Nov 15th 2011 - IR-DRG Panel Meeting Minutes Time and location: Panel Members : Tuesday Nov 15th 2011 10:00 AM-12:00 PM – 3rd Floor Meeting Room, HAAD Dr. Finn Goldner (Chairman), Linda Vandijk(DAMAN), Antoine El Achkar (Lifeline Hospital), Michelea Peech (CCSC), Wayne Keller(SEHA), Absenteeism: HAAD: Other Attendees Mohammed Mazhar Hamadeh(Al Ain Ahalia Insurance), Sultan Al Sayed Al Dhaheri, Mahmoud R.I AbuRaddaha, Dr. Philipp Vetter, Lina Jichi Catharine Ann Downing (SEHA), Mazen Malhis (Al-Noor Hospital), Dr. M. Ezzat Agamy (Lifeline Hospital), Anandan Saravanan (NAS TPA) , Susan Young (SEHA) Luis Perfetti (Oasis Hospital) A - General Items ID Agenda Item A. Meeting Kick-off and opening statement. Adviso r FG Comments B. Overall market feedback MA EA The providers are more comfortable now with the DRG system as they have been living and breathing the system since more than a year, however, the insurance companies are yet to catch. The health authority has held a workshop to assist the payers in gaining the required understanding necessary for the proper implementation of the system. The Health Authority has received several requests for delay of the implementation. The Health Authority remains firm on the implementation on the set date (Jan 1st 2012), however will grant exemptions for all healthcare entities who submits request for exemption, and commit to fully implementation on April 1st (refer to HAAD Circular 48). Update on the previous decision of the panel that are still in process: o Item ID 23 “approval of CCSC definition of readmission”. HSF is working with strategy on the review and will present their feedback in the next panel meeting. o Item 24 “Continuity of Pharmaceutical Care to discharged patients” circular is still being reviewed by other HAAD stakeholders. HSF to follow up internally. o Item ID 21 & 22 “Add business rule: not covered activities in DRG claims”. Topic was discussed in the DSP (item 209 / Jan 14 2011) however no resolution was made. DSP to be approached again for final resolution. Market is tight due to professional licensing requirement and the difficulty in staffing new facilities. WK MM Response: Dr Agamy was advised to work with professional Licensing Department on the resolution of this matter. Circular 171 of the Ministry of Health adds pressure on the facilities as it reduces the drugs profit margins. Response: The circular doesn’t belong to HAAD and needs to be dealt with outside this panel On the DRG system, overall positive however consumable charges (DRGs with high consumable costs) are still underpriced and needs to be carefully reviewed. Response: (1) Providers to review the new Mandatory Tariff and DRG weights (V2012-Q2) and provide formal feedback. And (2) HSF will work with strategy dept. will evaluate the various options to further refine the weight update methodology especially for DRGs with implants. Secondary Diagnosis issues, previously encountered, have now been resolved. Agrees with EA comments on the underpayment of the cases with implants and stressed on the need to refine the update methodology to fairly calculate the implants costs. Reference to “HAAD Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Standard” /HSF/CA/1.0. Simple Edits are needed by the providers’ community, as was stated in the standard, to create the transparency in the payment system and minimize the disputes. Response: HAAD will initiate the request to all the insurance companies to submit their simple edits. The frequency of the pricelist updates and the weight changes impacts the budget therefore SEHA requested to maintain a single major update per year. Response: That is in line with HAAD’s intention, whereby one annual major update will be made and a limited number of minor updates will be made which shall be aimed to introduce new required codes or have minimal impact on the revenue cycle. Information shared in the DRG workshop is being used by the insurance companies as the average base rate. Response: Health Authority message was loud and clear that the base rate presented was for information purposes only as it didn’t include specific data about a provider or a payer but rather was inclusive of all hospitals and all patients (enhanced product) therefore by no means should influence provider/payers negotiation, but rather an example of the method to calculate the implied base rate per insurance company / provider. Presentation will be published on HAAD website. DRG workshop MP Market is more comfortable with DRGs now. As a recommendation, health authority needs ensure more communication about the updates time table. Response: Circular 48 will clearly state the updates new time table. AS The Payers DRG workshop was extremely helpful to the payers, recommendation is to have more market education sessions similar to the workshop. Communication about the new updates timetable is awaited by the market. Response: Circular 48 will clearly state the updates new time table. The health authority is