Math 100 - Columbia College

Columbia College
Math 100 Course Outline
Fall 2011
Instructor: Dr. Sambandam Ekambaram
Class Hours: M to F: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Office: Room #686
Office Hours: 12:00 to 12:55PM on M, T, R, F
Purpose of the course: Pre-calculus is meant to prepare you for studying calculus. The objects of study for Calculus are functions. So
we study mainly functions which are essential in the study of Calculus, that is to complete courses like Math 111, Math 113, Math 112,
Math 114. Mainly there are the following families of functions: polynomial functions, Algebraic functions, exponential functions and
trigonometric functions.
Textbook and topics: Factoring, Linear functions, quadratic functions, Polynomial functions, Logarithmic and exponential functions,
trigonometric functions and selected topics. Text book is available in the book store.
Lectures: There will be four lectures every week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 1:00 PM to 1:55 PM
Homework: You should do the homework right after each lecture. You can ask questions during office hours before handing in the
homework. You are welcome to contact me by email: . I’ll reply your email within 24 hours on
weekdays. Mention your last name and the course “Math 100” in the subject. You begin your email by writing “Dear Sir”. After you
complete your degree program, you can call me Sam.
Resources: Office hours are there for you to get help. Math tutorial centre is also there for you. Make appointments to use any of these
support systems.
Calculators: Graphing calculators are allowed on exams. TI83 plus graphing calculator is recommended. Where necessary, all steps
must be written to show your understanding.
Test #1 (55
October 3, 2011
Test #2 (55
November 4, 2011
Continuous Assessment: This includes the following.
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Workshop on Wednesdays. Attendance is compulsory.
Quiz on every Thursday
Attendance in body and mind
Active involvement in answering questions in the class,
Tutoring other students when necessary during workshop session in class
Written style using correct mathematical symbols, terminology and precise language.
Academic Discipline:
You must come to the class in time every time.
You must inform me, if possible, when you can’t come to the class. A doctor’s note is not generally acceptable. No alternate
test or quiz will be given if you miss one.
 If you are absent for the workshop, you will not be allowed to take the quiz.
 Bring your TI 83 plus calculator or a scientific calculator everyday.
 You have to take notes during the class. Read the notes first and then the text book.
 You must have a separate notebook or folder and keep all your work.
 Cell-phones must be switched off during the class.
 Pay attention to the technical terms in English. (Example: rational function)
 Write clearly and learn the language of Mathematics.
 All answers must be in simplified form.
 You must show all steps and not just the answer when you solve problems.
 You must show an understanding of ideas by writing all steps one by one.
 Prepare a list of mistakes that you make. The goal is to get rid of these mistakes.
 This list should get shorter and shorter before going to the final examination.
 If you repeatedly make similar mistakes, points will be taken off.
 Learn to maintain balance between all your courses.
 Eat only when you are hungry.
 Do physical exercise or Yoga everyday.
 Study everyday (limit yourself to 7 days per week). Enjoy studying because your veil of ignorance is removed.
 There is no substitute for hard work.
 Awake! Arise!! Stop not till the goal is reached!!!
Columbia College expects all students to uphold the principle of academic honesty. Cheating and plagiarism (presenting
another person’s words or ideas as one’s own) are not acceptable behaviour at any educational institution. Depending on the
severity of the offense such acts can result in a grade of zero on the test or assignment, a failing grade (F) in the course or
expulsion from the college. In all cases, the circumstances and the penalty are recorded in the student’s file.
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1. Students at Columbia College are expected to show respect for the rights of other
students, in particular the right to study and learn.
2. Any behaviour in a classroom that interferes with the instructor’s ability to conduct the
class will be treated as disruptive; the penalties for disruptive behaviour are set out in the
College Calendar, and include suspension and even expulsion from the College.
3. In general students are expected to be attentive and courteous during class and lab time,
to complete assigned work and to accept responsibility for their own achievement.
4. In particular:
5. students will aim to arrive at all classes early so as to be ready when the class begins –
this means taking a seat and getting out paper, pens, necessary texts and so on before
the class starts.
6. Students will not expect to leave the class before the instructor has finished.
7. On those rare occasions when a student must leave a class early he/she should seek the
permission of the instructor before the class starts.
8. If a student must excuse himself/herself during a class the student should request
permission and leave as quietly as possible.
9. Cell phones, pagers and beepers will be turned off during classes, not simply switched to
“vibrate” mode. Students should never consult their phones, etc, during a class.
10. students will not talk while the instructor is talking.
11. Students will speak respectfully when asking a question or answering a question posed
by the instructor.
12. Students may not eat or drink during classes unless the instructor indicates that this is
acceptable in his/her class
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