VOLUME XXXXVII ISSUE 7 JULY 2015 PASTOR’S PEN By Pastor Steve The Southern Ohio Synod Assembly took place on June 5 & 6 at Capital University in Columbus. Although there were many notable things that took place at the assembly, I will mention only one and that is a change in the Synod’s Constitution that no longer requires an Annual Synod Assembly. From now on, synod assemblies may be held on a biannual basis. Whether or not they are would depend greatly upon business that would require that an assembly be convened. On a more personal note, Christine Bristow nee Gellatly was married on June 13. The wedding was beautifully – held outdoors at a plantation outside of Charleston, S.C. The ceremony was the shortest wedding I have ever presided at due to the 98-degree temperature. It was a great day! Hope everyone has a good Fourth of July. Pastor Steve SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE A gentle reminder that Sunday morning worship throughout the summer (through Labor Day weekend) begins at 9:30 am. Worship is preceded by a coffeehouse fellowship (with coffee, juice, and doughnuts) at 9 am. This earlier worship time is intended to facilitate recreational and “play-time” schedules for summer visitors and worshippers. Please take time to worship during your summer festivities. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY SATURDAY, JULY 4 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. 1 Peter 2:16 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED The church office will be closed on Monday, July 6. OUR DAILY BREAD Our church is responsible for furnishing the salad and dessert and serving the food for the Daily Bread meal on the 3rd Thursday every month. Usually 10 or 12 people are needed to help. The meals are served from 4:30 to 6:00 on Tuesday and Thursday each week at the Eagles Annex located in Chippewa on the north side of Indian lake. These meals are open to the public and ALL ARE WELCOME. If you are interested in helping, please call the church or let Jan Wilt know. A big THANK YOU to all the faithful volunteers. ALL GALILEE WOMEN ALL Galilee Women, July 9th at 11:00 am is our summer WELCA picnic. It will be hosted by Susie Schindler and Jean Frobase at the Frobases. Meat and beverages will be furnished. It’s always a great time, so please bring a side dish to share and join us. Questions? Call Jean or Susie. LESSONS FOR JULY 7/5 – 6th Sunday After Pentecost Ezekiel 2:1-5 Psalm 123 2 Corinthians 12:2-10 Mark 6:1-13 7/12 – 7th Sunday after Pentecost Amos 7:7-15 Psalm 85:8-13 Ephesians 1:3-14 Mark 6:14-29 7/19 – 8th Sunday after Pentecost Jeremiah 23:1-6 Psalm 23 Ephesians 2:11-22 Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 7/26 – 9th Sunday after Pentecost 2 Kings 4:42-44 Ephesians 3:14-21 Psalm 145:10-18 John 6:1-21 OPEN ALTAR FLOWER DATES: July 12 August 16 September 27 TREASURER’S REPORT On Sunday 5/31, we had a ceremony to burn our mortgage. If you were not there, here are a few facts and history of the mortgage to build the addition to our building: 01/29/07 – we took additional money out of our savings to make a bigger down payment. This allowed us to take out a loan of $146,649 instead of $200,000. We took out a 7-year adjustable mortgage with an interest rate of 6.25% and an original maturity date of 08/01/2032. Payment due was $968 2007 – Our balance left was $137,838 ($8,811 applied to principal) 2008 – Our balance left was $130,686 ($7,152 applied to principal) 2009 – Our balance left was $126,861 ($3,825 applied to principal) 2010 – Our balance left was $120,419 ($6,442 applied to principal) we also refinanced our loan and dropped the rate to 5.125% Payment due was $770 ($198 savings per month) 2011 – Our balance left was $115,879 ($4,540 applied to principal) 2012 – Our balance left was $99,978 ($15,901 applied to principal) 2013 – Our balance left was $54,940 ($45,038 applied to principal) 2015 – Loan paid off on 1/5/15 – we never had to renew the loan for another 7 years Scott Young, Treasurer FROM COUNCIL PRESIDENT We are midway through the year now; so it’s time to reflect on our progress as a congregation. I am asking each of you to search your hearts and take an honest inventory on what you think we can do to improve on and any suggestions you would like to see happen. We will be changing our weekly bulletin in a few weeks to make it more user friendly and