planning for more workshops to assist the market in acquiring the basic knowledge about the new system. LV Daman is 100% ready for the DRG implementation. Audit After paying remains a challenge to the insurance companies,. Calculation of the HCPCS cost using the current e-claims rules is a challenge, especially for case with outliers. Response: Health Authority will explore the possible solutions with minimal disruption to the eclaims requirements. Communication about the new updates timetable is awaited by the market. Response: Circular 48 will clearly state the updates new time table. Unfavorable behavior (claims splitting) is being observed by Daman in regard to Pre-Op and Post-Op care. Response: topic to be scheduled in the next meeting agenda with quantitative data of the observed change. Daman burning cost for the “enhanced” is lower than the Basic Base Rate. B - Agenda Items ID 27 Date Adviso r 15-11-11 HAAD Proposal/Comment/Question DRG weight updates which are recalculated weights. Action/Decision Action Owner Strategy explained the new update methodology and DRG weight updates, which are recalculated weights based on New 2011 codes HAAD / Using 2012 prices Panelists Utilizing the new 3M grouper). Abu Dhabi historical data; Revised claims selection criteria (see attached). The panel discussed the methodology and the new weights: 2011 codes have higher specialization and align more appropriately with the rendered services. 2.3 grouper does capture the full picture and contain fixes for previously reported mapping Material IR-DRG proposed weights V2012-Q2 errors. The panel has identified the following as areas of concerns, The current methodology doesn’t properly account for the actual consumables prices. SEHA suggested that consumables to be treated as pass-through (carve-outs). Decision /Panel Voting: To sustain the integrity of the system, the Health Authority is not considering introducing carve-outs at this stage. Panelist to review the new weights and provide feedback on the DRGs with high consumable costs. Proposals are to be provided within the Mandatory Tariff consultation period, which expires by Dec 31st 2011. 28 15-11-11 Daman Proposal for payment of ventilation codes that are grouped incorrectly by the 3M grouping HAAD has reviewed the proposal and has confirmed that the reported mapping issue has been resolved in 3M grouper v2.3. (see attached) Proposal Decision: Daman to review and re-approach the panel if the issue persists 2.3 grouper changes July 6th 2011 - IR-DRG Panel Meeting Minutes Wednesday July 6th 2011 9:00 AM-12:00 PM – 3rd Floor Meeting Room, HAAD Time and location: Panel Members : Dr. Finn Goldner (Chairman), Linda Vandijk(DAMAN), Antoine El Achkar (Lifeline Hospital), Catharine Ann Downing (SEHA) on behalf of Wayne Keller(SEHA), Absenteeism: Michelea Peech (CCSC), Wayne Keller(SEHA), Mohammed Mazhar Hamadeh(Al Ain Ahalia Insurance), Non-Panel Members Mahmoud R.I AbuRaddaha (HAAD) Other Attendees Mazen Malhis (Al-Noor Hospital), Dr. M. Ezzat Agamy (Lifeline Hospital), Anandan Saravanan (NAS TPA) , Malda Bashi (AccuMed). A - General Items ID Agenda Item A. Meeting Kick-off and opening statement. Adviso r FG Comments B. Overall market feedback LV EA Comments about individual DRG weights, weights for the lower severity and DRG mapping are still being received by the HSF division, however -through observation- the providers’ community seems more comfortable with the new weights. There is increase interest in the DRGs by the private healthcare entities: providers, IC and TPAs, in preparation for the inclusion of the DRG prospective payment system as the method of billing and reimbursement for the inpatient encountered in the newly signed / renewed contracts. The Health Authority has received requests for delay of the implementation. The Health Authority remains firm on the implementation on the set date of Jan 1st 2012. Submission is smoother compared to the prior period. Claims with “Denied Services” is an issue which needs to be quickly addressed as it is causing for some claims to remain unsettled. From payment perspective and subsequent to the weight update, Damans books suggests a higher overall payment, however some concern about the appropriateness of the weights for the DRGs with lower severity. Earlier in the year there was less clarity on the billing and reimbursement rules in regard to DRG (example secondary diagnosis) which has cause concerns in the providers community, most of which have been addressed and resolved but some requires further clarification. New weights are better that what was before but not optimal, i.e. doesn’t cover the cost for some of the DRGs especially for IP with implants. CD AS MM As we have more clarity on the DRG update mechanism, SEHA is now capturing more data on the claim which will help in better DRG weight calculation. Agrees with Daman that the claims with “Denied Services “is an issue and causing for some claims to remain unsettled. Denial of Secondary Diagnosis