What words can do for you? Moonscape Unimaginable Wading Compound words Are words, that are adjectives and nouns, that combined into compound structures into different ways. One word + another word = a different word and meaning By Claudia Lewis and Illustrated by Leonard Weisgard Compound words of the day MOON The moon is part of our solar system that orbits the earth and acts like a satellite to Earth. The Moon also reflects light from the sun while earth is dark. SCAPE A scene, as of the land, water, clouds, describes the area surrounding the first word, in this case it is the moon. Scape is used to describe the shadowing, coloring, and appearance of what someone is looking at. Moon + Scape = Moonscape Characteristic of the surface of the moon, describing the features being rocky and empty. Making Compound Word What other word can you make a compound word with the word Tree Land Scape Man Time Use your imagination 1. Draw a picture of what you think the moon would look like if you were standing on the moon 2. Write and describe three things you would see on the moon. Unimaginable To find something hard to “imagine” or understand Word with a pre-fix and suffix Unimaginable UN- Added to a , puts daught in the fact you could “imagine” something. Imagine- To create a picture in your mind Able- when added to a word makes the root word possible. Line match: Connect the prefix on the left to the matching prefix meaning on the right SYM Over, Above Super False Pseudo with, together Per through Line match: Connect the suffix on the left to the matching suffix meaning on the right. phobia Can be Done able Exaggerated fear ism Act, State ia the belief in Wading Root word “Wade” Meaning: to move through (verb) Add “ing” turns a word from a verb to a noun Wading (noun) is the acting of a person wading in water Find a matching word Steve would jump on one leg.____________ Running Talking Looking Stacy and Julie had talked on the phone_______ Take a look at these birds through my glasses_____ Jumping Try to match the compound words Milk Hole Lay Man Jelly Hole Sick Fly Milk Tail Key Off Fox Fish Butter Bed Write the list word that answers each question. Who is your grandmother’s mother?____________ Who came in second?____________ What do you get if you stay in the sun too long?______________ What do you do when you take care of a young child?______________ What are you when you’re left with nothing? ________ What is something that’s not modern? _____________ Old-fashioned Foothills Daydream Sunburn Folklore Knee-deep Babysit Fine-tune Great-grandmother Empty-handed Runner-up Make-believe