This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. TECHNICAL COLLEGE BUZAU, ROMANIA COMENIUS MULTILATERAL PARTNERSHIP LIFE-GIVING WATER Optional course: “Research for interdisciplinary approach of the aquatic ecosystems“ Ninth graders Presentation of optional course content 1. Identifying simple problems - Characterize and recognize aquatic ecosystems 1.1.The classification of aquatic ecosystems characteristic for Romania 1.2.The rivers ecosystems 1.3. The lakes ecosystems 1.4. The ponds and marshes ecosystems 1.5.The Black Sea ecosystem 1.6. Artificial aquatic ecosystem - aquarium 2. Forming and implementing a plan to solve – Observation and measurements of the characteristics of aquatic ecosystems biotopes 2.1. Setting abiotic factors of rivers and lakes 2.2. The characterization of biocenosis rivers and lakes 2.3. Making an aquarium 3. Checking the results - Achieving the observation and measurements on an ecosystem biotopes proposed for research 3.1. Interdisciplinary research of a local aquatic ecosystem 3.2. Determining the impact human-nature 3.3. Establishing rules for eco-responsible behavior towards water resources Characterization of the ecosystem - Buzau River Buzău River - important tributary stream of the Siret River, is located in the south-east of the Carpathians, the Carpathian area and an area in northeastern Romanian Plain. Total area - 5264 km2 Organizing of the seminar on the subject of "Water quality monitoring Buzau River" presented by Ms. Sena Şoaită , biologist from Buzau Basin Administration Observation and measurements 3 water samples were taken from Buzau river , respectively from the following areas: Paltineni- the mountains Magura - the hill Vadu Pasii - the plain, Qualitative observation were made on water color and turbidity by comparing the color of analyzed water with the color of distilled water Water color and turbidity – Buzau water is colorless and clear Determination of water pH indicator paper Merck and pH meter = 6.5-7 Determination of conductivity PALTINENI MAGURA VADU PASII Determination of iron and nitrate with colorimetric method - iron and nitrate = 0 Determination of hardness PALTINENI – DT = 162 mg/l CaCO3 Determination of sulfite Determination of sulfite PALTINENI – 5 mg/l Na2SO3 Determination of alkalinity PALTINENI – total alkalinity = 132 mg/l CaCO3 The Helesteu Lake in Crang Park The Crang Park is the largest and most important park in Buzau. It is located on the western edge of the city and occupies an area of about 10 hectares. This area is part of a 189 ha of forest, the forest Crâng with mainly broad-leaved trees, with few conifers. It is known primarily for secular oaks. In the park were also planted some specimens of trees from other regions. The Helesteu Lake was arranged to set the park for boating. Water is brought from Buzau River. The lake is the seat of aquatic plants or green algae, including a plant popularly known as “little fir tree”. We have taken samples of the water and we determined the pH and water temperature. Identification of algae Bradulet (little fir tree) Organised visits to specific companies There were organized visits to the Buzau Water Company, to Water Supply Stations, Crang and Dragaica; Visit to the water company, Buzau - WWTP and the wastewater analysis laboratory; Visit to Water Company SA Buzau Ninth grade students and XIIth graders from natural resources and environmental protection profile, visited The Water Company, the drinking water distribution station Buzau, at Dragaica Drinking water distribution station Dragaica Water flow control by computer Drinking water distribution pumps Chlorine dosage point, required in order to make water drinkable by disinfection Chlorine dosing control Visit to Water Company SA Buzau - Crang station Ninth graders visit the water castles in CRANG The Underground Catch basins Trap Visiting and Control of Underground basin POINT OF CONTROL BASED ON SOFT CONTROL AND MONITORING THE CRANG WATER SOURCE Working station for dosing of chlorine in the water Automatic dosing chlorine station Chlorine tanks - Determination of residual chlorine It is made with ortotolidina solution and comparing the color obtained with a standard scale WATER COMPANY WWTP Buzau Water purging Purging – is a complex process of retention and neutralization of pollutants, dissolved or colloidal matter, present in industrial wastewater or household purposes spill into the environment without affecting the flora or fauna, in our case Buzau River water. Wastewater is treated in wastewater treatment plants by means of physical chemical neutralization retention and sedimentation, neutralization, precipitation, coagulation, flocculation, absorption on activated carbon, ion exchange and biological means using microorganisms. Laboratory Water purification was monitored by measurements before and after entering the treatment plant. In laboratories station to determine: - Nitrogen met as free ammonia, organic nitrogen, nitrates and nitrites; - Microorganisms that require disinfecting water leaving the treatment plant. Determination of nitrogen compounds in water Thank you for your attention Students of Ninth graders IX E and IX F, coordinated by teachers Daniela Moise , Marieta Emilian and Magdalena Coman