seems to continue, SEHA will review its records and present its complaints, if any, to the concerned parties. There is no clear mechanism on how the system will adapt to the increase of cost of implants which is (estimated by 20%. From TPA perspective, NAS is interested in contracting using DRG prospective payment system and is taking the steps to include the DRGs in the new SPCs for calendar year 2012. From Al-Noor perspective several DRGs with lower severity have been unfavorably affected by the new weights, hence request that the weights gets reviewed again to fairly reimburse for the services rendered for patients with lower severity. B - Agenda Items ID 23 Date Adviso r 06-Jul-11 HAAD Proposal/Comment/Question 24 06-Jul-11 HAAD Review and approval of CCSC definition of readmission. Discussion of the mechanics of utilizing the definitions in implementation of the 2% augmentation on the base rate for Basic product. Continuity of Pharmaceutical Care to discharged patients Proposal hospitals conduct pre-discharge medication review and dispense: The lesser of; remainder of treatment course of prescribed medication, including antibiotics, or 7 days supply. Action/Decision Action Owner The panel discussed the definition of readmission approval of CCSC, and has identified the following areas of concerns, The definition is based on ICD-9 category instead HAAD / of the MDC. The definition is some aspects conflicts with the Panelists standard definition of readmission: CCSC is ICD-9 based while the standard is DRG based. Some of the excluded readmissions scenarios are difficult to statistically measure (e.g readmission for medical conditions that were not medically possible to be performed in the same admission). The definition doesn’t account for the readmission due to complications of the initial admission. Decision /Panel Voting: Request HAAD strategy and CCSC to provide the statistical framework for implementation of the 2% augmentation on the base rate for Basic product using the provided definition. Decision: Daman has suggested that the supply period be for 14 days and not 7. Healthcare providers suggested that the cost of discharge medication to not be part of the inpatient encounter as it will put additional financial burden on the service providers. Panel Voting FG voted yes. HAAD Material Readmission Definition Discharge Medication 25 26 06-Jul-11 HAAD 06-Jul-11 HAAD No supply of medication for established Chronic Condition, or refill of medicine, that were Present on Admission. Unless, the medical condition was designated as the encounter principle diagnosis, in which case remainder of treatment course or 7 days supply, whichever is lesser, shall be dispensed. Supply of medications is aimed to ensure that patients are supplied with sufficient quantity that sustains continuity of pharmaceutical care after discharge. Hence, shall be covered under the insurance inpatient benefits scheme, and be reimbursed to the service provider, using the rules in effect, as a part of the inpatient encounters. Evaluation of the need for 2nd IR-DRG weights update in Q4 DRG Panel to clarify the rules around payment of DRG claims when Payer calculates a different DRG than reported by the Provider in a claim. Relates to DRG panel issue id 21 & 22. And DSP decision 151 LV voted yes. CD voted no. AA voted no. Panel Chairman used the casting vote, proposal hence was accepted. Decision /Panel Voting: The panel members have voted for weight updated which should, Account for the suggestions made earlier by the panelist in response to the first update. Account for the increase in the implant cost increase. Be presented to the panel in the next Panel meeting and before being published for consultation. Follow the implementation scheduled set by the claims and adjudication rules (published in October 2011 with effective date Jan 1st 2012. Decision /Panel Voting: As this item was not present in the original agenda, the panel agreed on have it discussed on a subsequent meeting or through e-mail voting HAAD March 24, 2011 - IR-DRG Panel Meeting Minutes Time and location: Thursday, March 24, 2011 9:00 AM-12:00 PM – 3rd Floor Meeting Room, HAAD Panel Members : Dr. Finn Goldner (Chairman), Linda Vandijk(DAMAN), Wayne Keller(SEHA), Mohammed Mazhar Hamadeh(Al Ain Ahalia Insurance), And, Michelea Peech (CCSC). Antoine El Achkar (Life line Hospital). Absenteeism: Non-Panel Members Mahmoud R.I AbuRaddaha (HAAD), Dr. Shereefa Fatema Afreen(HAAD) Other Attendees Lina Jichi (HAAD), James Basil Bardopoulos(HAAD), Catharine Ann Downing (SEHA), Ann Webster (SEHA & CCSC), A - General Items ID A. Agenda Item Meeting Kick-off and opening statement. Advisor Dr. Finn Comments Good efforts have been made in the implementation of the DRG for Thiqa (SEHA) and Basic Product (All Providers); Claims are now flowing, as well are the payments. For the Enhanced product, the market seems to remain observant of the Thiqa and Basic, nonetheless needs to take more proactive steps toward the