Eng13-14 Winter LP 1-41 Weeks One to Twelve

English 12: Literature of Justice
December 2013
Dan Osar & John Rigney
Week One Homework Halo
Week One Homework Summary
Unit Four: Understanding the Other
Classes #1-3
Week One – December 3-7
Due Class #1 (Tuesday) – December 3rd
Thanksgiving Vacation Writing & Reflection - 1 page memo
 FCA #1 - 200 words
 FCA #2 - Share it with someone
 FCA #3 - What did you learn about yourself?
 FCA #4 - What did you learn about the world?
Due Class #2 (Thursday) – December 5th
Elie Wiesel’s “The Perils of Indifference”
 FCA #1 – Actively read Elie Wiesel’s “The Perils of Indifference”
 FCA #2 – 10% Summary of his argument (200 words minimum)
 FCA #3 – Winter Response Log #1: (150 word) “Honest Reaction” To what are you indifferent?
Due Class #3 (Friday) – December 6th
Visit the King Center website and review this full website, the page on “The King Philosophy”:
 FCA #1: Actively read (handout) or take notes (half page) on this web page.
 FCA #2: Winter Response Log #2: So What? 150 word response of what you think of this
 FCA #3: Identify three social issues (external to Hyde) you are interested in learning more about.
Week Two – December 9th – 14th
Due Class #4 (Monday) – December 9th
Meet as a team and determine roles and direction.
 FCA #1 - Identify a social issue or injustice your group intends to research and address. Clarify
your stance in 100-150 words.
 FCA #2 - Clarify the division of labor for this project and assign roles. List all roles and
expectations (hand in electronic list via email).
 FCA #3 - Winter Response Log #3: (Written individually) What strengths do you see in this
group? What deficits are you concerned about?
Due Class #5 (Tuesday) – December 10th
Social Justice Project (SJP) - Section One FCAs
 FCA #1 – Document your research: Show proof of your research by creating PDFs of your
actively read notes and/or annotated screen shots.
 FCA #2 – Create a Work Cited Page. Correctly cite your research and efforts using MLA formats.
 FCA #3 – 400 Word Summary of the “Issue Being Explored”
Due Class #6 (Thursday) – December 11th
SJP suggested Sections to be completed: Section #3 & #4.
 FCA #1 – Each member of the team should actively read one of the following poems found in
your literature book:
o “Sonnet for You, Familiar Famine” by Jack Agueros (page 591)1
o “Anthem for Doomed Youth” by Wilfred Owen (page 551)
o “Auschwitz” by Salvatore Quasimodo (page 651)
o “Reconciliation” by Walt Whitman (page 678)
o “Ballad of Birmingham” by Dudley Randall (page 701)
o Other poems offered on the wikisite (look for them under Handouts).
 FCA #2 – Winter Response Log #4: What injustice or social issue is being address in this poem?
What feelings, thoughts, or emotions is the reader left with at the conclusion of the poem?
 FCA #3 – Draft notes for Section #6 of SJP. Half-page brainstorming (200 words)
Due Class #7 (Friday) – December 12th
Conduct a 20-30 minute team meeting to do the following:
 FCA #1 – Assess progress on all parts of the SJP.
 FCA #2 – Clearly identify at least three goals and upcoming benchmarks against which you can
grade yourselves / check your progress. (E.g.: “Drafts of all poems due for Sunday 1:00 PM
 FCA #3 – Write a 250 word summary to be emailed (by 8:00 AM) in to Rigney / Osar with
update. (All email protocol applies here – “Last Names – Team Update”.)
FLC Warning: If you are on the FLC next week, be responsible and complete all team-work prior to
starting so that your team is NOT left standing.
Week Three – December 16th
Due Class #8 (Monday) – December 16th
Social Justice Project – Three Days to go! Suggested FCAs:
 FCA #1 – Drafts of all written material.
 FCA #2 – Clearly labeled Work Cited page with all pictures, documents, data, information, etc.
cited according to MLA format.
 FCA #3 – Actively review the entire project handout and guidelines for all parts of the project.
Due Class #9 (Wednesday) – December 18th
Social Justice Project – Get it DONE!
Due Class #10 (Thursday) – December 19th
Social Justice Project Due – see notes for
 FCA #1 – Any Direct Action activities should be completed and debriefed.
 FCA #2 – All SEVEN sections should be compiled into ONE, very well-labeled document.
 FCA #3 – Emailed to Rigney & Osar using appropriate email protocol. (See SJP Handout for
details below.)
Strongly suggest each team member reads this example.
