join Ms. Gallo in Rm. 2314 . . . 3:15

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Edition #14
Cathedral High School Vision
Cathedral High School, a Catholic institution,
will be the model for all high schools
as she profoundly shapes the way students
think, serve and lead.
Dear Cathedral Parents,
Cathedral High School Mission
Cathedral, a Catholic college preparatory high school,
provides to a diverse group of students opportunities
for spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional
and physical growth through service and academic excellence.
This past weekend, some of our students and Cathedral
fans displayed poor behavior at our Boys’ Soccer State
Finals game with Warsaw High School. On Tuesday, I
addressed this situation with all of our school population after the All-School All Souls’ Day Liturgy. Please bring this
topic up with your students and discuss the situation with them. I hope these types of conversations bring us closer
and closer to living out our Cathedral School Mission.
On Tuesday, November 9th, we will have a special schedule. This means that school will begin at 7:55 a.m. Please
make note of this so that your students are not tardy for school.
Use these hyperlinks to find information quickly:
Band News
Bookstore and Spirit Shop
Cafeteria Menu
Chapel Proposal
Choir News
College Information
Dates to Remember
Magazine Sale
Smart Quote
Theatre News
Dates to Remember:
Thurs – Fri, Nov 4-5 Junior Women’s Overnight
Sat, Nov 6
Cathedral High School Placement Test
SAT Test
Sun, Nov 7
Senior Retreat Team Planning Meeting-Commons 1-4PM
Mon, Nov 8
Band Booster Meeting- Commons- 7:00PM
Tues – Fri, Nov 9-12 Senior Retreat
Tues, Nov 9
Professional Learning Communities for faculty & staff – 7:00 a.m. meetings begin;
school begins at 7:55 a.m. (please note time change)
Caritas/Service Fair (PLC/Activity Day Schedule) - classes are 30 minutes
Thurs, Nov 11 Band Pictures-WAC-7:00AM
Band in Veteran’s Day Parade
Fri, Nov 12
Dad’s Day Breakfast in Cafeteria from 6:00 – 7:15 a.m.
Sat, Nov 13
Diversity Conference
Tues, Nov 16 Math League-Café- 6:55 a.m.
Caritas – school begins at regular time – Dr. Ben Carson
ShamrAuction Luncheon - 10:30 am - 1:00 pm at Ritz Charles in Carmel (information inside)
Thurs, Nov 18 ½ Day School – dismissal at 11:28 a.m.
Open House presentations from all academics, clubs, and athletic teams
Spirit Shop Hours: 7:15 a.m. – noon; 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Amy’s Day Breakfast – Cafeteria – 6:00 – 7:15 a.m.
Fall Play (Student Matinee) at 9:30 a.m. in O’Malia Performing Arts Center
Fall Play at 7:30 p.m. in O’Malia Performing Arts Center
Sat, Nov 20
Fall Play at 7:30 p.m. in O’Malia Performing Arts Center
Cathedral HS Placement Test
Sun, Nov 21
Fall Play at 3:00 p.m. in O’Malia Performing Arts Center
Mon-Tues, Nov 22-23 Junior Men’s Overnight
Tues, Nov 23
Blood Drive
Wed, Nov 24 State Championship Day honored 2009-2010 Boys’ Volleyball and Rugby Teams – no school
Thurs-Fri, Nov 25-26 Thanksgiving Vacation – no school
Tues, Nov 30 Professional Learning Communities for faculty/staff – school begins at 8:05 a.m.
Fri, Nov. 19
Mass Information:
From the Desk of the Chaplain ~ Daily Mass is offered in the Chapel at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Fr. Munshower encourages members of the Cathedral Family to
contact him to have a mass said in memory of a loved one. If you are not able to pay the $10 Mass
stipend, you may still submit an intention for our daily Mass. Please contact Fr. Munshower at 9687362 for details and arrangements. Father also requests that, if you contract a Mass, that someone
from your family tries to be in attendance on that day.
Communion Services and Masses begin at 7:00 a.m. in the Cathedral Chapel.
Date Holy Day
Mass Offered for:
St. Charles Borromeo
RIP Michelle Appleman and for her five children
Weekday Mass
RIP Richard Koehler (1-yr anniversary of death) - from Ken & Sara Koehler
Communion Service
Private Petitions
Dedication of Lateran
Basilica in Rome
PLC - No Mass, but Communion Service
Sr. Leo The Great
RIP Pat Trainor from R. Graham & L. Braswell
St. Marin Of Tours
For the intentions of George Maley from Shelley
St. Josaphat
RIP Sr. Delia Leonard, S.P. from the Huber family
The Indiana Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches has just released this year’s
Academic All-State list. Erin Ratterman (left) has earned Academic All-State honors. Katie
Quigley (right) has been named Honorable Mention Academic All-State. Congratulation to both
young ladies!
Congratulations to these students who earned High Honors for 1st Quarter!
Maxwell Adams
Owen Adams
Sydney Adams
William Adams
Sebastian AguirrePedraza
Andrew Alden
Sean Allen
Allison Amato
Deanna Anderson
Jamie Arnold
Connor Ashby
Jack-Ryan Ashby
Meredith Ausenbaugh
Lauren Aylward
Connor Bagwell
Andrew Bailey
Jacob Bailey
Holly Baker
Meghan Baker
Lucas Banter
David Barger
Kaitlyn Barker
Josephine Barrett
Collin Barthel
Caroline Bechtel
Robert Beckerich
Caleb Beidelman
Laura Bem
Theodore Bemenderfer
Kristin Bennett
Ross Beretta
Nicholas Berg
Ellyn Berghoff
Stephen Berlage
Karli Bernal
Nicholas Bernauer
Felipe Bertazzo
Anna Bielawski
Shane Bielefeld
Benjamin Bielski
Katherine Bigelow
Chelsea Bilger
Danielle Billows
Colleen Bindner
Sarah Black
Brittany Blake
Stephen Bolger
William Bond
Benjamin Bonne
Alexander Boos
Austin Boos
Alyssa Bova
Isobel Bowles
Paige Bradford
Michael Brady
Nicolas Bratton
Gregory Breiner
Jacob Brennan
Martin Brennan
Seamus Brennan
Alexander Broady
James Brokaw
Taylor Browning
Andrew Bruns
Madeleine Bryan
Daulton Buckingham
Katelyn Buckman
Nicholas Buckman
Garrett Buechler
Kendall Burgett
Danila Burnham
Colin Burnside
Olivia Burris
Raja Burt
Kathleen Byers
Caley Caito
Cara Callahan
Bryce Campbell
Kimberly Capilla
Carlos Carpizo
Benjamin Carter
Molly Carter
Christie Cates
Kathleen Cates
Olivia Cavanaugh
Decker Cavosie
Charles Chamness
Candriella Chocklett
Andrew Chong
Mary Christ
Elizabeth Christie
Claire Christoff
Margaret Churchill
Nathaniel Clark
Stephen Clark
Nicholas Clough
Robert Cohoat
Julia Cole
Kourtney Coleman
Kevin Collins
William Combs
Austin Compton
Hannah Compton
Jennifer Constantine
Anthony Constantino
Michael Conway
Sara Conway
Shane Coogan
Kyle Cook
John Cooke
Anthony Corsaro
Joseph Corsaro
Vincent Corsaro
Conner Cox
Keenan Cox
Andrew Cramer
Margaret Cripe
Courtney Crowe
Gabriella Crowe
Kiersten Crowe
Madeline Crowe
Kevin Czachura
Madison DaBreo
Oliver daCosta
Olivia Daley
Sarah Dapper
Allyson Darragh
Beth Darragh
Jerome Dawn
Ellery Day
Samuel deBlecourt
Elissa Dedinsky
Simone Deighan
Lily Delalande
Lewis Demyan
Rachel Demyan
Vincent Demyan
Alexander Dennen
Andrew Derringer
Aidan DeSanto
Maria DeSanto
Sydney Devine
Danielle Dezelan
Katie Dezelan
Charles Dickman
Natalie Dickman
Caroline Dilts
Patrick Dimond
William Dimond
Alex Dittmer
James Dolan
Megan Dolan
Hannah Donahoe
Natalie Donahue
Megan Donnelly
Breck Douglas
Zachary Douglas
Hannah Downs
Ryan Drehs
Jacob Dummer
Kathryn Dusing
Mallory Dye
Connor Dykhuizen
Jackson Eaton
Carlene Eckhart
John Eckhart
Marika Edwards
Megan Edwards
Catherine Erath
Lindsey Essington
Paityn Evans
Nancy Farmer
Allison Farrell
Octavia Farris
