Oceans - Alvin ISD

Oceans cover about 70% of the
Earth's surface. The oceans contain
roughly 97% of the Earth's water
*Ocean Basin
World’s Oceans can be divided into 5 major
ocean basins
1. Arctic
2. Atlantic
3. Indian
4. Pacific
5. Southern
* Smallest and shallowest ocean
(avg depth approximately
* Includes waters of North
America and Eurasia
* Bounded from the Pacific by
the Bering Strait and the
Atlantic at about 650 latitude
(just north of Iceland)
* Central part of the ocean is
covered by about 10 feet of
* 3rd largest ocean
* Surrounded by Asia, Arabian and
Malay peninsulas, Africa,
Australia and Antarctica
* average depth is 3,890 meters
(12,762 feet), deepest point is
the Java trench, at 7,725 m.
* Large amounts of petroleum
extracted from this region (40%
of world’s oil)
* Warmest ocean
* -2nd largest ocean
*-connects the polar oceans
*Located btwn North and South
America, Europe, Africa and
*-covers about 20% of the
Earth’s surface
*Busiest shipping ocean
*Major source of crude oil and
natural gas.
*average depth of 3,600
meters (11,812 feet), greatest
depth is in the Puerto Rico
Trench at 8,605 meters
* Largest ocean
* Covers approx. 1/3 of the
Earth’s surface
* More surface area than all
continents COMBINED!
* Ring of Fire
* Earthquakes and Tsunamis
are common.
* Deepest part of the ocean
–Mariana Trench (11000m
*Southern Ocean