Section 12 Etiology and Oncogenesis of Tumors Normal cell Acquired (environmental) DNA damaging agents: Chemicals Radiation viruses Successful DNA repair DNA Damage Failure of DNA repair Inherited mutations in: Genes affecting DNA Mutations in the genome repair of somatic cells Activation of growthpromoting oncogenes Alterations of genes that regulate apoptosis Inactivation of cancer suppressor genes Expression of altered gene products and loss of regulatory gene products Clonal expansion Additional mutations (progression) Quoted from Robbins 《 Pathology Basis of disease》 Heterogeneity Malignant neoplasm 1. Molecular Basis of Tumor Nonlethal genetic damage lies at the core of carcinogenesis Four classes of regulatory genes, protooncogene, cancer suppressor gene, regulated apoptosis gene, and DNA repair gene, are the principal targets of genetic damage. Carcinogenesis is a multistep process at both the phenotypic and genetic levels. (1) Oncogenes and cancer ① Protein products of oncogenes a. Growth factors b. Growth factors receptors c. Signal transducing proteins d. Nuclear transcription proteins e. Cyclones and cyclic-dependent kinases ② Activation of oncogenes a. Point mutations b. Chromosome rearrangements Translocations Inversions C. amplification (Quoted from Robbins 《 Pathology Basis of disease》) (Quoted from Robbins (quoted from Robbins Basic Pathology, 2003) Table Selected oncogenes their mode of activation and associated human tumors Category Growth Factors PDGF-β chain Fibroblast growth factors Protooncogene Mechanism Associated Human Tumor Sis Overexpression Hst-1 Int-2 Overexpression Amplification Astrocytoma Osteosarcoma Stomach cancer Bladder cancer Breast cancer Melanoma Category Protooncogene Mechanism Growth factor Receptors EGF-receptor family Erb-B1 erb-B2 erb-B3 fms ret* CSF-1 receptor Overexpression Amplification Overexpression Point mutation Point mutation Rearrangement Associated Human Tumor Squamous cell carcinomas of lung Breast, ovarian, lung, and stomach cancers Breast cancers Leukemia Multiple endocrine neoplasia 2A and B. Familial medullary thyroid carcinoma Sporadic papillary carcinomas of thyroid Proteins involved in signal transduction GTP-binding ras Point mutations A variey of human cancers, including lung, colon, pancreas; many leukemias Category Nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Protooncogene Mechanism abl Associated Human Tumor Translocation Chronic myeloid leukemia Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Myc N-myc Translocation Amplification L-myc Amplification Burkitt lymphoma Neuroblastoma Small cell carcinoma of lung Small cell carcinoma of lung Nuclear regulatory proteins Transcriptional activators Category Protooncogene Mechanism Associated Human Tumor Cell cycle regulators Cyclins Cyclin-dependent kinase Cyclin D CDK4 Translocation Amplification Amplification point mutation Mantle cell lymphoma Breast, liver, or esophageal cancers Glioblastoma, melanoma, sarcoma PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; EGF, epidermal growth factor; CSF, colony-stimulating factor; GTP, guanosine triphosphate. * ret protooncogene is a receptor for glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor. 编码的蛋白质 生长因子: PDGF-β链 FGF 几种常见的癌基因及其激活方式和相关的人类肿瘤 原癌基因 激活机制 sis 过度表达 HST-1 过度表达 INT-2 扩增 TGF-α TGF-α 过度表达 HGF HGF 过度表达 生长因子受体: EGF受体家族 erb-B1(ECFR) 过度表达 erb-B2 扩增 CSF-1受体 FMS 点突变 神经营养因子受体 RET 点突变 PDGF受体 PDGF-R 干细胞因子受体 KIT 信号转导蛋白: GTP结合蛋白 K-RAS H-RAS N-RAS 非受体酪氨酸激酶 ABL RAS信号转导 BRAF WNT信号转导 β-catenin 核调节蛋白: 转录激活蛋白 C-MYC N-MYC L-MYC 细胞周期调节素: 细胞周期素 Cyclin D Cyclin E 周期素依赖激酶 CDK4 过度表达 点突变 点突变 点突变 点突变 易位 点突变 点突变 过度表达 易位 扩增 扩增 易位 扩增 过度表达 扩增或点突变 (引自Robbin Pathologic Basis of Disease,2005) 相关人类肿瘤 星形细胞瘤、骨肉瘤 胃癌 膀胱癌、乳腺癌、黑色素瘤 星形细胞瘤、肝细胞癌 甲状腺癌 肺鳞癌、神经胶质瘤 乳腺癌、卵巢癌 白血病 多发性内分泌瘤病2A和B, 家族性甲状腺髓样癌 神经胶质瘤 胃肠间质细胞瘤、其它软组织肿瘤 结肠、肺、胰腺肿瘤 膀胱与肾肿瘤 黑色素瘤、多种造血系统恶性肿瘤 慢性髓性白血病、急性淋巴母细胞性白血病 黑色素瘤 肝母细胞瘤、肝细胞癌 伯基特淋巴瘤 神经母细胞瘤、小细胞肺癌 小细胞肺癌 套细胞淋巴瘤 乳腺癌、食管癌 乳腺癌 胶质母细胞瘤、黑色素瘤、肉瘤 (2) Cancer suppressor genes ① Molecules that regulated nuclear transcription and cell cycle Rb gene: 13q14, G1 × S P53 gene: 17p13.1, related to 50% of human tumors BRCA- l gene: 17q12-21, BRCA-2 gene: 13q12-13 ② Molecules that regulated signal transduction NF-1 gene: 17q11.2 APC gene: 5q21 ③ Cell surface receptors SMAD2 gene: SMAD4 gene: DCC gene: 18q21 ④ Other tumor suppressor genes NF- 2 gene VHL gene: 3p PTEN gene: 10q23, WT- 1 gene: 11p13 (Quoted from Robbins 《 Pathology Basis of disease》) Selected tumor- suppressor genes involved in human neoplasms Subcellular location Cell surface Gene TGF-β receptor E-cadherin