Office of the State Engineer-Interstate Stream Commission Litigation & Adjudication Program Business Application Modernization Roadmap (Project Initiation, Planning, Implementation) Greg Ridgley, Deputy Chief Counsel Renée Martínez, Chief Information Officer Project Abstract The Agency will develop a roadmap for modernizing the business applications that support the Litigation and Adjudication Program (LAP). The plan will be based on a current assessment of legacy systems and business processes, an articulation of future needs and an evaluation of modernization approaches and platforms. The historic drought that the State of New Mexico is experiencing exacerbates the need for the Agency to modernize information systems to support evolving business needs and challenges. Planned Start Date: May 1, 2014 Planned End Date: June 30, 2014 Amount Requested this Certification Amount Previously Certified Remaining Appropriation not Certified Total Appropriated Amount $100,000 $0 $0 $100,000 CERTIFICATION HISTORY Date N/A 3/26/2014 Amount N/A Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.) N/A IT PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUEST - LAP APPLICATION MODERNIZATION ROADMAP 2 Project Appropriations & Budget APPROPRIATION HISTORY (INCLUDE ALL FUNDING SOURCES, E.G. FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY, MUNICIPAL LAWS OR GRANTS) Fiscal Year 2014, 2015, 2016 Amount Funding Source and Appropriation language $100,000 Laws of 2014, Chapter 63, Section 7 MAJOR DELIVERABLE SCHEDULE AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure Budget Due Date Project Phase Study & Analyze Current State Business Processes and IT Systems Define & Analyze Future State LAP Businesses Process and IT System Requirements Review & Finalize LAP Application Modernization Roadmap $16,500 May 30, 2014 Initiation, Planning, Implementation $22,500 June13, 2014 Initiation, Planning, Implementation $45,000 June 30, 2014 Initiation, Planning, Implementation Contingency $16,000 3/26/2014 IT PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUEST - LAP APPLICATION MODERNIZATION ROADMAP Initiation, Planning, Implementation 3 Project Purpose The current business applications are close to reaching the end of their useful life Water Rights Adjudication Tracking System - Generates pleadings and manages tabular data and attorney work product relating to individual water rights as they are adjudicated by the court system. 17+ years old. Hydrographic Survey GIS - These applications manage spatial data gathered and used to legally describe a water right and record it in the report with associated maps filed with the court. 16+ years old. Administrative Litigation Unit Database. Tracks data relating to administrative and district court hearings held on appeals of State Engineer decisions and on legal proceedings to prevent illegal uses of water. 15+ years old. The applications, due to limitations of technology and resources, have not kept pace with the evolving business needs of the program. 3/26/2014 IT PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUEST - LAP APPLICATION MODERNIZATION ROADMAP 4 Project Objectives Review business processes and identify opportunities for applications to provide high quality service to the program and constituents Evaluate modernization approaches that will best respond to the needs of users (program staff and constituents) Evaluate modernization approaches that are cost-effective for both capital and operating expenditures Evaluate modernization approaches that allow the organization to retain IT staff who have the required skills to develop and maintain the applications 3/26/2014 IT PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUEST - LAP APPLICATION MODERNIZATION ROADMAP 5 Project Approach Acquire professional services from a qualified IT consulting practice to develop an application modernization plan and roadmap for all these systems. Some key activities that will be undertaken are: Evaluate the effectiveness of the current litigation and water rights adjudication systems and business processes Define and document future water rights litigation and adjudication information management requirements Identify and evaluate alternatives to replace, upgrade and integrate current water rights litigation and adjudication systems Develop a project and funding plan for proceeding with water rights litigation and adjudication system modernization activities 3/26/2014 IT PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUEST - LAP APPLICATION MODERNIZATION ROADMAP 6 Project Schedule & Deliverables Dec. 2013 – Identify Qualified Contractors*complete Jan. 2014 – Evaluate Contractors & Proposals *complete Apr. 2014 – Select Contractor and Start Planning Activities Jul. 2014 – Complete Planning Activities and Deliverables Aug. 2014 – Present Recommendations to IT Governance Committee Sep. 2014 – Prepare Plan for Follow On Projects-Activities 3/26/2014 IT PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUEST - LAP APPLICATION MODERNIZATION ROADMAP 7 Project Governance OSE-ISC IT Governance Committee Meeting Role: Project Investment, Project Portfolio Management Project Steering Committee Litigation & Adjudication Program - Adjudication Bureaus - Hydrographic Survey Bureau - Administrative Litigation Unit Water Resource Allocation Program - Water Rights District Offices - Water Rights Abstracting Bureau Program Support - Finance - Information Technology - Planning and Communications Project & Business Sponsors Role: Project Planning & Oversight Project Team Role: Project Execution - Vendor IT - Agency IT - Agency SMEs 3/26/2014 IT PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUEST - LAP APPLICATION MODERNIZATION ROADMAP 8 IV&V A request to waive IV&V requirements for this project has been submitted due to the nature of the project, as it is an eight (8) week planning project; the risks are not significant and the costs limited to $100,000. The Agency consulted with the Gartner Group to identify vendors with the appropriate application modernization planning qualifications to assist the agency with the project. The Agency has selected one of the vendors recommended to work with. The vendor’s proposal was also reviewed by Gartner Group experts and it was rated favorably on approach and cost. 3/26/2014 IT PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUEST - LAP APPLICATION MODERNIZATION ROADMAP 9