understanding of impact and values of the DRG system. Issues reported in the previous meeting have been addressed, today’s meeting will provide resolution for some however few other are still to be resolved. B. Overall market feedback Michelea Feedback received is generally positive. Majority of the Mapping issues have now been resolved, however minor issues are still work-inprogress. Linda V. The general observation is that the providers are cooperative and are actively participating in the success of the implementation of the DRG Prospective Payment System for the Basic Product (and SEHA for Thiqa). Workshops have been conducted to educate the market about the DRG, participation and outcomes were positive. Daman is currently dealing only dealing with sporadic and individual questions and queries, and haven’t decided yet to conduct any further group workshops. Grouping and Mapping review still required, Daman will continue to coordinate with Michelea on any reported or encountered Mapping issues. Wayne K. Providers are not active in providing feedback on the implementation, however the forthcoming weigh update might change that. Provider Manuals are not currently covering the IR-DRG related operational procedures and protocols. TPAs are interested in contracting with SEHA, however holding on converting to the DRG Prospective Payment System. Market Educational Workshops might be able to change that. DRG claims processing started as tough however progress is being achieved. Moh’d H. For its Enhanced Products, Daman is still evaluating the financial impact of the transition to the DRG Prospective Payment System. Stats wise; o Daman has received ~ 22,000 inpatient Claims. Out of which ~80 have hit the outlier. Of which 20% to 30% are with unsupported secondary diagnosis. Audits have confirmed wrong coding in these cases. o 25% rejection rate. 15-30% of the rejections were found to be appropriate through the desk audit. o Daman has also noted pushing out of services to different payment schemes. Dr. Finn No major issues have been reported by the Insurance Companies, as majority remains observant of the current market dynamics. Majority of the Insurance Companies utilized the TPA services in its Networking, Contracting and Claims administration functions; hence it will be beneficial to have TPAs as none-voting participants in the DRG Panel. Insurance Companies Stats suggests high “Fraud and Abuse” rate: raising from 10-15% to ranges between 30-40% of the billed amounts. Implementation of DRG system will shift the risk to the providers, promote efficiency and clear the IC worries about any potential provider abuse. Feedback received by HAAD can be summarized by the following: o Case Complexity is underpaid. o DRG’s weights are not inline with the market practice. B - Agenda Items ID Date Adviso r Proposal/Comment/Question Action/Decision Action Owner Material 18 24-Mar-11 Lina J Proposal for IR-DRG weights update. Decision /Panel Voting: There was consensus on the presented methodology and the need to update the weights. 19 24-Mar-11 HAAD/ Implementation of the 2% augmentation Actions Panelist provided immediate feedback and recommendations, that shall be considered by HAAD in the subsequent updates: o Daman: Future updates should exclude not covered services, duplicate charges, and billing errors. o SEHA: Physician charges should be reflected in the overall cost, which shall be achieved by the proper and exhaustive coding by the service providers. o Daman: Calculations based on the current Basic Product Pricelist as the best proxy cost is fine, however suggested using the mode or median rather than the weighted avg for non-priced service and HCPCS codes. The calculation methodology and new weights are posted in HAAD website (Data Dictionary / Governance / DRG Advisory Panel) for public review and consultation. The consultation period expires on 8th Apr. Public comments should be channeled through the panelists. In case of disagreement with particular aspect of the overall methodology or specific DRG weight, for a change to be considered by HAAD: a) there should be a consensus on the disagreement and b) a proposal for an alternative methodology that is supported by the required statistical analysis and logic. There will be regular upgrades to the IR-DRG weights. HAAD will provide the framework regarding the inclusion of the updates in the contractual structure set by the Standard Provider Contract. Decision /Panel Voting: 11-03-12 Weight Updates.pptx HAAD / Panelists Daman 20 24-Mar-11 Wayne on the base rate for Basic product in case of readmissions. Proposal: Rules set by DSP (currently in voting) are aimed to set the clear rules in regard to the “Transfer” e-claims submission. Subsequent to the DSP decisions, CCSC will be requested to provide the lexical (words) definition of transfer, to remove ambiguity between various types of transfer (i.e. to acute care, post-acute care and long-term care etc) Charging CCSC with setting a definition of