Kimberly F. Jones – 252-737-1076
All Travel Questions –
Cheryl Goodwin – Travel Trainer
Average 34 travel reimbursements received per day
Average 25 emails received per day
Average 10 phone calls received per day
Average 2 people working to pay all travel per day
Sometimes we use shorthand o o o o o o o o
TR = Travel Reimbursement form or packet
TA = Travel Advance form or packet online form
BID = Banner Identification (Banner Number)
Standard TR = a travel reimbursement form in the online travel system
Manual TR = a travel reimbursement form completed on a manual form (Excel spreadsheet)
NFR = No Funds Requested
Authorizer = person(s) that have the authority to allow a traveler to leave their duty station for travel purposes
Budget Authority = person(s) that have the authority to allow a traveler to be reimbursed using the particular funding
Travel forms are used to reimburse someone that is involved with representing ECU at an off site location or persons visiting ECU. It is a document that will contain information describing where the traveler has gone, how long they were gone, and what expenses they incurred while traveling. o
Types of Travel:
• Blanket Travel
• In State Travel
• Out of State Travel
• Foreign Travel
• Non-Employee Travel
• Travel Advance
Prior approval for a trip does not mean an email from your supervisor or departmental request for leave form. It means your online travel forms must be fully signed PRIOR to your departure.
A ProCard will help reduce your out of pocket expenses when used to pay a registration and purchase your transportation ticket.
All original receipts must be turned into your preparer within 5 calendar days of your return from your trip.
You agree to comply with the Office of State Budget
Management and East Carolina University rules for travel reimbursement.
TRs must be entered into the online system and assigned signatures of approval prior to the departure of the traveler.
Fully signed and completed TRs will be filed with the Travel Office within 30 days of the last date of travel.
Anytime an
is representing ECU at a location away from campus (Online Travel Form)
Anytime a
Resident, Fellow, etc.) is representing ECU at a location away from campus (Manual or Online
Travel Form)
Anytime a person (typically a non-employee –
Candidate, Guest Speaker) is coming to ECU and they are to be reimbursed (Manual Travel Form)
Employees o
Graduate Students o
Undergrad Students
If the traveler has access to OneStop, their travel should be done in the online travel system
A student, regardless of level of learning, may use the online travel system
Use the Manual Travel Form for: o o
Guest Speaker
Faculty Candidates o o o o
Board Members
Contract Employees
Manual Form Signatures for these travelers: o o
Pre-Travel must be signed by the appropriate department approver
Final Travel must be signed by the traveler, appropriate department approver, funding source budget approver – include Vice Chancellor where needed
Blanket Travel – o o o o o o o o
One day trip (In State or Out of State)
Only Mileage/gas/tolls/parking is allowed
Include an agenda/emails explaining reason for trip
All Blanket Travel must be filed monthly
• It must be received in the Travel Office and fully signed off by the last working day of the following month you are filing for
• Example – March travel is filed by the last working day of April
In State, Out of State, Foreign – o o o o o o
Always list registration and mode of transportation for every non-blanket travel – regardless of how it was paid
Always include original receipts
Always include an agenda
Always obtain signatures for pre-travel – prior to the traveler’s departure AND prior to any expense occurring, including NFR (No Funds Requested) travel forms
Always obtain signatures after the travel is completed
Always submit to Travel Office before the 30-day deadline – 30 days from the last day of travel
Must have a Business Purpose
Original Receipts
Must be listed on the Travel Reimbursement
List the following per day : o
Hotel o
Please “group” together the following: o o o o o o o
Taxi – can be per day – whatever works for you
Parking – one entry for parking
Airline – one roundtrip entry for airline
Internet – one total entry
Gas – can be per day – easier as one entry
Tolls – can be per day – easier as one entry
Bags / Airline Bags (checked bags) – one entry for all bags
If a traveler is missing a receipt: o o o
