
GI Bill of Rights
Berlin Airlift
Marshall Plan
San Francisco Conference
Name the decade . . .
Jacob Riis
Northern Securities Case
Robert LaFollette
Platt Amendment
Name the decade . . .
Jimmy Carter
Watergate Scandal
Roe v. Wade
Affirmative action
Gerald Ford
Name the decade . . .
John C. Calhoun
Charles River Bridge case
DeTocqueville/Democracy in
• Removal of bank deposits
Name the decade . . .
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Herbert Hoover
H.L. Menken
Charles Lindbergh
Scopes Trial
Name the decade . . .
Know Nothings
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Republican Party
Underground Railroad
Name the decade . . .
Langston Hughes
Andrew Mellon
National Origins Act
Ku Klux Klan rebirth
Calvin Coolidge
Name the decade . . .
Lewis and Clark expedition
Orders in Council
Gabriel Prosser’s Rebellion
Judicial review
Name the decade . . .
Little Rock School crisis
National Defense Education Act
Dynamic conservatism
Jack Kerouac/ On the Road
Name the decade . . .
Loose/strict constructionism
Cotton gin/Eli Whitney
Citizen Genet
Bill of Rights ratified
Alien and Sedition Acts
Name the decade . . .
The Gulf War
Nelson Mandela
Bill Clinton
Contract with America
Ross Perot
Name the decade . . .
Marbury v. Madison
Embargo Act
Louisiana Purchase
Interchangeable parts
Name the decade . . .
Margaret Sanger
Teapot Dome/Elk Hills Scandals
“Spirit of St. Louis”
Name the decade . . .
Miranda v. Arizona
The New Frontier
Huey Newton (Black Panthers)
Cuban Missile Crisis
Name the decade . . .
Molly McGuires
“forty acres and a mule”
National Labor Union
Crop lien system
Granger laws
Name the decade . . .
Monroe Doctrine
Corrupt bargain
Erie Canal
Lowell system
Gibbons v. Ogden
Name the decade . . .
Morrill Land Grant Act
National Banking Act
13th, 14th, 15th amendments
Radical Reconstruction
Johnson’s impeachment
Name the decade . . .
• National Industrial Recovery Act
• Federal Deposit Insurance
• Tennessee Valley Authority
• Franklin Roosevelt
• Bonus Army
Name the decade . . .
New immigrants
Plessy v. Ferguson
Joseph Pulitzer
Populist Party
Turner’s Frontier Thesis
Name the decade . . .
New Nationalism
Mann-Elkins Act
“Black Jack” John Pershing
American Expeditionary Force
Name the decade . . .
Open range
Interstate Commerce Act
Andrew Carnegie
John D. Rockefeller
Name the decade . . .
Oregon Territory
John Slidell
Horace Mann
Spot Resolution
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
Name the decade . . .
Palmer Raids
Schenck v. United States
Clayton Antitrust Act
Keating Owen Child Labor Act
Name the decade . . .
Panama Canal
W.E.B. DuBois (Niagara Movement)
Dollar Diplomacy
Roosevelt Corollary
Name the decade . . .
Peace Corps
Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Stokely Carmichael (Black Power)
Great Society
Name the decade . . .
Pendleton Act (civil service)
Samuel Gompers
Gilded Age
Farmer’s Alliance
Chinese Exclusion Act
Name the decade . . .
Peter Zenger trial
Great Awakening
James Oglethorpe
George Whitefield
Jonathan Edwards
Name the decade . . .
Progressive movement
Russo-Japanese War
Hay-Buneau-Varilla Treaty
Name the decade . . .
• Salvation Army
• John Dewey
• Edward Bellamy Looking Backward
Name the decade . . .
Mexican-American War
Free soilers
American Anti-Slavery Society
Name the decade . . .
Quartering Act
Stamp Act
Paxton Boys
Sugar Act
“no taxation without representation”
Name the decade . . .
