Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government

Supplying goods and services to the
Northern Territory Government
a guide for Business
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
A guide for business
This guide is designed to provide guidance to new and current tenderers on how to bid for
Northern Territory Government supplies. It will give you an understanding of how the Northern
Territory Government purchases its goods and services and assist you to enhance your
responses to requests for quotes or tenders.
Whether you are a small or large business, opportunities may exist for you to supply goods
and/or services to the Northern Territory Government.
Just as in any market place, in order to successfully bid for Northern Territory Government work,
it is essential that you:
Know your customer
Build relationships
Understand the process under which the customer procures supplies
Look for opportunities and prepare to bid
Compete to win
Know your customer
The Northern Territory Government is made up of more than 30 agencies and spends more
than $3 billion annually on goods and services. These supplies can vary from one-off purchases
to multi-million dollar projects.
Each agency is responsible for determining its purchasing requirements and where
requirements are spread across agencies, one or more may work together to procure supplies.
Identify the right customer
Your business should develop an understanding of the role of each agency as a potential buyer
and its business needs to enable you to target your goods and services to the relevant
Information on Agencies can be found on their websites which can be accessed through the
central A-Z Government listing. These websites will give you access to general information
about each Agency and its upcoming projects and future plans through Annual Reports and
other publications.
Learn about potential customers through Agency websites.
Websites can be found on the A-Z Government listing at
Build a relationship
Whether you want to supply goods and services to the Northern Territory Government through
the public and tender process or through a direct arrangement it is important to establish a
relationship with the customer agency.
Public tenders and quotes are not the only process for procuring goods and services. Agencies
will purchase goods and services through direct purchases, select quotes and select tenders.
Agencies will conduct market research to determine appropriate supplies and price estimates
for their goods and services, you should make sure they are aware of your capabilities and
provide them with the information required to include you in their purchasing decisions.
Northern Territory Government agencies need to know:
What goods or services you supply
What sets you apart from your competitors
Department of Business
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
Why the Northern Territory Government should purchase from you
Attend events and functions organised by industry associations and the Northern Territory
Government to promote your business direct to agencies. These networking functions are a key
strategy for businesses to gain recognition in the market place.
Make agencies aware of your capabilities.
Provide the information required to include you their purchasing decisions.
Need help?
The Department of Business offers a wide range of services and information to help businesses
start, develop, grow and prosper. There is also a range of business improvement workshops
which include topics such as ‘Tendering Essentials’.
Find out more on Government assistance to businesses including workshops and events on the
Department of Business website:
Know the process
While agencies are responsible for their procurement activities they must work within the
Northern Territory Government Procurement Framework. Information on the Procurement
Framework can be found on the Department of Business website:
Procurement methods
The Northern Territory Government may purchase goods and services using a number of
procurement methods, the most common methods are set out below.
Procurement method
Tier 1
Agencies may approach businesses directly, without formal
documentation, to purchase readily available goods or services.
If approached in this manner, businesses will not be required to
provide a written quote. This process would usually be used for
‘off the shelf’ purchases.
Less than $15 000
Procurement of more complex supplies, for example where the
goods or services must be described or special terms agreed,
agencies will obtain a written quote from one or more suppliers.
Tier 2
$15 000 but less than
$100 000
Agencies may invite three or more identified suppliers to submit
a bid in response to a simplified request for quotation.
All responses are evaluated against the specified criteria.
Preferred respondent will be awarded the quote through the
issue of a purchase order.
Department of Business
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
Procurement method
Tier 3
Agencies may invite all suppliers to submit a bid in response to a
request for quotation published on the quotations and tenders
online site.
$100 000 but less than
$500 000
Where there are limited suppliers, or the nature of the supply
requires confidentiality, agencies may invite one or more
identified suppliers to submit a bid in response to a request for
Where specified in the request for quotation, CAL accreditation
will be required.
CAL accreditation upgrades will be permitted within 7 days of
the closing date.
All responses are evaluated against the specified criteria.
Preferred respondent is awarded the quote through a notice of
Tier 4
$500 000 but less than
$2 million
Future Tender Opportunities will be listed on the quotations and
tenders online site.
Agencies will invite all suppliers to submit a bid in response to a
request for tender.
Where there are limited suppliers, or the nature of the supply
requires confidentiality, agencies may invite one or more
identified suppliers to submit a bid in response to a request for
Where specified in the request for tender, CAL accreditation will
be required.
CAL accreditation upgrade permitted within 14 days of the
closing date.
All responses are evaluated against the specified criteria.
Preferred tenderer is awarded the tender through a notice of
Department of Business
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
Procurement method
Tier 5
Future Tender Opportunities will be listed on the quotations and
tenders online service.
$2 million and over
Agencies will invite all suppliers to submit a bid in response to a
request for tender.
Where there are limited suppliers, or the nature of the supply
requires confidentiality, agencies may invite one or more
identified suppliers to submit a bid in response to a request for
Where specified in the request for tender, CAL accreditation will
be required.