Chalondias Farrow
Adrienne Faurote
Alexandra Ferguson
Haley Ferguson
Brian Ferlin
Madeline Fisher
Marguerite Fisher-Heath
Thomas Fisher-Heath
Cara FitzGerald
Christopher FitzGerald
Emily Fletcher
Karlie Fletcher
Brendan Flood
Daniel Flood
Matthew Flood
Emma Flynn
Brandon Fogel
Lauren Foley
Anna Ford
Kelley Ford
Samuel Frederick
Thomas French
Joshua Fry
Meghan Fry
Joseph Fulnecky
Stephanie Fultz
Michael Garey
Meghan Garriott
Deana Garrison
Nathaniel Gath
Audrey Gelb
James George
Nicholas George
Eric Gerbers
Grant Gerbers
Daniel Getz
Anna Gibbons
Gino Gillum
Briana Glass
Samantha Gnezda
Evan Gogel
Alexandra Goldfarb
Rachel Goldfarb
Jack Gomez
Gabriel Gonzalez
Catherine Goodin
Kathleen Gordon
Meredith Goshell
Heather Graham
Nicholas Graham
Arturo Granados
Anne Green
Tucker Gregor
Matthew Gregory
Grace Gresham
Alissa Griffin
Cameron Grote
Vincent Grote
Kevin Haas
Catherine Hackl
John Hall
Vincent Halloran
Nicholas Hanahan
Charlotte Hancock
Claudia Hannoy
Grace Hannoy
Carolyn Hanuschek
Walter Hanuschek
Jordan Harrington
Brian Harvey
Heather Haughs
Carly Hedlund
Erin Hedlund
Abigail Helvering
Grace Hendrickson
Harrison Hensley
Malcolm Herbert
Peter Herron
Leah Hession
Allison Hicks
Madelaine Hidalgo
Andrea Hise
Cole Hizer
Cody Hobbs
Kathryn Hoeper
Kevin Hoeper
Matthew Hoffmire
Brenna Holland
William Holland
Sophia Hopkins
Alexa Hornak
Michael Hornak
Mallory Howard
Matthew Huber
John Hummel
Anna Huntine
Samantha Hupp
Jack Hurt
Andrew Hussey
Brittany Ignas
Marika Inskeep
Kaelie Irish
Stephanie Israel
Shanice JacksonEllison
Jon Jacobson
Nicholas Jamell
Andrew James
Delaney Jansen
Olivia Jarrett
Aysha Jemison
Andrew Jennings
Connor Jensen
Sarah Jensen
Margaret Johns
Luke Johnson
Olivia Johnson
Allison Jones
Christopher Jones
Jasmine Jones
Kathryn Jones
Patrick Jones
Zachary Jordan
Julia Kahn
Katie Kaufman
Ana Kavanaugh
Lauren Keisler
Kailen Kelly
Ryan Kelly
James Kempf
Hayley Kempsell
Kathleen Kennedy
Maureen KestersonYates
Claire Kiesel
Morgan Kimmell
Claire King
Lana Kinney
Levi Kinney
Phillip Kinney
James Kirchgraber
Grant Kirkpatrick
Andrew Klein
Collin Kloc
Olivia Kluger
Grace Knerr
Ashley Knoblauch
Tyler Knoblauch
Kelsey Kopf
Michael Kseniak
Jane Kukolla
Sean Kuraly
Rachel Kwon
Kevin Kyle
Karli LaGrotte
Lauren Lancaster
Courtney Lansing
Brant Larson
Aoife Laughlin
Cole Leamnson
Brynn Lee
Ellen Lee
Kelsey Lee
Frank Leemhuis
Emma Leising
Connor Lemke
Conner Lenahan
Sarah Lenahan
Samuel Lesem
Ryan Levenhagen
Bradley Lewis
Emily Linard
Allison Loew
Emily Loew
Jordan Logan
Madison Logan
Steven Longerbone
Alexander Lucht
Courtney Lucia
Connor Ludes-Braeger
Devin Ludes-Braeger
Kathryn Lueking
Shannon Lueking
Emma MacAnally
Keith MacDonell
Christine Maci
Erin Macke
Emily Mago
Connor Maher
Kelsey Mahoney
Madeline Mahoney
Marissa Mallinckrodt
Robert Marshall
Rachel Martin
Daniel Massa
Jenna Masterson
Erica Matthews
Jacob Mattingly
Katherine Maxwell
John McAteer
Jacob McCarty
Jake McCarty
Nicholas McCarty
Olivia McClellan
Sarah McClure
Michaela McDonald
Kelly McEwen
Jackson McGrath
Keely McGrath
Caroline McKnight
Emily McKnight
Mary McNulty
Miranda McQueen
Patrick McSharar
Alexandra Meador
Michael Melbardis
Caroline Melloh
Anthony Mentz
Michael Mentz
Christian Mercho
Raffi Mercho
Kristin Meta
Anna Meulbroek
Steven Meuleman
Blake Meyer
Evan Miller
Grant Miller
Kurt Miller
Sarah Miller
Ashley Mills
Kevin Mills
Jorden Mitchell
Madeline Mitchell
Claire Mooney
Claire Moore
Dustin Moore
William Moore
Gail Moriarity
Taylor Morton
Philip Mosey
Rachel Mosher
Ryan Moss
Jack Mourouzis
Kasey Mulligan
Robert Mulligan
Brigid Murphy
Claire Murphy
Joseph Murphy
Patrick Murphy
Christopher Murray
Drake Myers
Drew Myers
Katrina Myers
Katrina Myers
Sean Nash
Ariana Nassiri
Lindsey Newhart
Elizabeth Nicholls
Julia Niemczura
Mary Noble
John Nowlan
Molly O'Brien
Megan O'Connell
Bridget O'Connor
Cameron O'Connor
Olivia Odle
Madison Oeff
Madeleine Offenhauser
Kathleen O'Hara
Liam O'Hara
Karley Olson
Lily Kate O'Neil
Olivia Orr
Clorissa Orrick
Maurissa Paligraf
Imani Parker-Robinson
Elliott Parshall
Thomas Parshall
David Parsons
Matthew Paskoff
Cameron Pate
Aerial Patterson
Lauren Pavlik
Brooke Payne
Sarah Peabody
Sarah Peat
Andrew Peebles
Monica Peebles
Alex Pena
Connor Perius
Neil Perry
Jessica Peszek
Nicholas Petruzzi
George Peyton
Sydney Pfeifer
Cecelia Phillippe
Ryan Pitz
Joseph Piwowarski
Kristen Piwowarski
Megan Pliske
Tess Plummer
Emily Pollom
Stephen Ponsler
Nicole Porten
McKenna Powell
Carlotta Powers
Peyton Powers
Allison Prechtel
Bryan Prechtel
Olivia Price
Theodore Price
Hana Priscu
Scott Pruett
Evan Pulliam
Kathleen Quigley
Cara Ratterman
Erin Ratterman
Christopher Reid
Graham Reid
Aaron Remedios
Matthew Renie
Morgan Rhodes
Mary Ricker
Cooper Riddle
Benjamin Riesmeyer
Holly Riggle
Rachael Riggle
Haley Roach
Melissa Robins
Alexander Rohe
Chase Rollins
Paige Roszkowski
Audra Rougraff
Mitchell Rougraff
Lauren Roy
John Ruckelshaus
Connor Rulman
Harry Rumer
Maria Rush
Harrison Rusk
Alyson Sander
Colin Sandor
Zain Santamaria
Benjamin Sasin
Alyson Saum
Lauren Scaletty
Allison Scarlott
Sarah Scheer
Caroline Scheidler
Paul Schlebecker
Stone Schneider
Christopher Schoenfeld
Meredith Schoenfeld
Abigail Schopper
Susan Schrader
Teresa Schrader
Alyssa Schroeder
James Schroeder
Adam Schultheis
Timothy Schultz
William Schwandt
Edward Schwering
Shannon Scott
Jonathon Scotto
Vincent Scotto
Andrew Searight
Meghan Searight
Olivia Sedwick
Erin Selsemeyer
Samara Shackelton
Madison Shake
Taylor Shellman
David Shepard
John Sheridan
John Shipley
Megan Short
Craig Siebe
Taylor Sim
Eileen Smart
Nicholas Smith
Timothy Smith
Samuel Snemis
Morgan Soderholm
Lindsay Sorg
Zachary Sosna
Austin Sparks
Kendra Speckman
Sophie Spenia
Corinna Sperling
Emily Spindler
Caroline Sprunger
Frederick Sprunger
John Staley
Tarasae Stancil
Stewart Stanley
Stephanie Stapleton
Nicole Starleaf
Lauren Stavroff
Emma Steinken
Laura Steinken
Daniel Steinmetz
Stephen Stempky
Edward Stephens
John Stephens
Jill Stinson
Lauren Streiff
Michael Stump
Elizabeth Subrin
James Suess
Michael Sullivan
Mercer Suppiger
Mary Tarbox
Mallory Taylor
Sarah TeKolste
Megan Thedwall
Chandler Thomas
Isaac Thomas
Kaitlyn Thompson
Robert Thompson
Dylan Thorpe
Alexandra Tigges
Maxwell Tigges
David Tilly
Jordan Toby
Morgan Toby
Lauren Tolley
Alexander Toneges
Samantha Toth
Paul Tran
Abigail Treece
Megan Tsangaris
Alaina Turchi
Zoe Turi
Ellen Turner
Daniel Tuttle
Nicholas Tuttle
John Uberto
Maxwell Urasky
Guy Valponi
David Van Winkle
Kathryn Vanderbosch
Joshua VanderMissen
Tianna VanderMissen
Zachary VanderMissen
Kyle Vassilo
Joseph Verona
Erika Voigt
William Waers
Erin Walsh
Grace Waltz
Christopher Ward
Molly Ward
Christopher Weber
Laura Weber
Riley Weber
Ross Weber
Matthew Wehrli
Clare Welch
Mary Welch
Natalie West
Jasmine Whitaker
Christine White
John White
Mary White
Colleen Whiting
Kelsey Whiting
Katherine Will
Jonathon Williams
Lauren Williams
Michaela Wiseman
Kevin Wissler
Cassia Wojtalik
Luke Wojtalik
Megan Wolf
Shelby Wolf
Wyatt Wood
Gabrielle Woodman
Gabriella Wright
Monica Wright
Thomas Wright
Sarah Writt
Camden Wylie
Elizabeth Wyman
Bethany Wysocki
Eric Yeager
Haley Young
Olivia Zerr
Jeffrey Zhao
Patrick Zunk
John Zupancic
Congratulations to these students who earned Honors for 1st Quarter!
