Sam Antar - Youngstown State University

The 3rd Annual Ethics Conference
Friday, February 3, 2012
Beware the slippery slope! The theme of this year’s conference is about the tools
available to you to negotiate everyday ethical challenges. Rarely do businesspeople start out
aiming to bilk investors, customers, and/or their employer out of thousands or millions of dollars.
Instead many fraudsters have admitted that the schemes they are working when caught had their
roots in a series of cascading ethical and legal lapses. So, for the new employee, even small
ethical compromises can be the start of a similar and gradual slide down the ethics slope into
What tools are available to you as you start your business career?
8:00 - 8:20 Registration – Atrium
8:30 - 8:50 Welcome and code of ethics introduction – Auditorium
9:00 - 9:30 Creating a code of ethics – small group work – Various classrooms
9:40 -10:30 Sharing codes, video case, problem presentation – Auditorium
10:40 -11:10 Evaluating employee conduct – small group work – Various classrooms
11:20 -12:20 Sharing employee evaluations, critiquing codes – Auditorium
12:30 - 1:15 Lunch – Rooms 3422 and 3423
1:30 - 3:00 Presentation by Sam Antar – Auditorium
Meet our guest speaker,
Sam Antar
Convicted felon, former CPA, and former CFO of Crazy Eddie.
Prior to his current life, Sam Antar had the following educational and employment history:
 High School: Lafayette High School, Brooklyn, New York
College/University: Bernard M. Baruch College (City University of New York)
o Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration
o Grade Point Index Overall: 3.67
o Grade Point Index Accounting: 4.0
Honors: Magna Cum Laude, Beta Gamma Sigma, Beta Alpha Psi, Beta Alpha Psi
Service Award, Dean’s List
Passed all parts of CPA exam on first try
o Passed 3 parts, November 1980: Problems 95%, Theory 88%, Law 90%
o Passed final part, May 1981: Auditing 87%
Obtained CPA License 02/14/85 NY License # 050872
Surrendered CPA License in April 2008
 Started at Crazy Eddie: January 1971
Employment at Penn & Horowitz (Crazy Eddie's first audit firm) - 1981 to 1984 (Worked
"off the books" at Crazy Eddie while working at Penn & Horowitz)
Employment ended at Crazy Eddie: November 6, 1987
Began cooperation with government in investigation: March 8, 1989
Pleaded guilty to two felonies in 1991
Amended plea agreement to plead guilty to three felonies in 1992
Crazy Eddie criminal trial: June and July 1993
Crazy Eddie civil trial: 1998
Since these events, Sam Antar has taken his experience as a white-collar criminal to provide
valuable service. Sam advises federal and state law enforcement agencies about white-collar
crime and trains them to identify and catch the crooks. He also refers cases to them as an
independent whistleblower. In addition, he teaches about white-collar crime for professional
organizations, businesses, and colleges and universities and has served as an expert witness
about white-collar crime and corruption.
He also currently provides additional services include forensic accounting, financial reporting
analysis, due diligence, litigation support, whistleblower investigations, and research on
His blog discusses white-collar crime, securities fraud, financial disclosures, the accounting
profession, internal controls, Sarbanes-Oxley, government corruption, and other related topics.
Sam regularly refers information about red flags and other financial reporting irregularities
investigated and reported in his blog to appropriate government agencies.
He has contributed articles to various publications, such as Seeking Alpha, Newsweek, Business
Insider, CityBizlist, and White Collar Crime Fighter Newsletter. Sam has also appeared on a
variety of TV and radio shows, such as Fox News, Fox Business Channel, CNBC, Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Business News Network, National Public Radio's Planet
Money, Progressive Radio Network, and Russia Today, to give insights on white-collar crime.