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BALIC - High Performing Teams - Nugget 1

High Performing Teams
Nugget 1
How do you define Passion?
Rate yourself from 1 to 5, 1 being low & 5 being best
Does the World Need what you have to offer?
Are you Great at convincing the World that
there is a demand & we have been chosen to
do the job?
Do you Love what you do so much that you
forget the clock & your energy doesn’t die
What you get Paid has been instrumental in
building the lifestyle you lead & you are happy
about it
Total/4 is your score
Score Scale
0 – 1: Find your Passion, you are always under pressure
2 – 3: Introspect to find out what needs a fix out of four elements
4 – 5: Be generous in demonstrating your Passion, don’t hold yourself back
Tony Robbins
Over the past few decades, there has been a slow shift in how we find meaning in our lives. Rather
than treating work only as a way to make a living, Americans want to be passionate about work.
We’re looking for jobs that give us a sense of purpose: A recent study found that 83% of employees
want meaning in their day-to-day work.
We spend half our waking hours – sometimes more – at our jobs, so it’s no surprise we want to
enjoy them. Plus, recent changes in the world and the economy have many people reassessing their
priorities. Still, only 5% of workers feel their current position is the most meaningful work they could
be doing. Are you one of the lucky ones who can already say, “I am passionate about my work”? If
not, it’s time for you to discover how to find passion in work.
Passion for work means you feel excited about what you do. You find meaning and purpose in your
work. You tackle each day with focus, never making excuses for why you can’t get things done. As
the legendary Oprah Winfrey famously summed it up: “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes
from focusing on what excites you.”
Are you passionate about work? It’s easy to tell. Passionate people get out of bed every morning
feeling energized and alive. You’re completely engaged and get lost in your work. You’re always
thinking about how you can do more, be more, and contribute more – and you work hard to achieve
those goals. You stay committed to your projects and your company. And you’re constantly learning
and growing. Only then can you truly say, “I am passionate about my work.”
There’s more to the question “What is passion for work?” than a definition. Passion for work also
can benefit your personal and professional growth, as well as your company’s success. Studies have
found that “calling-oriented” employees – those who feel passion for their work – achieve both
higher pay and organizational status. They also experience greater fulfillment in their jobs and tend
to stay with the same company for longer.
Why does passion have so many benefits? When you are passionate about work, you’re able to
experience and embrace the gift of drive. Your focus increases. You no longer fear failure. You
become more creative and innovative. That’s the kind of energy that senior management can’t miss,
and they reward it with promotions, raises and bonuses.
Being passionate about work will help you find fulfilment in life, be more productive and earn more.
It sounds amazing – and it can start right now. If you want to be able to say “I am passionate about
my work” today and for the rest of your life, follow these strategies.
If you’re feeling less than passionate about work, you’re already aware that meaning is everything.
But you might not know that you can choose the meaning you give to your experiences. You can
shift your perspective to focus on the positive. You can choose to see the good in your work,
whether you improve the lives of others, build products people need, or help keep the world
running smoothly.
Another way you can become more passionate about work is to become passionate about those you
work with. Build rapport with your co-workers. Get to know their families. Discover what they love
to do. Ask about their goals in life. Feeling like you are part of a team and helping others live their
own passions can make you feel passionate as well. Plus, passion is contagious – their enthusiasm
can rub off on you.
Many of us have aspects of our jobs that fill us with passion, and others that we don’t love as much.
Maybe you love leading weekly team meetings but hate paperwork. You love making presentations,
but don’t like hiring. Or you love writing, but don’t like presenting. You may not be able to avoid
doing things you don’t like, but you can look for ways to do more of the things you love at work.
Sometimes “I am passionate about my work” turns into “I hate my job” – and boredom is often the
culprit. As Tony often says, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying.” To feel passionate about work, you
must be growing both personally and professionally. It’s time to get out of your comfort zone. Join a
new club or activity at work. Volunteer for a new project or task you wouldn’t normally take on. Find
a mentor. And always feed your mind with new information.
It sounds counterintuitive, but stepping away is one of the best ways to become more passionate
about work. Bill Gates unplugs for two weeks every year. Sheryl Sandberg leaves her office at 5:30
PM on the dot. Reconnecting with yourself is key, but you don’t have to have endless vacation time
to live by this principle. Go for a walk during lunch. Step away from your computer for 10 minutes
every few hours. And don’t check your email after business hours.
What’s really holding you back from being passionate about work? Ultimately, it’s fear. Your fear of
failure prevents you from taking risks. Or your fear of uncertainty keeps you trapped in a job you
hate, just for the paycheck. These fears aren’t real. They are your limiting beliefs holding you back
from reaching your full potential. Identify and overcome your limiting beliefs, and you’ll become
truly unstoppable.
These strategies can help you start to feel passionate about work right now, but if you’re still left
wondering, “What is passion for work?” it’s time to revaluate. Your blueprint for life – the way you
think your life must be – isn’t matching up with your true purpose. You may think you need money,
status, and a nice house and car, when really what you need is a career that gives you meaning.
When you re-examine your blueprint and your purpose, you’ll find it’s time for a career switch.