DRILL TEAM TRYOUTS WHAT ARE THE SIDEKICKS AND TEXANETTES ALL ABOUT? The purpose of the Sidekicks and Texanettes is to promote school spirit and sportsmanship at school functions and to serve as a performing group representing the high school throughout the community, state and nation. Both squads perform at football games, parades, pep rallies and competitions though out the year. The Sidekicks and Texanettes are expected to be role models for our student body, as well as our community. They are expected to present themselves (on/off campus, Twitter/Facebook or any other social networking) with high moral values, make good grades and ALWAYS be respectful. We pride ourselves with the reputation of respect. Both the JV and Varisty teams are expected to ALWAYS follow the “Yes ma’am, No ma’am, Please and Thank You” policy, as well as all of the other high standards printed in our N.I.S.D. Drill Team Constitution. SIDEKICKS/TEXANETTES WILL FOLLOW RULES CONCERNING FACEBOOK /TWITTER OR OTHER SOCIAL NETWORKS Write as if everyone can read it. They will. If your comments are hurtful or embarrassing to anyone, don’t post it. This mistake alone often leads to severe consequences that are immediate or future related (i.e. dismissal from a school extracurricular activity, scholarship acceptance, college acceptance, future job interviews). When in doubt, always err on the side of caution. Never post anything (seriously, anything) that is mean or hurtful. Don’t be a cyber bully!!! If someone has upset you, handle it with maturity and class. TALK DIRECTLY TO THAT PERSON!!! People will have more respect for you for handling your problems this way. Never provide any intimate or revealing information about yourself or others on your page. This could SERIOUSLY hurt your reputation if anyone were to obtain the information. It is easier to maintain a good reputation than try and repair a bad one! They will find the information if it is there. Never post questionable photos of yourself ! Please remember to check photos of you that others post. On many sites, another individual can “tag” you in a photo without permission and it will end up on your site or sites you do not know about. Never “friend” people you don’t know. This is for your own safety! Be sure to check your privacy settings often. Never maintain any public page. TRYOUT WEEK (APRIL 7-11) (5PM – 7PM) Monday: Learn Tryout Dance (5PM – 7PM) Tuesday: possibly finish teaching tryout dance then review tryout dance, learn high kick combination and across the floor combination (5PM - 7PM) Wednesday: Get your tryout groups! Review all dances. (4 PM – 7PM) Thursday: MOCK TRYOUTS – start with returning members (5PM – 10PM) Friday: 4:45 PM: get tryout numbers 5:00 PM: show tryout dance to judges as a whole group – all candidates dance 5:10 PM: group number 1 begins tryouts Returning members tryout first then non members will tryout second. We will start with the shortest girls first and end with the tallest girls. 10:00 PM: Results posted on-line, www.nisdtx.org, search Northwest High School, Select STAFF, Select HEATHER SPONSEL, results will be posted with the tryout number and candidates first name only. OPEN OR CLOSED? CLOSED ALL WEEK. WE WILL BE HOLDING PRACTICES IN THE SIDEKICKS DANCE STUDIO THIS YEAR. THERE IS NO EXTRA ROOM FOR PARENTS. AUDITIONS WILL BE HELD IN THE TEXAN GYM. WHAT DO I WEAR FOR PRACTICE? On Monday through Wednesday, you may wear any type of workout clothes STRONGLY or dance clothes that you already have. I suggest that you practice the entire week in the shoes that you will be auditioning in! Thursday is MOCK TRYOUTS, therefore, you should wear the outfit that you will be trying out in. That way, I can tell you if the outfit is acceptable for tryouts or not. WHAT IS MOCK TRYOUTS? On the day of mock tryouts, the girls will be auditioning in their tryout groups in front of the senior Sidekicks drill team members. The Senior Sidekicks will use the actual tryout sheets that the judges use to give the candidates critiques on what to work on. The Seniors will NOT be giving an actual score during the mock tryouts, just critiques on what the girls need to work on before the auditions. The candidates must wear their tryout outfit for mock tryouts, but they do not have to wear makeup or do their hair as they will have it done on Friday. A simple ponytail for mock tryouts will be acceptable. WHAT DO I WEAR FOR TRYOUTS? On the day of tryouts, wear the following: 1. black form fitting: tank top, shirt, leotard – no midriffs, cleavage or bra straps are allowed to show 2. solid black spandex shorts or solid black jazz pants, tights are optional. Black leggings are also okay, as long as they are not see through! 