CAL accreditation upgrade permitted within 14 days of tender
For projects over $5M tenderers will be requested to provide
information to enable the agencies to assess its proposed
industry participation commitments. An Industry Participation
Plan will then be entered into with the preferred tenderer.
All responses are evaluated against the specified criteria.
Preferred tenderer is awarded the tender through a notice of
While these procurement methods may be specified for a procurement tier, an agency may use
a different (and usually higher level) procurement method where the procurement activity
justifies a different method. For example, while a Tier 1 purchase may occur without requiring a
formal quote, agencies may choose to obtain multiple quotes before committing to a purchase,
or the nature of a Tier 3 procurement activity may justify the use of a public tender process to
encourage greater involvement.
Value for money
The Northern Territory Government seeks to achieve best value for money outcomes that meet
government policies rather than the lowest price. To obtain best value for money in
procurement, agencies will consider the following criterion during their assessments:
Past Performance
Local Development and Value Add
Supply specific requirements
Weightings are applied to each criterion by the Agency to a total 100 points and must include
the mandatory 20% weighting for Local Development and Value Add. Weightings are published
as part of the quote and tender documents for Tiers 3, 4 and 5 procurement activities.
Department of Business
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
Price will have an explicit weighting nominated by the agency and will be tailored to reflect the
specific requirements of the goods, services or works being procured.
Value for money is more than price.
Address all criteria and distinguish yourself from your competitors.
Local Development and Value Adding
The Northern Territory Government actively supports the enhancement of the capability and
competitiveness of business and industry in the Northern Territory through Government
procurement activities.
All Northern Territory Government procurement activities must include the Local Development
and Value Adding criteria with a minimum weighting of 20%.
This criterion is not about giving Territory business a price advantage. Tenderers will be
assessed based on their response to the Local Development and Value Adding questions
contained in the Response Schedules to each request for quote or tender.
Local Development and Value Adding recognises businesses with a demonstrated
commitment to the Northern Territory and a commitment to future developments.
The requirements for the Local Development and Value Adding will differ for each procurement
activity, taking into consideration factors such as:
relevant government policies
the location of the procurement
potential employment and training opportunities
potential subcontracting and supply chain opportunities
community priorities
potential for innovation
Each request for quote or tender will require Tenderers to answer questions relating to Local
Development and Value Adding which is relevant to the specific procurement activity. These
questions may differ between procurements and Tenderers should provide a response relevant
to each request for quote or tender.
Be prepared
To ensure that you are capable of bidding for Northern Territory Government supplies you
Register with the Quotations and Tenders Online service
Register with Industry Capability Network Northern Territory
Obtain or update appropriate accreditation, licensing and training
Build Business capability
The Northern Territory Government’s online procurement site publishes opportunities for future
tenders, open quotes and tenders, outcomes of those already closed, provides information on
the procurement processes and provides contacts for further information and assistance.
Register on line and review your details regularly. The QTOL system allows businesses to
record and pre-fill standard business information, making preparation of quotations and tenders
less repetitive, saving your business time.
In order to download quotations and tender documents from the QTOL website you need to
register your business details.
Department of Business
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
If you have any problems registering or updating your details further information can be found
on the Department of Business website or you can contact the Tenders Manager.
+61 8 8999 1937
Register with the Industry Capability Network Northern Territory
The Industry Capability Network Northern Territory (ICN-NT) is part of a national network
supporting business and can save you valuable time and money in the procurement process.
ICN-NT assists buyers find suppliers and service providers that are best placed to meet the
requirements of projects in the Northern Territory, interstate and in New Zealand.
Registration with the ICN-NT will assist with the identification of your business to agencies that
are seeking potential suppliers. The ICN-NT is used for agency market testing to source
suppliers with local capabilities.
Registration is free and easy, for more information contact ICN-NT.
+61 8 8922 9422
Obtain accreditation and licences
Make sure you are aware of the accreditation and licences required to bid for Northern Territory
Government supplies. Depending on the types of supplies your business bids for this may
Working with Children Clearance Notice (Ochre card)
security clearances
Contractor Accreditation Limited certification
industry specific licences
If the request for quote or tender documents are unclear as to the specific licences or
accreditation required, contact the person nominated in the document to clarify your obligations.
You can also contact the Territory Business Centre for business information and licence
1800 193 111
Contractor Accreditation Limited
Contractor Accreditation Limited (CAL) provides a process of certification for contractors looking
to become CAL accredited and maintains a register of existing accredited businesses. CAL also
provides recognition under the National Prequalification System for Non-Residential Building.
The CAL register is easily accessible by the community at no charge. Project Developers also
utilise CAL when seeking accredited contractors.
CAL accreditation is a mandatory requirement for some Northern Territory Government
Department of Business
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
The CAL accreditation process is conducted in the strictest confidence, takes 4-6 weeks to
complete and is subject to annual fees.