A redacted copy of the traveler’s bank statement showing the bank name, the transaction, the date of the transaction
A copy of the front and back of a canceled check or copy of banking institution’s processing of the check and a copy of the check
A written statement by the traveler stating they paid cash and they must physically sign the statement
When adding signatures to an online travel, you may save the signatures and reuse them for every travel form you create
Enter the appropriate signatures and click SAVE in lower right corner
Enter a “name” for the signatures and click SAVE CURRENT
When you have created a travel and need to add signatures from the signature set, drop down the window and choose the set you want to use and click LOAD, then click SAVE in the lower right
Attachments were designed to assist in the approval process o o o
The preparer must attach all documentation to each
Travel Reimbursement and label them
All attachments will become imbedded in the travel system and will follow it’s host TR
The University will go paperless soon – begin attaching backup documentation immediately
To add ATTACHMENTS to the online travel system: o
Scan each document to your email, save to your hard drive, then upload to the TR o
Scan each document directly from the copiers to the individual TR via email o
Send documents from a USB Memory Stick via the copier to the individual TR
Federal Per Diem is not applicable to ECU – regardless of funding source
Tips are allowed on State Funds as long as the total is equal to or less than State Per Diem rates – detailed receipt required
Tips are allowed on alternate funding and is allowed at 20% of the total of the bill including taxes – detailed receipt required
The location of where the expense was incurred determines the codes you will use o
If a meal is to be reimbursed and the traveler is within North
Carolina at the time, use In-State codes for that meal
A traveler’s flight departs RDU at 11:30 am and they are flying to
California. Their lunch is at the airport, use In-State codes for that meal only. Their dinner and other meals while in California are coded to Out-of-State.
A Travel Advance is allowed if: o
The traveler’s income is $50,000 a year or less o o o
The minimum for an advance is $200
The fully signed (pre-travel and final travel signatures) travel packet is received in the Travel Office 14 calendar days prior to departure
The travel packet must contain:
• Proof of payment for registration and mode of transportation
• Hotel reservation information showing day reserved by the traveler and amount
• Agenda
Student travel reimbursements are allowed if: o o o o
Students who travel for the purpose of presenting at a conference AND officially representing ECU during the travel is considered State business
Students are not allowed a travel advance
Students are not allowed a state vehicle
Students are not allowed reimbursement for rental cars
Print TR
• University Prepaid before travel – no copies needed
• Traveler Prepaid Reimbursement – attach form with payment amount showing how it was paid
Mode of transportation o o o
If miles, use State approved listing, Mapping Service printed and attached, or odometer reading
If State Car is used, list mileage as NO FEE and enter STATE CAR in comment section
If airline, train, bus
• University Prepaid before travel– no copies needed
• Traveler Prepaid Reimbursement – attach itinerary with payment amount and how it was paid showing
Hotel – receipt must show zero balance
Miscellaneous Receipts (if applicable) o o o o o o
Airline Bags
Taxis, Shuttle – 15% tip on fare only, regardless of funding source
Parking – must show dates and amount
Tolls – must show date and amount
Gas – must show details of fuel purchase
Internet – must show business purpose
Attachments to a TR, in the online travel system, cannot be printed by the Travel Office?
o We must have a printed set with original receipts in order to process the TR for payment.
The Travel Office only requires the original set of the TR and backup papers?
We do not need a copied set of the TR packet.
The Travel Office does not need boarding passes anymore?
o Keep them in your files or allow the traveler to keep them if they want.
The Travel Office does not need copies of the
ProCard statement for items purchased on a
ProCard for the travel?
o Keep them in your files and assign “ProCard” to items paid by ProCard.