3. black or tan jazz shoes or foot thongs The hair should be pulled up out of the face completely. Lose strands of hair tend to cause the candidate to brush it back out of her face while performing. This will count as a mistake! So, get all of the hair up and out of the way! The candidate also needs to wear makeup - smoky eyes, blush, red lips, false lashes optional but suggested, plenty of black mascara. Do not wear any jewelry (other than stud earrings) to the auditions! HELP! I’M STRUGGLING HERE AND I NEED EXTRA HELP! If you need extra help on the tryout dances, then you have a couple of options. 1. Videos of the kick combination, across the floor combination and jazz dance will all be available for you to view on my staff page at www.nisdtx.org, select “Northwest High School”, select “Staff ”, select “Heather Sponsel”. 2. Area dance studios are offering classes at their locations to help you daughter with tryouts. The instructors will basically reteach the entire tryout dance, kicks, and combinations. This is a very valuable class if your daughter needs help with the tryout material. You must register soon or the classes will fill up! WHAT DO I PERFORM AT TRYOUTS? Students will be taught the following routines at the try-out clinic: Jazz routine: This will not be taught until the Monday of tryout week. The dance is choreographed and taught by Coach Sponsel. Skills include (but are not limited to) chaine turns, pique turns, a double pirouette, right and left leaps, Russian leap, pitch kick, tilt kick and a Calypso. Kick combination: (88 means two eight counts) 88: Exercise kicks (close on 7) 88: Jump kicks (close on 7) 88: Around the world kicks R and L (close on 7) 88: Fan kicks R and L (close on 7) 88: Kilgore kicks 88: Graduated kicks (close on 7) Across the Floor: 8: 4 chaine turns to the right (1-8) 8: Grapevine and prepare for pirouette (1-4) pirouette – single, double, triple or quad (5-8) 8: Chaine Calypso, roll to the ground and stand (1-8) OR prep (7-8) 8: Step prepare pirouette and hold (1-8) OR three turns in second with a double pirouette (1-8) 8: chasse step Russian and turn out of it (1-8) 8: chasse step R leap, step R leap, step R leap with head released (1-8) EXPLANATION OF SCORING A panel of professional judges, not affiliated with N.I.S.D. will observe and adjudicate groups of 3-4 girls at a time performing the above mentioned items. Criteria judges will be looking for are: smile/facial expressions; sharpness of movements; control/balance; proper execution of movements; technical ability and flexibility. Score sheets are provided for the judges with percentages given to each of the categories. An administrator from N.H.S. will tabulate the scores. How do we make a final choice? The top 80 candidates who have a score of at least 80 or above will be chosen for Varsity. The top 60 scores between 70 and 79 will be chosen for Junior Varsity. Judges used for our auditions are generally drill team directors and/or professional dancers. Judges decision is final. Try-outs are a lengthy process, so be prepared to bring snacks and a lunch. Try-outs are closed to the public---judges, administrators, the director, and senior members helping with line-up, running music, etc. are the only people allowed in the gym other than drill team candidates. We will post the candidates first name and tryout number that make the team on the Director’s web page. www.nisdtx.org select “Northwest HS”, select “Staff ”, select “Heather Sponsel” PLEASE DO NOT……. Please do not LEAVE until you find out whether or not you are being called back to tryout again. CALLBACKS WILL HAPPEN! Parents, please do not go past the posters that say “NO PARENTS PAST THIS POINT”. Please wait in the designated parent areas until your daughter is finished with her audition. Some booster moms will be past the “no parents” sign. They will have blue shirts on that say “STAFF” on the back. They are there at my request to help make the audition process go smoother. Feel free to ask them for help or if you have any questions! Please do not yell or scream in the hallways. Everyone wants a fair audition without distractions. WHAT SKILLS ARE REQUIRED FOR…… VA R S I T Y S I D E K I C K S Must be able to perfor m the following with strong technique J U N I O R VA R S I T Y T E X A N E T T E S Must be able to perfor m the following with a basic understanding