Unrecognized Prior Service Cost

Chapter 21: Accounting for
Pensions and Postretirement
Chapter 21: Accounting for
Pensions and Postretirement
After studying this chapter, you should
be able to:
1. Distinguish between accounting for
employer’s pension plan and accounting for
the pension fund.
2. Identify types of pension plans and their
3. Explain alternative measures for valuing
the pension obligation.
4. Identify the components of pension
Chapter 21: Accounting for
Pensions and Postretirement
5. Utilize a work sheet for employer's pension plan
6. Describe the amortization of unrecognized prior
service costs.
7. Explain the accounting procedure for
recognizing unexpected gains and losses.
8. Explain the corridor approach to amortizing
unrecognized gains and losses.
9. Explain the recognition of a minimum liability.
10. Describe the reporting requirements for pension
plans in financial statements.
Flow of Cash among Pension Plan
Types of Pension Plans
Accounting Standard: “SFAS 87:
Accounting for Pension Plans” [1985]
A pension plan provides benefits to
retirees for services provided during
There are defined contribution and
defined benefit plans.
Defined Contribution Plans
• Employer contributes a defined sum to a
(third party) plan trust.
Plan accumulates assets and makes
distributions to retirees.
Employer’s pension expense is equal to annual
contribution needed (employees are
If contribution made is less than pension
expense, employer accrues a liability.
If contribution > expense, employer accrues
an asset.
Defined Benefit Plans
• The employee is promised a certain
amount of benefits at retirement
(usually periodic).
• The trust accumulates assets.
• The employer remains liable to ensure
benefit payments.
• Employer is the trust-beneficiary.
Defined Benefit Plans
Employer can recapture excess plan assets
from the pension plan, if employer settles
the pension obligation of the employees
(this is called a benefit settlement).
• The accounting guidelines for plan
termination are contained in SFAS 88 (the
companion standard).
• The plan is an accounting entity separate
from the employer.
Pensions: Terminology
• A plan is said to be funded, when employer
makes contributions to trust.
• In contributory plans, employees bear part
of the cost or contribute voluntarily.
• In non-contributory plans, employer bears
the entire cost.
• In qualified plans, employer can deduct its
contributions and get a tax free status of
earnings from fund assets.
Benefit and Contribution Plans: A
Contribution Plans
• Employer
contributions are
• Retiree benefits
depend on fund
• Retirees bear the
investment risk
Benefit Plans
• Retiree benefits are
a fixed amount
• Employer
contributions to the
plan depend on
promised benefits to
• Employers bear the
investment risk
Actuaries and Pension Accounting
Pension calculations involve
actuarial assumptions.
These are
Assumptions involve: mortality rates,
employee turnover, future salaries, and rates
of return.
Alternative Definitions of
Determining employer’s pension obligations to employees
payable to
Vested and
current pay
Benefits payable
to Vested
at current pay
Accumulated Obligation:
Benefits to
Vested and
at retirement
Measurement of Pension Cost:
Service cost
Interest cost
Actual return on plan assets
Amortization of unrecognized prior
service cost
• Gains and losses
Pension Cost: Service and Interest
Cost Components
• Service cost is the expense caused by the
increase in PBO payable to employees
because of services rendered during the
current year.
• Interest cost:
The promised employee benefits are a liability of the
The company pays interest on the beginning balance
of the PBO.
The settlement rate determines the interest expense.
Settlement Rate and Discount Rate
• Note that the SFAS 87 refers to a discount
rate and a settlement rate.
• The settlement rate determines the amount
of employee benefits payable, if all
employee obligations were hypothetically
settled today.
• The discount rate is used to discount pension
benefits (payable in future) to present value
Actual Return on Plan Assets
Actual Return on Plan Assets
Plan assets end of the plan year
less: Plan assets at the beginning of the plan
less: Employer contributions to the plan
during the year
add: Employee benefits paid out of plan
assets during the year
Note on Actual Return on Plan
Assets and Expected Return
• Pension expense is reduced by estimated
return on assets (computed by the actuary.)