Caitlin Allen
Jonathan Avellana
Robert Baker
Connor Barthel
Nicole Batalis
Collin Bates
Harrison Beckerich
Madison Berry
Lexxus Betts
Alec Bradford
Adam Bridges
Andrew Buoy
Brooks Butler
Dalton Butler
Tyler Butler
Justin Byers
Andrew Calandro
Jacob Campbell
Brittany Casavant
John Christ
Emma Clevenger
Katherine Clifford
Peter Cockshott
Johanna Cole
Blake Collins
Maggi Craig
Elizabeth Cramer
Emily Criss
Jia Cross
Ryan Crowe
Andrew Cuppy
Emily Darnell
Shelby Day
Samual DeKlyen
Madeline DemoDananberg
John Devine
Alexander Dickman
Devin Dixon
Colin Donnelly
Harrison Downing
Jared Drew
Aryn Eltzroth
Lee Engelman
Adam Erne
Loretto Evans
Rachel Farthing
David Fischer
Rachel Fischer
Olivia Flynn
Daisy Ford
Sarah Fox
Allyson Franklin
Stephen French
Alexander Gacek
Grace Gibbons
Emma Gill
Jonathan Gillies
Jackson Golden
Vanessa Gomez
Julian Gonzalez
Caroline Goodin
Cody Gordon
Courtney Graham
Peter Graham
Maya Graves
Zachary Guernsey
Emily Gutrich
Eric Gutrich
Mary Hale
Maxxamillion Hamm
Michael Hammel
Kaleb Harrison
Caroline Hartman
Nicholas Hellman
Ciara Henriksen
Natalya Herndon
Gabrielle Hidalgo
Lauren Hoaglin
Conner Hobbs
Sara Hohman
Reece Horn
Lindsey Howard
Laine Hughes
Will Hunker
Madalyn Hunt
Joseph Huntington
Shelby Hyde
Chandler Kehoe
Conner Kelley
Quinn Kelley
Christine Kelly
Katelyn Kempf
Jasmine Kennedy
Kyle Kennedy
Molly Kennedy
John Kiesel
Michael Kirby
Michael Kochell
Jacqueline Kowal
Alexa Kozyrski
Elizabeth Krull
Colleen Lane
Nicklaus Lang
Allison Lansing
Alexander Lausten
Anne Lausten
Madeline Lay
Spencer Lay
Grant Leach
Sampson Levingston
Bailey Lewis
Michael Liotti
Olivia Lipka
Christian Luling
Tyler Lyons
Savannah Madden
Allison Maginot
Conner Mahoney
John-Thomas Malone
Jordana Marcus
Miles Mason
Michael Mattei
Chase Mattingly
Jazzmine McDonald
Alexandra McKinley
Jana McMinn
Jordan McPherson
Hannah Meador
Cory Melloh
William Meulbroek
Sarah Meuleman
Herbert Miller
Michael Mitsch
Audrey Moistner
Schuyler Montefalco
Robert Mooney
Ashley Moore
Nicholas Morrison
Keenan Mulherin
Eric Nash
Thomas Nelson
Jenna Nigro
Ashley Noe
Brittany Noe
Madeline Nuckols
Max Odgaard
Evan Oeding
Alexandra Offutt
Alyssa O'Malia
Morgan O'Neil
Benjamin Osborn
Katherine Oskay
Carmen Pagan
Erin Parker
Jacob Peebles
Dillon Peters
Marleigh Petras
Gabriella Piccione
Charles Plager
Emily Preston
David Price
Thomas Proffitt
Marcos Puente
Hannah Quinn
Brian Reed
Lindsey Reed
Maurice Reeves
Emma Rhodes
Zachary Rhodes
Connor Rice
Jacob Ries
Abby Robbins
Abigail Rocap
Ryan Rodgers
Michael Roessler
Ellen Rowe
Christopher Rudicel
Joseph Rushka
Ryan Sabuda
Kirsten Satarino
William Saum
Andrew Scarlott
Ian Schaak
Joshua Schmidt
Jessica Schoettle
Amy Schrader
Joseph Schroeder
Alexander Schultz
Sarah Schultz
Samantha Schwer
Madeleine Scott
Jade Shelton
Mikayla Shelton
Joseph Shirey
Ann Shiveley
Elizabeth Shiveley
Rachel Shruba
Jimmy Simpson
Kaitlin Sims
Dillon Slay
Aaron Smith
Carter Smith
Devin Smith
Hannah Smith
Logan Snell
Sean Snyder
Dominic Spears
Amanda Spindler
MacKenzie Stark
Jaclyn Steigerwald
Jacob Subrin
James Sweeney
Shantelle Taylor
Zachary Taylor
Erin Thomas
Jordan Thompson
Madison Thompson
Samuel Thompson
Brandy Tillman
Ashley Tiplick
Kaylee Titsworth
Eric Todderud
Jacob Toneges
Nicholas Trausch
Mark Troiano
Harrison Tuttle
Michael Venezia
Elizabeth Wagner
Lillian Ware
Jonah Weaver
Mary Welch
Sarah Welsh
Braden Western
Stanton Wilhite
Henry Will
Shakara Williams
Tyler Willis
Eileen Wilson
Hannah Wilson
Spenser Wilson
MacKenzie Wolf
Hunter Wolfe
Brandon Yosha
Ryan Yust
John Zeph
Andrew Zickmund
Bradley Zmich
Remember to read your November Insight:
Parents, please feel free to share with me achievements of your son or daughter. I would like to be able to give
positive credit to our students, but if it is a non-school activity, you are my only source for this information. Such
activites may include Scouts, parish activities, serving at Mass regularly, clubs, and many more. My email address is Remember, do not just hit “reply” to this email, or your news will go into a digital
holding tank and not directly to me.
They’re New! They’re Tasty! They’re Great for Gifts!
We’ll bake the most luscious cookies your family and friends will ever taste, using all the best and freshest
ingredients, then seal them in holiday wrap and mail them anywhere in the continental US or to any serviceman or
woman for just $16 a box.
(If you pick them up yourself, we’ll charge you just $12 a box.)
GREAT HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR your employees, clients or business associates.
Or donate a box and we’ll send to someone in the military.
Order from any choir student or choir parent
Or email your request to Jean Kiesel at
Baking Day is December 4 and mailing day is December 6
Proceeds benefit the CHS choir’s trip to Ireland in summer of 2011
The Calendar for 2011 – 2012 (next year) has been approved. Here is it. This will allow you to make any vacation
plans early.
1st Day of school
Labor Day – no school
End of 1st Q
Open House
Thanksgiving Break
13 – 17 Sem. 1 Exams
19 – 30 Christmas Vacation
End of Chrismas Vacation – no school
End of Sem 1; Semester 1 has 90 days
Sem 2 begins
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Ash Wednesday
ShamrAuction Prep Day
End of 3Q
St. Patrick’s Day (Saturday)
26 – 30 Spring Break
Good Friday – no school
15 – 18 Senior Exams
22-25 Underclass Exams; end of 4Q; end of
sem 2; semester 2 has 95 days
Memorial Day
Just received- Scholarship Opportunity for All High School Students!
Designed for students in grades 5-12, the Club Z! Tutoring Annual Achievement Award allows students to showcase
their talents and abilities for a chance to win cash for school! Open to students with all levels of talents and abilities, of
all ages and from all backgrounds the Annual Achievement Award allows students the opportunity to compete for
awards totaling more than $10,000!
So whether they’ve shown strong character in the classroom, overcome obstacles at school, shown leadership
among their peers, or simply improved since the beginning of the year, the Club Z! Tutoring Annual Achievement Award
has something for everyone!
Winning entries will be judged based on performance, service, merit or achievement. Cash awards totaling
$10,000 and many local awards will be presented to the winning applicants during a special presentation held at the
school. Students may only apply one time during each award period, so get your hands on an application and be sure to
get it in to your local guidance counselor or Club Z! In-Home Tutoring Area Director before the November 12th
See your counselor for an application!
Kathy Pivonka
College Advisor
From Our Neighboring Parishes:
Sunday November 7th Our Lady of Lourdes will have sign up for CYO Basketball. Registration Fee of $65.00 is
due at sign up. It will be in the OLL Cafeteria at 6:00pm
Our Lady of Grace Catholic School Holiday Bazaar, Noblesville, IN (NW corner of 191st Street and Hwy 37)
 Dates: Friday, November 19th (5pm-9pm) and Saturday, November 20th (9am-3pm)
 No admission charged to attend.