The 30-day deadline means: o
The date the traveler returns plus 30 calendar days regardless of holidays or weekends
• If an extended holiday period or weather catastrophe occurs, the Travel Office will advise an alternate due date – refer to “Information” box on home page of travel system
• If a TR is received by the Travel Office on or after the 31 st day after the traveler returns, we require a late memo signed by the department chair AND vice chancellor stating they were aware of the travel and approve the reimbursement
• If a TR is on State Funds and it is received beyond the 30-day deadline, you must change the funding source or receive written approval to pay on State
Funds by Dr. Niswander (East Campus) or Mr. Vanderpool (West Campus)
• If you change funding source, remember to obtain the proper signatures for that funding
• The TR must be received by the Travel Office and must be fully signed before the 30-day deadline
The current rate of mileage reimbursement is
$.575 or $.30 per mile?
o o o o
If a traveler has a round trip that is 99 miles or LESS , they are allowed $.575 per mile
If the traveler has requested a state car and there isn’t one available , with email documentation from Central
Motor Pool they may receive $.575 per mile
If a traveler has a round trip that is 100 miles or
MORE , they must receive $.30 per mile
If a traveler has not checked for a state car or prefers to use their personal vehicle, they must receive $.30 per mile
Rule of Thumb for $.575 per mile o o o o
Check for a State Car, if not available you can have higher rate if you attach the email documentation from
Central Motor Pool
Non-employees (Guest Speakers, Candidates, Residents,
Students, Fellows, Contract Employees, etc.) are allowed the higher rate because they do not have access to a
State Car
The round trip is 99 or less
Clinical Duty travel on ECUP Funds
miles driven are 100 miles or more o
The traveler did not check for a State Car o
The traveler chose to drive their personal vehicle
Clinical Duties is defined as:
• Giving a medical based lecture
• Travel pertaining to depositions
• Coroner related duties
• Physically interacting with patients
A Resident/Fellow is allowed the full mileage reimbursement of $.575 per mile because they are not employees?
The TR must be fully noted that the traveler is a resident/fellow
• In the explanation block of Section One, specifically state the traveler is a Resident/Fellow
• Or, you may note it in the comment section of each expense for mileage
• If reimbursing rotation mileage, note “Resident on
There is a difference between Airline Bags and
o o o
“Airline Bags” refers to the fee the airlines charge – typically $25
“Bags” refers to the State allowed $8 tip and no receipt is required
Please code accordingly
Multiple checked bag fees are not always allowed?
If a traveler has multiple bags to check with the airline, we must have a business purpose for the extra bags before we can allow the expense
Choice/Preferred Seating is NOT allowed on ANY
o The only exception is if there is a documented disability requiring an extra fee, we must receive documentation to that effect and it must be documented with the ADA
Coordinator in advance of traveling
Once a TR has received any or all signatures in Section Two, Number 7, you cannot add any more expenses?
o If you have expenses to add to the TR that will increase the reimbursement (of any amount), you must RESET all signatures in Section Two,
Number 7 and they must sign again to approve the increase
The Travel Office cannot make the change to the form o
This includes office addresses and current home addresses o
Since a student doesn’t have an office address, please make sure their home address is correct
The RED ALERT at the top of a travel reimbursement form online means: o o
Office Address – make sure the traveler enters their office address
• If the traveler does not have an office or works from their home, please make a comment in Section One Explanation box that the traveler does not have an ECU address
• Do NOT enter a personal home address in the office address section
Student Address – they will not have the option to add an office address; make sure they update the home address and it is showing correctly
• If the student wants the check mailed to a different address, please add a CHECK DISPOSITION SHEET to the front of the travel packet with the correct mailing address showing
Not all meals are created equal?
If a registration/agenda shows any of the following items as a meal, per diem is allowed per State Guidelines
• Continental Breakfast
• Social
• Reception
• Mixer
Not all meals are created equal?
If a registration/agenda shows any of the following items as a meal, per diem is not allowed per State Guidelines
• Brunch (allowed breakfast; not allowed lunch)
• Buffet
• Banquet
• Gala
Taping a thermal receipt to a piece of paper incorrectly will erase the ink?
o o o o o o
When taping a receipt to a sheet of paper, only tape on the edges of the receipt where there isn’t any writing
Use the top and bottom of the receipt for taping
Please attach the receipts in date order to a plain white sheet of 8 ½ x 11 paper (Color paper or lined paper will cause problems when scanning)
Please do not use staples to attach receipts
Do not use highlighters on thermal paper
Hotel receipts that are smaller than 8 ½ x 11 paper must be taped to 8 ½ x 11 paper
You should staple or binder clip your travel packets together?
