Division of Academic Affairs Annual Reports 2009-2010 Academic Departments (and Other Units to Which Student Learning Outcomes Pertain) Annual reports for units in the Division of Academic Affairs are to be posted to the Annual Report section of the unit’s strategic planning site on UPIC according to the following schedule: Academic departments/divisions: Colleges and other units: Division of Academic Affairs: Wednesday, June 30 Wednesday, July 21 Wednesday, August 11 For questions related to the UPIC site contact Keith King at kcking@uwf.edu. An electronic copy should also be forwarded to the Office of Academic Affairs (academicaffairs@uwf.edu) PART I Part I-SP, Summary Report on Status of Strategic Planning Goals/Objectives To be completed by all units. See attached template for Part I-SP. To be completed only by academic departments: Go to Part I-ALC/ALP/AFP, Summary Report on Assessment of Student Learning Undergraduate Programs: Academic Learning Compacts (ALCs) Graduate Programs: Academic Learning Plans (ALPs) General Education: Academic Foundation Plans (AFPs) PART II Part II-A, Major Unit Accomplishments and Changes in Programs and Services To be completed by all units. See attached template for Part II-A. Part II-B, Distinguished Individual Accomplishments To be completed by all units. See attached template for Part II-B. Part II-C, Community Engagement Activities with Participation on Behalf of UWF To be completed by all units. See attached template for Part II-C. Annual Report, 2009-2010 2 PART III Part III-A, Strategic Planning Goals/Objectives To be completed by all units. See attached template for Part III-A. Part III-B, New Degree Program Projections To be completed only by the Dean for the college-level annual report. See attached template for Part III-B. Annual Report, 2009-2010 3 Annual Report, 2009-2010 Department/Division: Philosophy and Religious Studies College: Arts and Sciences Part I-SP, Summary Report on Status of Strategic Planning Goals/Objectives Program/Function/Service Strategic Goal/Objectivea Philosophy Hire an Ethicist Philosophy Establish Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Ethics as a departmental “signature” Annual Report, 2009-2010 Related UWF Strategic Goal b 5a 1a,4f Method of Assessment Job Search Successfully Completed Recognition of the Department as high caliber in Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Ethics by (in successive order over time) UWF community, local community, and regional and national universities Summary of Assessment Resultscd Use of Assessment Results to Improve Program/Function/Servicee Not achieved N/A Dr. Lawrence Howe’s presented on environmental ethics at UWF Earth Day Symposium on Campus. bringing recognition to Department in campus, local, and regional community N/A 4 Religious Studies offering graduate programs in Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Ethics Job Search Successfully Completed Hire a Religious 5a Not achieved N/A Studies Faculty Member with a Specialization in World Religions (esp. Islam) a From unit’s 2009-2010 strategic or action plan. Add lines as necessary. b Insert Focus/Goal number/letter from the UWF Strategic Priorities and Measurable Achievements, 2008-2012. c Data/information used to determine goal/objective status. d Can comment on status of goal as “met,” “not met,” or “in progress.” e Describe decisions made based on assessment results to improve program Annual Report, 2009-2010 5 Annual Report, 2009-2010 Department/Division: Philosophy and Religious Studies College: Arts and Sciences Part I-ALC/ALP/AFP, Summary Report on Assessment of Student Learning Undergraduate Programs: Academic Learning Compacts (ALC) Graduate Programs: Academic Learning Plans (ALP) General Education: Academic Foundation Plans (AFP) To be completed by academic units offering degree programs or general education. I-ALC Undergraduate Programs: For Each Program See attached TEMPLATE I-ALP Graduate Programs: For Each Program See attached TEMPLATE I-AFP Academic Foundations: General Education Status: For Each Course Assessed To be completed by academic units offering one or more courses in General Studies / Academic Foundations. Submit a report for each course in which assessment activities for General Studies/Academic Foundations took place in 2009-2010. See attached TEMPLATE Annual Report, 2009-2010 6 Part I-ALC, Summary Report on Assessment, Academic Learning Compacts (ALC) Program Titlea: Philosophy and Religious Studies Degreeb B.A. CIP Code:38.0101/38.0201 aPrepare bFor separate summary table for each degree program. example, BA, BS, BSBA Based on direct measures of student learning in the domain(s) your department assessed, compare your students’ performance this year to their performance last year. Duplicate this section when reporting assessments for more than one domain for a given program. Indicate the student learning outcome assessed (check one): Content Communication x Critical Thinking Integrity/Values Project Management Other (describe) Based on departmental assessments, student learning in this domain was (check one): Worse than last year Equivalent to last year x Slightly better than last year