 One stop shopping made easy with over 70 vendors and various gift cards..make your list!
 Enjoy Concessions and Book Fair, find that special Holiday Jar gift for someone and Wii Bowling
Competition. All ages welcome to participate....
 Invite everyone to attend this fun filled weekend at OLG! See flyer at
For more information regarding the Bazaar, contact Angela Stagge at 842-6362 or
Parents, please encourage your student to sign up to be an Open House Tour Guide! Open House will be held on the
evening of Thursday, November 18. We will need as many students as possible to be tour guides
since we expect over 500 families to attend. Sign-up sheets will be available in your English class
from October 27-November 5. We then will conduct tour guide training in the Atrium during your
Resource period on Tuesday, November 16. You will get two service hours and will help show families how proud you
are to attend Cathedral!
Attention Senior Parents!
On Tuesday November 2nd information concerning graduation products and cap & gown ordering
was given to all seniors. Please make sure your senior has brought this information home to you.
Order days are: November 11th for A-M and November 12th for N-Z. If your senior is on retreat
those days they should turn their order in to Mr. Greer's office on Tuesday Nov. 9th. Extra forms are
available in the main office.
Are you a sophomore parent who wants to know more about the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program?
International Baccalaureate Programme
Wednesday November 10th 2010
6:30 Pm
High School Cafeteria
Information for Sophomores
Topics of Discussion
1. IB Diploma
2. IB Certificates
3. Colleges and Universities
4. College Credit
5. Cathedral Offerings
6. CAS Program
-RSVP to or
-Full Dinner Provided: Parents and Student
Brunch with Santa Cathedral High School
The Alumni Association invites everyone to come and enjoy the Christmas Spirit!
 When: Saturday, December 4, 2010
 Where: Cathedral’s Cafeteria Time: 9:00-11:00 a.m.
 Cost: $3.00 per child, $5.00 per adult or $15.00 per family (max 6 persons).
Contact: Ken Barlow at 317.968.7366 to RSVP
Are you looking for a day to help charge your spiritual life? If so, you may wish to join Father Munshower at Fatima
Retreat House on Monday, November 8th and is entitled “the Psalms: A Day of Reflection.” For reservations or with
questions, please contact Fatima Retreat House at
317-545-7681. Please note hyperlink for the program bulletin. To contact Fatima,
Fax: 317-545-0095 Email: or visit our web site at:
Psalms, Munshower
Nov 8, 2010.pdf
We are in the midst of our annual canned food drive and the goal this year is for Cathedral to gather
28,000 cans total. The proceeds will go to groups including Gleaners, St. Vincent de Paul and others.
The Student Canned Food Drive (20 cans or $10) will be this week, November 1 – 5.
Also, please feel free to share this message with others who may wish to participate.
Thank you!
NCAA Information Night-Wednesday, December 1 at 7 PM in the Student Life Center. Families of students
wanting information on recruiting and eligibility to play Division I and II sports are welcome to attend.
Representatives from the NCAA Eligibility Center will be here to explain the process.
To the Parents of the Class of 2011,
On Monday, November 1st your son or daughter will receive a packet of information with regard to
ordering his/her cap and gown and graduation announcements. Please make sure your student turns
in the order during lunch on one of the following dates:
 Thursday, November 11th Last names A-M
 Friday, November 12th Last names N-Z
Extra Packets are available at the front desk. If you have any questions, please call Bell’s School Services, Inc. at 317-2442412.
Opportunity for a cash prize and Trip to Washington D.C. for students who have previously taken or are currently
enrolled in AP United States History, IB History, AP Government, Government, or AP Economics: Are you interested in
winning a cash prize of $5,000 and a trip to Washington D.C? If so, then you want to check out
this essay contest sponsored by the Bill of Rights Institute. Write an essay, no longer than 750
words answering the following prompt: “Being an American: Explore the Values that Unite Us”
and should fully answer the question: What civic value do you believe is most important to
being an American? Trace the enduring importance of this value throughout the American story
by discussing: a Founding document that reflects this value; a figure from American history who
embodies this value; and examples of how you have and/or could put this value into practice.
 Cathedral High School can only submit 5 essays to the contest; thus your essays are due
back to Mr. Worland’s office by the end of school on Friday, November 19th. For more information regarding the
contest contact Ms. Baisinger at or go to
ATTENTION, SENIOR PARENTS: Last week you should have received in your U.S. Mail information about purchasing a
senior ad for your student to go in the 2011 Cathedran, Cathedral’s yearbook. This has become quite a tradition for
parents of graduating seniors, and you would not want your son or daughter to be one of the few left out. If you have
not received an order form, you can download one from John Hannan’s website: in the Advertising Information folder.
ALSO FOR SENIOR PARENTS: Once again you are reminded that every senior needs to have a yearbook portrait taken
at Prestige Portraits in order to be included in the senior section of the yearbook. If you have not done so already,
please make an appointment soon by calling 829-2081 after 2 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and after 10 a.m. Saturday or
visit The deadline is December 3.
Speech Team: All Members must see Mrs. Scheetz this week to choose an event and sign up for a practice time for the
1st meet on Saturday, November 20th at Carmel High School. Only those students who have preregistered and have practiced with Mrs. Scheetz will be allowed to compete. (Discussion kids and
radio kids can practice together. (Talk to Mrs. Scheetz if in those events.)
*In order to compete on the 20th, you must have preregistered with Mrs. Scheetz before Thursday,
November 12th. No exceptions!
(We will be permitted 4 per event and will need 1 judge for every 4 competitors at the Carmel Meet.)
May 31-June 30 (1 month family stay)
Students study at university (weekdays)
and travel (weekends)
$2200 plus plane fare ($500); Deposit
$500.00 due Nov 1.
Contact: Ken Steeb, Spanish Teacher
The fall PHONING FOR DOLLAR$ student phonathon supporting the Cathedral Fund is coming soon! The phonathon
team will be calling alumni in support of the Cathedral Fund on the evenings of November 3 and 4. The Advancement
Office is seeking good phonathon student-participants from all grade levels for our team. Last year the team raised
thousands of dollars for the Cathedral Fund. We’re looking for a team of friendly, confident, and involved students who
would enjoy the opportunity to call alumni and ask for their support of this important cause.
The Cathedral Fund,
our annual giving program, provides support for educational initiatives not fully covered by tuition. Students may sign
for one, two, or as many evenings as they can work. The Advancement Office provides training for
the team, alumni calling lists, a word-for-word script, pizza and pop, cash prizes, and service
hours. Calling will be done from CHS offices from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. during the above
evenings under the direction of Mrs. Diane Szymanski, Director of the Cathedral Fund. This
is great philanthropic experience for students and is a fitting follow-up to the Magazine Sale.
This activity can be referenced in their high school resume for college applications. Students
can win cash prizes each evening, and we also award prizes for the most successful callers of
the overall phonathon. Mrs. Szymanski will award service hours for this work. If you think your student would be a
good candidate for this important activity, please encourage her or him to contact Mrs. Szymanski at, or remind them to stop by the Advancement Office (Kelly Hall across from Guidance
Center) to sign up!
Diane M. Szymanski, Director of the Cathedral Fund
(317) 968-7313 office
(317) 542-1484 fax
5th IAPSDC Student Diversity Leadership Conference
Conference Site: Cathedral High School
“Passport To Diversity”
“What’s in Your Passport?”
Registration Starts 8:00 a.m.
Conference 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Continental Breakfast & Lunch Provided
Saturday, November 13th
Open to Grades 8th - 12th
Return Registration To: Mrs. Ramona Powell. Director of Diversity/Asst. Director of Enrollment Management
Student Name _______________________Grade ______ School Cathedral High School
Parent Name ___________________ Parent Signature _________________
Parent Contact # _________________Parent Email ____________________________
IAPSDC Schools
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
Cathedral High School
Culver Academies
Hosted By
International School of Indiana
The Oaks Academy
The Orchard School
Park Tudor School
Providence Cristo Rey High School
St. Richard’s School
Sycamore School
University High School
“What’s in Your Passport?” Student Diversity Leadership
Conference: Saturday, November 13th
8:30 a.m. – 3:30 P.M.
On the campus Of Cathedral High School
Workshop Themes
“Cliques” vs. “Groups”
“Exploring Gender and Politics”
“Impact of Derogatory Terms”
“Pros and Cons of Assimilation”
“Religious Diversity”
Plan ahead for the Race for Vocations:
A message from Fr. Rick Nagel:
We are off and running to prepare for the 2011 Race for Vocations! The 2011 Race for Vocations and Mini
Marathon/5K is May 7th and registration for both the mini and 5k are now open. Please
consider joining the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Diocese of Lafayette and Diocese of
Evansville again this year for the race!
Father Joshua Janko, Diocese of Lafayette, is our chairman. Father Janko has run the Race for
Vocations since its inception in 2007. He has also served on the leadership team over the past
three years and has provided valuable insights and energy to the growth of this initiative.
Welcome to leadership Father Janko!
To register for the Race for Vocations, you must register with both the One America 500 Festival Mini Marathon/5K and
the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Here are the two registration sites for you to sign on:
If you plan to run the mini marathon, you must register soon as it fills up by mid-November.