A paperclip is useless when holding together a travel packet – please use a strong binder clip or staple the packet together
You should not use a highlighter?
A highlighter will erase the thermal receipt o
A highlighter will scan too dark to be read
Early boarding fees are not reimbursable nor are they allowed for purchase using the
o A traveler may pay for early boarding fees but they will not be reimbursed for those fees
Travel Insurance on any mode of transportation is not reimbursable?
This insurance refers to ‘trip guarantee’ and will not be reimbursed
When reimbursing for a rental car, you cannot reimburse mileage too?
o You can reimburse fuel for a rental car but not mileage too
Reimbursement for use of a rental vehicle for IN-
STATE use will NOT be made if a State Vehicle is available?
No reimbursement may be made for in-state use of a rental vehicle when a state vehicle is available
Rental car add-ons are not reimbursable?
The following items will be removed from a TR:
• LDW – Loss Damage Waiver
• CDW – Collision Damage Waiver
• PAC – Personal Accident Coverage
• PAI – Personal Accident Insurance
• SLI – Supplemental Liability Insurance
• RSN – Roadside Safety Net
• RAP – Roadside Assistance Program
• Child Safety Seats
• UCA – Universal Cell Adapter – used for charging the phone
• UCH – Universal Cell Holder – used to ‘perch’ the phone making it hands free
Please inform guests coming to ECU to make them aware that add-ons are not reimbursable
A TR can be put on HOLD for various reasons?
o o o
Signatures – means the TR is waiting for everyone to sign. Once signed by everyone, it will be processed as soon as possible
Missing Receipts – means the TR is waiting for original receipts to arrive in the Travel Office. Once received, it will be processed as soon as possible
Prior Approval – means the TR is waiting for a memo
(fully signed by the late signers) that explains why the TR was not approved prior to the start of travel
A TR can be put on HOLD for various reasons?
o o
Late memo – a memo stating why a travel packet was not received by the Travel Office within the 30-day deadline must be signed by the department chair and vice chancellor
Missing Agenda – every travel must have an agenda or emails showing the purpose of a meeting/conference, location of the meeting/conference, and the dates of the meeting/conference
A TR can be RETURNED for various reasons?
o o o
Returned TRs will have a sheet on the front that tells you what the Travel Office needs
Attach the documentation and LEAVE THE RETURN
Sometimes the preparer will receive an Emailed Request
Sheet but we will keep the TR in the Travel Office. It will explain what is needed and the preparer is asked to return that request sheet with the additional documentation
The My Requests Page was made for you! It allows you to sort by payment type, signature by type and signature by name.
Payment Type o o o o o o
Blanket Reimbursement: a blanket TR that has expenses listed on it
Blanket Request: a blanket TR that does not have any expenses listed
Standard Advance: an advance that has been created
Standard Reimbursement: a TR that has expenses listed on it
Standard Request: a TR that does not have any expenses listed
Signature Type o o o o o o
Authorizer: person(s) that supervise(s) the traveler
Budget Authority: person(s) that control spending from the funds used to reimburse
Preparer: person(s) that are trained in the online travel system
Travel Office: all other signatures are in place and the
TR is waiting for the travel office to sign which allows the reimbursement to be sent through
If you are required to sign travel in any capacity, this selection will allow you to pull all travel that your signature has been added to and will allow you to open each
TR to look them over or sign
Each column can be sorted to help filter down and minimize search time
An establishment that is being rented out by a third party or an establishment that is considered an apartment building by state or local laws. o
Renting via a third party is allowed if APPROVED
IN ADVANCE by Materials Management o
Must prove evidence of cost savings o Must not be an agreement between family members