PROGRAMA ANALÍTICO FACULTAD DE MARKETING Y COMUNICACIÓN SUBJECT STRATEGIC MARKETING CODE MKT 415 4 CREDITS PREREQUISITE MKT 260 ACADEMIC PERIOD 2014 CLASS HOURS 64 HOURS 1. DESCRIPTION We are living a marketing revolution regarding the traditional commerce and distribution systems in which Strategic Marketing presents itself as a new methodological and instrumental support to provide the student, future entrepreneur, with tools and practical guidelines to develop and expand an organization. The subject has the aim to comprehend the integral process of marketing from a long-term perspective, and to guarantee the continuity of the organization, products and brands in the market. 2. OBJECTIVES General The main objectives is to provide the student with a set of practical knowledge from the global perspectives of the organization, in such a way that they can use the tools of strategic marketing to foresee and prepare solutions for their organization. Specific To analyze the needs of individuals and organizations considering their organization. To identify the strategic marketing activities carried out in companies. To provide the foundations to carry out a proper evaluation of the attractions of the market and the organization’s competitiveness. To create strategies, tactics and analyze the sales forecast inside the planning of marketing programs. To determine the strategic objectives for the marketing mix in the design of pricing, promotion and placing. To develop marketing strategies that allow taking decisions in a changing, competitive and globalized market. To encourage and motivate the student into Reading and research through the development of work related with the management of strategic marketing. 3. COMPETENCIES Develops strategic plans supported in only one direction, the market and the results, with an appropriate use of commercial and trend information. Manages the processes of marketing (Price, place, product, promotion, people and presentation) integrating management, finance creativity, leadership, critical thinking and social commitment criteria. Recognizes the type of journalistic gender that is presented. Uses the analysis processes to create proposals of solution/treatment in the determined fields. 4. LEARNING OUTCOMES Determines strategic plans supported in effective results to the market with a proper use of the commercial and trend information. Evaluates the processes of marketing mix (price, place, product, promotion, people and presentation) by integrating management, finance creativity, leadership, critical thinking and social commitment. Discusses the marketing processes and proposes strategic solutions to the market. 5. METHODOLOGY The methodology that will be applied in the subject of strategic marketing will have a clear practical focus for which a variety of teaching methods that guarantee the study of the students will be applied. Classes in which the most meaningful aspects, concepts and essential methods are outlined, follow the structure of the program and of the subject. Students are an active part of the class and in the development of the section they will participate with their commentaries, analysis and proposals. Through practical exercises and case studies students will practice the comprehension and evaluation of ideas, argument, analysis and creativity. Evaluation will be constant and integrating, valuing the development of the student in each task and especially in the integrating products of each unit. Description of the type of work required Each week group or individual assignments will be sent to develop complementary activities, the number of group members will vary depending on the number of students per classroom. The research papers will be turned in according the guidelines uploaded to the Atrium. The writing of the documents regarding the format, font, citing and bibliography will be done following APA norms. The assignments will be turned in at the beginning of the class one week after it was requested and they must be uploaded to the Atrium. The assignments must be done by computer, for which students must be able to use Word, Excel and Power Point. The assigned papers must be presented with an introduction, development and conclusion sections, and a bibliography, with the cover determined by the university and must be uploaded in the Atrium in the “tareas” option. 6. CONTENT CHAPTER 1: BUSINESS MARKETING AND ECONOMIC MARKETING 1.1. Ideological basis of marketing. 1.2. Functions of marketing in an organization (operative, strategic, marketing program oriented to the market). 1.3. Concept and importance of strategic marketing. CHAPTER 2: MARKETING IN CRISIS PERIODS 2.1 The new environment of macro marketing. 2.2 The new consumer 2.3 Implications about marketing. CHAPTER 3: SATISFACTION AND NEEDS. 3.1 Notions of need (need, want, demand) 3.2 Objectives of human needs. CHAPTER 4: CHOOSING BEHAVIOR OF A BUYER 4.1. The buyer active agent of decision. 4.2. Model of the concept of multi attribute CHAPTER 5: RESPONSE BEHAVIOR OF THE BUYER 5.1 Levels of market response 5.2 Measure of cognitive response 5.3 Measure of affective response. CHAPTER 6: ANALYSIS OF SEGMENTATION 6.1 Analysis of macro segmentation 6.2 Analysis of micro segmentation. 6.3 Segmentation of industrial markets. 6.4 The implementation of a segmentation strategy. 6.5 International segmentation. CHAPTER 7: ANALYSIS OF THE ATTRACTIVENESS OF A MARKET. 7.1. Basic concepts. 7.2. Structure of the global demand. 7.3. Model of the life cycle of a product. 7.4. Forecasting method 7.5. Differentiation. 7.6. Product positioning, branding, characteristics, types and mistakes. 7.7. Analysis of an organization. 7.8. Notion of the competitive advantage. 7.9. Notion of applied rivalry. 7.10. Analysis of competitive of competitive situations. 7.11. Strategic capacity and competitive capacity. CHAPTER 8: CHOOSING A MARKETING STRATEGY. 8.1. Analysis of the portfolio of activities BCG matrix. 8.2. Analysis of a matrix of competitive attractiveness. 8.3. Development of a matrix. 8.4. Choosing a strategy. CHAPTER 9: BASIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES 9.1. Growth strategies. 9.2. Competitive strategies. 9.3. Strategies of international development. CHAPTER 10: OPERATIONAL MARKETING STRATEGY 10.1. Development of distribution strategies. 10.2 Distribution functions flows. 10.3. Vertical structure of the distribution channel. 10.4. Market coverage strategies. 10.5. Horizontal and vertical marketing systems. CHAPTER 11: STRATEGIC DECISIONS OF PRICING 11.1 Function of Price in the marketing strategy. 11.2 Pricing seen from the point of view of costs. 11.3. Pricing seen from the point of view of competition 11.4 Pricing strategies for new CHAPTER 12: DECISION MAKING ASSIGNMENTE 12.1 Nature and function. 12.2 Personal communication. 12.3 Advertisement communication. 12.4 Levels of efficiency. 7. EVALUATIÓN Criteria for grading of classwork and homework The presentation of classwork and homework is mandatory. Noncompliance of this requirement will be sanctioned. Homework assignments must be presented with an introduction, main body, conclusion and bibliography, with the insert determined by university and the tasks must be admitted into the Atrium in the tasks option. The minimum grade for passing the course is 70. All exams will be taken on the date previously established by the Director of the Language Department. No exams will be given ahead of this date or postponed for a later date without the expressed written permission from the Academic Commission of the faculty to which the student in question belongs; in which case, a make-up exam will be given Grade Breakdown Activities 30 Exam 1 15 Exam 2 15 Final Exam 40 Total Grade 100 8. MATERIALS TEXT Investigación de mercados AUTHOR Joseph Hair PUBLISHER Mcgraw Hill Sistemas de información Kenneth Laudon México. Prentice Hall 9. COMPLEMENTARY MATERIAL TEXTO AUTOR EDITORIAL Introducción a la investigación de mercados Marcela Benassini Pearson Marketing Estratégico Jean-Jacques Lambien McGraw Hill www. Ivan Thompson 7 2007 Realizado por: Fecha: MBA. Rita Pimentel DECANA DE FACULTAD Revisado por: Fecha: Gilda Alcívar Ms.C. VICERRECTORA ACADÉMICA