Please pass the word along to others who might be willing to run/walk for vocations! If you have any questions, please
contact Courtney Mitchell at
Tutoring available: 4 ways!
1. Theology Tutoring for freshmen:
Before School:
Mr. Schmidt in room 4131 Monday - Friday
Dr. Caspersen in room 4242 - Tuesday and Thursday mornings
Mr. Freije in room Monday – Friday
After School:
Ms. Dye in room 4243
2. Tutoring available mornings and afternoons every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in the
library provided by National Honor Society members. If you are interesting in being tutored,
just show up at the library. The NHS tutors are scheduled for a week at a time and they sit
at a table marked with a sign that says “Tutoring here”.
3. After School Tutoring
What’s missing? U---R!
join Ms. Gallo in Rm. 2314 . . . 3:15-4:00. . .Tuesdays and Thursdays
free of charge!
Test prep. . . study skills. . .reading comprehension. . .writing skills. . .etc.
No appointment necessary . . . everyone welcome!
If your child needs help in math, please see Mrs. Hartman
after school on Mondays and Wednesdays in room 4341.
4. Indianapolis Metropolitan City Public Library - Get an online tutor 2pm - 10pm seven days a week. Find a resource
24/7. IMCPL offers free online academic and career resources and tutoring from for all students & adults,
and in Spanish too! All your students need is an IMCPL library card. Get a Library Card
 K-12 and college students can get help with homework, studying, projects, essay writing and test prep in every
subject, including algebra, statistics, chemistry, physics, social studies and English.
 Adults can get help with resume writing, GED prep, and academic support. All sessions are online and one-toone with a live tutor.
 Getting help is easy. Just go to and click on "Homework Help".
Band News:
The next band booster meeting will be held MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8 at 7:00 pm in the SLC. (We
have moved the meeting date from the previously announced November 1 date, due to the band
now performing for the Q-95/Marsh food drive on Nov. 1).
Choir News:
Interested in Traveling to Ireland with Cathedral’s Choir Families next July? Check out this proposal and
get signed up at Select trip #1107-1-20. Contact Choir Director, Elaine Holloway, at if you have any questions.
Theatre News:
Ticket Order Form
Cathedral Theatre will present William Shakespeare’s classic tale of ROMEO AND JULIET on November 19 and 20 at
7:30 and on November 21 at 3:00. Preferred seating is $12.00 per ticket; General Admission seating is $8.00 per ticket.
Street Address
I want to order (number of tickets)
RESERVED tickets @$12.00.
I want to order (number of tickets)
I want to receive my tickets for ROMEO & JULIET
in the following manner:
1. Box Office Will Call:
(Will call must be picked up 10 minutes)
(before curtain time! If performance is
(Sold Out tickets will be RESOLD)
2. Return by Cathedral Student:
Student Name
I want my tickets for the indicated
performance (s):
1. FRI., 11/19@7:30
2 .SAT., 11/20 @7:30
3. SUN., 11/21 @7:30
Return to the Theatre Department at Cathedral High School or mail to:
Jane Selsemeyer
10516 Chestnut Hill Circle
Fishers, IN 46037
Black Box #2, THE CONDEMNATION OF BRYCE HARTFIELD, written and directed by Vincent Grote, will be performed on
Friday, December 3, at 4:00. Admission is free, but only 75 people will be admitted.
College Information:
Until the new "Connect!"(formerly known as PrepHQ) website is fully functional, please use the following link to view
scholarships that have been sent to the Cathedral Guidance Department. Once the new "Connect!" is ready for full use
by our students, we will return to that platform to convey opportunities to you.
The link also provides other scholarship search engines that you might find helpful. Please see your college advisor for
any assistance.
Kathy Pivonka
College Advisor
Visits of College Representatives:
Ohio State University
Ohio University
University of Kentucky
Washington & Jefferson College
St. Joseph College
Fairfield University
College of Charleston
Dominican University
Ohio Dominican University
Spalding University
University of Cincinnati
Berry College
Nov. 2nd
Nov. 4th
Nov. 4th
Nov. 4th
Nov. 4th
Nov. 5th
Nov. 9th
Nov. 11th
Nov. 12th
Nov. 15th
Nov. 16th
Nov. 17th
7th period
2nd period
3rd period
5th period
7th period
4th period
2nd period
2nd period
2nd period
To be Determined
4th period
2nd period
Visit the Bookstore & Spirit Shop this week for new IRISH spirit wear to keep you warm this week:
New arrival: Popular long sleeve wicking t’s in hunter and navy!
New arrival: Cathedral Sweatshirt Blanket ~ makes a great gift ~
New arrival: Girls running shorts!
New arrival: Guys moisture management short ~
New arrival: Fashion stretch IRISH headband, ($6) in fun colors: pink, turquoise, lime, Kelly, white, black and grey!
New arrival: Navy/Gold baseball cap by Top of the World, ~ one-fit, $20!
Uniform Update: Uniform Polos Short Sleeve “Talls” are now available for extra length, $22 ~
Restocked: Activity T-shirts in all sizes! Baseball, Basketball, Crew, Cross Country, Football, Lacrosse, Soccer &
Swimming ($12) ~
Restocked: Cathedral license plate and frame ~
Shop 7:15 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. on regular school days! GO IRISH!
ShamrAuction -- Fine Jewelry Wanted! Do you have a fine jewelry piece that you no longer wear? Perhaps you might
think about donating a piece for a very worthy cause – Cathedral! The ShamrAuction committee is looking for fine
jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, rings, or watches) that could be repaired (if needed), cleaned and polished to look like
new! A new appraisal will be secured for an updated fair market value of your donation. If you have a fine jewelry piece
that would make a wonderful donation to Cathedral’s ShamrAuction, February 26, 2011 or if you have questions, please
call 317.968.7316. Thank you!
ShamrAuction Luncheon
November 16, 2010, 10:30 am - 1:00 pm
Ritz Charles
12156 N. Meridian Street, Carmel, IN 46032
For this year's ShamrAuction Luncheon, why not try to fill a table with old friends and new friends?
Fill a table with moms from your student's club, sport, or social group.
Get a group together to purchase a wonderful item. We encourage donors to pool their contributions of $50
or more to purchase higher priced items which will bring bigger bids at ShamrAuction.
Admittance to the luncheon is a gift as follows:
 An item valued at $50 or more, or
 A cash donation of $50 or more, or
 A group purchase of a larger gift with a value of $50 per person
Here are a few suggestions for gift items:
 For the Kids: Uggs or fun Rubber Boots, Art Easel and Supplies, Hand Painted Furniture, Dorm Room
 For the Home: Unique Tables, Lamps, Bar Ware, Outdoor Heater, Patio Furniture
 For Her: Jewelry, Spa Day, Fashion Handbags
 For Him: Golf Package, Golf Equipment, Sport Tickets, Cigars and Humidors, Tailgate Grill
 Electronics: iPod, Gaming System and Games, Kindle, iPad, Laptop
For additional information, contact chairpersons:
Sheryl Babb (317) 915-0014 or Vicki Scotto (317) 595-0161
or click here for reservations.
Service Outreach News:
Our beginning of school year offers inspirational service opportunities for our Cathedral students.
Class Service Projects As an insight regarding the good works that we can accomplish this year, ponder this scripture:
“I will look after my sheep, says the Lord, and I will raise up one shepherd who will pasture them. I, the Lord, will be their
God.” Ez 34:11, 23-24. This scripture reminds us that our core being rests in God. As such, it is also our call to serve our
fellow mankind, as we are all sheep in God’s care. In November, sophomores will be helping serve our popular
spaghetti dinner to the Lord’s Pantry members on Wednesday, November 10 from 3:30-7:15 PM. You may also join our
outreach on Saturday, Nov 13, 10:00-1:30, when juniors will be serving up a fabulous lunch for the Saturday noon meal
at the Cathedral Soup Kitchen. Freshmen will begin helping at the Catholic Charities Christmas Store on Nov 18 and 19.
Details on all of these on-going class service projects are noted below in Service Opportunities as wonderful expressions
of giving and grace.
School Wide Canned Food Drive for Nov 1-5 As a school wide drive, the Student Council will be leading us in a canned
food drive for Holy Cross Thanksgiving Distribution during the week of Nov 1-5. See details below for service hour, jeans
days and math incentives for great participation in this event. Remember, we are asked to give 20 cans of either green
beans, corn, or fruit or $10 to support these drives for Holy Cross.
Coats For Kids On October 30, nine Cathedral students helped 115 children from Anna’s House ministries to obtain free
coats from the State Fairgrounds. Cathedral also provided four buses to transport these students from the west side
Anna’s House to the Fairgrounds and back. Mrs. Carol Boyle, from a dedicated Cathedral family, led this outreach for
the second year. Theresa Schrader, junior, shared that “helping these kids made me realize that we have a lot of
belongings that we take for granted. These children, ranging in age from five years old to high school, were very happy
to simply get coats.” Kudos to our Cathedral students Natalie Dickman, Catherine Erath, Grace Hendrikson, Oliver
McKay, Clorrissa Orrick, Olivia Price, Theresa Schrader, Kaylee Titsworth, Colleen Whiting and many Cathedral parents.
