xCh16 reprod W11

Bio11 schedule
Lecture: Reproductive system
Lecture exam 2 - Thursday Feb 24
Posted: Your total points so far (your “grade”
in class)
Same format as before
Covers Ch 5-8, 11-15
Study guide is posted
Last day to drop with a “W” is this Fri 2/25
Extra credit is due Thur Mar 3
Ch 16 Reproductive System
Males & Females
Embryonic Development
Family planning
The male reproductive system
Designed for the
continuous production
of a large number of
testosterone, the male
sex hormone
Sperm cells
Highly specialized for
their role in fertilization
Head: contains the
Acrosome: contains
enzymes to digest a
passage to the egg
Mitochondria: function?
Tail: for movement
Formation of sperm
The testes
produce sperm
the hormone testosterone
Sperm do not complete
their development at body
temp (37°C)
So the testes are outside
of the body in the scrotum
The testis is packed with
tightly coiled seminiferous
Sperm production, or
spermatogenesis, takes
place inside the tubules
Spermatogenesis begins in
germ line cells on the
outside of the tubule
Germ line cells in the
seminiferous tubules
undergo meiosis to form
Are sperm haploid or diploid?
They are released into the
seminiferous tubule
Adult males produce
several hundred million
sperm each day
Meiosis: review
Germ line cell is diploid
DNA is replicated
Two cell divisions
Meiosis I and Meiosis II.
The result?
4 haploid daughter cells
Produces gametes
Sperm cells are made in
the testis
Develop motility in the
Delivered to the vas
When sperm is ejaculated,
it travels from the vas
deferens to the urethra
Sperm leave the penis
in a fluid called semen
Various glands
(seminal vesicle,
prostate gland and
Cowper’s gland) add
fluids which help
nourish the sperm
Sperm delivery system
The penis contains 3 long
cylinders of spongy tissue
It is designed to inflate
Nerve impulses cause the
blood vessels leading into this
tissue to expand
Blood collects in the spongy
tissue and causes the penis to
become erect and rigid
Continued stimulation is
required for ejaculation
Hormones control the male
reproductive system
The pituitary gland
secretes 2 hormones, FSH
and LH
FSH stimulates sperm
LH stimulates the testis to
produce testosterone
Develops male sex
Develops sexual function
Enlarges the sex organs
Body hair, beard
Voice change
Sex drive (libido)
Sperm maturation
Stimulates bone and
muscle growth
The female reproductive system
Designed to
Produce 1 egg each month
Prepare the uterus for
implantation of the fertilized
Anatomy of the
female reproductive system
The eggs, or ova, mature in the
The fallopian tubes transport
egg to the uterus
The uterus is lined with epithelial
tissue called the endometrium
the surface of the endometrium
is shed during menstruation
the uterus narrows to a muscular
“neck” called the cervix
The vagina leads from the
uterus to the external genitalia
The Female Reproductive Cycle
The female reproductive cycle is
actually two cycles in one:
The ovarian cycle
Growth and release of 1 egg each month
Coordinated by FSH and LH
The menstrual cycle
prepares the uterus for possible implantation
of an embryo.
Coordinated by estrogens and progesterone
The ovarian cycle
Eggs develop from
cells called oocytes
During each
reproductive cycle, one
(usually) of the oocytes
Only ~400 oocytes
mature and are
ovulated in a woman’s
Ovary and Fallopian tube
Ovulation –
only 1 egg matures each month
Ovulation: the mature
follicle discharges the
The egg is swept up
into the Fallopian tube
where fertilization may
Ovary and Fallopian tube
FSH and LH coordinate the
ovarian cycle
FSH stimulates the growth and maturation of
a follicle
The follicle cells secrete estrogen into the
FSH and LH coordinate the
ovarian cycle
FSH and LH
Estrogen levels peak at 12 days
this causes LH levels to surge
and stimulates ovulation at 14 days
The mature follicle bursts and releases an egg
FSH and LH coordinate the
ovarian cycle
LH (luteinizing hormone) stimulates
FSH and LH
Formation of the corpus luteum
Secretion of progesterone and estrogens
If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum
breaks down
The uterine (menstrual) cycle
Rising levels of progesterone and estrogens promote
thickening of the endometrium
When the corpus luteum breaks down  drop in
levels of these hormones
Endometrium begins to shed – menstruation
Female reproductive cycle
Menstrual cycle
Ovarian cycle
Estrogens have several
important functions
Develop and maintain
female reproductive
structures, secondary
sex characteristics, and
the breasts
Increase protein
Preserve bone density
Regulate synthesis of
cholesterol by liver
Embryonic Development
It all starts with fertilization
Copulation releases hundreds of millions of sperm
into the vagina
Only a few hundred survive the trip to the egg
Only one will fertilize it.