+61 8 8922 4600
Partnering and subcontracting
Even if you do not bid for Northern Territory Government supplies directly, you may become
involved in Government procurement through partnering or subcontracting arrangements.
Building relationships with businesses that already supply to the Northern Territory Government
is a good opportunity to build your internal capabilities and become accustomed to supplying
the Government.
Finding opportunities
All public quotes and tenders are listed Northern Territory Government’s online procurement
portal, Quotations and Tenders Online (QTOL). QTOL also publishes opportunities for future
tenders and details of awarded tenders.
QTOL can be accessed at or through links on the Department
of Business website ( or download the App from iTunes, Google Play or
Windows store.
Agencies will also release information regarding future projects in their Annual Reports and on
their websites.
Compete to win
As in all aspects of being in business it is essential to present your case in the most
professional manner ensuring that your submission – be it a response to a quote or tender –
has a reasonable chance of success.
While there are no guarantees of winning Northern Territory Government work, here are a few
tips to increase your chances of success.
Target the best opportunities
The Northern Territory Government issues more than 700 tenders and 1300 quotes a
year. Identify the opportunities that are best suited to your business and spend time
developing your responses.
Understand the requirements
Read the documents carefully. Make sure you can comply with all requirements and
timeframes. If you are uncertain about any part of the documents, clarify with the
procurement contact nominated in the document.
Attend briefings and site visits
While you may think you know the supplies or site requirements, attend any briefings or
visits that are offered. These give you the opportunity to ask questions and hear about
the supplies first hand from the agency.
Be clear and to the point
Agencies will assess your response based on the questions asked in the Response
Schedule (and any additional documents that are specifically requested). Be sure that
you have answered the questions clearly and only provide additional information which
assists in your bid.
Are there mandatory requirements
Make sure you are aware of any mandatory requirements, this may include licenses and
accreditation, submission of certain documents or the provision of particular information.
Department of Business
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
Demonstrate value for money
Make sure you have addressed the criteria and considered the weightings allocated by
the agency. While price is important, so too is your capacity to complete the works within
timeframes requested, the quality of the goods or service and your past performance.
Allow sufficient time to submit your bid
If you are using QTOL, and depending on your browser, the system traffic and the size
of your response, you may need time to upload and check your response documents
before submitting your bid. Your bid has not been submitted until all required documents
have been received in full.
If you don’t win
An unsuccessful tender process is an opportunity to learn and improve for your next opportunity
when it emerges. Agencies will offer debriefs to unsucessful tenderers.
Here you will be given information regarding your response and where it could have been
Learn from unsuccessful tenders.
Speak to the agency and seek feedback or a debrief.
Debriefs will focus on strengths and weaknesses of your submission, what were the gaps in the
information provided and where there was a lack of detail so your future bids will better meet the
requirements. Debriefs will not discuss other tender response.
Concerns or complaints
If you are unsuccessful in a quote or tender, and if, after contacting the Agency you have
concerns with the procurement process, you can contact Procurement Liaison.
Procurement Liaison aims to assist business to achieve a greater understanding of Northern
Territory Government procurement procedures and requirements, and improve their capability
to win government business.
Department of Business
+61 8 8999 5212
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
A typical procurement process
View detailed description of flowchart
Department of Business
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
Contract and Procurement Services (CAPS)
+61 8 8999 1937
Industry Capability Network NT (ICN NT)
+61 8 8922 9422
Territory Business Centre
1800 193 111
Contractor Accreditation Limited (CAL)
+61 8 8922 4600
Procurement Liaison
+61 8 8999 5212
Department of Business
Contract and Procurement Services
Contractor Accreditation Limited
Industry Capability Network Northern Territory
Quotations and Tenders Online
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
Department of Business
Supplying goods and services to the Northern Territory Government
Detailed description for flowchart:
A typical procurement process
Agency activities
Agency Step 1 – Agency determines a need of goods or services
Agency Step 2 – Agency procurement planning
Select procurement method
Determine requirements
Conduct market testing / consult with Industry Capability Network
Agency Step 3 – Approach to market
Publish request for quote or tender document
Agency Step 4 – Agency assessment
Conduct initial admissibility checks
Evaluate responses
Seek clarifications
Agency Step 5 - Award quote or tender
Agency Step 6 - Debrief unsuccessful tenderers
Agency Step 7 - Contract management with successful tenderers
Your role
Your role Step 1 - Be prepared
Register for Quotations and Tenders Online
Register with the Industry Capability Network
Gain accreditation and training
Understand the Government’s Procurement process
Look for opportunities
Your role Step 2 – Prepare your response
Prepare a competitive bid
Respond to all questions
Attend all briefings and inspections
Ask questions if unsure
Allow enough time to submit
In response to Agency Step 3
Your role Step 3 - Respond to clarification questions
In response to Agency Step 4
Return to flowchart
Department of Business