These young, active bodies can stay healthy and ready for learning with warm coats this winter. The Lord’s Pantry is
located in one of the poorest parts of Indianapolis. Great job again is recognized for our Cathedral students generously
helping in their community.
Reminder: Save Your Coats and Jeans For The Homeless We will have our annual coat and warm clothes drive for the
homeless during the week of November 16-18.
New Orleans Mission Trip: To NOLA With Love. Our work in the Lower Ninth Ward was so enlightening for the group
of 66 Cathedral students and chaperones just returning from our Fall Mission trip to New Orleans. We learned of the
challenges that the Lower Ninth Ward has to rebuild its community when two out of four homes are deserted, boarded
up, or simply bulldozed in the aftermath of Katrina five years ago. Originally in the Lower Ninth Ward, there were two
high schools and five elementary schools; currently only one elementary school has re-opened. In our work with grass
roots agencies, we helped with ramps, fences, community gardens, high weeds on deserted property, cemetery
grooming for an indigent population and simple chores for the elderly, mostly throughout the Lower Ninth Ward. We
shared cards of hope and well wishes with community residents and learned their stories, each one unique and
compelling, from all residents that we encountered. Our work was then topped off by a wonderful breakfast at Café
DuMonde and our Sunday mass at the St. Louis Cathedral, a cathedral more than 280 years old. We left New Orleans
with a keen appreciation of its challenges and charms.
Here is the list of the wonderful students who journeyed on this mission trip:
Brian Balog
John Eckhart
Olivia Jarrett
Eileen Smart
Josie Barrett
Lee Engelmann
Lauren Keisler
Freddy Sprunger
Chelsea Berry
Matt Fangman
Jack Kelly
Caroline Sprunger
Danila Burnham
Lexie Ferguson
Jasmine Kennedy
Jake Subrin Liz Subrin
Olivia Burris
Rachel Fischer
Andrew Klein
Jimmy Suess
Molly Carter
Evan Fiscus
Raffi Mercho
Sam Thompson
Ben Carter
Brandon Flood
Kasey Morgan
Mark Troiano
Mary Christ
Olivia Flynn
Sarah Peabody
Alaina Turchi
Kevin Collins
Lauren Foley
Jasarah Perkins
Danny Tuttle
Kiersten Crowe
Tom French
Connor Phelan
Sam White
Maddie Crowe
Catherine Goodin
Hanna Priscu
Gabby Wright
Rachel Demyan
Nick Graham
Lexi Proffitt
Andrew Young
Colin Donnelly
Erin Hedlund
Brad Radican
Megan Donnelly
Shelby Hyde
Ali Saum
Carlene Eckhart
Meghan Searight
Cathedral Clubs and Chapters Serving It Up! In addition to our class service projects, students from Cathedral High are
active in their community in so many valiant and giving ways:
Mentoring Magic:
85 high school students mentor every week after school at IPS 58, IPS 106, Belzer MS and IPS 15
to build academic strengths and self -confidence.
SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere: 20 students help at the Julian Center, educate, fundraise and advocate
to help stop domestic violence.
Miracle Place:
Students are helping at Miracle Place on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
ACTS (A Chance To Serve): Students help with Wheeler Mission meals and other community needs.
Habitat for Humanity: Fundraising, home repair and building, helping at the Habitat home store, educating and
advocating for low cost housing.
Invisible Children:
Raising money for schools in Uganda.
Kids Against Hunger:
Packaging foods for malnourished areas of the world, especially Haiti.
(Taking Global Issues Further): Fundraising for needs in Pakistan and other worldwide
Catholic Charities (Refugee Needs): Two Cathedral student ambassadors will be directing us in the refugee needs.
Girls On The Run:
Girls Mentoring elementary students in running and self-esteem.
Riley’s Dance Marathon: With the help of over 100 students, the team raised $5300 for Riley’s Children
Students travel six times a year to Camp Atterbury to support deploying soldiers.
Interact (affiliated with Rotary): Students are supporting Gleaners, Lord’s Pantry and raise funds to prevent
polio world-wide.
The leadership of these chapters and clubs is student led and student initiated. We can be very proud of our student
activism demonstrated in these areas of need.
“Make It Mine” Service Outreach Cathedral students are leading the way planning a service outreach for 200 IPS
middle school students in our community. We are coordinating a special day of events combining reading, athletics and
other passions such as art, music and dance which will be held at the University of Indianapolis. The theme for this day
is “MAKE IT MINE”. We have already earned on grant of $1,500 and are planning more grants regarding our Saturday,
Dec 4 2010 and Saturday, Feb 26, 2011 events. Our next meeting is Sunday, Nov 14 at 12:30 PM in room 3304 (Mr.
Payne’s room). Please email Jasmine Whitaker, Imani Parker-Robinson, Haley Roach or Mrs. Halstead
( with your interest. Many juniors and sophomores are involved in this project.
This program has two outreach dates: the first one is Saturday, Dec 4 at IPS #106 and the second one is Feb 26, 2010
at the University of Indianapolis, 9:30-2:30 PM each event. As it is our goal to present this day to 200 IPS middle school
students in February, the December event is a smaller test of the program for about 100 students. These two events are
targeted for IPS middle school students to help them commit to their academics, high school graduation and greater
successes in life.
Service Outreach News
Our beginning of school year offers inspirational service opportunities for our Cathedral students.
Coats For Kids On October 30, nine Cathedral students helped 115 children from Anna’s House ministries to obtain free
coats from the State Fairgrounds. Cathedral also provided four buses to transport these students from the west side
Anna’s House to the Fairgrounds and back. Mrs. Carol Boyle, from a dedicated Cathedral family, led this outreach for the
second year. Theresa Schrader, junior, shared that “helping these kids made me realize that we have a lot of belongings
that we take for granted. These children, ranging in age from five years old to high school, were very happy to simply get
coats.” Kudos to our Cathedral students Natalie Dickman, Catherine Erath, Grace Hendrikson, Oliver McKay, Clorrissa
Orrick, Olivia Price, Theresa Schrader, Kaylee Titsworth, Colleen Whiting and many Cathedral parents. These young,
active bodies can stay healthy and ready for learning with warm coats this winter. The Lord’s Pantry is located in one of
the poorest parts of Indianapolis. Great job again by Cathedral students actively and wonderfully committed to helping
their community.
Service Hours on Power School Service hours may be viewed on Power School and are current for all
hours received since the start of school. There is a small button in the upper right hand corner to view the service hours.
For the 2010-11 academic year, service hours for seniors are due December 1, 2010 to meet their total graduation
requirement. The status of service hours for seniors will be shown as satisfactory or unsatisfactory on their second quarter
report card. For the academic year of 2010-11, freshmen, sophomore and junior hours are due March 1, 2011. The status
of service hours for these underclassmen will be shown as satisfactory or unsatisfactory on the third quarter report card. If
the hours for last year were completed, hours earned after April 23, 2010 may be credited to the current year’s
requirement. We are accepting service on a project basis as well. After Sep 1, Hours will not be accepted more than
sixty days after the date of service performance after Sep 1. Service hours are current in input as you receive this.
Service Opportunities
Service Provided
(Organized first by topical interest, date basis in the
Date &
First Baptist
Student tutors are needed to help with homework.
Over 100 refugee families from Thailand / Miramar
were forced to leave due to religious persecution.
Contact Cort Gillett 570-4398. Flyer.
86th and College
Food Drives
Support your local food pantries with donations.
Assist Gabrielle Campo (Cath alum ’98) and Tim
Winn as they prepare apartments for newly
arriving refugees from Sudan, Guinea and other
countries. Donations of sofas, tables, lamps and
chairs may be delivered to the Catholic Center and
pick-up of large furniture may be scheduled. The
8-5:30 M-F
Catholic Center
Meridian St
refugee resettlement office number is 236-1517 (Tim Winn).
After school programs including basketball at three
Shepherd locations. Mr. Tim Street spoke from
Shepherd Communities at our Fall Service Festival.
1035 Olney St.
Tear Down
the Walls
Help with street ministry for the homeless.
Newsletter. Contact Brian Walls. Web:
Sat 2:305:30
1253 East St.
Keep Indy
Various projects. Click details here. Website Great opportunities for all summer
long. Sign up for trash cleanup of a certain area.
Obtain recycling and reuse locations here.
Help teach the homeless computer skills. Ages 1718. Join Marcos Puente. Contact Mrs. Halstead.
Oct 23
11033 E.
Like to cook? Help re-prepare food for
disadvantaged families and individuals by assisting
in the cooking at Second Helpings. Must be 16 yrs
of age. See website for details.
Th 4-8 PM;
Sat 9-1 AM
Inpls 46202
School on
Help out by tutoring at IPS#14 once a week for one
hour after school. See details on this flyer and
Easter Seals
Help at Parents' Night Out for special needs kids.
6-10 PM
4 locations once
a month
Adopt a resident from Westminster Village North
For the Adopt a Grandparent program details, click
here. Share your musical talent and serenade the
residents with cheerful melodies!
63rd and
Sunnyside Dr
Children of
Divorce New
Help children of divorce learn to cope. Consider
participating in the next training in February. Click
here for application info. See flyer.
eve 2x per
7700 N
Assist in serving food to the needy. See Parish
assistance schedule. and Sunday shifts.