Function Growth inhibition Cell adhesion Tumors associated with somatic mutations Tumors associated with inherited mutations Carcinomas of Unknown colon Familial gastric Carcinoma of cancer stomach, breast Under plasma NF- 1 membrane Inhibition of ras Schwannomas signal transduction Neurofibromatosi s type Ⅰ and sarcomas Cytoskeleton Unknown Neurofibromato sis type Ⅱ; acoustic schwannomas and meningiomas NF- 2 Schwannomas and meningiomas Subcellular location Cttisik Gene APC Function Inhibition signal transduction Tumors associated with somatic mutations Tumors associated with inherited mutations of Carcinomas of Familial stomach, colon, adenomatous pancreas; polyposis coli; melanoma colon cancer Nucleus Rb Regulation of cell Retinoblastoma; Retinoblastomas, cycle osteosarcoma; osteosaroma carcinomas of breast, colon, lung P53 Regulation of cell Most cycle and cancers apoptosis in response to DNA damage human LiFraumeni syndrome; multiple carcinomas and sarcomas Subcellular location Gene WT-1 Function Nuclear transcription Tumors associated with somatic mutations Wukns tynir Tumors associated with inherited mutations Wilms tumor P16 (INK4a) Regulation of cell Pancreatic, cycle by inhibiting esophageal cyclindependent cancers kinases Malignant melanoma BRCA- 1 DNA repair Carcinomas of female breast and ovary BRCA-2 DNA repair Carcinomas of male and female breast (3) Genes that regulate apoptosis Inhibit apoptosis: bc1- 2 gene (18q21), bc1-Xl Favor apoptosis: bax, bad, bc1-xS (Quoted from Robbins 《 Pathology Basis of disease》) (4) Genes that regulate DNA repair Humans literally swim in a sea of environmental carcinogens. Although exposure to naturally occurring DNAdamaging agents, such as ionizing radiation, sunlight, and dietary carcinogens, is common, cancer is a relatively rare outcome of such encounters. This happy state of affairs results from the ability of normal cells to repair DNA damages and thus prevent mutations in genes that regulate cell growth and apoptosis. In addition to possible DNA damage from environmental agents, the DNA of normal dividing cells is also susceptible to alterations resulting from errors that occur spontaneously during DNA replication. Such mistakes, if not repaired promptly, can also push the cells along the slippery sloe of neoplastic transformation. The importance of DNA repair in maintaining the integrity of the genome is highlighted by several inherited disorders in which genes that encode proteins involved in DNA repair are defective. Those born with such inherited mutations of DNA repair proteins are at a greatly increased risk of developing cancer. Several examples are discussed next. (5) Telomere and tumor telomerase activity increased in majority of human tumors. (Quoted from Robbins《 Pathology Basis of disease》) (6) Molecular Basis of Multistep Carcinogenesis 2. Carcinogenic agents A large number of agents cause genetic damage and inchece neoplastic transformation of cells (1) Chemical carcinogens Chemical carcinogenesis is also a multistep process. ① Inition of carcinogensis Chemical carcinogens are diverse in structure, but they fall into one of two categories: a. Direct-acting chemical carcinogenes b. Indirect-acting chemical carcinogens (procarcinogenes), Which require metabolic conversion in vivo to produce. Ultimate carcinogens capable of transforming cells. Both of them are highly reactive electrophiles that can react with nucleophilic (electron-rich) sites in the cells. These reactions are nonenzymatic and result in the formation of covalent adducts between the chemical carcinogen and nucleotide in DNA. The carcinogenic potency of a chemical is determined not only by the inherent reactivity of its electrophilic derivative, but also by the balance between metabolic activation and inactivation reactions. If initiation occurs, carcinogen-altered cells could be heritable. ② Promotion of carcinogenesis Promoters earn induce tumors in initiated cells, but they are nontumorigenic by them selves. Prompters render cells susceptible to additional mutations by causing cellular proliferation. CARCINOGEN Metabolic activation Excreti Electrophilic intermediates DNA INITIATION Binding to DNA: Adduct formation Permanent DNA lesion: Initiated cell repair Normal cell Cell death Cell proliferaion: Altered differentiation PROMOTION PRENEOPLASTIC CLONE Proliferation Additional mutations MALIGNANT NEOPLASM (Quoted from Robbins 《 Pathology Basis of disease》) Major Chemical carcinogens ① Direct acing alkylating agents(烷化剂) a. In general they are weak carcinogens. But they are important