of the skills. SOLID DOUBLE PIROUETTE PIQUE TURNS CHAINE TURNS CALYPSO LEAP RUSSIAN LEAP R & L REGULAR LEAPS TILT KICK PITCH KICK HIGH KICKS SPLITS BONUS POINTS FOR QUALITY TURNS IN SECOND SINGLE PIROUETTE PIQUE TURNS CHAINE TURNS CALYPSO LEAP RUSSIAN LEAP R & L REGULAR LEAPS TILT KICK PITCH KICK HIGH KICKS SPLITS WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO SQUADS? VA R S I T Y S I D E K I C K S 7 AM PRACTICES SOME SATURDAY OR AFTER SCHOOL PRACTICES DANCE CLINICS PERFORM AT ALL VARSITY FOOTBALL GAMES – HOME AND AWAY PERFORM IN ALL PEP RALLIES COMPETITIONS DADKICKS MOMKICKS SPRING SHOW SPRING EXTRAVAGANZA BOOSTER CLUB J U N I O R VA R S I T Y TEXANETTES AFTER SCHOOL PRACTICES DANCE CLINICS PERFORM AT ALL HOME JV FOOTBALL GAMES PARTICIPATE IN ALL PEP RALLIES COMPETITIONS SPRING EXTRAVAGANZA SPRING SHOW OUR BEAUTIFUL GIRLS! VA R S I T Y S I D E K I C K S J U N I O R VA R S I T Y T E X A N E T T E S I MADE THE TEAM! DO I GET TO PERFORM AT EVERY GAME/COMPETITION? Even though your daughter makes the squad, she is not guaranteed to perform every time her squad performs. First of all, the squad member must be academically eligible to perform. We follow the Texas U.I.L. guidelines when it comes to grade eligibility and attendance. Every student MUST be passing ALL CLASSES at the 3 week progress report or 6 week report card in order to be eligible to perform. The student MUST also be in school at least ½ day on the day of a performance. Drill team members must also try out for every routine that squad performs. It is up to the Director to determine whether or not the member is ready to perform that week. Students that are unable to execute the routine to the expected standard or who have exhibited excessive negativity during practices will not be chosen to perform. HAIR COLOR AND EYE GLASSES Once you make the team, your hair will need to be colored a natural color. High lights/ Low lights of a natural color are absolutely fine. Examples (but not limited to) of hair colors not permitted: Pink, Purple, Blue, Green, etc. No stripes of those colors permitted in the hair either. When performing, the drill team member will need to wear contact lenses or be able to dance without glasses. WHAT DOES DRILL TEAM COST? ESTIMATES!!!! Texanettes Junior Varsity Sidekicks Rookies (new members): Item Cost Item Cost Field Boots $64.00 – pay to NHS Field Hat $45.00 – pay to NHS Boot Cleaner $15.00 – pay to NHS Field Boots $64.00 – pay to NHS Field Hat $60.00 – pay to NHS Boot Cleaner $15.00 – pay to NHS Warm-Up Suit $120.00 – pay to NHS Rain hat cover $4.50 – pay to NHS $4.50 – pay to NHS Pink hat band $3.50 – pay to NHS Rain hat cover Total to pay to NHS $263.50 Total to pay to NHS $132.00 Combat Boots $48.71 – pay to TGF Performance bra $17.30 – pay to TGF Black jazz pants $34.65 – pay to TGF Black ankle pants $27.06 – pay to TGF Black capri pants $27.06 – pay to TGF Black Mini Shorts $15.15 – pay to TGF Slip on Jazz shoes (black) $33.55 – pay to TGF 2 Pair Black jazz pants $69.30 – pay to TGF Slip on Jazz shoes (tan) $33.55 – pay to TGF Slip on Jazz shoes (black) $33.55 – pay to TGF Personalized Tote Bag Warm-up Suit $75.75 – pay to TGF White Hoodie $45.00 – pay to TGF Performance bra $17.30 – pay to TGF $38.97 – pay to TGF Slip on Jazz shoes (tan) $33.55 – pay to TGF (required) 3 pair or more of field tights $42.30 - pay to TGF Personalized Tote Bag $42.25 – pay to TGF Black spandex mini horts $15.15 - pay to TGF (at least) 3 pair field tights $42.30 - pay to TGF Monday practice top and sports bra $40.10 – pay to TGF Monday practice shirt and sport bra $27.10 – pay to TGF Tuesday practice shirt $12.99 – pay to TGF Tuesday practice shirt and sports bra $24.90 – pay to TGF Thursday practice shirt and shorta $28.00 – pay to TGF Wednesday practice shirt and sports bra $24.90 – pay to TGF Friday practice/pep rally shirt and bra $50.00 – pay to TGF Thursday practice/pep rally shirt and bra $50.90 – pay to TGF White Hoodie $45.00 – pay to TGF Total to pay to Team Go Figure Total Costs: $494.39 $757.89 Total to pay to Team Go Figure Total Cost: $501.95 $633.95 EXAMPLE OF PAYMENT PLAN FOR SIDEKICKS ROOKIES (NEW VARSITY MEMBERS): 1st payment: $50.00 due on Monday, April 14 to NHS for Deposit (cash, check or pay pal) 2nd payment: $200.00 due by April 17 to Team Go Figure (can pay with MC or Visa, check, cash or money order) 3rd payment: $125.00 due by May 2 to NHS for camp and hat fees (cash, check, pay pal or fundraising profit) 4th payment: $88.50 due by May 16 to NHS for camp and hat fees (cash, check, pay pal or fundraising profit) 5th payment: $125.00 due by June 6 to Team Go Figure (can pay with MC or Visa, check, cash or money order) 6th payment: $169.39 OR remainder of balance due by July 1 to TGF (cash only – if wanting to pay with check or credit card, then you MUST make this payment to the TGF office no later than July 15.) TGF WILL NOT ACCEPT CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS OR CHECK PAYMENTS AFTER MAY 15! ***YOU CAN MAKE LARGER PAYMENTS IF YOU WANT TO, OR ONE LUMP SUM PAYMENT, WHATEVER YOU LIKE. YOU JUST CAN NOT MAKE A SMALLER PAYMENT THAN WHAT IS DUE.