1350 N Penn
Kids On The
Do puppetry and presentations regarding health
and well being issues for children interest you?
Join a network of nurses from Community Hospital
to develop and present this well-being program for
children. For details, click here. Contact Sherry McIntyre
1500 N. Ritter
St. Vincent
De Paul
Food Pantry
Assist in re-packing bulk foods (Wed,), client choice
shopping Tu/Th/Sat, & client intake (Tu/Th/Sat) for
3,000 families each week. Parish schedule Website: You can also assist with the
vegetable garden that has been planted at the food
pantry or donate extra fresh produce in one gallon
sealed bags. 921 1401
St. Vincent
De Paul
Help at the warehouse to pass out and collect
furniture and household goods for relocated and
disadvantaged families. Parish schedule. Website: 687 8258
Life Bridge
Beech Grove
355-8702 or
Wed 5-7PM
Th 5-7 PM,
Sat 9-12
3001 E. 30th
Sat 8-12
1201 E.
Southside outreach program to assist the youth in
after-school programs.
M-Th 4:306:30
Th 5:458:15
Benedict Inn
1402 Southern
Ave 46106
Habitat for
Work in the Habitat Home Store any Saturday; pls
first contact Jessica in advance 921 2121 x114.
Habitat Volunteer form. Must be 14 to work in
Home Store; must be 16 for builds.
Home Store
Sat 9 AM-2
T-F 9-6
1022 E. 22nd St
Students are needed to help organize some church
and parish contacts with Mrs. Snyder for the
Christmas Store. Please let Mrs. Halstead know of
your interest.
No specific
dates or
1435 N. Illinois
Art With a
Assist with dynamic art programs at many schools
this fall. Phone 823 9555 x 11 for Kaitlin Mariutto.
(ask to speak with Art With A Heart), email
After school
downtown and
Info; Register online at
St. Mary’s
Child Center
Carmel Dads
Help with at risk children ages 3-5 on early
dismissal days during the fall. Contact Brenta
Clem at 361-4864 email Website
Each Saturday you may help with Special Sports
Programs hosted by the Carmel Dad's Club. See
detail listing of events, times and locations on
Saturday mornings. Sports vary from soccer, TBall, bowling, tennis, BB, and others. Contact
Suzanne Mandel 595 9016 or
on half days
At Ft Ben and
8/31 til May
Primarily Held
at Carmel
Lutheran 131st
and Gray Rd
Location varies
Help with riding sessions. Flyer with information.
Phone 317 773 7433 x 18.
Holy Cross
Food Drive
Bring in 20 cans of food (green beans, corn and
fruit) or $10 for the Holy Cross food basket
distribution. Service hour. Jeans Days for Nov 22
and 23. Our goal is 100% support for two week long
collection. There are extra math incentives as well.
Boys Soccer
Like to help celebrations? The Boys Soccer team
will be having their soccer banquet in the SLC.
If you would like to assist in the set up, serving or
clean up, give Mrs. Harrison a confirmation call or
email. Email or 826 9636.
Nov 4
5-8:30 or 9
Cathedral SLC
A class marathon event is being held in downtown
Indy which needs your help. See details.
Fri Nov 5
Sat Nov 6
Nov 5
Convention Ctr
Nov 6 Near
capital building
Food Link
Help distribute food to needy families for agency
that goes from neighborhood to neighborhood. See
video on youtube. Food link.
Nov 6
8:30 – 12
New Wineskin
4501 E. 38th
Rebuilding a home at 932 King. There are
various jobs that a parent and students may
enjoy assisting. See detail listing here. Most
work is set up for 932 King St.
Sat Nov 6
932 King
Help cook and serve spaghetti dinner. Sophomore
class project. Email Mrs. Halstead. Bring a friend.
Meet in the SLC outside my office at 3:30 PM on
Wed. A few extra parents are needed as drivers.
Help serve lunch to the homeless. Jr class service
project. This is a lot of fun. Email your
participation if you need a ride down. See you
Sat Nov 13
1350 N. Penn
On Thursday, help at the Christmas Store to make
ornaments for each family. On Friday, we will
assist at Cathedral to complete a project for the
Nov 18
Fri Nov 19
1435 N. Illinois
Friday: CHS
8/31 until
Dec 17.
Nov 1-5
Wed Nov 10
24970 Mt.
Cicero IN
Cathedral HS.
303 Elder St
needs of the families. Sign up with Mrs. Halstead.
Christmas Store Class Service Project description.
Permission slip.
Food Link
Help distribute food to needy families for agency
that goes from neighborhood to neighborhood. See
video on youtube. Food link
Nov 23
8:30 – 12
New Wineskin
4501 E. 38th
Kids Against
Help prepare meals at the monthly Kids Against
Hunger assembly session to aid worldwide hunger
and malnutrition. If you helped prepare the Haiti
meals at Cathedral, this is your opportunity to help
once a month. These meals are still going to Haiti.
Sat, Nov 20
12-2 PM
American Red
Cross, 15325
Herriman Blvd,
Help to assist in the summer student playroom with
children during the summer. Transitional housing.
2 hr shift pls.
M-F after
school to 8
PM. Sat,
Sun 8 AM-8
1537 N. Central
Help care for homeless animals. Training sessions
on Thursdays
1721 Pleasant
Assist in the packaging of food boxes, senior boxes
and weekend kids back-sacks. Note new address
and expanded hours.
Mon-Th 8-4
2nd Tues 6-8
1st and 3rd
Sat 9-12
Waldemere Ave
Community Opportunities
14598 Oakridge
Carmel 46032
303 Elder
Street, 46222
Trinity Free
Assist in translation or story hour. Requires a
commitment of approx. 30 volunteer hours a yr.
Sat 8-12
Sat 9-11
Story Hour,
1&3rd Th.
eve Eye
Help continue the ministry of Lucious Newsom to
pass out food or 2ndth Wed Spaghetti dinner.
Sat 9-11:30
Wed 3:30-7
For details about these service opportunities, this chart and other links on the Cathedral web site, click here If you have other problems with
the linked documents, please proceed to the website to access links from the Service Opportunities area
under On Campus/Service Outreach.
Please continue to turn to the most compelling areas of need to perform your service stewardship. Thank you for supporting your class
service projects with enthusiasm and compassion. Should you desire to pursue an outreach project with an agency not listed, you may
also consult the list of service agencies available by clicking here. By working with diligence and interest on your service, you should
find yourself achieving about four hours of service each month. The balance of 2010 and 2011 provides rich opportunities to direct
helpful hands and hearts to aid our community needs.
Service Reflection
They say it takes a minute to serve a special person,
An hour to appreciate them,
A day to love them,
But then an entire life to forget them.
May your Cathedral service personally enrich you and your spirituality, as we seek to
address challenges faced by our brothers and sisters in our immediate community and world-wide.
Service hours for freshmen, sophomore and junior students for the academic year of 20010-11 are due on March 1, 2011.
Seniors graduation hours for the academic year of 2010-11 are due December 1, 2010. Click here for the 2010-11 Service
Documentation. Click here for the 2009-10 Service Documentation form. Click here for the Service Hour Criteria. Hours will
not be accepted more than sixty days after the date of service performance.
This weekend our Fighting Irish Football team battles the Roncalli Rebels for the Sectional Championship. We play at
Arsenal Tech H.S. this Friday evening November 5th at 7:00pm. The sectional ticket price will
be $6.00 per ticket. Passes are not valid in the post season and all fans from first grade and up
need a ticket. Tickets will be sold in the Athletic Office starting Wednesday morning at 7:30am
and sold until Friday afternoon at 4pm. Tickets will also be sold during student lunches on
Thursday and Friday.
Last Game: 10/29/10 Cathedral vs. Northwest in Sectional 14.
Recap: The Irish defeated Indianapolis Broad Ripple 78-14. Cam Nelson returned the opening kickoff for a touchdown
and the Irish coasted from there for a 78-14 victory over Indianapolis Northwest, who only dressed 17 players for the
game played at Tech High School. Tech will also be the site for next week's sectional 14 championship game against the
Roncalli Rebels.
Overall Record:8-3
State Ranking: 6th in the coaches poll, 7th in the AP poll.
Boys Swimming and Diving begins on Monday 11/8/2010
Monday/Thursday 4:00 – 4:45 PM Dryland in the weight room of Welch Activity
Monday-Thursday 5:15 – 7:00 PM Swim @ the Nat
Saturdays 7:30 – 9:30 AM @ Ben Harrison YMCA
Morning Practices by assignment: Tuesday/Thursday 5:30 – 6:45 AM.
Please contact Paula Meyer, Head Coach with questions.
