The Many Names of the Ocean • The Antarctic, Arctic, Atlantic, Indian and the Pacific oceans OR • The Black, Caspian and World Oceans (world ocean separated into five better known oceans) Need-to-know Facts • In total the oceans cover about 71% of the Earth’s surface. • The world’s oceans hold 97% of the world’s water. Another 1% is freshwater and the other 2-3% is stuck in glaciers and icebergs. • At the deepest point in the ocean the pressure is 8 tons per sq. in. which is equal to a man trying to carry 50 jumbo jets! • The Ocean is the largest known space in our universe to have 99% life • Humans have invented ways to travel underwater for more then just holding your breath; from the S.C.U.B.A suit to the remotecontrolled bathyscaph that is capable of diving to depths of over 35,000 ft! Topography facts • Two hundred million years of recorded geologic and • • • biologic history of the Earth are found in the ocean’s floor or sediment By studying that sediment scientists can learn about ancient climate, how it changed over the years and how to better predict our future If you sucked up all the water in the ocean the bottom would look a little like the surface of the Moon The world’s longest mountain range is the MidOcean Ridge which is four times longer then the Andes, Rockies and the Himalayas combined!!! Topography facts • If all the oceans in the world were dried up, the • • • remaining salt would cover all the continents to a depth of 500 feet If Hawaii’s Mauna Kea were to be measured from it’s base under water it would be taller than Mt. Everest! Canada has the longest coastline of any country with a coastline of 56,453 miles, about fifteen percent of the worlds 372,384 miles of coastline. The Antarctic ice sheet is twice the size of the U.S. The Seven Seas The Medieval Europeans often referred to the seven seas, those seas meant these bodies of water: •Persian/Arabian Gulf •The Black Sea •The Caspian Sea •The Red Sea •The Mediterranean Sea •The Adriatic Sea •The Arabian Sea The Antarctic Ocean • The Antarctic Ocean combines the • • southernmost parts of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans Due to the West Wind Drift the Antarctic Ocean is constantly in an eastward current It is the fourth largest ocean in the world with an area of approximately 7,848,000 sq. mi. The Arctic Ocean • The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean in the • • • world with an area of 5,541,000 sq. mi. It is also the shallowest ocean with its deepest point being the Eurasian Basin at a depth of 17,900 ft. The surface is mostly covered with ice year round and the cold air in the Arctic moves towards the equator There is lots of marine life towards the southern parts of the Arctic Ocean The Atlantic Ocean • The Atlantic Ocean is the world’s second • • largest ocean with an area of about 31,800,000 sq. mi. At its deepest point it is 28,232 ft. deep It is also the choppiest ocean in the world The Indian Ocean • The Indian Ocean is bordered by Africa, • • Asia, Indonesia, and Australia It is the third largest ocean in the world with an area of 28,400,000 sq. mi. and the warmest ocean It is an important transit route between Asia and Africa The Pacific Ocean • The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean at 65.3 • • • million sq. mi. in area and covers more of Earth than all the land masses combined! It is also the deepest ocean and holds the deepest place on Earth, the Mariana Trench, at about 35,800 ft. deep!! The Pacific is shrinking in size due to the fact that North & South America are moving towards Asia, also causing the Atlantic to become bigger Although the name may mean peaceful, it really can be violent, with cyclones, volcanic eruptions, & destructive tsunamis Facts About Currents • The Gulf Stream is the current that brings us • warm weather Even though some currents move fast it takes 1,000 or more years for one drop of water to travel through the world’s oceans! Animal Related Facts • Hard-shelled algae remains are used to make pet • • • • litter, cosmetics, pool filters and tooth polish Coral has been used to replace bone grafts Fish is the biggest source of wild or domestic protein in the world A mineral in kelp is used in lipstick, toothpaste, dyes and ice creams One study showed that a cruise ship’s anchor that had been left in a coral reef destroyed half a football fields worth of reef Fun Facts • If all the oceans gold were mined each person in • • • the world would get 9 pounds of gold! There are many myths and legends relating to the ocean, some of the most famous ones are about the Bermuda Triangle, Moby Dick, Atlantis and the Kraken The world’s highest tides are in Canada’s Bay of Fundy; the difference between tides is 53’ 6” as tall as a five story building!! The world’s tallest iceberg was measured of the west coast of Greenland at 550 ft tall Fun Facts • The Moon and Pacific Ocean have the same volume • The largest known area of active volcanoes in the • • world is on the sea floor of the south Pacific. The area is the size of New York State and it holds 1,133 volcanic cones and sea mounts. Two or three could erupt at any moment! The largest recorded tsunami was 210 ft high. The top 10 ft. of ocean hold the same thermal energy as exists in the entire atmosphere. I hope you know more about the oceans!!!! Bibliography Websites: an TML/education_oceanographic_facts.html TML/oceanography_currents_1.html Books: Kids Discover: Oceans