HONORS 200-005 The Mechanical and the Mystical: From Technology to Magic MW: 12:30-1:45 PM HON 155 Office Hours: Mitchell Hall 147E, Mondays 2-3:15 PM and by appointment Professor Jocelyn Szczepaniak-Gillece szczepan@uwm.edu UWM General University Course Policy: http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/SecU/SyllabusLinks.pdf Course Description: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” -Arthur C. Clarke In this course, we will analyze how technology is considered magical or otherworldly in the modern era through examples such as spiritualist photography’s supposed ability to capture ghosts on film, or contemporary ghost hunters’ use of sophisticated electronic equipment. While new technologies tend to be discussed in enigmatic and mystical terms, writers and artists often conceive of mechanical objects as promising closer access to the divine or the supernatural. We will therefore examine case studies in cultural history, art, science, literature, and media and ask a range of questions: How do mechanized objects become laden with meaning and with spirit? Why do certain technologies seem more supernatural than others? How do we establish boundaries between science and magic? Are there differences between tools made to access the supernatural and new technologies that seem magical because they are still mysterious? Together, we will ask how our images of wondrous technology have changed—or, in some ways, remained similar—throughout the modern era. Credit Hour Breakdown: Additionally, all UWM syllabi are required to indicate the number of hours a student will be expected to expend to complete the class. The expected minimum number of hours of energy expended by students in this class is as follows: Classroom discussion: Reading: Writing papers: 36.25 hours 59.75 hours 48 hours Total: 144 hours Class Proceedings: Besides screening days (for The Prestige and Pulse), all class meetings will be seminar-style. That means you will come to class not only having read for the day, but prepared to talk about the readings. Please note: many of the readings will be difficult. I do not expect you to understand them fully right off the bat; that is what classroom time is for! To that end, please bring your questions, thoughts, and difficulties to class with you, and we will engage them during class time. During class time, we will discuss the readings and watch clips from various examples relating to the week’s topic. Readings: There are two books for this class: Jeffrey Sconce, Haunted Media: Electronic Presence from Telegraphy to Television (Durham: Duke University Press, 2000) Philip K. Dick, VALIS (New York: Mariner Books, 2011) Both are available at Neebo Books on Downer Avenue across the street from Mitchell Hall; do feel free to purchase through online sources as well, but please be sure to purchase the proper edition of VALIS, as the course requirement is a reprint from 2011. All other readings for this course are posted on D2L. All readings are mandatory and should be completed prior to the day on the schedule for which they are assigned. A note: I reserve the right to make changes to readings/the syllabus as necessary; you will NOT, however, be required to purchase any books beyond Haunted Media and VALIS. Grade Components: Course grades will be determined according to the following percentages: Course Attendance, Reading, and Participation: 20% Short (500 word) creative analysis 1, due Monday, February 10 at 12:30 PM: 10% Essay 1 (4-5 pages), due Wednesday, February 26 at 12:30 PM: 20% Essay 2 (4-5 pages), due Wednesday, April 2 at 12:30 PM: 20% Short (500 word) creative analysis 2, due Monday, April 21 at 12:30 PM: 10% Essay 3 (4-5 pages), due Wednesday, May 7 at 12:30 PM: 20% Grade Scale 93 to 100 % 90 to 92% 87 to 89% 83 to 86% 80 to 82% 77 to 79% 73 to 76% 70 to 72% 60 to 69% 59% or less A AB+ B BC+ C CD F Short Creative Analyses: You will write two short creative analyses for the course. I will provide between two and three prompts for these analyses the week before their due dates. You may choose to write these in standard essay format, but you will also have the option to flex your creative muscles and write a creative fiction or non-fiction piece. Regardless of which you choose, papers must be at least 500 words, in Times New Roman 12 point font, with 1” margins on all sides. They are to be submitted in PDF, Doc, or Docx format on D2L—NOT in hard copy. Longer Essays: You will write three longer essays for class. These are to be formal essays, i.e., structured as a standard college essay with thesis, supporting evidence, and conclusion. You are not required to do external research for these essays, although you may if you prefer. I will provide at least two prompts for each essay, but you may also choose to write on your own topic, so long as it relates to the theme of the course. Papers must be between 4 and 5 pages, in Times New Roman 12 point font, with 1” margins on all sides. They are to be submitted in PDF, Doc, or Docx format on D2L—NOT in hard copy. Your first two essays may be revised and turned in within a week of receiving your first grade for a higher grade. A Note on Late Papers: Papers will be penalized by 5 points for each day they are late. Lateness begins at 12:31 PM on the day the papers are due. PAPERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF THEY ARE SUBMITTED MORE THAN THREE DAYS LATE. Attendance and Tech Policy (Undergraduate and Graduate): I will take attendance every meeting. If you are not present at the beginning of class you will be marked absent for that day. You are allowed two unexcused absences. Every subsequent unexcused absence will result in the subtraction of two percentage points from your grade. Cell phones must be turned off during class. Texting is absolutely forbidden. I prefer a classroom without laptops, but recognize that some students may want to take notes on their computers. Please use your laptops sparingly and judiciously; you will be asked to leave class if it is evident that you are doing something other than taking notes with them. Problems: If you can’t find a particular file for class on