readmission. Charging Daman with Augmentation mechanics and implementation timetable using the CCSC readmission definition, and the rules set in the DRG Standard. SEHA requested revisit of items 6 &7 of Nov 25th Panel meeting concerning: Cochlear and other high cost Implants. High cost drugs and drugs costing more than 6000 AED. Implants, costing more than 3,000 AED Proposal: Review of the cost of high cost drugs and supplies in lights of the suggested IR-DRG updates. Accepted the Transfer definition set by DSP. Consensus on the proposed action plan for the proposal for the Implementation the augmentation. Actions Submit a request to CCSC to provide lexical (words) definition of Transfer and Re-admissions. HAAD/ CCSC Charging Daman with Augmentation mechanics and implementation timetable, subsequent to the CCSC definition finalization. HAAD/ DAMAN Expensive Drugs and Implants (HCPCs) are accounted for in the new IR-DRGs weights update. HAAD will define and publish Specialized and NonMarket DRGs, which will protect the providers offering highly specialized and infrequently offered services. HAAD Cochlear Implants Medical # removed.xlsx High cost drug more than 6000 AED and claimed amount 20 Implants, etc more than 3,000 AED.XLSX Top 100 high cost drugs oct 2010.xlsx 21 24-Mar-11 Wayne SEHA’s claims are denied by Daman due to: i. Differences in grouping methods; where Daman groups by putting in only the billable services whilst SEHA puts in all the items, services and secondary/tertiary diagnosis. ii. Omission of certain activity data that Daman determines should have been included. For instance, Daman may determine that there is no evidence that co-morbidity has been treated during a hospital stay (e.g. hypertensive medication given to a patient with hypertension); as such, Daman will exclude this diagnosis when grouping. iii. Denials do not include the changed IRDRG, or any payment for the changed IR-DRG’s. SEHA proposed that this be changed as hospitals are now unable to deal with resubmissions as they have no idea on how the IR-DRGs have been grouped. Proposal, In light of the diagnosis approved by CCSC on March 1: definition Secondary diagnosis (es) can be excluded if it relates to an earlier episode that has no bearing on the current hospital stay. Secondary diagnosis (es) if relates to uncovered condition but has bearing on the current hospital stay shall not be Decision /Panel Voting: Proposal was discussed with modifications. The new proposal the panel voted on is as follows: o Secondary diagnosis coding shall follow CCSC published rules. Accordingly providers shall refrain from coding a secondary diagnosis (es) that refer to an earlier episode and have no bearing on the current hospital stay. o Diagnosis (es) not supported by coded services shall not be excluded by the Insurance Companies during adjudication as such diagnosis(es) might have influence on the length of hospital stay, or increased nursing care and/or monitoring. However, can be flagged for audit, and be subject to recovery if confirmed to be wrongly coded by the medical record audit. o Confirmed Coding errors shall be reported to CCSC for review and potential cancellation of audit certificate for the frequent violators. o Secondary diagnosis(es) if relates to uncovered condition but has bearing on the current hospital stay shall not be excluded from the DRG payment. The revised proposal was approved using the “Majority Rule”: o 3 votes with; Wayne and Dr. Finn, Michelea. o 2 votes against: Linda and Moh’d. Payers and Providers Final Definition for Diagnosis.doc excluded from the DRG payment. DSP will be requested to provide the technical solution that supports the above resolution. 22 24-Mar-11 HAAD Through various requests HAAD was asked to provide further clarifications on the calculation of DRG Outliers; Billing Methodology (Fee for service, Perdiem …etc). Pricelist to use. Services that can be excluded from the DRG payment. Proposal: HAAD will provide through formal communication clarification in regard to the Billing Methodology and Pricelist, as those items were already pre-defined in the DRG standard: o Billing Methodology: Fee for Service. o Cost = Mandatory Tariff prices regardless of the product. Services that can be excluded from the DRG / DRG outlier payment shall be limited to: o Billing Errors and duplicate charges, using simple and complex edits as defined in HAAD adjudication standard. o “Medically impossible” charges: services that couldn’t have been provided due to: Patient gender restriction. Patient age restriction. Patient previous medical history. o Material not-covered item under the Decision /Panel Voting: Proposal was approved by the Panel members with the following final wording: Services that can be excluded from the DRG / DRG outlier payment shall be limited to: o Billing Errors and duplicate charges, using simple and complex edits as defined in HAAD adjudication standard. o “Medically impossible” charges: services that couldn’t have been provided due to: Patient gender restriction. Patient age restriction. Patient previous medical history. o Not-covered item under the insurance plan. Rules are applicable to DRG and DRG outlier calculation. Actions: HAAD HAAD HAAD will provide through formal communication clarification in regard : o Billing Methodology: Fee for Service. o Cost = Mandatory Tariff prices regardless of the product. o Charges that can be excluded from the DRG / DRG outlier payment. DSP will be requested to provide the technical solution that supports the above resolution. HAAD insurance plan. DSP will be requested to provide the technical solution that supports the above resolution. 