*** EXAMPLE OF PAYMENT PLAN FOR TEXANETTES JUNIOR VARSITY: 1st payment: $50.00 due on Monday, April 14 to NHS for Deposit (cash, check or pay pal) 2nd payment: $200.00 due by April 17 to Team Go Figure (can pay with MC or Visa, check, cash or money order) 3rd payment: $125.00 due by May 2 to NHS for camp and hat fees (cash, check, pay pal or fundraising profit) 4th payment: $92.00 due by May 16 to NHS for camp and hat fees (cash, check, pay pal or fundraising profit) 5th payment: $125.00 due by June 6 to Team Go Figure (can pay with MC or Visa, check, cash or money order) 6th payment: $176.95 OR remainder of balance due by July 1 to TGF (cash only – if wanting to pay with check or credit card, then you MUST make this payment to the TGF office no later than July 15.) TGF WILL NOT ACCEPT CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS OR CHECK PAYMENTS AFTER JULY 15! EXAMPLE OF TOTAL COST FOR RETURNING SIDEKICKS (VETERANS) Item Cost Field Boots $64.00 – pay to NHS Boot Cleaner $15.00 – pay to NHS Warm-Up Suit $120.00 – pay to NHS Rain hat cover $4.50 – pay to NHS Total to pay to NHS $203.50 Combat Boots $48.71 – pay to TGF Black capri pants $27.06 – pay to TGF (required) 3 pair or more of field tights $42.30 - pay to TGF Monday practice top and sports bra $40.10 – pay to TGF Tuesday practice shirt $12.99 – pay to TGF Thursday practice shirt and shorts $28.00 – pay to TGF Friday practice/pep rally shirt and bra $50.00 – pay to TGF White Hoodie $45.00 – pay to TGF Total to pay to Team Go Figure $294.16 Total Costs: $497.66 EXAMPLE OF PAYMENT PLAN FOR SIDEKICKS VETERANS (RETURNING VARSITY MEMBERS) 1st payment: $50.00 due on Monday, April 14 to NHS for Deposit (cash, check or pay pal) 2nd payment: $200.00 due by April 17 to Team Go Figure (can pay with MC or Visa, check, cash or money order) 3rd payment: $153.50 due by May 2 to NHS for camp and hat fees (cash, check, pay pal or fundraising profit) 4th payment: $94.16 due by June 6 to Team Go Figure (can pay with MC or Visa, check, cash or money order) PAYPAL A paypal link will be available on the Sidekicks Booster Club website at www.northwestsidekicks.com as well as www.charmsoffice.com. There is a fee for using PayPal. See chart below. Rookie JV Veterans Payment: 1 1 1 Payment: 3&4 3&4 3&4 Payment: Payment: Payment: 5 5 5 Due PayPal 50.00 53.00 125.00 130.00 100.00 104.00 95.00 99.00 30.00 32.00 FINALIZED COSTS All uniforms and costs will be finalized by the end of this week. A sheet of exact payments and payment plans will be handing out next Monday. ATTENTION! There will be no refunds on any payments made for either TEXANETTES or SIDEKICKS! NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE! Payments made to either NHS (cash or check only) Paypal through the Sidekicks Booster Club or Team Go Figure 301 N. Country Club Rd., Garland, TX 75040 Payments must arrive two weeks prior to the due date!!! OR….you may call in your payment with a credit card to 1-800275-3539 or 972-276-6700 Email: customerservice@teamgofigure.com Web: www.teamgofigure.com All checks MUST be made out to Team Go Figure. Every check we receive must have the following: current date, signature, physical address, telephone #, driver’s license # or state ID # and expiration date of license, date of birth, daughter’s name in memo section. ADDITIONAL COSTS Other costs that you will be expected to pay throughout the school year are as follows: Make Up Kit Fall Dance Clinic T-shirt: Spring Dance Clinic T-shirt: Competition T-shirt: Field/Competition Earrings: $40-50 $10-15 $10-15 $15 $7 due in January due in September due in January due in Feb. or March due in June You may be expected to buy other costume items/miscellaneous things throughout the year. Please remember that any additional items ordered throughout the year must be taxed. EXPECTATIONS Perform tryout routine at the Spring Show on May 2 and 3 (must be grade eligible!) Summer line camp August 11-15 Varsity: Regular practices begin the first day of school. We will practice every day beginning at 7 AM Junior Varsity: Practice will begin on the first day of school! Mondays through Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:30 PM Both Squads: Some weekday evening practices, Some Saturday practices, Great memories for a lifetime! Forms to return on Monday, April 7: Constitution Contract Tryout Information Sheet Transportation Sheet Acknowledgement of Rules Sheet Emergency Information Sheet Payment Plan Sheet Team Selection Sheet EXPECTATIONS CONTINUED ****Practice times are scheduled by the Director and can change at any time. It is up to the discretion of the Director to determine when the team, officers or select squads should or should not practice. All drill team members will be notified of any additions or changes to the practice schedule at least two weeks in advance, unless a special circumstance arises that is out of the Director’s control. BE ON TIME! We do our very best to make sure that we start and end practice at the designated time. Parents….please make sure that your daughter is picked up at the designated time. We will stay and wait with you daughter up to 15 minutes after the designated pick up time. After 15 minutes, the police will be called to pick up your child. Students will be told to call their parents to give them a pickup time when we are returning from an event. If a student does not have a cell phone, they are more than welcome to use the Director’s cell phone. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR DAUGHTER IS PICKED UP ON TIME FROM ANY PRACTICE OR EVENT. THANK YOU! SIDEKICKS SPRING SHOW AND ROOKIE PRACTICES FOR SIDEKICKS AND TEXANETTES The Spring Show will be held on May 2 and 3. All eligible Rookies (both JV and varsity) are expected to perform their tryout jazz routine. Spring Show practices will be held on Monday, April 28th from 5-7 (new members only) and April 29-May 1 from 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm for all drill team members (new or old). Practices will be held in the Performing Arts Center. All practices will be full dress rehearsals. We do understand that the 8 th graders will not arrive until later due to middle school letting out at 4:30 PM. All 2014-2015 drill team members will wear an outfit specified by Coach Sponsel (Sidekicks) or Coach Swingle (Texanettes). Please let us know if you will not be able to participate in the performance due to other school related activities, illness etc. You must turn in a copy of your 5th six weeks report card during the week of tryouts. A failure will NOT make you ineligible to try out. I need to see your grades for eligibility reasons for performance in the Spring Show. SUMMER CAMP DATES Drill team members MUST be able to attend summer camp on August 11-15. All vacations, etc. MUST be planned around this date. If the student is not able to attend line camp, then she should not try out for the drill team. No exceptions will be made. The August camp does not cost anything. It will be held at N.H.S. The purpose of this camp will be to learn football field routines and pep rally routines. IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Monday, April 7th-Thursday, April 10th : Tryout practices Friday, April 11th: DRILL TEAM TRYOUTS Monday, April 14: 2014-2015 Drill Team fundraising meeting from 5:00 – 7:00 and first payment due Thursday, April 17th: Uniform fitting beginning at 3:45 in the dance studio and second payment due - $200 deposit to TGF Monday - Thursday, April 28 – May 1: Spring Show practices May 2 and 3: Spring Show May 15: Physicals offered for $15 here at NHS May 16: Varsity and JV Officer tryouts June 9-12: Officer Camp (additional expense) August 11-15: Team Camps CHECKING OUT UNIFORMS FIELD UNIFORMS, GARMENT BAGS, TOTE BAGS, RAIN PONCHOS, SOME COMPETITION UNIFORMS AND POMS ARE PAID FOR BY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND/OR SIDEKICKS BOOSTER CLUB. THEY MUST BE RETURNED BY THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR IN THE SAME CONDITION AS THEY WERE RECEIVED. ANY UNIFORMS THAT ARE DAMAGED WHILE IN THE CARE OF THE DRILL TEAM MEMBER WILL BE EXPECTED TO BE FIXED AND/OR PAID FOR BY THE DRILL TEAM MEMBER! TURN IN THE FOLLOWING FORMS Constitution Contract Tryout Information Sheet Transportation Sheet Acknowledgement of Rules Sheet Emergency Information Sheet Payment Plan Sheet Team Selection Sheet TRYOUT INFORMATION SHEET ______________________________ has expressed interest in trying out for the 2014-2015 