• The estimated return is computed as:
the expected rate of return on assets
the market-related value of assets
• Any differences between actual and
estimated returns are periodically amortized
to pension expense
Why We Adjust Pension Expense
for Estimated Return on Plan
Using the actual return on assets will
expose funding pattern to swings in
market fluctuations.
Actuaries use an estimated return
based on an expected rate of return
and an average value of plan assets.
The average value is a calculated value
based on a moving average [five years
or less].
Why We Adjust for Estimated
Return on Plan Assets
Any differences between actual and
estimated returns are recorded in an
Unexpected Gains and Losses account
and amortized to pension expense.
This procedure insulates pension
calculations from sudden market value
Amortizing Unrecognized Gains
and Losses
• Unrecognized gains and losses are
deviations of actual amounts from
estimated amounts.
• Amortize the Unrecognized gains & losses
only if they exceed 10% of:
the greater of the PBO or marketrelated value (both as of the beginning
of the year).
• Amortize over the remaining service life of
active employees.
Unrecognized Prior Service Cost
(UPSC): Defined
• Employees may be granted additional
pension benefits for services
performed in prior periods.
• Benefits may be granted:
• upon initial plan adoption, or
• through a plan amendment.
• Interest cost is based on PBO + UPSC
Unrecognized Prior Service Cost
(UPSC): Accounting
• The UPSC is allocated to pension expense
based on the remaining service-years of the
concerned employees.
• Unamortized Unrecognized Prior Service Cost
is shown on books of pension plan: NOT on
company’s books.
• The employer records only the periodic
amortization of Prior Service Cost.
Gains and Losses
There are two types of gains and
Unrecognized gains and losses
2. Unrecognized Net Transition Asset or
Obligation at adoption of SFAS 87
Net Transition Asset or Obligation
indicates the funded status of the
plan at adoption of SFAS 87
Actuarial G&L and Transition
Asset or Obligation
• In both cases, total amounts are shown only
on the books of the pension plan
• Employer records only the annual
• For Unrecognized gains and losses, there is a
10% test (called the 10% corridor test)
• For transition gains and losses, use 15-year
straight-line amortization
Prepaid and/or Accrued Pension
Cost in Employer’s Books
• Prepaid or Accrued cost is the
difference between:
total periodic pension cost recognized
and pension cost actually funded
• If pension cost is less than funded
amount, it is prepaid cost
• If pension cost is more than the funded
amount, it is accrued cost
Minimum Liability, UPSC,
Deferred Pension Cost and Excess
Additional Liability
• Non-funded ABO (minimum liability) to be
recognized = ABO less fair value of plan assets
• If there is unrecognized prior service cost and the
minimum liability exceeds the prior service cost,
• record a deferred pension cost up to the amount
of the unrecognized prior service cost
• record an excess over UPSC for the excess of the
minimum liability over the PSC
Pension Disclosures
1. Components of net period pension
2. Schedule showing changes in the
benefit obligation and plan assets.
3. Reconciliation of the funded status
with amounts in balance sheet.
4. Weighted-average assumed discount
rate, projected compensation rate,
expected rate of return.
1. What is a private pension plan? How does a contributory
pension plan differ from a non-contributory plan?
2. Differentiate between a defined contribution pension plan
and a defined benefit pension plan.
3. Name three approaches to measuring benefits from a
pension plan and explain how they differ.
4. Explain how cash basis accounting for pension plans differs
from accrual basis accounting for pension plans.
5. Identify the five components that comprise pension
expense .
6. What is service cost and what is the basis of is
• 1. Pension expense, journal entries
• 2. Preparation of pension work sheet with
• 3. Pension work sheet with reconciliation
• 4. Pension expense, journal entries,
• minimum liabilities, statement
Case study
Financial reporting problem case
Financial statement analysis case
Comparative analysis case
research cases
International reporting case