1 (The Mystery of the Blood) Bible is the trail of blood from Genesis to Revelation Blood is mentioned over 400 times in the bible. Heb. 9:22 Without shedding of blood(shaf akk dam) no remission of sins. Lev. 17:14 Life of all flesh is in the blood Ps 139:14 David said he was fearfully and wonderfully made. Man was originally created in heaven as a Spirit being with a spirit & soul body (GOOF) God formed Adam ( Adamah) Ground Red (Adomah)& breathed breath of life & Adam became a living soul. Took eve from his side Eve (hawwah) life or living (mother of all living & promised seed) Received her name after being driven out of Garden of Eden (paradise) Eesh & Eeshah taken out of man (Multlyply and replenish after driven from garden) (Spirit Soul enter body at conception) 2 ZygoteYoked,46 chromeozons,23 man & 23 woman1. Germ Cell,2. embryonic, 3.fetal stage Major body system. Skeletal, muscle, nervous, digestive, respiratory, circulatory (blood, red, white & platelets) 10 pints of blood in average adult male Red blood cells carry food & oxygen to billions of cells & carry waste to lungs, White blood cells kill viruses & germs Platelets cause blood to clot Fall of Adam and Gen. 3:15 promise of Messiah. Tree of life. Something in the fruit, continually replenishes body cells. Vitamins & minerals Large amount of cells die every day & new ones are made in the lymph nodes. Ezekiel 47(medicine) & Book of Revelation 22(healing of the nations) (Psalms 51 David said he was conceived in sin a shapen in iniquity.) Cain & Abel different kinds of sacrifices ( Korbon) Genesis 6 Sons of God and daughters of men Nephelim Satan tried to stop the blood line through the blood. Noah perfect in genealogy. 150,000,000 perished in the flood of Noah 2000 years from Adam (Abram to Abraham Ur of Chaldeans, fiery furnace sacred writings of Jews) In Canaan God cut covenant with Abraham, 3 year old Heifer, She Goat & Ram, turtle dove, & pigeon. Near Jerusalem (Abraham takes Isaac,(30 year old) 2 young men to Land of moreh. 3 days) journey, fire striker,(fire) wood, ram caught in crown of thrones, 2 men stayed 3 at temple site. Isaac taken to highest point of mt. moriah. God’s son and Abrahams.(Branch) (Joseph taken to Egypt, Perfect type of Christ) (400 Years later Moses & Passover lamb.) (Moses on Mount Sinai taken to heaven for 40 days (given torah) Smarter than Solomon ,,Priesthood & sacrifices Tabernacle(Mish Gan) in the WildernessTemple Ha Mik dash, Synagogue)bait hak neset 5 offerings and only 1 was not a blood sacrifice(meal offering) 7 Feasts of Israel Day of Atonement High priest 3 Times in Holy place,(Kodesh) & (Kodesh Kodeshem) 1. Bullock(Kohanem) 2. Ram(Associate) 3. He Goat Blood sprinkled 1 time up & 7 times down Mercy( atoning) Seat (substitute) Confessed sins of Kohanem, Put left hand on bottom & right hand on head of sacrifice(bullock)from the back. spoke name of God. 2 Goats, (Identical. Jacob & Esau) cast lots,( One stone for Lord One stone for Azazel) stone in right hand) Ribbons were dyed by substance from a worm & could not be washed out Offer Goat for Lord for Sins of world (red ribbon around his neck) Goat for Azazel (ribbon around right horn) 4 3rd Ribbon nailed to door of Temple Ribbon would turn white when Goat for Azazel was slain by priest. 85 High Priest from Aaron to Jesus death & stone always appeared in the right hand of the priest, but after Christ was crucified until temple destroyed it was always in the left hand. The ribbon never turned white again on the door of the Temple.\ AB blood on Shroud of Turin Blood Types A – B-AB- & 0 Karl Landsteiner, in 20th century discovered 2 distinct chemical molecules on the surface of the red blood cells. He labeled one molecule “A” and the other “B”. If the red blood cell had only “A” molecule he marked it “A” and the other had only he marked it “B”. If it had both A&B he named it “AB” If there was neither of the molecules on the blood cells he called it type “0” Type “A” can receive blood from someone with type “A” or type”0” Type” B” can receive blood from someone with type “B” or type “0” Type “AB” can receive from anyone. Only 4% of people have type “AB” Blood Type “O” can receive only from someone with type “0” Blood Type “AB” blood is called a Universal receiver Tin plate around the neck of the Lamb with the name of the family for Passover Accusation of Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews 5 Catholics dropped 1st letters and came up with abbreviation of I N R I Jewish professor did the same from Hebrew and God Y H V H This was the Tetragramation or 4 letters of abbreviation that was used for the name of God over 6000 times in the Old Testament God was saying,” This is my Lamb” Jesus was resurrected & appeared to Mary Magdalene & told her to touch him not. 8 days later he told Thomas to feel and to thrust his hand into his side. 7 places Jesus bled from his body, 2 hands, 2 feet, side, back and head. Healing is for the Spirit, Soul and Body