Cell: 317-525-3761
Men’s Volleyball Open gym time change: New time is 4:00 to 6:00 Sundays
Last Game: 10/26/10 Cathedral vs Muncie Central for the Regional Championship played at the WAC. Season complete
Recap: The Irish lost to 3rd ranked Muncie Central by the scores of 20-25, 25-18, 25-19, 24-26. 15-9. In a great match
played before a enthusiastic crowd in the WAC the Irish staged a rally in the 4th set for the ages. The Irish trailed by the
score of 24-19 and staved off 5 match points and scored 7 in a row in all to win set four and take the Regional
Championship match on to the 5th and deciding set. The Irish couldn't keep the momentum and lost by the 15-9 final set
Overall Record: 25-12
State Ranking: 10th
Boys Soccer
Last Game: 10/30/10 Cathedral vs Warsaw in the state semifinal. Cathedral vs Lake Central in the state championship
game. Season complete
Recap: Cathedral 2 Warsaw 0. The Irish defeated Warsaw 2-0. In the state championship game, Lake Central defeated
the Irish 2-0 on 2 early first half goals.
Overall Record: 20-4-1
State Ranking: 6th
Girls Soccer
Last Game: 10/30/10 Cathedral vs South Bend St. Joe in the state semifinal.
Recap: The defending state champion Irish dominated the game but lost to the Indians 1-0.
Overall Record: 16-4-4
State Ranking: 7th
Student-Athlete Tip of the Week (11-1-10) - Property of Billy Shepherd Sports Inc. and provided by the NFHS
How difficult is it for a team to stay highly ranked in their conference, district, or state? Let's be honest, it is very
 You need to look no further than college football the past three weeks where the number one team in the
nation lost each week.
 When you play on a top ranked team be prepared to take your opponent's "best shot" in every game you play.
Getting to the top is a long and tough journey. Staying there can be even tougher!
For more on the student-athlete go to and
Smart Quote: Be the change you want to see. - Gandhi
Prayers are requested:
 For the unemployed and under-employed;
 For the repose of the soul of Beverly Livers of Evansville, IN., sister of Mrs. Crystal-Livers, and the aunt of Peyton
Powers, ’13 ~ may she rest in peace; (11/3).
 For the repose of the soul of John C. Rosner ’53 ~ may he rest in peace; (11/3)
 For the repose of the soul of Barney Ausenbaugh , father of M. Douglas Ausenbaugh (CHS grandparent) and
grandfather of Douglas W. Ausenbaugh (Jo) CHS parents and staff member (Jo), and great-grandfather of CDT Lt.
Douglas J. Ausenbaugh ’07, Elyse Ausenbaugh ’10 and Meredith Ausenbaugh ’12 ~ may she rest in peace; (11/3)
 For healing for Kari Doctor, sister-in-law of Coach Mark Doctor, who is fighting liver cancer; (10/26)
 For healing for Karen Gilmore, mother-in-law of teacher Dawn Gilmore, who is facing her second battle with breast
cancer; (10/25)
 For the repose of the soul of William "Bill" Joseph Gavaghan, a great educator and strong Catholic presence in the
MSD of Lawrence ~ may he rest in peace; (10/25)
 For the repose of the soul of Joyce Petruzzi, grandmother of Mike, Nick (’11) and Cynthia (’03) Petruzzi ~ may she
rest in peace; (10/25)
 For Betty Sullivan, wife of Hugh Sullivan, CHS Board Member, who is hospitalized with kidney infection and other
medical concerns; (10/21)
 For Lana Bates, aunt of Collin Bates (’11), who is undergoing experimental cancer treatment; (10/21)
 For the repose of the soul of Jackie Echelbarger, relative of teacher Marianne Echelbarger, who has gone home to
God; (10/16)
 For the repose of the soul of Peggy Scott Bradford, grandmother of Paige (‘11) & Alec (‘13) Bradford ~ may she rest
in peace; (10/11)
 For recovery and positive results from a recent FDA approved Infusion for the treatment of Cancer for Jack Early,
grandfather or "Papaw" of Jack Fleck ('12), Mary (’09), and Colin FLeck (’07); (10/7)
 For the repose of the soul of James L. Schutte, Sr. (’37), father of James L. Schmutte, Jr. (’64), grandfather of Peter
Schmutte (’66), Teresa Schmutte Tuttle (’77), and Peter Schmutte (’94) ~ may he rest in peace; (10/6)
 For recovery and healing for Jack Watson (’65), who is recovering from open heart surgery. He is the husband of
teacher Susie Watson and father of Tina Scheu (’92), John (’93), Sarah (’97), and Eileen Watson (’99); (10-6)
 For strength and healing for Paul B. Kernel (’48), who has been having radiation and chemotherapy for colorectal,
lung and prostate cancer; also, his classmates ask that you send him an email at to help with a
pick-up of his spirits; (10/4)
 For the repose of the soul of Joseph Mattingly (’48) ~ may he rest in peace; (9/29)
 For the repose of the soul of Romeo Joson (’55), grandfather of Malcolm Herbert (’11) ~ may he rest in peace;
 For the repose of R. Neal Bauer, Class of 1955 ~ may he rest in peace; (9/28)
 For Grechen Echelbarger, daughter of teacher Marianne Echelbarger, recovery from a staph infection; (9/22)
 For the repose of the soul of Adolph Chrapla, parent of Michael Chrapla ’67, Andrew Chrapla ’69, Margaret Chrapla
SAA ’64, and Ann Long, SAA ’62, brother-in-law of Carolyn Welch, and uncle of Bob Welch ’84, Beth Welch ’90 and
Maura Welch Abernethy ’78 ~ may he rest in peace; (9/22)
 For the repose of the soul of Jack B. Fagan, father of Daniel Fagan ’70 and grandfather of Kevin Fagan ’06 ~ may he
rest in peace; (9/22)
 For the repose of the soul of Marilyn Henderson, grandmother of Erica Tuttle ’10 ~ may she rest in peace; (9/22)
 For healing for Josh Fry (’14), recently diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma; (9/20)
 For healing for Gavin Campbell, 2-year old nephew of Campus Ministry Assistant Sarah Erotas, who is hospitalized
with a brain trauma; (9/20)
 For the following people who are fighting cancer:
 For healing for Caroline Jaskoski, wife of College Advisor Mike Jaskoski, fighting cancer;
 For Denny Hoff, a friend of Mr. Worland’s, who continues his fight with cancer;
 For Matt Luedeman (’07), continuing to fight cancer;
 For healing for Bob Matthews (‘63) who is battling cancer, husband of Jenny Matthews (former ShamrAuction
director), and father of Christy (’91), Tracy (’94) and Amanda (’00);
 For a return to good health for Andra Ignas, struggling with breast cancer and mother of
daughters Brittany (12), Amanda (10) and Hannah (9th at North Central H.S.) and husband,
 For healing for Kathy Miller, fighting breast cancer, and mother of John (’06) Miller;
 For a return to health for Tracy Mirro, sister of one of our faculty members, fighting
 For healing for Cynthia Forgey, mother of Jennifer Jarrett (’94), who has ovarian cancer;
 For those who serve our country:
 For Justin Mason (’05), USAF Academy graduate, is stationed at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio;
 For Douglas Ausenbaugh ('07) who is in his senior year at the United States Military Academy in West Point,
New York;
 For Daniel Laskowski, father of Natalie (’13), who is in the Air Force and has been deployed at this time;
 For Marco Caress (’09), who is in his 2nd year at West Point Military Academy;
 For Katie Wacker (’10), who is a plebe at West Point Military Academy;
 For Craig Thedwall (’99), going to Guam in October as part of the Navy Jag Corp unit for a three year stint. His
wife Heidi Zawadzki Thedwall, (’99) and their new son, Malachy, will be along for this deployment;
 For Daniel Hess ('07) who is in his senior year at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs,
Colorado; (8/12)
 For Pvt. Erik Goertemiller (’06), currently in basic training at Ft. Benning Georgia with the US Army;
 Please continue to pray for all of our soldiers, deployed or at home;
 and for all who protect us – soldiers, sailors, firefighters, police forces, and parents.
Meditation: Philippians 2:12-18
“Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. For God is the one who … works in you both to desire and to
work.” (Philippians 2:12-13)
That’s quite a mouthful, isn’t it? And at first blush, it appears that Paul is saying two opposite things. Are we supposed to
work out our salvation on our own? Or does God do all the work in us while we simply sit back and relax? As with so
many other truths of the faith, the answer lies in the middle: Only through a combination of our hard work and God’s
sovereign grace will we be able to grow up into Christ.
At the heart of the gospel message is the wonderful truth that Jesus has redeemed us from sin and death. Our
redemption is an act of immense mercy on his part, something we could never achieve on our own. But now that we
have been redeemed, God calls us to work with his grace so that we can continue to grow into the salvation he has won
for us.
St. Augustine once wrote: “We also work, but we are only collaborating with God who works, for his mercy has gone
before us. It has gone before us so that we may be healed, and follows us so that once healed, we may be given life; it
goes before us so that we may be called, and follows us so that we may be glorified; it goes before us so that we may
live devoutly, and follows us so that we may always live with God: for without him we can do nothing.”
Think of it as a kind of dance with the divine. Every dance starts with a first step, and as God offers us his outstretched
hand, we—clumsily at first but then more fluidly—lean into his strength and follow his lead. As we take up the challenge
of saying no to our fallen nature and saying yes to his will, he multiplies the fruit of our efforts. Our fear of falling out of
step with him spurs us on in faith as we become more and more confident in him. So let’s joyfully cooperate with God
every day, so that together with him we can create a beautiful work of art that glorifies him and his love.
“Jesus, take my hand and lead me today.”
Cathedral High School