25 November, 2010 IR-DRG Panel Meeting Name of Organization: Health Authority of Abu Dhabi Time and location: 9.00am to 11.30 a.m - 25 November, 2010- 2nd Floor Meeting Room, HAAD Panel Members : Dr. Finn Goldner (Chairman), Linda Vandijk(DAMAN), Wayne Keller(SEHA), Antoine El Achkar (Life line Hospital), Mohammed Mazhar Hamadeh(Al Ain Ahalia Insurance), and Michelea Peech (CCSC) Others Mahmoud R.I AbuRaddaha (HAAD), Dr. Shereefa Fatema Afreen(HAAD), Guests Cathryn Downing (SEHA) , Mariano Gonzalez (Al Noor Hospital) Apologies No apologies. Absent No absenteeism General Items Item ID 1. Agenda Item Advisor Meeting Kick-off and opening statement. Panel duties and role. General expectations from Panel Members. Dr. Finn Goldner Action Decision The Panel shall assemble each quarter and shall be considered a quorum if three Panel members including the Chairman with at least one payer representative and one provider representative attend. Next meeting date will be formally communicated to the Panel Members and Public on HAAD website 15 days prior to the meeting. Action Owner HAAD Material Industry representatives shall collect industry feedback and proposals of their sector to the panel. However proposals can be submitted either through panel members or directly to HAAD: Contacts details of panel members shall be published at HAAD website (see Item ID 2). To HAAD through Ms. Huwaida Obaid at Panel members All proposals are to be specific, and should be supported with price cost analysis and relevant supportive materials and evidence, and be made in writing to the Chairman of the Panel. Minutes of the panel meeting will include proposals, discussions, actions and decisions of the panel, will be captured by HAAD and published with public access in HAAD website /Data Dictionary/ Governance / DRG Advisory Panel. Also; Direct Communication to the panel members prompting to review and verify the minutes will be uploaded to HAAD website. HAAD shall create an internet push-system which shall send intimations to other registered members. Further updates regarding this system is to be provided to the public in Q1 of 2011. 2. Introduction of Panelists. Panel members 1. Dr. Finn Goldner (Chairman) –Director Health System Financing Health Authority Abu Dhabi P.O. 5674 Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel.+971 41 93 563 E-mail: 2. Linda VanDijk(DAMAN) Manager Medical Strategy and Development Department National Health Insurance Company – Daman P.O. Box 128888 Abu Dhabi, UAE HAAD Dir. Tel: +971 2 614 5658 | Mobile: +971 56 614 6254 | Fax: +971 2 614 9773 E-mail:| Website: 3. Wayne P.Keller(SEHA) Director – Head Revenue Cycle Management SEHA Tel.Mobile 050 533 1585 Office 02 410 2788 E-mail: 4. Antoine El Achkar (Life Line Hosital representing Private Providers), 5. Mohammed Mazhar Hamadeh(Al Ain Ahalia- Representing Payers, 6. Michelea Peech (CCSC) Clinical Coding Consultant Chair, Clinical Coding Steering Committee Health Authority of Abu Dhabi Cell +971 50 1414172 General impression about IR-DRG experience so far. Panel members E-mail: Overall, panel members’ impression about the IR-DRG implementation to-date was positive. However, there was a general agreement on the need to keep the figure on the pulse and deal with the minor issues that might be encountered in the coming phases as they arise. Other topics discussed, Coding issues. Operational issues. The need for change of practices. Efficiency requirements. Issue ID 1 Date /Agenda Item 9-Nov-10 Advisor Proposal/Comment/Question Action/Decision Action Owner M. Mazhar The Payer’s Trade license does not allow them to act as collection agent on behalf of any third Party There are procedural and admin difficulties in collecting these fines which include, but are not limited to : The panel did not consider the reported issue a DRG related topic. However, as it is a subject of public concern, Al Ain Ahalia was advised to contact the Inspection & Enforcements Section at the Health Systems Financing for further review of this matter. M. Mazhar HAAD team agreed. Minutes of the panel meeting will include: proposals, discussions, actions and decisions of the panel, will be captured by HAAD and published with public access at HAAD website in Data Dictionary. Also Direct Communication to the panel members prompting to review and verify