Excerpt from Social Justice Project Handout:
Due Thursday, December 19th by 8:00 AM
Submission Directions: Like most major works this year, you will be expected to submit all of this
electronically. Additionally you may choose to submit this in hard or printed copy, directly to Mr.
Rigney and Mr. Osar. Document and email submission guidelines are expected (“Last Name, Last Name,
Last Name, Last Name – Social Justice”).
NOTE: All submissions should be collated into one single document in the FCA order required. This can
be done using most modern word processing programs. Acceptable document types include PDF, Word,
or Pages. For other programs please ask permission.
Please make sure that each of your individual last names are on all documents2 and that were there are
word count requirements that you clearly indicate total words for each submission.
Don’t forget that you have Winter Holiday Vacation Homework!
Wear your seatbelt over break!
Be safe and stay in touch!
Week Four – January 7th
Due Class #10 (Tuesday) – January 7th
Winter Break Homework Due (memo)
 FCA #1 – the action
 FCA #2 – the perceived result
 FCA #3 – what you learned about yourself / the world
 FCA #4 – 1.5 spacing, Time New Roman
Due Class #11 (Thursday) – January 9th
 FCA #1 - Actively read for class pages Literature text Chapter 19, pages 886-898.
 FCA #2 – Create a chapter wheel summary (to share with the class)
 FCA #3 – Identify five essential points that you believe are important to better understand
drama as literature. Please write about why these are “essential.” 150 word minimum.
Due Class #12 (Friday) – January 10th
 FCA #1 - Actively read for class Equus pages 0-18 (through Scene 5)
 FCA #2 - Scene summaries and reactions for each scene of the play
 FCA #3 - Please draw and label the stage as you imagine it from the description. (Please do not
use outside resources).
Headers and Footers usages can be helpful when doing this!
Week Five – January 13th
Due Class #13 (Monday) – January 13th
 FCA #1 - Actively read for class Equus through page 60 (through Scene 18)
 FCA #2 - Scene summaries and reactions for each scene of the play
 FCA #3 - Please draw and label the stage as you imagine it from the description.
Due Class #14 (Tuesday) – January 14th
Equus Final Project Selection and Rationale:
 FCA #1 – Declaration of Project Purpose – (min. 250 words). What is the reasoning for your
project selection and how does it help you improve your understanding of the text?
 FCA #2 – Clearly identify 3-5 learning objectives you hope to achieve through this project.
 FCA #3 – Defined Personal Project FCAs: Identify a two part assignment for next Tuesday and
Thursday with three FCAs for each day.
Due Class #15 (Thursday) – January 16th
Character Dissection and Motivation Assignment – Please select one character to write about. In this
short writing assignment, please clarify what you consider to be the motivating factors in this
character’s interactions, behaviors and actions.
 FCA #1 – must select and identify at least two quotes that help clarify this character
 FCA #2 – formal voice, no first person
 FCA #3 – typed, minimum 350 words
Due Class #16 (Friday) – January 17th
Who is the main character of Equus? Why?
 FCA #1 – Respond to the question, “Who is the main character of Equus? Why?”
 FCA #2 – textual support, three examples
 FCA #3 – 400 word minimum
Week Five – January 13th
Due Class #14 (Monday) – January 13th
 FCA #1 - Actively read for class Equus through page 60 (through Scene 18)
 FCA #2 - Scene summaries and reactions for each scene of the play
 FCA #3 - Please draw and label the stage as you imagine it from the description. (If you have
Due Class #15 (Tuesday) – January 14th
Complete the Actors Homework Worksheet.
Due Class #16 (Thursday) – January 16th
Equus Final Project Selection and Rationale:
 FCA #1 – Declaration of Project Purpose – (min. 250 words). What is the reasoning for your
project selection and how does it help you improve your understanding of the text?
 FCA #2 – Clearly identify 3-5 learning objectives you hope to achieve through this project.
 FCA #3 – Defined Personal Project FCAs: Identify a two part assignment for next Tuesday and
Thursday with three FCAs for each day.
Due Class #17 (Friday) – January 17th
Who is the main character of Equus? Why?
 FCA #1 – Respond to the question, “Who is the main character of Equus? Why?”
 FCA #2 – textual support, three examples
 FCA #3 – 400 word minimum
Week Five – January 21st
Due Class #18 (Tuesday) – January 21st
 Project Preparations.
 Team Memo Update – 50-100 word summary of Group Progress
Due Class #19 (Thursday) – January 23rd
Equus Final Project - Also available on final project Overview Sheet. See this sheet for all details FCAs.
 PCA #1 – Deliverable – (Video, Playbill, written work, etc.)
