Practice Quizzes for Honors Biology Unit 3

Practice Quizzes for Honors Biology Unit 3
Chapter 24: DNA Biology and Technology
1. Describe the experiment/experimenters relating to DNA:
a. DNA as the genetic material?
b. A=T and G=C
c. Helical structure of DNA
d. Structure of DNA
2. What is the structure of DNA? If a ladder, what are the sides? The rungs? Which purines are Hbonded with pyrimidines?
3. List the steps of DNA replication.
4. Name and describe the functions of the three types of RNA and tell how they are different from DNA.
5. List the steps of transcription.
6. What is a codon? Anticodon? Genetic code?
7. List the steps of translation.
8. Name the enzyme:
a. Seals phosphate sugar backbones
b. Cuts DNA at recognition sequence
c. Makes complementary DNA from DNA
d. Makes complementary RNA from DNA
e. Unwinds DNA
9. Differentiate between: mutations, mutagens and transposons.
10. Differentiate between frameshift mutations and point mutations.
11. Define:
a. Recombinant DNA
b. Vectors
c. Biotechnology
12. What is the purpose of:
a. PCR
b. Gel electrophoresis
c. DNA profiling
13. Define transgenic organisms and give an example of a transgenic bacteria, plant and animal.
14. What is plant and animal pharming?
15. Make sure you have done your additional objectives.
Chapter 26: Control of Gene Expression and Cancer
1. How do cells become specialized when they all contain the exact same DNA?
2. For the operon; name the participant that:
a. transcribes the DNA into mRNA
b. codes for a repressor
c. assists transcription factors
d. in our example, made an active repressor inactive
e. in our example, codes for a protein(s) that digests lactose
f. binds to the promoter
g. binds to the operator
h. assists RNA polymerase to bind
i. a cluster of genes and their control sequences that usually code for proteins related to a
particular metabolic pathways
3. How are housekeeping genes different than other genes?
4. How do cells “talk to each other” and what can be the result of that “conversation”?
5. Name the type of control:
a. Involves ribosomes
b. Barr bodies/heterochromatin
c. Cap/tail and introns
d. Folding proteins
e. Repressor, promoter, operator, RNA polymerase
6. Cancer: these abnormal cells defy the normal regulation of the ?? and have the ability to invade??
7. Name the term:
a. Formation of cancer
b. Involved in 50% of all cancers, fails to make cancer cells commit apoptosis, most common is
the p53 gene
c. Blood vessels growing towards a tumor
d. Genes that can become cancer genes
e. Genes that are cancerous
f. A cell surface protein (as a result of an oncogene) involved in 25% of all tumors
8. Name the two main causes of cancer.
9. How can cancer be diagnosed? ~name three main ways
10. How the diagnosis be confirmed? ~name two main ways
11. What are the three standard treatments of cancer? ….what could be done in the future?
12. Have you done your additional objectives?
Chapter 27: Origin and Evolution of Life
When is it hypothesized that the universe formed? The earth?
Describe the environment of the early earth.
Describe the “steps” in the evolution of a cell.
How old is the oldest fossil?
List the five main categories of evidence for evolution.
Describe the types (5) of fossils and what type of organism’s “remains” would you expect to find in
For fossils:
a. How can sedimentary rock be used to date fossils?
b. What are the two main characteristics of the fossil record?
c. Describe episodic speciation.
Differentiate between relative and absolute dating.
Name the era/time period when the following organisms were dominant/evolved:
a. Gymnosperms to early angiosperms
b. First cells
c. 570 mya to 4.5 mya
d. Mammals are dominant to man
e. Fish to early reptiles
f. 66 mya to 248 mya
g. Algae to early gymnosperms
h. Angiosperms dominant to herbs
i. 248 mya to 570 mya
j. reptiles to early mammals
k. Now back to 66 mya
Describe the:
a. Biochemical evidence that supports evolution.
b. Biogeographical evidence that supports evolution.
Concerning the anatomical evidence that supports evolution:
a. What are homologous structures and why do they identify common ancestors?
b. What are vestigial structures and why do they identify common ancestors?
c. Why are embryological comparisons used to identify common ancestors?
d. Why aren’t analogous structures used as evidence of evolution and common ancestors?
What is population genetics?
What is a gene pool?
Name and describe the five main agents involved in changing gene frequencies.
What is the purpose of the Hardy-Weinberg Law?
Name and explain the two equations used in population genetics.
What conditions must be met in order to maintain gene frequencies and therefore prevent evolution
from happening? Why is it impossible to meet all of these conditions?
If these conditions can’t be met, what does it show?
19. Concerning speciation:
a. Define it.
b. Differentiate between allopatric and sympatric speciation.
c. What is adaptive radiation and how does adaptive radiation contribute to speciation?
d. Differentiate between punctuated equilibrium and phyletic gradualism concerning the pace
of speciation.
20. Name and describe the three domains (for the millionth time )
21. Name and describe the four kingdoms of the eukaryotic domain (for the millionth time )
22. Have you done your additional objectives?