Northwest High School Drill Team. We are honored that she has shown interest and hope that it is a wonderful experience for her. Please take the following information into c onsideration when making the decision to try out for membership on the team. Estimated expenses for a new Drill Team member are $_____________. This cost covers the various shirts, tights, pants, shoes, warm-ups, pep rally uniform, etc. which make up the Sidekicks uniform and practice outfits. This expense may be paid in installments immediately following tryouts. There will be additional expenses throughout the year for such things as T -shirts, extra shoes, meals at competitions, spirit items, gifts, etc. The Drill Team requires many hours of practice time to achieve the quality of performances it has demonstrated this year. Pr actices last throughout the school year. The Sidekicks perform at all football games, many basketball games, competitions and many other events. Al l practices and competitions are mandatory. Therefore, all Sidekicks must be willing and able to dedicate a great deal of time and have tran sportation to all events. _____________________________ has my permission to tryout for the Sidekicks Drill Team. I am aware of the financial obligati ons and time obligations required of Sidekicks members, and I am willing and able to provide transportation and expenses. Parent/Guardian signature: _____________________________________ Parent/Guardian signature: _____________________________________ FIELD UNIFORMS, GARMENT BAGS, TOTE BAGS, RAIN PONCHOS, SOME COMPETITION UNIFORMS AND POMS ARE PAID FOR BY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND/OR SIDEKICKS BOOSTER CLUB. THEY MUST BE RETURNED BY THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR IN THE SAME CONDITION AS THEY WERE RECEIVED. ANY UNIFORMS THAT ARE DAMAGED WHILE IN THE CARE OF THE DRILL TEAM MEMBER WILL BE EXPECTED TO BE FIXED AND/OR PAID FOR BY THE DRILL TEAM MEMBER! CONSTITUTION CONTRACT Northwest Independent School District 2014-2015 NISD Drill Team Constitution Contract Name_____________________________ Home Phone #______________________________ Drill Team Member’s Cell Phone ________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ City _________________Zip Code________________________ Parent(s) names_____________________________________________________________ Mother’s Work Phone______________________ Cell Phone ________________________ Father’s Work Phone_______________________ Cell Phone________________________ Physician’s Name_____________________________ Phone___________________________ Person to notify if parents cannot be reached in case of an emergency: _______________________ Home phone_________________ Cell Phone ______________ IMPORTANT: PLEASE GIVE ME AN EMAIL ADDRESS THAT IS BEST TO REACH YOU AT. MANY TIMES I WILL SEND MASS EMAILS OUT TO NOTIFY YOU OF A CHANGE, OR AN UPCOMING EVENT, ETC. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY. MOM EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________ DAD EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________ SIDEKICK/TEXANETTE EMAIL: ______________________________________________ I have read and fully understand the rules and regulations presented in the 2014-2015 Northwest I.S.D. Drill Team constitution. I understand that these rules are necessary to ensure that the drill team will be run in an organized and fair manner, and that the performances and appearances will always be of the highest quality. I understand that every member of the Northwest I.S.D. Drill Team must try out for each routine. Performance spots will be a warded by the Director based upon each member’s audition. I hereby agree to abide by the rules of this constitution as along as I am associated with the North west I.S.D. Drill Team. READ YOUR CONSTITUTION! ALL N.I.S.D. DRILL TEAMS FOLLOW THE SAME DRILL TEAM CONSTITUTION, WHICH HAS BEEN DISTRICT APPROVED. PLEASE MAKE YOUR YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE RULES BEFORE SIGNING THE DOCUMENT. THE N.I.S.D. DRILL TEAM DIRECTORS FOLLOW THE RULES AND GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE DRILL TEAM CONSTITUTION WHEN IT COMES TO ABSENCES, DISCIPLINE, ETC. SO, PLEASE READ THE CONSTITUTION! TRANSPORTATION SHEET NORTHWEST I.S.D. