Xiaodi Wu EECS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor January, 2010 •The work was conducted while the author was visiting the Institute for Quantum •Computing, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Interactive Proof System : Intuitive Picture Goal : determine whether x is in a language L input x Prover Polynomial Rounds interactions of classical messages input x Verifier Quantum Interactive Proof System Goal : determine whether x is in a language L input x, still classical Polynomial Rounds interactions of quantum messages input x Previous Result: IP=PSPACE [Lund, Fortnow, Karloff, and Nisan 1992; Shamir 1992] Easy Direction : IPµ PSPACE, since all the messages are of polynomial size. Hard Direction: PSPACE µ IP Solved by a method called which constructs a polynomial round interaction protocols for PSPACE-complete problem. Polynomial rounds is necessary ! What about Quantum Case IP µ QIP, and thus we know PSPACE µ QIP The easier direction becomes hard in quantum case It is an open problem for almost a decade to show QIP=PSPACE. However, we do know something non-trivial about the QIP in the very beginning. QIP=QIP(3)[KW00], 3 rounds are sufficient for quantum case QIP(3) µ EXP[KW00], by formulated as a SDP. 3 rounds Quantum Interactive Proof System Qubits 1 efficient quantum circuits 2 3 all- power , any quantum circuits Notations: linear algebra X ; Y; Z : complex Euclidean spaces L (X ) : space of operators acting on X Pos(X ) : set of positive semidefinite operators (or matrices) acting on X Quantum State: D(X ) := f ½2 Pos(X ) Tr (½) = 1g One part of the whole state: Given ½2 D(X - Y) The X part of the state is Tr Y (½) and Y part of the state is Tr X (½) More precisely, we have partial trace Tr Y : L(X - Y) ! mapping such that This is called Partial Trace L(X ) be the unique linear Tr Y (A - B) = Tr (B)A 8; A 2 L(X ); B 2 L(Y) Notations: continued Quantum Operations: a operation maps a quantum state to a quantum state. More precisely: auxiliary space © : L(Y) ! L(Z ) ½¸ 0 ) ¾= (I X - ª )½¸ 0 Tr (½) = Tr (¾) = 1 (Complete Positivity) (Trace Preserving) Quantum Measurement : an irreversible quantum operations defined by a set of P positive operators M = f M i 2 Pos(X )g such that i M i = I X . The outcome k occurs with probability hM k ; ½i 3 rounds Quantum Interactive Proof System(revisit) Quantum State on P - M - V 1 efficient quantum operations 2 3 all- power , any quantum operation Roadmap Match from both sides [KW00] General Model for interaction [GW07] SDP formulation but with exponential size One Possible Way PSPACE PSPACE ? =NC(poly) [Bord77] Polynomial algorithm for SDP (IPM, Ellipsoid) QIP in EXP [KW00] How to parallelize ? Matrix Multiplicative Weights Update method [AHK05] Parallelizable for some SDP and Equilibrium Value Roadmap(continued) Bad News: old formulation of QIP still open Good News: reformulation becomes solvable SDP reformulation [JJUW09], August 09 QIP=QMAM [MW05] Simpler solvable SDP QMAM in NC(poly) Only one Starts with definition, simpler SDP classical bit but not thatin simple. is sent the Using MMWsecond to solvestep SDP involves more complicated steps. 1 2 too complicated and technical 3 Roadmap(continued) A Neater Proof is available [Wu09] August, 09 Starts with QIP-Complete problem [RW05] Quantum Circuit Distinguishability: Given two short quantum circuits, distinguish their distance between two promises. Resulted in a simple Equilibrium Value Problem Solved by Matrix Multiplicative Weight Update Method Matrix Multiplicative Weight Update Method n agents weights w1 w2 Long History (cited from Sanjeev Arora) . . Update weights according to performance: wit+1 à wit (1 + ¢ performance of i) . wn The answer is Yes by using multiplicative weight update 1$ for correct prediction N “experts” on TV Can we perform as good as the best expert ? 0$ for incorrect Matrix Multiplicative Weight Update Method Density operator Proof Hint: use potential function Tr(W (t)) and matrix inequality. hM (t ) ; ½(t ) i = Tr (M (t ) ; ½(t ) ) cost of round t my performance Observation updated in this way some small gap any agent’s performance Equilibrium Value Consider C1, C2 are convex compact sets, function f is a bilinear function on C1 £ C2 mina2 C 1 maxb2 C 2 f (a; b) = maxb2 C 2 mina2 C 1 f (a; b) ¤ ¤ Moreover, there exists an equilibrium point (a ; b ) equilibrium value ¸ ¤ maxb2 C 2 f (a¤ ; b) = f (a¤ ; b¤ ) = mina2 C 1 f (a; b¤ ) Question: How to compute the equilibrium value ? Pick a random series of points from C1, and then get the maximum over C2 a1 a2 .. .. at b1 b2 .. .. bt ¸¤ = · min max f (a; b) a2 C 1 b2 C 2 min max f (at ; b) = min f (at ; bt ) t t b2 C 2 a upper bound is obtained easily How about the lower bound ? choose a better series Equilibrium Value In our settings, C1 is the set of density operators, C2 is the set The bilinear function is h¦ ; ¥(½)i ; ½2 C1 ; ¦ 2 C2 a1 a2 .. .. at b1 b2 .. .. bt a1 b1 a2 .. .. at b2 .. .. bt linear mapping MMW helps to generate the series Intuitively thinking : Why this works? Problem with the upper bound is it can be any large. MMW helps to make the value less than the “best agent” plus small gap. equilibrium point Equilibrium Value Get ½( t ) for the round t max¦ h¦ ; ¥(½(t ) )i make own “observation” substitute use MMW to get ½( t + 1) Equilibrium Value approximated value use equilibrium point (½¤ ; ¦ ¤ ) Consider maxb2 C 2 f (a¤ ; b) = f (a¤ ; b¤ ) = mina2 C 1 f (a; b¤ ) Conclusion: with precision ± , need rounds! Convert QIP-Complete to Equilibrium Value Problem Given any two quantum mixed state circuits Q1, Q2, wants to distinguish between This norm measures the distance between two circuits or channel. It is called diamond norm. Proved to be QIP-Complete when a+b=2, 0<b<1<a<2 [RW05] A formulation of equilibrium value simply follows! Induced from L1 norm for super-operators: k©k1 = maxk½k· 1 k©(½)k1 To: k©k¦ = maxk½k· 1 k© - I (½)k1 better representation of the distinguishing power by using entanglement with auxiliary space. The Converted Problem two promises! converted from Q0,Q1 1.9 0.1 fA ¡ © f B k1 min k© equilibrium value two promises with constant gap! constant precision will do the job! The Conversion : sketch max diamond norm to fidelity fidelity to L1 norm “ – “ sign, min implied k½k1 = max¦ h½; 2I ¡ ¦ i then we have a min-max form Simulation by NC(poly) constant polynomial polynomial time matrix operations matrix operations in NC Finally, polynomial compositions of NC(poly), still NC(poly) ! thus in PSPACE Conclusions Corollary: QIP=PSPACE SDP reformulation [JJUW09], August 09 A Neater Proof is available [Wu09] August, 09 Use QIP=QMAM Use QIP-Complete Problem Use definition to formulate Formulated as equilibrium Solve SDP by MMW value Solved by MMW Open Questions How to make more applications of MMW method? For quantum, QRG(2), QRG, QMA(2) candidates In other fields, like algorithmic game theory… MMW method for Convex Programming, under KKT conditions, or …