inviting. We are looking into the pricing of making a Galilee pamphlet (to put at the Chamber of Commerce), two signs to put at St. Rt. 33 and Lincoln Boulevard, fixing up our front sign and sealing the parking lot soon. There are some ideas floating around, but I will wait to speak of them until some more research has been completed on them. Some events are being discussed to increase our fellowship time together that would begin in August. News on them will follow soon. So I ask, where do you see Galilee being in the next six months? I challenge all of you to participate in building our future. Blessings to all of you as we go forward through Faith. Jayne Young, Council President HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRAYER CONCERNS (as of June 21, 2015) HOMEBOUND: Carol McColloch NURSING HOMES: Millie Light – Logan Acres Jim John – Emerald Crossings, Dublin HEALTH AND OTHER CONCERNS: Michael Myers Chuck Schindler – kidney dialysis Reacel Prince – heart and kidney dialysis Fred Schreel – receiving cancer treatment Jeff Austin – cancer free but is still paralyzed (Greg Bowsher’s nephew) Helen Roddy – health concerns Rick Day – neurologic issues Penny Mills – lung cancer (friend of Linda Stackhouse) Matt Altenburger – health concern (Frobase’s grandson) Ashley Wright – pulmonary embolism Lisa – Lupus/brain clot (friend of Pam Bowsher) Emily Delk – 19 year old who suffered severe head trauma & broken vertebrae from car wreck (Barney Partin’s cousin) Linda Miller – surgical procedure on 1-19-15 (friend of Peg Fogt) Pat Sherer – breathing difficulties & other health issues (Nicki Trout’s mother) Ethel Dysert – Judy Grubb’s mom (friend of Peggy Fogt) JR Vance – cancer (friend of Jim Biery) John Dungan – cancer (friend of Jim Biery) Margaret – cancer (friend of Pam Bowsher) Ginny Jo Pickering – mass on spleen/nodules on lungs (friend of Jan Wilt) Rachel Evans – upcoming surgery (daughter of Helen Timmer) John Partin – pancreatitis and gallstones (Barney’s Dad) Jan Wilt’s grandson – in Children’s Hospital of Columbus undergoing tests Jim Biery 7/1 Dan Patterson 7/1 Greg Fogt 7/4 Doug Neely 7/13 Aubrey Gardner 7/14 Charles Graham 7/14 Olivia Nelson 7/14 Joyce Shaw 7/21 Pam Bowsher 7/24 Adam Bonner 7/24 Rebecca Vickery 7/30 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Fred & Glenda Meyers 7/14 Greg & Peggy Fogt 7/17 Jim & Jean Frobase 7/20 CRUISE-IN DATE SET The 2015 Cruise-in date has been scheduled for Saturday, September 26. More information to follow. WAYSIDE PULPIT Check out our sign in the front of the church from week to week with messages of inspiration. It is presently in the process of being refurbished. ARTICLES FOR THE AUGUST NEWSLETTER ARE DUE NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, JULY 19, 2015. UNITED CHRISTIAN SERVICES OF INDIAN LAKE (Report for March and April 2015) www.galileeatindianlake.com Just as a reminder, the following are the different ways to receive The Galilee Messenger: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sent directly to your email Visit our website and view it online Have it delivered to your mailbox at home Pick it up on the table in the narthex Either way that you decide, please call Cheryl in the office and let her know how you want it delivered. If there are any questions or concerns about the delivery, please let her know. ETERNITY CANDLE Galilee is in need of monetary donations to order our eternity candles that remain lit in the sanctuary. The cost for the 7-day candles is $83.64 per case of 24 and 2 cases were ordered to save on shipping for a total of $174.60. If you would like to donate to this order, please contact Cheryl in the church office to make arrangements. As we are in the taxpaying time, we find our contributions have declined. We do want to thank the youth group from the Indian Lake Community Church for their generous contribution of food and money in March. In March we started to give out hams for Easter. Several local people with their contributions help to make that possible. We passed out over 200 hams to those in need. In March, we served 206 families for a total of 468 people served. In April we also served over 200 families for a total of 400 people served. The Huntsville United Methodist Church had a food drive for the food pantry that provided 3,960 pounds of nonperishable foods and a large cash contribution in addition to that. We