The process of fertilization
Only one sperm reaches the egg
Figure 26.13
The egg’s journey
Fertilization takes place
in the Fallopian tube
The fertilized egg begins
mitosis – a series of cell
divisions called cleavage
It eventually forms a ball
of cells called a
blastocyst which
implants in the lining of
the uterus
The blastocyst
Implantation occurs at day 7
The inner cell mass forms the developing embryo
These are pluripotent stem cells – they give rise to all types of
cells in the body
The outer cell layer (trophoblast) becomes part of the placenta
Provides nutrients and oxygen to the embryo
What prevents menstruation?
The implanted embryo
secretes a hormone,
human chorionic
gonadotropin (hCG)
hCG tells the corpus luteum
to continue secreting
estrogen and progesterone
This prevents menstruation
Because hCG comes from
the embryo and not from
the mother, pregnancy tests
measure hCG
Stages of early development
Implantation of the blastocyst
(day 7)
Neural tube forms (days 16-25)
Organogenesis (4 weeks)
the first tissue to develop
Formation of body organs
From embryo to fetus 1 4:18
Fetal Development:
The process of forming body
organs begins in the 4th week
of pregnancy
This is a crucial time
Most spontaneous abortions (or
miscarriages) occur during this
Alcohol use during pregnancy is
one of the leading causes of
birth defects, producing fetal
alcohol syndrome
Human embryo at 4 weeks
A month-old embryo
Brain and spinal
cord have begun to
take shape
Four stumpy limb
A short tail
Looks like most
vertebrate embryos
Programmed cell death –
a key developmental process
Certain tissues produced during embryonic
development are destroyed– apoptosis
Cells in the developing hands and feet are
killed, separating the fingers and toes
Fetal Development:
the first trimester
Development is
essentially complete at
the end of the third
month of pregnancy
All the major organs are
Arms and legs begin to
The developing human is
now referred to as a fetus
Human fetus at 3 months
2 From embryo to fetus 3:20
Ultrasound imaging
By the end of the 1st
trimester, the sex of the
fetus can be determined
by an ultrasound exam
An ultrasound image is
produced when highfrequency sound waves
are bounced off the
Fetal Development
The second trimester is a
time of growth
During the 4th month, the
bones enlarge
Mother can feel baby
By the end of month 6, the
fetus can survive outside
the uterus with special
medical care
Human fetus at 4 months
Fetal Development
The third trimester is a period of rapid growth
The weight of the fetus doubles
Brain and lungs complete development
The growing fetus is fed by the placenta
which passes nutrients from the mother’s
bloodstream into the fetal blood supply
But maternal and fetal blood don’t mix
The placenta
An organ unique to mammals
Allows close contact between
the bloodstreams of the
developing fetus and mother
The placenta supplies the
fetus with oxygen and
nutrients, and allows fetal
waste to be disposed of via nutrients and
hormones to
the mother’s kidneys
Placenta also synthesizes
hormones required to
maintain pregnancy
Wastes and CO2
from baby
The birth of a child is
brought about by a
series of strong,
rhythmic contractions
of the uterus called
Labor is induced by a
strong surge of 3
Three stages of
Dilation of the cervix
Delivery of the infant
Opens to a width of 10
cm (4 inches)
Strong uterine
Delivery of the
The “afterbirth”
Family planning
Preventing pregnancy
Birth control
Contraception methods differ in their effectiveness
Most effective
Least effective
Sterilization (vasectomy, tubal ligation)
See Birth control effectiveness chart on Planned Parenthood website
tubal ligation
What is an IUD?
Intrauterine device
IUDs are small, "T-shaped" devices
inserted into a woman's uterus to
prevent pregnancy.
Effective for at least 5 years
How Does an IUD Work?
Copper affects the motility of sperm,
preventing fertilization.
Also alters the lining of the uterus and
prevents the fertilized egg from
implanting in the uterus.
The implant
A matchstick-sized rod that is
inserted in the upper arm
Releases the hormone
progestin and prevents
It protects against pregnancy
for up to 3 years.