Moderately better than last year Dramatically better than last year Cannot be compared (this is the first year for this assessment) Describe the direct measure(s) used to assess student learning in this domain (e.g., answers to questions included on an exam, performance on a paper or project scored with a rubric, etc.). Include information about any additional measures used to assess learning outcomes in this domain. Capstone Project, generally a research paper of length ~15 pages, embedded within a course of the student’s choosing, covering topics that span and integrate several course areas. Paper scored with a rubric and with comments from instructor directing project. If you observed changes in student performance on this measure when comparing the two years, briefly describe (in one or two sentences) the nature of these changes. Assessment committee, Dr. Brian Hood and Dr. Nicholas Power, met to review the assessment data points collected in 2009-10 in the form of nine “capstone research papers” and found only one third of them to have exceeded expectations, a middle third having met them, and with the remaining three failing to meet expectations in regard to the plan’s main student learning outcome, viz. "describe the content of major philosophers." Use of Assessment Data for Making Decisions. Describe the process used in your department to evaluate assessment evidence and make decisions (include dates of relevant department meetings if known). Describe the decisions made to improve student learning in your program. Describe how these decisions are related to the assessment evidence collected by your department. Dr. Power met with Dr. Claudia Stanny back in the fall to discuss preliminary problems Annual Report, 2009-2010 7 PRS was seeing with the nature of the embedded exercise used to asses our student learning outcomes. Later in the spring, Dr. Jane Halonen and Dr. Stanny met with the Department separately to discuss the deficits of assessment plan and activities. The problems regarding the embedded exercise and the capstone course were highlighted and possible alternatives to the Capstone course assessment plan discussed. None of these options were fully vetted and more discussion of these is required. Use of Assessment Data for Improvement of Assessment Procedures. Describe any changes made to assessment methods. Explain the relation between these changes and the information obtained from previous assessments. The assessment committee proposes that the Department meet in the early fall to finalize necessary changes to the assessment plan. Describe the Department’s Commitment to Assessment Activities in 2010-2011 Domain(s) to be examined from department’s multi-year assessment plan in 2010-2011 To be determined in fall 2010 meeting. Assessment question(s) to be addressed in 2010-2011 To be determined in fall 2010 meeting. Annual Report, 2009-2010 8 I-ALP. Graduate Programs - To be completed by academic units offering graduate degree programs. Annual Report, 2009-2010 Department/Division Philosophy and Religious Studies College: Arts and Sciences Part I-ALP, Summary Report on Assessment, Academic Learning Plans (ALP) Program Titlea: Humanities Interdisciplinary_____ Degreeb MA__CIP Code: N/A_________ Former graduate program, Humanities Interdisciplinary MA, had been suspended, with no new admissions as of fall 2007. Removal of the program from all catalog and web listings was achieved in spring 2008. Final approval of removal by BOG was made in June 2009. Therefore, the following sections have not been completed. aPrepare bFor separate summary table for each degree program. example, MA, MS, M.Ed., Ed.D. Based on direct measures of student learning in the Academic Foundations domain(s) your department assessed, compare your students’ performance this year to their performance last year. Duplicate this section when reporting assessments for more than one domain for a given program. Indicate the student learning outcome assessed (check one): Content Communication Critical Thinking Integrity/Values Project Management Other (describe) Based on departmental assessments, student learning in this domain was (check one): Worse than last year Equivalent to last year Slightly better than last year Moderately better than last year Dramatically better than last year Cannot be compared (this is the first year for this assessment) Describe the direct measure(s) used to assess student learning in this domain (e.g., answers to questions included on an exam, performance on a paper or project scored with a rubric, etc.). Include information about any additional measures used to assess learning in this domain. If you observed changes in student performance on this measure when comparing the two years, briefly describe (in one or two sentences) the nature of these changes. Annual Report, 2009-2010 9 Use of Assessment Data for Making Decisions. Describe the process used in your department to evaluate assessment evidence and make decisions (include dates of relevant department meetings if known). Describe the decisions made to improve student learning in your program. Describe how these decisions are related to the assessment