truly are a UNITED Christian service that willingly feeds the sheep as Christ directed Peter and all of us to do. We thank all of the churches that have supported us through the years and the many individuals who support our efforts. In God’s Love, Christian Morris, Treasurer GALILEE LUTHERAN CHURCH IS NOW ON FACEBOOK! We are now on FACEBOOK. Check out pictures and information at “Galilee Lutheran Church.” There is also a direct link to our website. Any questions call Jean Frobase. GALILEE LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING Monday, June 8, 2015 Jim Biery and Interim Pastor Gellatly were not able to attend the meeting. Secretary’s Report April 28, 2015, minutes were approved. Correspondence-The Trefz’ have formally been transferred to Lord of Life Church, as of May 27, 2015. *Drew and the Outreach kids will participate in the Cruise In. *Community Church, new name of Lighthouse, put a new brochure out, and it is very nice. Possibly we could put something like that together. *A different type of bulletin for Sunday mornings would show everything as it happens at the service. This would help with all the jumping around and shuffling of papers. The original idea was for visitors, but it would be good for members also. Maybe the ELCA website would have a draft to help. *The new Indian Lake Guide came out. Galilee is supposed to be shown in it. *Questions on our website were discussed. Are we still paying the California company? Research will be done. *Jean Frobase has put Galilee Church on Face book. Thank you to Jean. Treasurer’s Report Scott presented his report and it was approved. President’s Report Replacement of stove burner inserts has been done June 14 substitute Pastor will be Hal Robarge. July 5 substitute Pastor will be Lynn Nakimora from Pandora. Contract for Interim Pastor Steve Gellatly was completed for June 1 thru December 31, 2015. There are now approximately fifteen newsletters mailed out. The rest are emailed. Ministry Team Reports In-Reach/WELCA – July 9 is the WELCA picnic. Outreach – Drew’s students have not been taking care of things. A member of Council will talk to them. Property – The transformer in the front of the Church needs to be leveled. DP&L will be contacted. *The sign in front (Wayside Pulpit) needs some attention. Council members will look into this. *Narthex cleaning of paneling, top of lights (how to do?) This will be done at the fall cleaning. *There has been a concern of the Eternity Light catching fire. Discussion took place on a real candle vs. a battery candle. Old/Unfinished Business Vacation Bible School – Philadelphia Lutheran Church and First Lutheran are working together for VBS. Results from 4/27 Northern Exposure meeting – The Northern Exposure churches will send $6000, and this will be doubled. $513 was our donation. Nice-sized donation. Request by congregational member to install a vinyl fence in front of gas boxes out front and the member will pay the expense involved. Permission granted. New Business Summer visitor flyer – We could use the one as discussed under correspondence. Church keys and new P.O. key – There was discussion on keys. Memorials – Memorial garden info/update – Helen Johnson’s memorial has been found. We now have Helen Johnson, Isabelle Pusey, and Marlos John memorialized in the garden. Update on spring cleaning day – it went well. New member - Valerie Mitchell wants to join the Church. The date set is July 12. Paper shredder for office – Cheryl should pick one out. Date for Next Meeting – The next meeting will be Monday, July 20, 2015, at 6:45 pm. ` THE MESSENGER GALILEE LUTHERAN CHURCH P.O. BOX 846 RUSSELLS POINT OH 43348 JULY JULY CALENDAR OUR MISSION TO PROCLAIM TO ALL PEOPLE GOD’S MESSAGE OF GRACE, FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE, MAKING DISCIPLES THROUGH THE GOOD NEWS OF JESUS CHRIST. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS 8 AM – 12 NOON Monday through Thursday Phone 937-843-3906 WEBSITE: www.galileeatindianlake.com CHURCH STAFF Steve Gellatly, Interim Pastor Cheryl McKinney, Secretary Jan Wilt, Organist Happy 4th! Contemporary Worship, 9:30 am Church Office Closed WELCA Summer Picnic, 11:00 am Traditional Worship, 9:30 am Our Daily Bread, 4 pm Contemporary Worship, 9:30 am August Newsletter Articles Due 7/20 Council Meeting, 6:45 7/26 Traditional Worship, 9:30 am 7/4 7/5 7/6 7/9 7/12 7/16 7/19