the course D2L website, make sure that you scroll to the bottom of the Course Home page and press “Show All” before emailing the instructor. A Note About Classroom Climate: In this class, we will demonstrate respect for others’ viewpoints and diverse backgrounds at all times. We will not discriminate against or criticize members of this classroom community based on gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability or any other such factor. Everyone is welcome here, and should feel safe expressing their thoughts and beliefs. The readings and topics covered in this class may be both intellectually and emotionally hard for different people, in different ways. You are expected to work through these challenges, and you are expected to support your classmates as they move through the materials. Any comments or behavior that instigates or contributes to a hostile classroom climate will not be tolerated. Course Schedule Week One: Searching for Spirits Wednesday, 1/22: Introduction, plus screening of clips from Ghostbusters and Ghost Hunters Week Two: Wonderful Objects and Authenticity Monday, 1/27: Walter Benjamin, “The Work of Art in the Age of its Technological Reproducibility,” originally published in 1936, reprinted and retranslated in Grey Room (39) (Spring 2010): 11-37 (available on D2L) Wednesday, 1/28: Jeffrey Sconce, “Introduction,” from Haunted Media: Electronic Presence from Telegraphy to Television (Durham: Duke University Press, 2000): 1-20 Week Three: Spiritualism, Photography, Madame Blavatsky Monday, 2/3: Madame and HP Blavatsky, “Recent Progress in Theosophy,” The North American Review 151(405) (August 1890): 173-186 (available on D2L); Alex Owen, “Power and Gender: The Spiritualist Context,” from The Darkened Room: Women, Power, and Spiritualism in Late Victorian England (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004): 1-17 (available on D2L) Wednesday, 2/5: Simone Natale, “A Short History of Superimposition: From Spirit Photography to Early Cinema,” Early Popular Visual Culture 10(2) (May 2012): 124-145 Week Four: Spiritualism and Technical Objects Monday, 2/10: Sconce, Haunted Media, Chapter 1: 21-58 ***First short (500 words) creative analysis due in D2L Dropbox before beginning of class*** Wednesday, 2/12: Linda Rodriguez McRobbie, “The Strange and Mysterious History of the Ouija Board,” Smithsonian.com, October 28, 2013 (available on D2L) Week Five: Magic and Science: The Prestige Monday, 2/17: Watch The Prestige (Christopher Nolan, 2006, USA, 130 minutes) Wednesday, 2/19: Finish The Prestige in class Week Six: Tesla, Edison, and Electricity Monday, 2/24: Discuss The Prestige Wednesday, 2/26: Philip Smith, “The Electric Chair,” from Punishment and Culture (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008): 142-168 (available on D2L) ***First essay (4-5 pages) due in D2L Dropbox before beginning of class*** Week Seven: Uncanny Bodies, Mysterious Medicine Monday, 3/3: Sigmund Freud, “The Uncanny,” originally published 1919, reprinted in New Literary History: 616-642 (available on D2L) Wednesday, 3/5: Leslie Umberger, “Emery Blagdon: Properly Channeled,” from Sublime Spaces, Visionary Worlds: Built Environments of Vernacular Artists (Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press, 2007): 2-23 (available on D2L) Week Eight: Aliens, Monsters, and Strange Transmissions Monday, 3/10: Sconce, Haunted Media, Chapter 3: 92-123 Wednesday, 3/12: H.P. Lovecraft, “From Beyond” (http://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/fb.aspx); H.P. Lovecraft, “The Call of Cthulhu” (http://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/cc.aspx) SPRING BREAK: 3/15-3/23 Week Nine: Televisions and the Other Side Monday, 3/24: Haunted Media, Chapter 4: 124-166 Wednesday, 3/26: Haunted Media, Chapter 5: 167-210 Week Ten: Seeing into Space, Part I: Telescopic Visions Monday, 3/31: Paul Virilio, “The Vision Machine,” from The Vision Machine (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994): 57-77 (available on D2L) Wednesday, 4/2: Selection from No One May Ever Have the Same Knowledge Again (read all three letters posted here: http://mjt.org/exhibits/letters/letters.html); look through Hubble Site/Hubble Space Telescope: http://hubblesite.org/ ***Second essay (4-5 pages) due in D2L Dropbox before beginning of class*** Week Eleven: Seeing into Space, Part II: Special Effects and Perception Monday, 4/7: Scott Bukatman, “Kaleidoscopic Perceptions: The Artificial Infinite,” from Matters of Gravity: Special Effects and Supermen in the 20th Century (Durham: Duke University Press, 2003): 81-110 Wednesday, 4/9: Scott Bukatman, “Kaleidoscopic Perceptions: The Ultimate Trip: Special Effects and Kaleidoscopic Perception,” 111-132 Week Twelve: Seeing into Space, Part III: Cinema, Expanded Monday, 4/14: Gene Youngblood, portion of “Toward Cosmic Consciousness,” from Expanded Cinema (1970): 135-156 (available on D2L); Arthur C. Clarke, “The Sentinel” (1956): 1-6 (available on D2L) Wednesday, 4/16: Philip K. Dick, VALIS (New York: Mariner Books, 2011): 1-84 Week Thirteen: Divine Machines, Holy Movies: VALIS Monday, 4/21: Dick, VALIS, pages 85-172, plus R. Crumb’s “The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick,” Weirdo comic #17, 1986 (available here: http://swadeshine.blogspot.com/2011/10/robert-crumbs-religious-experience-of.html) ***Second short (500 words) creative analysis due in D2L Dropbox before beginning of class*** Wednesday, 4/23: Dick, VALIS, pages 173-255 Week Fourteen: The Internet Part I: Ghosts in the Machine Monday, 4/28: Pulse (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2001, Japan, 118 minutes) Wednesday, 4/30: Finish Pulse in class; discuss Pulse Week Fifteen: The Internet Part II: Spirits in the Material World Monday, 5/5: Will Wiles, “Creepypasta,” Aeon, December 20, 2013 (available on D2L); look at Transcendental Meditation web site (http://www.tm.org/) and Deepak Chopra’s Dream Weaver app (http://www.chopra.com/ccl/video/introducing-the-dream-weaverapp-for-meditation-deep-relaxation-and-dreaming) Wednesday, 5/7: Wrap-up ***Final essay (4-5 pages) due in D2L Dropbox before beginning of class***