evidence collected by your department. Use of Assessment Data for Improvement of Assessment Procedures. Describe any changes made to assessment methods. Explain the relation between these changes and the information obtained from previous assessments. Describe the Department’s Commitment to Assessment Activities in 2010-2011 Domain(s) to be examined from the department’s multi-year assessment plan in 2010-2011 Assessment question(s) to be addressed in 2010-2011 Annual Report, 2009-2010 10 I-AFP. Academic Foundations / General Education - To be completed by academic units offering courses related to General Studies. Annual Report, 2009-2010 Department/Division: Philosophy and Religious Studies College: Arts and Sciences Part I-AFP, Summary Report on Assessment, Academic Foundations Plan General Studies Coursea: No direct measure assessment was undertaken in General Education courses this year. In April faculty meeting, a commitment was made to devise a plan to assess gen ed., which will be reinitiated in 2010-2011. aPrepare separate summary table for each course assessed. Departments offering Academic Foundations/General Education courses are required to report on at least two student learning outcomes. Based on direct measures of student learning in the domain(s) your department assessed, compare your students’ performance this year to their performance last year. Duplicate this section when reporting assessments for more than one domain for a given course. Indicate the Academic Foundations learning domain assessed (check one): Critical Thinking Integrity/Values Communication Project Management Based on departmental assessments, student learning in this domain was (check one): Worse than last year Equivalent to last year Slightly better than last year Moderately better than last year Dramatically better than last year Cannot be compared (this is the first year for this assessment) Describe the direct measure(s) used to assess student learning in this domain (e.g., answers to questions included on an exam, performance on a paper or project scored with a rubric, etc.). Include information about any additional measures used to assess learning in this domain. If you observed changes in student performance on this measure when comparing the two years, briefly describe (in one or two sentences) the nature of these changes. Use of Assessment Data for Making Decisions. Describe the process used in your department Annual Report, 2009-2010 11 to evaluate assessment evidence and make decisions (include dates of relevant department meetings if known). Describe the decisions made to improve student learning in your program. Describe how these decisions are related to the assessment evidence collected by your department. Use of Assessment Data for Improvement of Assessment Procedures. Describe any changes made to assessment methods. Explain the relation between these changes and the information obtained from previous assessments. Describe the Department’s Commitment to Assessment Activities in 2010-2011 Domain(s) to be examined from the department’s multi-year assessment plan in 2010-2011 Assessment question(s) to be addressed in 2010-2011 Annual Report, 2009-2010 12 Annual Report, 2009-2010 Department/Division: Philosophy and Religious Studies College: Arts and Sciences Part II-A, Major Unit Accomplishments and Changes in Programs and Services List major department/division accomplishments and changes in programs and services for 20092010. (Add lines as needed.) 1. Hired Dr. Brian Hood on a stimulus hire 2. Received confirmation that Ms. June Watkins will be returning to Department in fall 2010 3. Hired Ms. Leslie Reithmiller as a half-time office administrator 4. Continued to revise Religious Studies Program, removing outdated courses, adding new multicultural offerings and strengthening the program’s base in traditional courses 5. Dr. Hershel Elliott, Professor Emeritus University of Florida, was hosted on campus at the invite of Dr. Howe Annual Report, 2009-2010 13 Annual Report, 2009-2010 Department/Division: Philosophy and Religious Studies College: Arts and Sciences Part II-B, Distinguished Individual (Faculty, Staff, and Student) Accomplishments List college/departmental distinctions earned by faculty, staff, and students during 2009-2010. A. Faculty 1. Promotions 2. Tenure 3. Awards 6. Other Distinctions Dr. Howe submitted article manuscript to Contemporary Philosophy Dr. Howe presented at UWF Earth Day celebrations Dr. Power completed terms as Vice President of the Faculty Senate and President of the UFF Dr. Power signed to co-edit the 6th edition of The Philosophy of Sex Dr. Maina’s manuscript, The Making of an African Christian Ethics was submitted to, and accepted for publication by, the University Press of America Dr. Maina submitted numerous article manuscripts to journals in African philosophy and religion Dr. Hood presented “Realism and Operationism in Psychiatric Diagnosis” at the Florida Philosophical Association meeting in Gainesville. B. Staff Mr. Bobby Johnson, Adjunct Professor and UWF alumnus (class of 2007), has been admitted to the Ph.D. program in Philosophy at the University of Utah. Mr. Johnson also gave a