European Funding 2014-20 - Se

Fiona Malcolm, Scottish Govt
Pauline Graham, Social Firms Scotland
Ensure social enterprises play a full role in meeting
Structural Fund objectives specific to EUstrategies and
national government outcomes in promoting social
inclusion, job creation and combating poverty.
Ensure Structural Fund MAs and policy makers know
about, understand and can apply a set of options for a
comprehensive support environment for social enterprises.
Equip partners from across EU to promote and implement
projects involving social entrepreneurship, social
enterprises and the social economy.
Ministry of Regional Development (LEAD) – Poland
Scottish Government & Social Firms Scotland/Senscot – Scotland,
Ministry of Labour, FISE – Poland
BE ESF Agentschap – Belgium
SE ESF Rådet, - Sweden
CZ Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs, P3 People, Planet, Profit – Czech Republic
IT AG Lavoro, Trentino, ESF Lombardia, Consorzio Light – Italy,
CY ESF – Cyprus
UK ESF – England
FI Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Tampere Cooperative Centre –
 New Partners – France, Lithuania
 EU DIESIS, REVES – European Networks of Cities & Regions for the Social
Economy – EU level
Warsaw – set themes for review
Trento – partnerships with public sector/psps
Malmo – social enterprise growth & dev
Warsaw – financial instruments
Glasgow – support & start up infrastructure
Cyprus – identity and visibility
Brussels – final conference Jan 15
New Programme: ESI funds
11 thematic objectives
UK Partnership Agreement (Scottish Chapter)
Practical considerations in Scotland – address
territorial challenges, simplify implementation,
ensure capability of beneficiaries
Integration of Funds
Strategic focus – securing greater impact
Europe 2020 - smart, sustainable & inclusive
Strong support for social enterprise and
social entrepreneurship at EU level
Scotland’s Operational Programmes (OPs)
tailored to support Scottish Government
investment and policy priorities.
Separate Operational Programmes (OPs) for each ESI fund
Tailored to support Scottish Govt investment and policy
Higher focus on Horizontal Themes.
3 broad themes emerging for Scotland’s OPs aligned to Europe
2020 goals:
Business competiveness, innovation and jobs
Low Carbon, resource efficiency and environment
Local development and social inclusion
Partnership Agreement - Scottish Chapter
Single Joint Programme Monitoring Committee (JPMC)
◦ Operational Committees
Monitoring by Strategic Delivery Partnerships
Review of the programme in 2017
On-going consultation on proposals
Role of Lead Partners
Delivery arrangements
Social enterprise is and can make a significant contribution to
economic recovery, to local development and social inclusion by
bringing economic, social and community responses that can help
drive that recovery.
Expectation that third sector and social enterprise will be key part
of the programme delivery/governance
Specific focus on social innovation and support for social
enterprise in the developing proposals for local development,
combating poverty and social inclusion thematic fund.
Promoting social entrepreneurship and vocational integration in social
enterprises and the social and solidarity economy in order to facilitate
access to employment
 To use social enterprise and innovation as a driver for sustainable employment
 The social enterprise sector in Scotland provides an important role in achieving
sustainable economic growth. Two particular actions will be supported under this
investment priority.
 Access to development support and capital to allow social enterprises to fulfil
their important role in providing employment opportunities and for tackling social
inclusion is key.
 Secondly, support for wider social innovation activity to stimulate and develop
new ideas, products and services to tackle social exclusion and poverty. The
actions will contribute to the specific objective of using the social enterprise sector
and social innovation in being a driver for sustainable and inclusive growth
through unlocking capital.
Target groups - social enterprises and disadvantaged groups.
The Scottish Government will also allocate resources available through the third sector
budget as ‘match’ to promote, support and create the right conditions for new and existing
social enterprises to flourish, and deliver better outcomes to target groups experiencing
poverty and disadvantage.
The programme also offers the wider third sector an opportunity to encourage and embrace
social innovation and entrepreneurship, in particular responding to increasing pressures
and demands for public services. This is in line with the current strategic approach to third
Our assessment is that there are a range of potential initiatives that would better support
social innovation in Scotland, leading to more innovation, faster implementation of
innovation, and more efficient scaling of effective new approaches.
These initiatives would have the third sector at the heart, building on its strong
understanding of social needs and ability to connect to individuals and communities who can
benefit from social innovation. They will also explicitly work across sectors, in particular
connecting the third sector with the technical knowledge base in the university sector, the
commercialisation knowledge of the private sector and the scaling ability of the public
Support for SE
People & Communities Fund match
BIG Lottery – addressing poverty/finanical
H&Is specific to remote, rural and fragile
Thanks & Questions