Name _____________________________ Per _______ Directions: Create your data table and graph in excel then copy and paste them into a word document, put your name on the top and print it in black and white. Checklist for Data Table and Graph Rubric _______Title including independent and dependent variable (Three pts.) _______ Labels for columns and rows including METRIC units (two pts.) _______ Data numbers are ONLY numbers (one pt.) _______ In Microsoft Excel (one pt.) Science Graph Evaluation Rubric Name: Score: This rubric is used to verify specific tasks performed when constructing a graph. If the task has been completed accurately all points are awarded. Reduced points for each task may be awarded if necessary. No points are awarded if the task is not complete. Category Variables 6 points Plot Area 2 points Scoring Criteria The independent variable is drawn on the correct axis (x). 3 The dependent variable is drawn on the correct axis (y). 3 The plot area of the graph covers most of the printed page. 2 Axis Identification Each axis is labeled, including the measurement units for each variable. 4 points Units Points Each axis is labeled with the correct unit for each variable. 4 2 2 points Graph Data Each data point is indicated accurately. 4 points 4 A descriptive title is printed in an open area inside the graph “The dependence of [dependent Graph Title variable] on [independent variable]” or “The effect of [independent variable] on [dependent 2 points variable]” 2 Teacher Evaluation