talk entitled “Creation, Deism and Lamarckism: A Look at the Social Climate Prior to Darwin,” at the UWF conference “Darwin and His Impact.” C. Students Mr. Stefan Georgi has been named awarded a Faculty Merit Scholarship in Philosophy. In October, Mr. Georgi represented UWF and the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at an environmental philosophy conference in London, England. Mr. Georgi’s trip was co-sponsored by the SGA and the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. He will be attending the University of Miami Law School in the fall of 2010. Annual Report, 2009-2010 14 Mr. Kaj Falls has accepted an invitation to begin graduate studies in philosophy in the fall of 2010. Ms. Ashlee Anne Palmer presented at two different conferences: “Mad Men: Revamping the Problem that Has No Name” at the UWF Woman's Studies Conference, and “A Woman’s Place: Portrayal of Women in The Leviathan” at the SUNY Oneonta Undergraduate Philosophy Conference. Annual Report, 2009-2010 15 Annual Report, 2009-2010 Department/Division: Philosophy and Religious Studies College: Arts and Sciences Part II-C, Community Engagement Activities (Faculty, Staff, and Student) Information about community engagement will be used to document the University’s activities related to its service mission, to comply with a new SACS standard pertaining to community service, and to support the University’s application for classification by the Carnegie Foundation as a “community engagement” institution. List all college/departmental community engagement activities with participation on behalf of UWF by faculty, staff, and students during 2009-2010. Please include a very brief description of the Activity, the Community Partner, and the Outcome/Impact of the activity. Examples of community engagement activities include participation on community-based projects, organization and/or presentation of cultural community events, faculty scholarship related to community action, student scholarship related to community action, participation on community organization boards, and community-based student learning activities such as service learning projects, internships, and capstone experience projects. Activity A. Faculty Lawrence Howe Paper referee Member Wilson Maina Presented paper, “African Art: A Religious and Philosophical Perspective” Presented at UWF Earth Day Symposium Judge Annual Report, 2009-2010 Community Partner Outcome/Impact Florida Philosophical Association Conference Scenic Highway Foundation, City of Pensacola Pensacola Museum of Art Community ed. Hosted on campus Community ed./community relations Regional Forensics Community ed./community relations Community relations Community ed./community relations 16 Nicholas Power Volunteered to dance Reviewed several submissions B. Staff C. Students Annual Report, 2009-2010 Competition “Dancing with the Professional UWF Stars” annual fundraiser Florida Philosophical Association Annual Meeting and Journal Community relations Community ed./community relations 17 Annual Report, 2009-2010 Department/Division: Philosophy and Religious Studies College: Arts and Sciences Part III-A, Strategic Planning Goals/Objectives for _2010-2015_ (specify time frame; e.g., 2010-2011, 2010-2015). List strategic plan goals/objectives and planned method of assessment (if applicable). Strategic Goal/Objectivea Hire an Ethicist, 2011-2012 Establish Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Ethics as a departmental “signature” Related UWF Method of Assessmentc Strategic Goalb 5a Job Search Successfully Completed 1a,4f Recognition of the department as high caliber in Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Ethics by (in successive order over time) UWF community, local community, and regional and national universities offering graduate programs in Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Ethics 5a Job Search Successfully Completed Hire a Religious Studies Faculty Member with a Specialization in World Religions (esp. Islam), 2010-1015 Carry out successful 7 year external 1c External reviewers report and review report of dean of college a Add lines as needed. b Insert Focus/Goal number/letter from the UWF Strategic Priorities and Measurable Achievements, 2008-2012. c If applicable. Annual Report, 2009-2010 18 Annual Report, 2009-2010 Department/Division: Philosophy and Religious Studies College: Arts and Sciences Part III-B, New Degree Program Projections This section to be completed only by the Dean for the college-level annual report. NOTE: This information is shared annually with the UWF Board of Trustees and is used to complete the Board of Governors Work Plan. List new degree programs and specializations under consideration and planned year of implementation. Program Title Level a New Degreeb Yes No New Specializationc Yes No Implementatio n Year N/A a For example, BA, BSBA, MEd. For degrees not currently offered as stand-alone programs; will require submission of requests to Faculty Senate and Board of Trustees. c For new specializations within an existing degree program; will require submission of request to Faculty Senate but not to Board of Trustees. b Annual Report, 2009-2010