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Ask Mr. LG anything! (ALMOST)
By Mr. Lang
• How does distillation work?
A- 2 processes- evaporation and condensation.
Solvent and solute is retained.
In paper chromatography, when you say that the
colours separate on the filter based on the solubility
of each different colour, what do you mean by
A- Paper chromatography- each colour has a
different ATTRACTION to the solvent and the filter.
The more attraction, the farther the colour will
• For pure substances and mixtures, is water
considered pure?
A- Based on its overall appearance, we would
classify it as a pure substance.
What is the relationship between solubility and the
particle theory?
A- solubility is a measure of how easy a solute
dissolves in a certain solvent. If something dissolves
easily, it means that the particles have a high
attraction to each other.
• Why is walking through a liquid easier than
walking through a solid?
A- In a solid the particles are packed tightly
together unlike the particles of a liquid or gas.
Solids have a stronger force of attraction so we
cannot walk through them.
What if we mix 2 things together and they look the
same? What do we do to separate them back?
A – we can use evaporation, distillation or in some
cases, paper chromatography to separate solutions
• How can we separate salt and sugar?
• A- First, add water. We can use alcohol as our
solvent. Salt does not dissolve in alcohol and then
use filtration to remove the salt. Distillation to
remove the sugar.
• What is the difference between a solution,
solvent and a solute?
• A- a solution is a mixture of a solute and a
solvent. a solute is a substance that dissolves in a
solvent. A solvent is a substance used to dissolve
a solute.
• Why does heat make particles faster?
A- Heat provides the particles with kinetic
energy. Particles use the kinetic energy for
movement. The more heat there is, the faster
the particles will move.
• 1. what is the best and easiest way to separate
mechanical mixtures?
• There is no specific way
• Depends on what you are seperating
• Separate sand and gravel.. You have to look
through all the techniques and use the best
technique… Sifting is the easiest way to take the
sand away and leave gravel behind.
• What is a dilute solution?
• A dilute solution is where the amount of
solute is very low compared to solvent.
• Best example: sugar in water.. Lots of water
and little sugar
• What does super-saturation and saturation
mean and what is the difference?
• Saturation: the point in which the solvent is
full of solute
• Super-saturated: add heat and the heat allows
you to go beyond full. More than is usually
would hold. This is caused by the heat. By
heating it 1 water particle can hold 2 sugar
particles instead of 1 to 1
Name all of the separation methods
1. sorting
2. sifting
3. magnetism
4. filtration
5. paper chromatography
6. distillation
7. evaporation
• What sheets do we need to study?
• Big idea: particle theory- very important!!!!
• Separating solutions and mechanical 60- 70 percent of
• How is it possible to walk through gas and liquid but
not solid
• Liquids and gases have spaces between them but solid
don’t and they are compact
• Particles in solid are compact which is the opposite of
gas and liquid and the particles spread out for liquid
and gas
• What is the difference between evaporation and
• Evaporation= change in state from liquid to gas due to
addition of heat
• The purpose of evaporation is to separate solvent and
solute but you lose the solvent and that is the down
• Distillation= it is a 2 step process. First step is
evaporation but with our second step we can get our
solvent back with condensation
Down side is its expensive
How does distillation work and where
can it be used and why
Distillation is a two step process.
First step evaporation
Second step Condsention
You are separating a solute from a solvent\
Example if you want to separate sugar from
• In this the pro is you save the Solute/solvent.
Down side, lots of time and money
• Evaporation , fast and easy and cheap
How can questions relate to the
particle theory?
• Why is it possible to walk through a liquid or a
gas but not a solid. Use Particle theory.
• The motion in liquids and gases move faster
compared to solids.
• The particle distance are farther apart.
• In a solid the particles are together and no
space for them to move apart.
Name some ways of separating
Paper chromatography
Explain how Paper chromatography
• The chemicals in the solution have different
sizes and attraction to the solvent and the
• If you are really attracted to water you will
travel all the way to the top with it.
What is the difference between a
Homogeneous and a Heterogeneous
• Homogeneous is a another fancy word for
solution or a Pure Substance.
• Heterogeneous is another word for a Mixture.
For Pure substances and mixtures are
we supposed to say water is pure?
• Yes for our purposes water and example olive
oil are considered pure based simply on their
• All elements are pure.
• Air for our purposes is considered as a
What sheets do we need to study
• What are the six parts of the Particle Theory
of Matter.
• The two slides that talk about separating
mechanical mixtures and solutions.
• Study your Concentration sheet.
What is a solution? A solute? A Solvent
what is concentration what is
• A Solute is the thing that gets dissolved.
• A Solvent is the thing that does the role of
dissolving the solute.
• A Solution is basically a solute and solvent
• A Concentration is how much solute there is
compared to Solvent. Example: Saturated ( full
or maximum)
• Solubility is a measure of how easy it is to
dissolve something