Stockton University - Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity
FLOW CHART for conducting a SEARCH
Action Required
Steps 1 through 7
Steps 8 through 19
Steps 20-22
1. Create a Search File
Handled by the Hiring Department/Division/School
Handled by the Search Committee
Handled by the Hiring Department/Division/School
Search File is to include:
 Search File Label (with the Job Title and Department/Division/School Name)
 PACT (Position Action Request) Form – Can be found on H/R website
 Recruitment Information Form – Can be found on IDE website
 Job Description – Include Job Duties, Responsibilities and Qualifications
 Advertisement of the job opportunity
 Search Timeline (Create a timeline for filling the job opening)
Adequate time should be allowed for Ad placement and job posting.
2. Create an Advertisement
NOTE about Ad size:
If the ad will be printed in a newspaper
or magazine a condensed version of the
ad is suggested to keep the cost
NOTE about Cost of Ads:
The hiring department is responsible for
the cost of all ads placed.
Advertisement of the position must include the following:
 Position Title and Position Number – found on PACT form
 Job Description - Include Job Duties and Responsibilities
 Term of Appointment
 Screening Timeline
(Example: Screening begins on this date – screening ends on this date)
 Salary Range “or” state Commensurate with experience
 Minimum Qualifications/degrees
 Required
 Preferred
 How to apply for the position
 by mail or e-mail – please provide an e-mail address
 the information they need to provide (resume, references, etc.)
 Who the resumes should go to (provide dept. or name of person)
 Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity statement provided should be the
last line of the ad:
Stockton University is an equal opportunity institution encouraging a diverse pool of
applicants, visit http://www.stockton.edu/affirmative_action. Individuals with disabilities
desiring accommodations in the application process should contact Sharon Hunt,
Recruitment Manager, at 609-652-4384.
6. 3. E-mail Advertisement to:
Office of Institutional
Diversity and Equity
E-mail one copy (in word format) of the proposed ad to ide@stockton.edu
 Include the names of the Publications of where you would like the ads placed.
This information is found on the Recruitment form
 AAES will review and may make suggestions
10. 4. Submit Search File for approval
To: A  B  C
12. 5. Approval of Advertisement
to be placed
A. Office of Provost/Vice President – Will review and send to: B
B. Office of Human Resources – Will review and send to: C
C. Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity (IDE)
 IDE reviews Search File, then forwards the ad copy to the hiring dept/div/school
 The hiring dept/Dean will review ad, then correct “or” approve & sign the ad copy
 IDE will e-mail the cost of the ads to the department DEAN/BUM for approval
 The hiring dept. personnel will create requisitions for the ads to be placed.
 IDE will place the ads once Req. #’s and approval is received from dept. BUM/DEAN
B. NOTE: If the dept. chooses to place their own ads please advise IDE before they research quotes.
Optional: The dept. can choose to place
their own advertisements
C. Ads can ONLY be placed after the ad has been reviewed & signed by IDE and the hiring dept. Dean
14. 6. Placing Advertisements
16. 7. Search File returned to Dept.
The Search File will be returned to the Hiring Dept. The dept. will receive an e-mail
asking if they would like to pick-up the file or if it should be sent inter-office.
The Department contact person and the Search Committee Chair will receive
a Search Applicant Sheet for Census Data via e-mail.
The Search Applicant Sheet
for Census Data
17. 8. Search Committee Chair will
18. schedule a meeting with IDE
Once the file is returned to the Department/Division/School, call the Office of
Institutional Diversity and Equity @ 652-4693 to schedule a meeting with the
Search Committee and an EEO Officer.
The person designated to receive the Applicant resumes will need to:
Immediately, upon receiving the Applicants letter of interest or resume.
