UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI FACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING ULTRA-WIDEBAND (UWB) MODEM FOR WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORK (WBAN) APPLICATIONS PROJECT INDEX: PRJ 063 BY ONYANGO BEN SEWE F17/2394/2009 SUPERVISOR: PROF. V K ODUOL EXAMINER: DR. G S O ODHIAMBO Project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Science in ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING of the University of Nairobi 2014 Page 1 of 47 DEDICATION To my wonderful family, for their unwavering support throughout my education. Page 2 of 47 ACKNOWLADGEMENT First and foremost, I wish to thank the Almighty God for guiding me and being by my side throughout my studies. I would like to express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Vitalis K Oduol for his guidance and insight during this project. I would not forget to express my gratitude to our Telecommunications lecturer Dr G S O Odhiambo for availing such a bank of knowledge to withdraw from. Page 3 of 47 DECLARATION AND CERTIFICATION This is my original work and has not been presented for a degree award in this or any other university. ……………………………………………………….. ONYANGO BEN SEWE F17/2394/2009 This report has been submitted to the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, The University of Nairobi with my approval as supervisor: ……………………………… PROF. V K ODUOL Date: …………………… Page 4 of 47 Table of contents DEDICATION……………………………………………………………………………..2 ACKNOWLADEMENT……………………………………………………………………3 DECLARETION AND CERTIFICATION…………………………………………………………4 TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………………5 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………7 1.1 Problem Statement 1.2 Project Objectives CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………………………….9 2.1 WBAN……………………………………………………………………………9 2.1.1 Definition 2.1.2 BAN Regulations 2.1.3 BAN Sensing and Monitoring 2.1.4 BAN Applications 2.1.5 BAN Challenges 2.2 Ultra wideband UWB……………………………………………………………..13 2.2.1 Definition 2.2.2 Regulations 2.2.3 Advantages 2.2.4 Applications 2.2.5 Properties of UWB 2.2.6 UWB transmission Channels 2.3 Multiband OFDM Approach……………………………………………………..16 2.3.1 Signal Model 2.3.2 Transceiver model Page 5 of 47 CHAPTER 3 DESIGN………………………………………………………………………………..19 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS………………………………………………………………………………25 CHAPTER 5 ANALYSIS…………………………………………………………………………….46 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS……………………………………..47 Page 6 of 47 ABSTRACT The major constraints in the design of Wireless Body Area Networks can be attributed to the battery autonomy, need for high data rate services and low interference from the devices operating within the ISM bands. To meet the demand for high data rate services and low power spectral density to avoid ISM band interference, an Ultra-Wide Band system based technology has been proposed. This paper focuses on the design and demonstration of an Ultra-wide Band modem to be used in the Body Area Network (BAN) applications and the evaluation of its performance in a near- real world scenarios affected by noise interference and multi path fading. It also highlights the various applications of Body Area Network. Page 7 of 47 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The advancement in technology can also be seen in miniaturization of electronic devices, sensors, battery and wireless communication, which have led to the development of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN). Wireless body area network in simple terminology, can be described as a network around the body which consist of smart miniaturized devices that are able to sense, process and communicate.[1] Typical body area network kits consist of battery, sensor, signal processor, and a transceiver [1] (modem). A modem is a device that modulates an analog signal, encode the signal then transmit, similarly it receives the signal, decodes it and demodulate it. The main objective of a transceiver is to produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and then decoded to produce the original signal. Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology provides the high rate of data transmission due to its relatively large bandwidth of transmission. According to ITU-R, UWB spans a frequency range of 3.1GHz to 10.6GHz with a transmission bandwidth of more than 20% of its centre frequency i.e. more than 500MHz. Based on this transmission bandwidth, it can be seen that the white Gaussian channel capacity of a UWB system is large for a given SNR according to Hartley Shannon law.[6] 1.1 Problem statement The major constraint in the design of BAN is the battery autonomy, high data rate services and interference from the devices operating within the ISM bands. To meet the demand for high data rate services and low power spectral density to avoid ISM band interference, an Ultra-Wide Band system based technology has been proposed. 1.2 Project objective The objectives of this project were to study the ultra-wideband wireless communication systems, wireless body area network (BAN) applications and then design and demonstrate a modem to be used in those applications. Page 8 of 47 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORKS (WBAN) 2.1.1 Definition Wireless Body Area network (WBAN) or simply BAN is defined as a network of wearable computing devices. In particular the network consists of several miniaturized body sensor units (BSUs) placed at different points on the body referred to as nodes, and a single body central unit (BCUs) that acts as the hub for the network [3]. 2.1.2 BAN Regulation The body area network is regulated by the IEEE.802.15.6 recommendation. This task group was formed to focus on a low power and short range wireless standard of optimization for BAN. According to IEEE.802.15.6, BAN can be used in, on or around the human body to enable medical, consumer electronics and personal communications. This recommendation started specifically for wireless networks in or on the body with low power as in figure (1). [14] Figure1. Data and power profile IEEE 802.15.6 regulation also extends to the requirements for various BAN applications: [17] QoS: the applications need an assurance in the data connections to the nodes, therefore emphasis is taken to ensure reduced number of delays and losses. Data rates: several applications needs specific data rates [16], which ranges from 10Kbps to 10Mbps. 10Mbps is achievable with Ultra-wideband (UWB). Page 9 of 47 Security: secure transmission is needed for sensitive data. [16] 2.1.3 BAN sensing and monitoring The BAN monitoring is done by special sensors located at various locations on the body. The