Ratio Analysis It’s a tool which enables the banker or lender to arrive at the following factors : Liquidity position Profitability Solvency Financial Stability Quality of the Management Safety & Security of the loans & advances to be or already been provided. How a Ratio is expressed? As Percentage As Proportion As Pure Number /Times Classification of items for Ratio Analysis Shareholders Fund/ Net worth: ◦ Share Capital ◦ Reserves (General, Capital, Revaluation ,Other Reserves, Credit Balance in P&L A/c) ◦ Fictitious assets (Debit balance in P&L A/c, Preliminary or Preoperative expenses) Long term liabilities: ◦ Term Loans (Banks & Institutions) ◦ Debentures/Bonds, ◦ Unsecured Loans, Fixed Deposits, Other Long Term Liabilities Capital Employed: Shareholders Fund/ Net worth + Long term liabilities: Classification of items for Ratio Analysis Current assets : ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Current liabilities: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Cash & Bank Balance, Marketable securities, Book Debts/Sundry Debtors, Bills Receivables, Stocks (RM,WIP,FG) Stores & Spares, Prepaid expenses, Loans and Advances recoverable within 12 months Cash Credit/OD/Export Credit Sundry Creditors/Bills Payable Short duration loans or deposits Expenses payable & Provisions against various items Working Capital: Current assets - Current liabilities Fixed assets: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Land & Building, Plant & Machineries etc. Patent, Goodwill Original Value Less Depreciation Net Value or Book Value or Written down value Investments or non current assets : ◦ Investments in shares & securities ◦ Long Term Security Deposits 1. Liquidity ratios 2. Leverage/ Capital Structure ratios a. Asset Based b. Income Based 3. Profitability ratios a. Related to sales b. Related to total Investments c. Related to equity funds d. Overall profitability/ Earning power 4. Turnover ratios Liquidity ratios Current ratio = current assets/ current liabilities Acid Test ratio/ Quick Ratio = (Current Assets – Stock – Prepaid Expenses)/ Current Liabilities or (cash + marketable securities + Debtors)/ Current Liabilities Leverage/ Capital Structure ratios Asset Based/ Income Based 1. Debt equity ratio: Long term Debt/ shareholders’ funds (equity share capital + preference share capital+ reserves and surplus) 2. Debt to total capital ratio = Long Term debt/ total capital employed (shareholders’ fund + long term debt) 3. Debt to total asset ratio = total debt/ total asset 4. Proprietary ratio = owners’ fund/ total assets 5. Interest Coverage ratio = earnings before interest and taxes(EBIT)/ Interest Leverage/ Capital Structure ratios Income Based 5. Capital gearing ratio = (Preference share capital + Debentures + other Borrowed funds)/ Equity Funds 6. Debt service coverage ratio = (earnings after tax + depreciation + other non cash exp. + interest)/ repayment installment amount + interest Profitability ratios - Related to sales 1. Gross Profit Ratio = Gross Profit/ Net Sales 2. Operating Profit Ratio = Earnings Before Interest Tax/ Net Sales 3. Net Profit Ratio = Earning after taxes/ Net Sales 4. Cost of Goods sold ratio = Cost of Goods sold/ Net sales 5. Operating Expenses Ratio = (Administrative Exp + Selling Exp.)/ Net sales 6. Operating ratio = (Cost of Goods sold + Operating Expenses ) / Net sales Profitability ratios - Related to total Investments 1. Return on total assets = (earnings after tax + interest)/ Total assets 2. Return on Capital employed = EBIT/ total capital employed 3. Return on Shareholders’ Equity = EAT/ shareholders’ equity Profitability ratios – Related to equity funds 1. Return on Equity Fund = (EAT – Pref. Dividend)/ net worth 2. Earnings Per Share (EPS) = net profit available to equity shareholders (EAT – preference dividend)/ no. of equity shares 3. Dividend per share (DPS) = dividend paid to equity shareholders / number of equity shares. 4. Earnings Yield = EPS/ Market Price per share 5. Dividend yield = DPS/ Market Price per share 6. Dividend payout Ratio = EPS/ DPS 7. Price earning ratio = Market price of a share/ EPS Profitability ratios - Overall profitability or Earning power Return on investment = EAT / Total assets Turnover ratios 1. Inventory turnover ratio = cost of goods sold / average inventory 2. Inventory holding period = 12 or 52 or 365/ Inventory turnover ratio 3. Debtors turnover ratio = credit sales/ Avg. Drs + Avg. B.R 4. Average Collection period = 12 or 52 or 365/ Debtors turnover ratio Turnover ratios 5. Creditors turnover ratio = credit purchases/ Avg. Crs + Avg. B.P 6. Average Payment period = 12 or 52 or 365/ Creditors turnover ratio 7. Total assets turnover = cost of goods sold / avg. total assets 8. Fixed Assets turnover = cost of goods sold / avg. fixed assets Particulars Sales Amt (in Crores.) 1000 Less: Cost of Goods Sold (Op stock - 50) 700 Gross Profit 300 Add: Operating Income 10 Less: Operating Expenses (Depreciation – 20, Interest – 10, Other Op exp 110 ) 140 Operating Profit 170 Add: Non Operating Income Less: Non Operating Expenses Net Profit Before Tax Less: Tax Net Profit After Tax 5 25 150 30 120 Particulars Amt (in Crores.) SOURCES OF FUNDS: A. Shareholders Funds: 1.Share Capital Equity Capital 300 Preference Capital 100 Add: 2. Reserves and Surplus Reserves P/L a/c 90 120 Less: 3. Misc. Expenditure Share Issue exp. Total Net Worth / Shareholders fund (10) 600 B. Borrowed Fund Secured Loan Unsecured Loan Total Capital Employed (A+B) 100 50 750 Particulars Amt (in Crores.) APPLICATIONS OF FUNDS: A. Fixed Assets: Gross Block 500 Less: Prov. For Depreciation 50 Net Block 450 B. Long Term Investment 100 C. Working Capital Current assets 400 (Stock -100, Prepaid Exp – 20, Debtors – 120, B.R. - 60, other C.A – 180) Less: Current Liabilities (200) 200 (Creditors – 100, B.P – 40, other C.L. – 60) Total Capital Applied 750