 PCA #2 – Learning Objective Assessment
 PCA #3 – Team Summary
Due Class #20 (Friday) – January 24th
Mid-Year Reflection Paper Document Review
 FCA #1 – Actively read the MYRP document.
 FCA #2 – Identify three questions you have about this document.
 FCA #3 – For returning students, find and review, your previous years’ MYRPs.
Week Seven – January 27th
Due Class #21 (Monday) – January 27th Meet in Annhurst Lounge for Class at 8:30 AM
Mid-Year Reflection Papers – Brainstorming
 Suggested FCAs of minimum of one page brainstorming and extended outline.
Due Class #22 (Tuesday) – January 28th
Mid-Year Reflection Papers – Rough Draft (suggested two page minimum)
PCA #1: Personal Leadership Experience & Metacognition
 FCA #1 – Identify a Personal leadership experience and write about it (250 word minimum)
 FCA #2 – Strengths & Challenges – moments of success and growth (50-100 words) / Challenges
– moments missed; opportunities passed up (50-100 words)
 FCA #3 – Metacognition – How I am learning about my learning? (brainstorming)
Due Class #23 (Thursday) – January 30th
Mid-Year Reflection Papers – Rough Draft Part II (suggested two page minimum)
PCA #2: Hyde Process / Theory – In your draft write about what Hyde theory you have most connected
to. For the last FCA consider goals you have.
 FCA #1 – Identify which part of R S C you most connect with.
 FCA #2 – Demonstrate clear understanding the theory. (50-100 words)
 FCA #3 – Include at least one other evaluation of Hyde theory reviewed in the fall: (AICR, R
SC, 5W/5P, Pathway to Excellence, Ladder of Inference, Hyde One-Pager, etc.)
 FCA #4 – Goals for the rest of the term (2 to 4 specific, measurable goals)
Due Class #24 (Friday) – January 31st – MYRPs DUE!
Final Version of Mid-Year Reflection Paper Due – review the final expectations for the MYRP to make
sure all sections & expectations have been met.
 FCA #1 – Emailed as attachment by 8:00 AM with “Last Name, First Name – MYRP.”
 Subject line and attachment with exact same
 FCA #2 – Hard copy for class. (Preferably double sided and stapled).
 FCA #3 – On your email, please CC (carbon copy) to Herr Duethorn, Mr. Osar, and your DG
Head’s Holiday! If you are all caught up on your work, then no homework is due.
Week Eight – February 3rd
Due Class #25 (Tuesday) – February 3rd
 No Homework – Head’s Holiday
Due Class #26 (Thursday) – February 5th “American Beauty” Response Homework
Imagine that you have been invited to a casting call for a stage production of American Beauty. In 250
words respond to these questions:
 FCA #1 – Which character would you audition for and why?
 FCA #2 – What can you relate to about the character?
 FCA #3 – What do you believe the character is fighting for?
Due Class #27 (Friday) – February 6th – Team Directed learning
Suggested FCAs:
 FCA #1 – Actively read the “Play Production” Assignment Sheet
 FCA #2 – Start actively reading team’s play.
 FCA #3 – Arrange first meeting time. Allow for significant time to review and set up team
 FCA #4 – Tentatively determine team roles
Week Nine – February 10th
Due Class #28 (Monday) – February 10th
 FCA #1 – Team Memo #1 Due: 250-500 word memo outlining the following:
 Roles of Team Members
 Summary of First Team Meeting
 Perceived Team Strengths and Goals (skills, attitude, outcomes hoped for, etc.)
 Perceived Team Challenges or Issues (logistical, attitudinal, etc.)
 FCA #2 – Completed Team Calendar with the following:
 Pre-arranged meeting dates and times (suggest NOT on your duty day!)
 PCA due dates and who owns them.
 Roles of Team Members
 FCA #3 – (Suggested FCA) – Actively Read Play
Due Class #29 (Tuesday) – February 11th
To Be Determined by PPP Teams
Suggested PCA – reading of the plays is completed by this date.
Due Class #30 (Wednesday) – February 13th
To Be Determined by PPP Teams
Due Class #31 (Friday) – February 14th
 FCA #1 – 50-100 word response for each question on the Play Journal Handout.
 FCA #2 – Each member must respond to at least one of the questions on the Play Journal
handout. (Found on the wiki site).
 FCA #3 – Submitted as a Team Document – all compiled. “Team One – Play Journals”
Week Ten – February 17th
Due Class #32 (Monday) – February 17th
Team Memo #2 is due for all teams.
 FCA #1 –250-500 word memo outlining your team’s work in the past week
 FCA #2 –Update with clear list of meetings & work completed
 FCA #3 –Problems or issues currently being faced as well as successes and goals met.