because many of them are anticancer drugs. b. e. g. Cyclophosphamide( 环 磷 酰 胺 ), Chlorambucil, busulfan, melphalan. c. Induce: lymphoid neoplasms, leukemia ② Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (多环芳烃) a. The most potent carcinogens. b. Require metabolic activation c. Can induce tumors in a wide variety of tissues and species. ③ Aromatic amines(芳族胺) and azo dyes a. Mainly in liver b. Can induce hepatocellular carcinomas and bladder cancer ④ Naturally occurring carcinogens Aflatixi(黄曲霉毒素)B1 and HBV related to hepatocellular carcinoma ⑤ Nitrosamine(亚硝胺) and amides Related to gastric carcinoma ⑥ Miscellaneous agents a. Asbestos associated with increased incidence of bronchogenic carcinomas, mesotheliomas, gastrointestinal cancers b. Chromium, nickel, and other metals, when volatilized and inhaled, have caused lung cancer c. Arsenic associated with skin cancer ⑦ Promoters of chemical carcinogenesis a. Hormones: e. g. estrogens as promotes of liver tamers, postmenopausal endometrial carcinoma b. Bile salts: high levels of dietary fat associated with increased risk of colon cancer that may be related to more bile acids. (2) Radiation carcinogenesis ① UV light is clearly implicated in causation of skin cancers; Ionizing radiations, atomic bomb have produced a variety of forms of malignant neoplastic, especially in leukemia lymphoma, thyroid cancers ② Radiation may inhibited cell division, inactive enzymes, induce mutations. (3) Viral carcinogens ① RNA oncogenic viruses a. Acute transforming viruses Which containing viral oncogene (src, abl, myb) may directly trans form human oncogenes b. Slow transforming viruses Which not containing viral oncogene may insert the sites that nearby human oncogene and make them overdressed now only human fell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is firmly implicated in the causation of human caner ② DNA oncogenic viruses Transforming DNA viruses form stable association with the host cell genome and are important for cell transformation. a. Human papillomavirus (HPV) HPV-1, 2, 4, 7 can cause benign squamous papillomas in human; HPV-16, 18 are found in approximately 85% of severe squamous dysplasias, carcinoma in situ, and invasine squamous cell can cars. E6, E7 proteins of HPV-16, 18 E6 protein can degrade the P53 gene product ; E7 protein may bind to the underphosphorylated form of the tumorsuppressor protein PRb. b. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) EBV has been implicated in pathogenesis of four human Tumors: Burkitt lymphoma, B-cell lymphoma, Hodgken disease and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. c. Hepatitis β virus (HBV) Epidemiologic studies strongly suggest a close association between HBV infection and the occurrence of liver cancer. 3. Influence factors of oncogenesis and development (1) Heredity factors ① Autosomal dominant inherited cancer syndromes Familial retinoblastoma Familial adenomatous polyps of the colon Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes Neurofibromatosis types 1 and 2 Von Hipped- Lindace syndrome(cerebellar hemengioblastomas, retinal angiomas, epididymal tumors) ② Familial cancers Breast cancer, ovarian cancer Colon cancer other than familial adenomatous polyps They are associated with specific marker phenotype. Some of them may be linked to the inheritance of mutant genes. ③ Autosomal recessive syndromes of defective DNA repair gene xeroderma pigmentosum: 着色性干皮病 易发基底细胞 癌,鳞状细胞癌,黑色素溜 Ataxia-telangiectasia:毛细管扩张共济失调,易发白血病, 淋巴瘤 Bloom syndrome:先天性脸部血管扩张性红斑,身材矮 小发育不良。隐性遗传,异常基因位於 15q26.1. 易发 白血病,恶性肿瘤 Fanconi anemia:一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传性血液 系统疾病,属于先天性再障 (2) Host defense against tumors- Tumor immunity ① Tumor antigen a. Tumor- specific antigen (TSA) b. Tumor- associated antigen (TAA) Embryonic antigens: e. g. AFP, CEA Differentiation antigens: CD10 Tissue-specific antigens: e. g. tyrosinase Antigens resulting from mutations: e. g. mutatead P53, K-ras, CDK4 Overexpressed antigens: e. g, c-erbB2 protein Viral antigens: e. g. E7 ② Antitumor effector mechanisms Both cell-mediated and humoral immunity can have antitumor activity. a. Major immune antitumor cells: Cytotoxic T lymphocytes Natural killer cells Macrophages b. Immunosurveillance The tumor cells have developed mechanisms to escape from the immune system in hosts. Selective outgrowth of antigen-negative variants Loss or reduced expression of histocompatibility antigens Lack of costimulation Immunosuppression Apoptosis of cytotoxic T cells. (3) The Others ① Endocrine ② Sex ③ Age ④ Ethnic ⑤ Geography