Other methods that use
hormones to prevent ovulation
Hormone methods
Birth control Shot, Pill, Ring, Patch
Breast feeding
The birth control shot contains
The pill, ring and patch contain
both estrogen and progestin.
The hormone methods work
by preventing ovulation
How do these hormones prevent
Female sex hormones
coordinate the reproductive
FSH and LH  Ovulation
Estrogen and progesterone 
prepare the uterine lining for
Birth control pills contain
estrogen and progestin
Turn off production of FSH and LH
Prevent ovulation
While a woman is continuously
breastfeeding, her body does
not make hormones that are
necessary for ovulation
Less than 1 out of 100 women
who practice continuous
breastfeeding perfectly will
become pregnant.
Using breastfeeding as birth
control can be effective for 6
Condoms are thin latex or plastic sheaths that are worn on the
penis during intercourse.
Condoms prevent pregnancy by collecting semen when a man
ejaculates. This keeps sperm from entering the vagina and
“meeting” the egg.
They also reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections.
The Diaphragm
A shallow latex cup inserted into
the vagina. When in place, it covers
the cervix (the opening to the
Diaphragms prevent pregnancy by
keeping sperm from entering the
In order to be as effective as
possible, the diaphragm is used
with spermicide cream or jelly.
Recap: How different birth
control methods work
Prevent ovulation
Prevent implantation of embryo
Block or kill sperm
Hormone methods – Implant, birth control pill, shot, ring, and
patch; Plan B; breast feeding
IUD, condom, diaphragm, spermicidal jellies
Which of these prevent STIs?
Which are the woman’s responsibility?
Plan B (morning after pill)
What is Plan B?
Emergency contraception
Should be taken within 3 days after
Plan B contains only progestin, a
synthetic hormone used in birth control
How does Plan B work?
Stops ovulation
may prevent
fertilization and
But …
Plan B will not work
after the fertilized
egg is implanted.
How does the pregnancy test
It measures hCG levels
The embryo secretes
human chorionic
gonadotropin (hCG)
hCG comes from the embryo
and not from the mother
Excess hCG is excreted in
the mother’s urine
The AIDS pandemic
Speaking of STIs
The problem is massive
4th leading cause of death worldwide
~40 million people are infected
95% live in developing countries
What makes HIV so lethal?
The HIV retrovirus highjacks immune cells
HIV infects and destroys the very cells that
normally suppress viral attacks
the helper T cells of the human immune system
Long incubation period
The victim feels healthy but is highly infectious
HIV highjacks immune cells
HIV binds to the plasma
membrane of helper T cells
Penetrates the cell
Viral RNA is integrated into
the cell genome
Human helper T cells
‘manufacture’ the virus
Infected cells are killed
HIV life cycle 3:10
HIV budding from an immune
cell in culture
The viruses bud so
rapidly that the cell
eventually lyses
The number of helper T
cells drops, and the body
cannot fight off other
These secondary
infections cause AIDS
Acquired immune
deficiency syndrome
Where is the virus?
HIV is found in all body fluids
Only semen, blood, breast milk and
vaginal discharge have enough virus to
transmit HIV
Saliva, tears and sweat do not
How is HIV transmitted?
Unprotected sexual intercourse
Heterosexual or homosexual
Direct contact with infected blood
Sharing needles
Blood transfusions
blood is tested for HIV (not always in poor countries)
HIV can infect the fetus in utero, or during birth
Without treatment, rate of transmission is 25%
Treating AIDS:
Antiretroviral therapy (ART)
More than 25 drugs have been developed
Usually given in a “cocktail” of 3 or 4 pills
ART is costly, must be maintained every day
for the rest of the patient’s life
Still no cure or vaccine for HIV
Avoid developing resistance to drugs
The virus is constantly mutating – a moving target
Prevention is key
Risk of HIV infection
90% of HIV-positive people do not
know they are infected
Long incubation period btwn infection
and major illness
Most people have no access to testing
If there’s no treatment available, why get
Prevention efforts have lagged
ABC program - ineffective
New approaches
Routine HIV testing: Know your status
Take ARVs – reduce level of HIV and transmission
Male circumcision
Female condoms
Still in R&D stage
Vaginal microbicides
HIV Vaccine – the holy grail
Pop quiz – Name the 3 main
routes of HIV transmission
Sexual intercourse
Blood or blood products
Mother-to-child transmission