SALT I Treaty
Camp David Accords
Bakke v. Board of Regents
Name the decade . . .
Anne Hutchinson
Headright system
City on a hill
Roger Williams
Name the decade . . .
• Samuel Slater
• Pinckney Treaty
• Full funding/assumption of state
• Federalist Party
Name the decade . . .
Securities and Exchange Commission
Neutrality Acts
Court packing scheme
“share the wealth”
Indian Reorganization Act
Name the decade . . .
Seneca Falls Convention
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Wilmot Proviso
Irish immigration
Name the decade . . .
Ralph Bunche
George Kennan
United Nations
Korematsu v. United States
Name the decade . . .
Settlement house movement
William Jennings Bryan
Atlanta Compromise
Sherman Silver Purchase Act
Name the decade . . .
Shays’ Rebellion
Northwest Ordinance
Three-fifths Compromise
Articles of Confederation
Annapolis Convention
Name the decade . . .
Social gospel
Knights of Labor
Jim Crow laws
Helen Hunt Jackson A Century of
• Social Darwinism
Name the decade . . .
Spanish-American War
Booker T. Washington
Gospel of Wealth
Yellow journalism
Name the decade . . .
Spheres of influence
Big Stick Policy
Lochner v. New York
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Name the decade . . .
Stamp Act Congress
Sons of Liberty
Non-importation agreements
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Townshend Acts
Name the decade . . .
Supply side economics
Iran-Contra Affair
Geraldine Ferraro
Oliver North
“evil empire”
Name the decade . . .
Tea Act
Boston Massacre
Gaspee Affair
First and Second Continental
Name the decade . . .
The Grange
Credit Mobilier Scandal
Cattle drives
Horatio Alger
Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce
Name the decade . . .
Theodore Roosevelt
Upton Sinclair The Jungle
Emilo Aguinaldo
Pure Food and Drug Act
Anthracite Coal Strike
Name the decade . . .
Trade and Navigation Acts
Bacon’s Rebellion
King Philip’s War
Salutary neglect
Halfway Covenant
Name the decade . . .
War in Afghanistan
Hurricane Katrina
Columbia disaster
Facebook is launched
Name the decade . . .
Trail of Tears
Dorothea Dix
William Lloyd Garrison The Liberator
Worcester v. Georgia
Name the decade . . .
Treaty of Ghent
Hartford Convention
Adams-Onis Treaty
War Hawks
American System
Name the decade . . .
Treaty of Versailles
Federal Trade Commission
Ballenger-Pinchot Affair
Name the decade . . .
Sussex Pledge
Zimmerman Note
Food Administration
Fuel Administration
Name the decade . . .
Underwood Simmons Tariff
Bull Moose Party
Federal Reserve Act
“he kept us out of war”
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Name the decade . . .
• Volstead Act
• Woodrow Wilson
• Fourteen Points
Name the decade . . .
Voting Rights Act
Barry Goldwater
Rachel Carson Silent Spring
Tet Offensive
Civil Rights Act
Name the decade . . .
War Powers Act
Equal Rights Amendment
Kent State
Helsinki Accords
Name the decade . . .
• Whig Party
• Independent Treasury System
• Specie Circular
Name the decade . . .
William Randolph Hearst
Pullman Strike
J.P. Morgan
Cross of Gold speech
Plessy v. Ferguson
Name the decade . . .
Works Progress Administration
Cash and carry
Sit-down strike
John Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath
Social Security Act
Name the decade . . .
Indentured servants
Mayflower Compact
Roger Williams
House of Burgesses
Name the decade . . .
Seward’s Folly
Tenure of Office Act
Name the decade . . .
Osama bin Laden killed
End of “don’t ask, don’t tell”
SOPA Internet Protest
Benghazi Embassy attacked
Name the decade . . .
Clinton impeachment
Bosnia & Serbia airstrikes
“don’t ask don’t tell” policy