Career Research – Website Designer

Website Designer
I intend to go forward with as a future career as a website
designer. I would love to create web pages for big companies and
not have to leave my house everyday. Using a creative mind all the
time to develop unique and professional layouts would be my ideal
job. I would love to spend my days adding onto my portfolio,
advertising my business and gaining clients.
I haven’t always wanted to be a website designer. My dream job was always to be a
professional photographer but then realized how difficult it would be to earn enough
money. I used to create layouts on different websites and enjoyed it a lot. Using the
different fonts and creating different designs would be really exciting to me. I would
say that I'm pretty good when it comes to matching different colors and shades, so
that would come in handy when creating a website layout. I'm quite familiar with the
adobe programs and that’d would be a plus when starting off in this career.
• British Columbia Institute of Technology is the school that hosts
the New Media Design and Web Development program. BCIT is
appealing to me because It is very close to my hometown, I love the
city of Vancouver and have heard great things about this
school.The cost of the program is about $10,902 and requires:
English 12 or Communications 12 (at least a C+)
Post-Secondary Course #2
• The second post-secondary program that would be great for me to take is the Graphic
Design for Print and Web course. It is hosted my Humber College. This course is appealing
to me because I find graphic design to be really fun and believe that taking this course
would have a positive impact when I pursuit into this career. I find that this course would
lots of fun to take and could be a positive impact in my dream career. The total cost is
$7, 250 ($6,750 for program and supplies cost approx. $500.) The main requirement for
this course is receiving your high school diploma and some additional requirements are
computer literacy and an assessment interview.
Post-Secondary Course #3
• The second course that looks like a great course to take would be the
Internet Production program at Vancouver Island University. The internet
production program would be a great course to take because it would make
the carrier of a website designer a lot easier to understand. The schooling
cost about $6,080 in total and is a two year course. The requirments: High
school diploma and English 12 (C+ as minimum grade) and Basic computer
skills including: using programs, accessing and using the Internet,
sending/receiving email.
How are the working conditions?
The working hours of a website designer vary between 35 to
40 hours a week and the risk of injury's in next to nothing. Work
days are regular week days, but weekend work is required (to meet
deadlines) and is a year round job. Considering the job of a
computer designer is a very virtual job and mainly done all on a
computer, it is a very indoor job. Having a professional appearance
is required at times, when at the office and meeting face to face
with clients.
• The typical salary of a professional website designer fluctuates
between $25,000 to $100,000 (or more) a year
• Depending on the worker's education and experience, the most success
getting clients and different jobs would come easier when the designer
knows more about their job . Also, the quality of their designs has a big
impact on their success in the business. Advertisement is a good way to
spread your name threw all kinds of businesses and increase customers.
• If I was not able to persuade my dream career as website designer,
then I would try and get into the career of a full time photographer.
I love that every day you are able to use your creativity to create
something beautiful. I'm already very passionate about
photography and would love to do it as a career.
• Another career that interests me and I think that I would be good at
would be a graphic designer. I have used and worked with different
fonts on Adobe Photoshop and really enjoyed it. A carrier based on
designing logos and experimenting with different colors and fonts
really interests me.
• Having the job of a webmaster also is interesting to me because I
have always been interested by the way the internet works. I think
that learning and training for this job would be interesting because
the way the internet works is really fascinating to me.
Information resources