Slide 1 - Challenge:Future

Team Leader: Dhananjay Karvir Thakare, SGBA University
Team Member: Shruti Jain, SSCBS, Delhi University
Country: India
Based on the Education and Empowerment of Youths of
Rural and Tribal areas.
Focus area: The rural and tribal area of CHIKHALI, a small
town in Maharashtra, India
Sangharsha Yuva Abhiyan is an NGO already existing in
chikhali, and is currently working on imparting primary
level education to children.
In 2022, as part of our dream job, Sangharsha Yuva
Abhiyan will extend its operations. Keeping in mind the
massive population of YOUNG INDIA (almost half of the
then population in 2022), especially rural youth will
require training in professional areas to help them bridge
the handicap that the urban youth, due to better
educational facilities, do not ultimately experience.
 STEP 1: Focus on education and polishing professional
• We’ll set up a Personality Development Training Centers in
Chikhali, as an extension of the NGO. Students will be
taught how to polish off their spoken english, written
skills, proficiency in computer operations, etc. They’ll also
get a chance to explore their hidden talents and will be
encouraged to diversify in various fields like Sports,
Literacy, Fine arts, Theatre, etc.
• Our training institute will also emphasize on practical
training and human values. Rural Entrepreneurship, one of
the fastest growing areas, has the highest potential for the
incoming decade, and thus, sessions on the same with
rural entrepreneurs will be the high point of our program.
Special focus will be on the uneducated and unemployed
youth to undergo vocational training, so that they can get
employed or start their own micro business.
• We’ll be inviting well educated professionals from diverse
backgrounds and qualifications as volunteers for the
training centres. For the special sessions, such as on rural
entrepreneurship or public relations, video lectures and
voice conferencing of experts for teaching will be used.
• To ensure quality and success of our programmes, we will
take the best points of well established organisations and
adapt them to our own system.
• For example:
o Teach for India invites graduate volunteers as part of
their fellowship program.
o Make a Difference focusses on English education for kids
to polish their written english and speaking skills, with
the same motto of helping them overcome the handicap
of functioning without knowing the world’s primary
• This ensures, that the policies followed by us for different
programmes are tried and tested and credible enough,
hence reducing the risk factor.
• And of course, our programs will be provided free of cost .
Funding will be obtained by sources such as donations,
fund raising drives, partnering with companies for their CSR
initiatives, and availing governmental and private body
schemes and grants.
 STEP 2: Empowerment and employment
• We’ll provide assistance in setting up startups in our area.
These will be mainly Agro-based as 75% people in Chikhali
are dependent directly or indirectly on agriculture. We
believe in the Gandhian ways for the development .
Therefore, the aim will be to undertake development in a
holistic and non-exploitative manner, in other words,
• The thought behind this is: “ THINK GLOBAL. ACT LOCAL.”
Young India needs a system wherein the youth are
empowered to be capable enough of turning obstacles
into opportunities and realize the potential of the local
knowledge and resources made available to them by their
ancestors. Using intellectual knowledge and local skills is
the best way of adapting a business to local needs .
Awareness about already existing schemes and policies is
a must for the benefit of the rural youth. Government of
India has many schemes which focus on setting up
training institutes in rural and tribal area and these also
aid in setting up industries.
Organizations like DFID, YWCA and Indiaskills are
institutions working for the cause of educating the youth.
Some organizations like SIDBI finance development in
industrial fields. By using help from the above mentioned
resources, and creating awareness about the same, we’ll
make it possible for the rural and tribal youth of chikhali
to turn their dreams into reality, sustainably.
As a potential add-on, we intend to partner with national
and international organizations and use favourable acts
like FCRA to get the best guidance and avail beneficial
In upcoming years, in India, Agro-based industries will
experience an exponential turn, as raw material, space
and finance from government and other agencies will be
extremely easy to avail and rural development will be the
first point of encouragement. If our plan works, the youth
of chikhali will be all set to use these resources to the best
of their potential and create opportunities for themselves
at a time ripe for rural entrepreneurship.
They will not only be more adaptive to their local
environment and sustain their families successfully, but
also their endeavors will generate more jobs in the area,
ultimately attracting other young individuals to experience
the same.
Moreover, development in the agro sector will bring high
revenue as currently, the Government is focusing on
increasing supply as the demand for food products,
especially for the ones inherently grown and processed in
India, is increasingly at a tremendous rate in global
We dream that this cycle runs successfully and
metamorphoses chikhali from a rural underdeveloped
area of 2012 where the youth has no opportunities or
awareness of their potential, to a chikhali of 2022 where
the youth is capable of bringing positive change in society
and create development in their local area, while
preserving its resources and following sustainable
practices for a better future of their community, and
making a difference in the lives of their own and other