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student Permit of Parents for out-of-town Trips Date: ________ Name of Student: ____________ Dear Parents: Your child is requesting the privilege of going on many school sponsored trips throughout the school year, and we wish to have you r permission before allowing the student to make the trips. The school will attempt to supervise the trips properly, but it is impossible to assure you that no accidents will occur. Therefore, it is hereby understood that N.I.S.D. is free from all liability and responsibility in case of any accidents while on any t rips. It is understood that the student is directly responsible to those who sponsor the trip from the time of leaving until the time of returning, as if in regular school attendance. Students must go and return by the same means of transportation, unless by mutual agreement by pa rents and coaches/sponsors. Parents are allowed to take their OWN CHILD home from an event. Parents MUST sign their daughter out at t he END of the event with the drill team coach. Students may not ride home with anyone other than their OWN PARENT(S) from a school sponsor ed event. Special circumstances to this rule must be agreed upon by the drill team coach PRIOR to the trip. It is further agreed that if the above agreement is not satisfactory, you will refrain from signing this permit, and the student will not be allowed to travel with the team. It is also understood that your child may not break the rules and regulations as laid down before the group is to leave on the trip. In such instances of violations, the student may be put on a bus/plane and returned at your expense. The regulations governing all students on the trip will be explained to the student fully. Any Drill Team Activity Destination Parent’s Signature Drill Team Events Purpose of trip Home Phone # Bus or Plane, Rental Car/S.U.V. Means of Transportation Cell Phone # EXTRACURRICULAR CODE OF CONDUCT NORTHWEST INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2014-2015 EXTRACURRICULAR STUDENT PLEDGE OF CONDUCT The Northwest Independent School District believes that the illegal use of alcohol, drugs and other serious offenses are both wrong and harmful. Consequently, the district has established this extracurricular student pledge of conduct that prohibits the use, sale, posse ssion and distribution of alcohol and drugs and other serious offenses by students. Compliance with this “pledge” is mandatory in order for students t o participate in extracurricular activities, and they shall be disciplined if they are found to have violated this “pledge”. The Northwest Independent School District believes that participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege, not a rig ht. Students who participate in extracurricular activities are well known in the community and represent our school district at all times. Suspension and/or dismissal from extracurricular activities will be for infractions involving alcohol, drugs and offenses for which the student can be benched , suspended or expelled according to the student code of conduct and the Sidekicks Constitution when the sponsor/principal believes the integrity and credibility of the organization has been jeopardized by the student’s action. This “pledge” will cover infractions that occur on or off campus throughout the calendar year. I PLEDGE To abide by the above requirements established by Northwest Independent School District in order to be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activities. I acknowledge receipt of this pledge and understand that a student’s failure to comply with the requirements will result in t he student’s removal from any extracurricular activity in which he or she participates. Note: See the NISD Student Code of Conduct for more information regarding this “pledge” including the appeals process. WAIVER & PUBLICITY RELEASE Northwest ISD WAIVER The Northwest Independent School District does not assume responsibility nor provide insurance coverage for your son/ daughte r to participate in school activities. The parent must provide insurance coverage if desired. Please read and sign this waiver form. All students must have a waiver on file to pa rticipate in any athletic activities (including drill team) before, during or after the school day. I being the parent/guardian of ________________________ take full responsibility for any cost or damages as a result of any injury to my son/daughter while participating in school activities with dance/drill team. ____________________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature Date Publicity Release ______________________ I hereby GRANT permission for my child to be photographed for publicity (all print and electronic medi a) purposed by and for Northwest