 Send an Acknowledgement letter
 Include the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity information
provided about EEO Census Survey
 Indicate if the application is complete or if items are missing
 Record each applicants info. in the Search Applicant Sheet for Census Data
Three weeks after the last advertisement has been placed
(this information is on the Memo – Ad Placement form that is e-mailed)
Forward the completed Search Applicant Sheet for Census Data to
19. 9. Collect Applicant Resumes
Record Applicants Information
in The Search Applicant Sheet
for Census Data
20. 10. Return The Search Applicant
Sheet for Census Data
IDE will send 2nd reminder
11. Search Committee Meets to
review Applicants/Candidates
12. Review Applicants with
13. IDE Reviews Applicants
14. Re-Advertise:
If necessary or
“If Search was unsuccessful”
15. Notify the Candidates that
have been chosen to be
The Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity will:
 Check the demographic report in discoverer
 Send a second e-mail notice to the applicants about the EEO survey
Search Committee will conduct their own meeting to review applicants:
 Indentify a selection of candidates to be invited for interviews
 Review References
The Search Committee will review the selection of applicants with the Budget Unit
Manager and an EEO Officer.
 Forward ALL Applicants to IDE
The Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity will review the resumes of
ALL APPLICANTS before candidates are invited for an interview.
 Provide a list of candidates you would like to interview.
Budget Unit Manager will send a memo to The Office of Institutional Diversity and
Equity with instructions to re-advertise. Include:
 Copy of Advertisement / any Revisions to advertisement if needed
 Names of publications to be used
 Request proof of candidates credentials
 Review reimbursement policy with candidates
 Establish interview schedule
 Send Candidate Follow-up letter which should include:
Interview dates/time/arrangements/etc.
Campus Information (Directions, Maps)
Position information they are applying for
Specific information of any presentation to be made
Statement that applicants with a disability in need of an accommodation for the interview
should request such in advance by contacting the Human Resources Director; 609-652-4384
 Summary of Your Rights under FCRA
 Notification/Authorization/Release (to be signed and returned at the time of interview)
 Include the following statement:
“New Jersey First Act” N.J.S.A. 52:14-7 (S. 1730 P.L. 2011 c.70) was amended to require
those employees not subject to an Exemption must be a resident of the State of NJ.
The effective date of the law is September 1, 2011. For a full reading of the law go to:
16. Notify unsuccessful
17. Interviews
Notify unsuccessful applicants that their candidacy either:
 is no longer being considered
 is still being considered and that they should hear shortly regarding their
status. (This should include “alternates” in the event those candidates offered
Interviews decline or are unacceptable after the interview)
You may wait until the search is completed before you notify unsuccessful
Interviews will be conducted in accordance with Stockton’s Equal Employment
 Become familiar with the candidate’s educational and professional background
 Become familiar with the qualifications required for the position
 Demonstrate the highest level of personal and professional courtesy and
consideration to all the candidates
 Ask questions that are job related
Following is the list of pre-employment inquiries, which are illegal or may draw
forth information that could be used to discriminate.
(Unless directly related to the qualifications for this particular position)
List of Previous Addresses
Maiden Name
Marital Status
(You may ask if applicant is eligible to work in the U.S.)
Club / Society / Lodge Membership
Dates of College attendance
General Physical Condition
Handicap / Disability
Height / Weight
18. Collection of
Interview Reports
19. Submit to BUM
A list of top candidates
23. 20. Re-Advertise:
If necessary or
“If Search was unsuccessful”
21. Budget Unit Manager
Selects candidate
22. Search Completed
Candidate Approved
Nomination File to be created
02-24-15 IDE
National Origin / Birthplace
Number / Ages of Children
Political Affiliation
Race / Color / Ethnicity
Religious Affiliation
Union Membership
Collect all Interview Reports (Goldenrods) and Meeting of Search Committee to
Determine recommendations. Insure that all references are on file.
Submit to Budget Unit Manager a list of top candidates, along with “goldenrods”.
Also indicate candidates interviewed that are “NOT acceptable” for the position.
If you need to re-advertise the search, notify the Budget Unit Manager of the
Hiring Department and the Office of Affirmative Action and Ethical Standards.
Budget Unit Manager selects candidate;
 Discusses recommendation with The Office of IDE, EEO Officer
 Receives Provost/Vice President’s approval, and, in conjunction with the
Search Committee Chairperson makes an offer contingent on satisfactory
results of background check.
Salary requirements and starting time, indicating Board of Trustees action required
before offer is official, should be made clear.
Employment eligibility should be noted.
After the search has been completed and the candidate has been approved by the
Board of Trustees, all files (resumes, reference letters, transcripts, goldenrods,
etc.) should be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources to be archived. A
copy of the Summary of Applicants form should be attached to the files.