the minutes HAAD i) Local transfer of an employee within Abu Dhabi ii) Local transfer of an employee from other Emirates to Abu Dhabi with no previous medical insurance 2 9-Nov-10 M. Mazhar iii) Person arrives on visit Visa to be converted to employment visa. No previous insurance. HAAD notifications, including circulars and letters, regulations, explanations, amendments etc. must be communicated directly to stakeholders. The market should not be expected to regularly followup at the HAAD Web-site. Material 3 9-Nov-10 M. Mazhar 4 9-Nov-10 M. Mazhar HAAD and other Stakeholders (Payers Providers and TPAs) must have a closer relationship as partners to ensure smooth operations instead of HAAD imposing a constant threat of fines and penalties. Can UAE Nationals from outside Abu Dhabi Emirate be insured under Medical plans other than Thiqa? will be uploaded to HAAD website. HAAD shall create an internet push-system which shall send intimations to other registered members. Further updates regarding this system is to be provided to the public in Q1 of 2011. Topic relates to issue ID "1", hence same Action/Decision applies. M. Mazhar All parties With reference to the Health involved Insurance Circular 26 and as stipulated under Law 2007/83 and Law 2005/23, UAE Nationals are strictly forbidden to possess “Double Insurance” policies. However, confirmed that THIQA is not a mandatory product, any national has the option to obtain health insurance other than THIQA through their employers. In addition, HAAD has just published the framework for THIQA Top-Up products, which complement the current THIQA benefits and can be bought from the private sector. Further information in this regard can be obtained from HSF /“Authorization” section. 5 9-Nov-10 M. Mazhar 6 9-Nov-10 Wayne P. Keller Antoine El Achkar 7 11-Nov-10 Wayne P. Keller Can UAE Nationals, who are part of a Group Scheme be insured under Medical Plans other than Thiqa (they may wish to receive additional benefits) Providers are of the opinion that a few IR-DRGs do not cover-up treatment costs including costs for expensive drugs and durable medical supplies. Topic relates to issue ID "4", hence same Action/Decision applies. All parties involved The IR-DRGs reimbursement is based on average case cost, rather than separate individual items. Each DRG represents the average resources needed to treat patients grouped to that DRG. (weights are calculated by 3M, on international utilization of average hospital resources) HAAD recognizes the need to develop local weights to better align levels of reimbursement to reflect our young population (in comparison to high elderly population in western countries) and our national epidemiological factors e.g. higher percentage of patients with childhood diabetes. HAAD should calculate cost weights for cases in future as Abu Dhabi specific cost data become available. Assess Abu Dhabi weights versus IR-DRG weights Reweighting could occur on an annual basis or less regularly HAAD & All parties involved SEHA has submitted a list of items which are presented for consideration as potential pass Price for individual items cannot be dissociated from the total IR-DRG cost. However it is part of HAAD plans to HAAD & All parties involved through items over the Basic IR-DRG rate. These items include: High Cost Drug (more than AED 600 claimed in 2009. Cochlear Implants and others Top 100 high cost Medications 8 14-Nov-10 Linda Vandijk What is the scope of the Panel and what are its given responsibilities, power of decision? How does the panel relate to other bodies such as DSP and CCSC, e.g.. Which panel will supersede in case of converse decisions? 9 14-Nov-10 Linda Vandijk What will be the timelines and process for (annual) update of the IR- DRG set of relative weights and, factor in all the cost factors while localizing the IR-DRG weights as explained in issue ID “6” Action/Decision. In case of Outliers, please refer to the DRG Standard available at the HAAD website under Policies and Circulars. Please refer back to DRG standard Clause 7.2. Also see Action/Decision of item no. 1. The panel is advisory in nature, and is expected to act as the voice of the market in matters that are in concern to IR-DRGs. The panel responsibilities revolve around reviewing operational issues, concerns and problems arising from the DRG system & implementation. The final decision for revisions and/or updates to payment rules remain the sole responsibility of HAAD. In addition the rates for the Basic Product are solely governed by HAAD. Nonetheless, the advisory panel will act as an active participant in the review and feedback on any proposed changes / updates before they come into effect. Please refer back to issue ID “6” Action/Decision. HAAD HAAD 10 14-Nov-10 Linda Vandijk 11 14-Nov-10 Linda Vandijk 12 14-Nov-10 Linda Vandijk if allowed, what will be the criteria for adjusting individual weights to ensure the internal relativity? What will be expected from the Panel in this process? How