Report of Second Transnational Project Meeting, Buzau

KEY Action 2
Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Strategic Partnerships for school education
Project name: BEST “Be a European School teacher”
Project Partners:
(Coordinator) Döşemealtı Halil Akyüz Anaotlian High School Antalya - TURKEY
Zasadnicza Szkoła Zawodowa
Pleszew - POLAND
Liceul Teoretic "Duiliu Zamfirescu"
Odobesti - ROMANIA
Comprensivo Galilei
Toscana - ITALY
Liceul Tehnologic Costin Nenitescu
Project Main Aim: Creating best models in School & Classroom Management, dealing with
the problems of the students and teaching of “foreign languages, mother tounge, sciences,
mathematics, social sciences, artistic education, art crafts&music, ethics and religious,
physichal education and sport, culture and tradition”
2nd Transnational Project Meeting -
Buzau (Romania)
16-17.09. 2015
Pre-Meeting activities:
All partner organisations were informed about the tasks to be discussed during the
mobility by the coordinator and they were asked to get ready for a useful meeting.
The main tasks to be discussed during the mobility were; the evaluation of the first
year of the project, discussions on progress reports and helping partners not submitting
reports yet, discussions on mobility to Antalya and other activities to be performed soon,
evaluation of dissemination activities and also discussions on e-book, facebook group and
All partners were given information about accommodation and transportation by the
host school. Then, a detailed meeting programme was sent to them. Invitation letters were
sent on the name of each participants. The host organisation always helped to other
partners. The host organisation did a very good job and helped a lot during this period. The
staff of the host organisation were all perfect in hospitality, they welcomed each group at
the airport and guided and helped them during transportation to Buzau.
Mobility Activities:
Because the host organisation is a bit far from the hotel, the contact persons and
several teachers of the host school took the participants from their hotels to the school
every morning. It was very kind of them.
On the first day, all the participants were introduced with the school manager and
other school staff. Luckily, the host school had an inspection by local authorities, the
participants had a chance to chat with the authorities and shared ideas. It was really a
useful conversation for all parts. After this conversation, all the participants had a tour
around the school. They entered to the classes, laboratuaries, canteen, meeting hall etc..
They met and talked with the teachers and students. Then, we started our Project
workshops. During the meeting, firstly, participants told their thoughts about all the
activities briefly. All participants noted down all kinds of ideas, critics, suggestions etc. Then
after lunch break, we talked about the works performed until that time in our schools.
Participants also expressed their ideas about the works they observed in other partner
schools during mobilities, meetings or on the activities they saw on facebook group or website. All groups gave some information about what kind of activities they did in their school
until that time, or, how they performed the activities. We discussed the good and bad parts
of the acitvities and made some sugestions about them for the next activities. And, for the
late afternoon, to have some relax, we had a short city tour and chatted together in diffrent
On the second day, we mostly discussed on the dissemination activities. All partners
gave some information about what kind of activities they are performing to disseminate our
project activities and gains. It has been understood that mostly similiar activities are being
performed to disseminate. In this matter, It was stated that visiting other schools or inviting
other schools to our schools and giving them information about our Project and Project
activities would be very useful and also a neccessity to disseminate. Also, the web-site,, of the Project was evaluated deeply in all languages. And,
Discussions were performed on web-site and facebook group. It was agreed that to make
newcomers to our schools be aware of the Project, we should perform some special
activities and also inform them regularly. We checked draft e-books prepared by each
organisation and we discussed on it. The sample from Buzau group was liked by all other
groups and it is agreed that that sample can be used by doing some small improvements by
all groups. A to do list was prepared after discussions and we planned our next activities in
detail. After lunch, we had some evaluation papers and filled in them and we expressed our
thoughts about the meeting. We evaluated the meeting in detail. Then we had a short tour
to explore surrondings together and finished the meeting.
The preparation of the meeting from beginning to the end was perfect and even the papers
used in our meeting were specially created. The members of the Project team and some
oter teachers in host school were always together with us during all activities and they
behaved as a single body. We could understand that all parts of the school were happy to
be a part of this Project.
Post Meeting Activities;
When all the participants turned their schools back. They had meetings with other
school staff and project teams, they shared their experiences and they gave information
about the Project and the decisions made during the meeting. They shared their thoughts
and memories on our facebook group and in school environment.
I feel myself obliged to thank especially to the manager of the host school Mr. Manta
Constantin, the contact persons of the host school Tony Nicolea, Andreea Filipuoi and all
other school staff for their kindness, hospitality and effort.
Best Regards
Eng. Teacher, D. H. A. A. L
Contact person of Project “BEST”