Week Ten Note: This week’s work is again primarily directed by each team’s needs. That said, please be
attentive to deadlines and the larger PCAs of the project. Please plan ahead for your presentation-day
while also preparing the final analytical essay.
Due Class #33 (Monday) – February 17th
Team Memo #2 is due for all teams.
 FCA #1 –250-500 word memo outlining your team’s work in the past week
 FCA #2 –Update with clear list of meetings & work completed
 FCA #3 –Problems or issues currently being faced as well as successes and goals met.
Due Class #34 (Tuesday) – February 18th “Burial at Thebes” to be presented
Due Class #35 (Thursday) – February 20th “A Doll’s House” to be presented
Due Class #36 (Friday) – February 21st “M. Butterfly” to be presented
Week Eleven Note: This week’s work is focused on wrapping up the Play Production Projects and
preparing for the Final Exam which will take place next year. Please remember key PCAs: PCA #2:
Actively Read Play, PCA #4: Weekly memo / Final Memo, and PCA #6: Analytical Essay.
Week Eleven – February 24th
Due Class #37 (Monday) – February 24th
Team Memo #3 is due for all teams.
 FCA #1 –250-500 word memo outlining your team’s work in the past week
 FCA #2 –Update with clear list of meetings & work completed
 FCA #3 –Problems or issues currently being faced as well as successes and goals met.
If your team has presented, these FCAs apply:
 FCA #1 – 250-500 word memo outlining pre-planning and preparation phase
 FCA #2 – Meet as a team to debrief: 15-30 minutes debriefing the experience; 200 word
 FCA #3 – Successes and Failures – create a quick list (minimum five components total).
Due Class #37 (Monday) – February 24th “A Long Day’s Journey into Night” to present
Team Memo #3 is due for all teams.
 FCA #1 –250-500 word memo outlining your team’s work in the past week
 FCA #2 –Update with clear list of meetings & work completed
 FCA #3 –Problems or issues currently being faced as well as successes and goals met.
If your team has presented, these FCAs applyi:
Like all other projects this winter, you will be expected to provide feedback on your own effort and that
of your peers.
 FCA #1 – 250 word assessment of team work, cohesion, and communication. This FCA response
should be written collectively.
 FCA #2 – Minimum of 50 word individual reflection by each team member on what they
contributed to the team experience.
 FCA #3 – EEMO Ratings for yourself and your teammates. Each person should self-assess and
then assess their teammates.
Due Class #39 (Tuesday) – February 25th “Master Harold and the Boys” to be presented
Due Class #40 (Thursday) – February 27th “Our Town” to be presented
PCA #6: Analytical Essay (Team Assessment)
At least two of your teammates must collaborate to write a five page analytical essay evaluating the
themes expressed in this production. Specifically, in what way does this play answer one or more of
the Essential Questions of the course? What issues of injustice are raised and how are the viewers
to come to terms with the terms of living as presented by these plays?
 FCA #1 – Five page minimum
 FCA #2 – Five to ten quotations
 FCA #3 – Correct MLA Citation for any and all outside material.
 FCA #4 – Electronic submission criteria as usual: “Team One – Analytical Essay”
Due Date: Due no later than Thursday, February 27th
Due Class #41 (Friday) – February 28th “A Streetcar Named Desire” to be presented
PCA #2.1 – All TEAM MEMBERS: Must bring in and turn in your actively read texts.
Week March – March 3rd
Due Class #41.5 (Monday) – March 3rd
 FCA #1: One page brainstorming of all texts, themes, characters, etc. that you can recall from
the trimester.
 FCA #2: Single unifying thesis which outlines what you think this trimester is about
 FCA #3: Academic Review Day
 All late work is due – after this there is no guarantee it will be graded fully.
Due Class #42 (Thursday) – March 7th EXAM DAY
 FCA #1 – End of Term Evaluation. This is the key to your final exam. Failure to complete this
will keep you from taking the final exam. Electronic & paper submissions guidelines.
o Emailed in to Mr. Rigney & Mr. Osar by 7:30 AM on morning of the exam
o “Last Name, First Name – Fall Eval” as both subject and document name.
 FCA #2 – Study for final exam.
FCA #3 – Optional: Complete supplementary review sheets and bring them in for review. These
review sheets are available on the wiki site.
There was an error on the Week Ten Halo which listed these FCAs. In case you’ve already completed them, they
will be accepted:
FCA #1 – 250-500 word memo outlining pre-planning and preparation phase
FCA #2 – Meet as a team to debrief: 15-30 minutes debriefing the experience; 200 word
FCA #3 – Successes and Failures – create a quick list (minimum five components total).