does HAAD intend to implement the 2% augmentation on the base rate for Basic product in case of readmission rates in the best quartile? How will the Newborns exceeding their mothers In-Patient stay be covered under the IR-DRGs payment? When will HAAD confirm the decisions to payers and providers including: The 30 day coverage of Newborns for Basic product? Inclusion of Outpatient and Emergency services delivered to the patient less than 48 hours prior to his/her In-Patient admission for the DRG in the DRG claim? Missing encounter start and end time. Many providers are populating the compulsory fields encounter start and end time as 0:00, whereas the times are required to discriminate between an inpatient stay and a day case. Daman will pay as per HAAD standard; FFS for day case and DRGs for inpatient stays. - Absence of encounter end type Advisory panel will act as an active participant in the review and feedback on any proposed changes and/or updates to the weights before they come into effect. To be discussed in next meeting. Both topics are in review, and clarification is scheduled to be published in the month of December. HAAD Newborn Health Care Payment Calculation.p Note; following related actions were taken after the meeting: Newborn Health Care Payment Calculation letter was published on 14/12/2010. (See PDF attachment for reference). Encounter start and end time is required as indicated in the Data Standard. Hence Payers must exercise their right to audit providers who constantly submit claims with encounter start and end as 0:00. Absence of encounter end type ‘transfer’ in transfer cases, is considered incorrect coding, and must be avoided by service providers. Providers, Payers & CCSC ‘transfer’ in transfer cases. We have come across claims that are billed as DRGs whilst evidence in the e.g. The patient file or documentation ion authorization request by receiving hospital. Daman will pay as per HAAD standard; per diem without procedures for the transfer provider. If the amount claimed by a provider is higher than the price set for the billed 7 digit DRG code (thus mismatch of DRG code and DRG price), Daman will pay not more than the price set by HAAD for the billed 7 digit DRG code, if correctly billed. 13 14-Nov-10 Linda Vandijk 14 14-Nov-10 Linda Vandijk What should be a Payer’s stand in cases where Providers bill either no procedures or bill only those which impact the DRG grouping? 15 14-Nov-10 Linda Vandijk What are HAAD’s views on cases where an Inpatient DRG is billed without a major procedure, and is then followed by a quick readmission for the same DRG, where the major procedure is NB: CCSC will create a definition for “Transferred Cases" and publish it on the HAAD website in due course, to provide further clarity in the coding requirement for transferred cases. HAAD agrees. For the Basic Product the prices are set by HAAD and should be paid as set. For Enhanced and Thiqa, prices are negotiated between the Payer and Provider, and prevails for reimbursement of services performed during the contract period. As per HAAD’s Standards, all procedures, services and consumables must be included in the encounter, regardless of it impacts on the DRG reimbursement. Encounter with missing treatment details shall be considered incomplete. Accordingly, Payers can exercise their right to audit providers constantly flagged for such billing errors. Payers and Providers If true as stated, this will be considered Case-Splitting which is not allowed as per the current regulations. Payers must adjudicate such claims per the Claims Adjudication Payers and Providers Payers and Providers carried out and billed? 16 17 14-Nov-10 14-Nov-10 Linda Vandijk Linda Vandijk There seems to be a major increase in secondary diagnosis in claims and often a payer cannot find proof of increased resource consumption. Daman is preparing adjudication guidelines for: Cases that require clear evidence of CPTs, drugs, HCPS etc on the bill and Cases that require further patient file investigation by our field medical officers. Per the DRG Standard, providers are not required to update their authorizations. To date, Daman has processed many requests for DRG changes, but we will change process to accommodate such requests in special cases only (to be communicated shortly) Standard. Please refer back to HAAD’s Website / Policies and procedures / Claims Adjudication Standard. Payers can exercise their right to audit providers constantly flagged for such billing errors. Coding must be complete; hence secondary diagnosis, even if not supported by a procedure, service or resource consumption in the encounter, must be coded. In case of proven intentional miss coding (abuse), the payer must report the provider to HAAD. Data Standards Panel should be contacted to decide which denial code to use. As per the DRG Standard, providers are not required to update their authorizations. Hence payers must take the necessary internal actions to comply with the standard. Payers Payers