Passionate Pirate Worksheet

Passionate Pirate Worksheet
Assignment 2
Content Passion
Within your subject matter, what are you passionate about teaching? In other words, of all the topics and standards you teach as
part of your curriculum, which are the ones you most enjoy?
• This is an awesome reflective question that I
hope to answer more thoroughly when I become
a student teacher. I have been given classes about
Animal Science, Agro-Ecology, and a Gardening
unit. Since I have not taught these lessons yet, I
am looking forward to the Agro Ecology Class the
most because I have never had a class on this
subject matter and I am really excited to learn
more about it.
Professional Passion
Within your profession, but not specific to your subject matter, what are you passionate about? What is it about being an educator that drives
you? What ignites a fire inside of you?
• For me, I love seeing the light-bulb or “Ah-Hah” moment on
students faces. I also love just getting to know the students
because they all have different stories and backgrounds.
This summer I am a camp counselor at a summer camp. I
figured since I will be teaching students, it is probably best
if I start interacting with them everyday. I sat down with a
quiet student on a bus trip and we talked the entire way,
there and back. After we got back to camp and we were
walking inside, he told me that no other counselor had sat
down and talked with him since he was there and that he
feels he now has a friend who he can come to. THOSE are
the moments that drive my passion to be a teacher.
Personal Passion
Completely outside of your profession, what are you passionate about?
• I love anything in the outdoors and being able to just have fun! I do almost anything from rock
climbing to kayaking and enjoy every minute of it (I am even going sky diving this summer)! I also
enjoy being able to hangout with friends and family and just be with them. I probably have learned
all of my important life lessons out of the classroom which has helped me develop as a person and a