ISD, and their respective drill team organizations ______________________ I hereby DO NOT GRANT permission for my child to be photographed for publicity (all print and electron ic media) purposed by and for Northwest ISD, and their respective drill team organizations EMERGENCY INFORMATION Emergency Information Form Northwest Dance Department This information will be used in the event of a medical emergency to your daughter. It is imperative that you fill in this i nformation as completely as possible. Name of Student: ____________________________________________________ Name of Parent(s): ______________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________ Mother’s Cell Phone: _________________________Work Phone:_____________________ Father’s Cell Phone: __________________________Work Phone: ______________________ Home Phone: _______________________________ Person to be reached in case parent can not be reached (include phone #) 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________ Name/Phone # of Family Physician: _______________________________________________ Name of preferred hospital: _____________________________________________________ Name of Insurance Carrier and Policy #: ___________________________________________ The parent or guardian hereby grants permission for the athletic trainer or coaches of the Northwest I.S.D. to consult with the t eam physicians on any emergency. Follow-up care, of course, will be done by the family physician. If, in the judgment of any representative of the s chool, the above named student should need immediate care and treatment as a result of an injury or illness, I do hereby request, authorize and cons ent to such care and treatment as may be given said student by any physician, trainer, nurse or school representative. I do hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless the school and any school representative from any claim by any person on acc ount of such care and treatment of said student. TEAM SELECTION FORM 2014-2015 Team Selection Form Please sign only one of the following boxes, so we know where to put you (or not) based upon your tryout results. I, _________________________________, am proud to be a member of either the JV Texanettes or Varsity Sidekicks Drill Team. I, _________________________________, wish to only be selected for the JV Texanettes, even if my score is a 80 or greater (which would qualify me for Varsity). I, _________________________________, wish to only be selected for the Varsity Sidekicks. If I qualify for JV, I respectfully decline membership on the JV Texanettes. Parent Signature required: ____________________________________________________ PHYSICALS Drill Team members will need to get there physical done every year. I MUST have a physical from you no later than May 30 th. The N.H.S Athletic Trainers will be holding a physical day here at NHS after school on May 15, 2014 from 4:00 – 7:00 PM. Tickets will be sold on the 15 th before and after school. The lines get very long, so I suggest buying your tickets in the A.M.! Purchase your tickets from the Training Room at N.H.S. The cost for the physical is $15. You can find a copy of the physical form at www.nisdtx.org, select “Northwest High School”, select “extra/co-curricular”, select “athletics”, select “athletic forms”. MAKE DRILL TEAM CHEAPER! Fundraising Opportunity! On April 14, the newly selected 2014-2015 Sidekicks and Texanettes will be having a mandatory fundraising meeting from 5:00-7:00 PM in the Northwest High School dance studio. The purpose of this fundraiser will be to help you with the cost of drill team! Fundraiser type T.B.A. All profit will go straight towards the NHS drill team payments (NOT TEAM GO FIGURE payments – UNLESS PROFIT IS GREATER THAN COST NHS PAYMENTS). Therefore, your daughter has the potential of raising enough money to cover the entire cost of line camp and whatever else(depending on how hard she works). It is not impossible to do. In the end, drill team will become less expensive. WHAT HAPPENS IF I DON’T MAKE IT? If you don’t make either squad, you still have some options: Sign up for Coach Sponsel’s Drill Team Prep Class. This class is designed to prepare students for drill team tryouts. This class performs at the dance clinics, Homecoming pep rally, possibly one basketball game and the Spring Extravaganza. ALSO: See Coach Sponsel or Coach Swingle about becoming a manager for either drill team. Managers travel with the team to all of their functions (including camps). CONTACT INFORMATION