sensors are of two categories: wearable and implanted [1] 2.1.3a Wearable sensors Pulse oxy-meter This is a device that measures oxygen saturation levels (SpO2) in an individual’s blood as well as changes in blood volume that coincide with the cardiac cycle. Pulse oxy-meter is attached to a finger or an earlobe. It consists of red and infra-red LEDs and a photo detector. The photodetector measures the amount of red and infra-red light that is transmitted through or reflected by the body parts which is partially dependent on the amount of light absorbed by the blood that perfuse the body part. This absorption of red or infra-red light by the blood is related to the ratio of oxygenated hemoglobin to deoxygenated hemoglobin and this serves as the basis for SpO2 measurements. [1] . Figure3 pulse oximeter Electrocardiography Electrocardiography (ECG) simply means recording of the heart electrical activity. ECG is used to measure the heart’s electrical conduction system. It picks up electrical impulses generated by the polarization and depolarization of cardiac tissue and translates into a waveform. The waveform is the used to measure the rate and regularity of the heart beats as well as the position and size of the chambers [14]. Blood pressure sensor A blood pressure (BP) reading is a measure of the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. BP varies between a maximum (systolic) and a minimum (diastolic) pressure during a cardiac cycle. Normally blood pressure is measured in the arteries in the arm, but the pressure at the heart might be a better predictor of future health problems [1]. This sensor is always worn on the wrist Page 10 of 47 Fig4 Cuff-less Blood Pressure Watch Prototype (Courtesy of Poon et. al. [17]) Electromyography (EMG) Electromyography is the study of muscle function through the monitoring of the electrical signals emitted by the muscle [1]. When a surface electrode is placed on the skin above a superficial muscle while it is contracting, it will receive electrical signals emanating from several muscle fibers associated with different motor units. The spatio-temporal summation of these electrical signals results in what is called an electromyogram (EMG) signal. Therefore, the EMG signal provides an effective means of monitoring muscle activity. Accelerometer and Gyroscope An accelerometer is a sensor that measures acceleration with respect to gravity, and can be used to determine the orientation of a body part in the absence of movement. A gyroscope is a sensor that measures angular velocity and can be used to determine the orientation of a moving body part as a function of time. [1] Electroencephalography (EEG) Electroencephalography (EEG) is a representation of the electrical activity of the brain. Electroencephalograph sensor measures the electrical activities of the brain. This particular sensor is important especially in healthcare application for patients diagnosed with epilepsy and in monitoring their response to therapy.[1] 2.1.3b Implantable sensors Glucose Monitoring It has been shown in [1] that real-time continuous blood glucose data will assist in reducing hyperglycemic excursions for individuals with type1 diabetes, while lowering the risk of episodes of hypoglycemia caused by the administered levels of insulin being too high. Continuous monitoring is enabled by placing an implantable sensor covered with a multilayered membrane in the subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen. Implantable Neural Stimulators Implantable neural stimulators send electrical impulses into the brain or spinal cord for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, intractable epilepsy and chronic pain. [1] Endoscope capsule (gastrointestinal) A swallowable capsule that travels through the gastrointestinal tract transmitting video; The implantable sensors are used mainly in health care applications. [1] Page 11 of 47 2.1.4 BAN applications Healthcare applications These applications are typically associated with low data rates needed to communicate vital data about human health e.g. heart rate, brain activity, blood pressure, muscle activity, blood sugar level, body temperature, levels of oxygen in the blood, motion etc. the BAN allows reliable monitoring and data transfer for patients without interfering with their mobility [1]. [2] [4] [5] Military applications In the military, a battle dress uniform is integrated with a BAN that connects devices such as life support sensors, cameras, and health monitoring GPS. These devices relay real time information. Future advancements will include missile detection sensors and this will indeed revolutionize warfare.[1] [2] [4] [5] Lifestyle and sports Lifestyle and sports are revolutionized since new services like wearable entertainment systems, navigation support in the car or while walking, museum or city guide, heart rate and performance monitoring in sports using muscle activity sensors are made possible by the BAN technology. Monitoring of persons operating in harsh or hostile environments There are professions or jobs that require the integration of BAN, for example, miners, fire fighters, etc to monitor their health and also improve the general working conditions. 2.1.5 BAN challenges Cost: Today's consumers expect low cost health monitoring solutions which provide high functionality. WBAN implementations will need to be cost optimized to be appealing alternatives to health conscious consumers.[12] [17] Consistent performance: The performance of the WBAN should be consistent. Sensor measurements should be accurate and calibrated even when the WBAN is switched off and switched on again. The wireless links should be robust and work under various user environments [12] [17] Interference: The wireless link used for body sensors should reduce the interference and increase the coexistence of sensor node devices with other network devices available in the environment. This is especially important for large scale implementation of WBAN systems [12] [17] Invasion of privacy: People might consider the WBAN technology as a potential threat to freedom, if the applications go beyond "secure" medical usage. Social acceptance would be key to this technology finding a wider application.[12] [17] System devices: The sensors used in WBAN would have to be low on complexity, small in form factor, light in weight, power efficient, easy to use and reconfigurable. Further, the storage Page 12 of 47 devices need to facilitate remote storage and viewing of patient data as well as access to external processing and analysis tools via the internet [12] [17] 2.2. ULTRA-WIDEBAND 2.2.1 Definition UWB is defined as a system signal that occupies a bandwidth greater than 500MHz or 25% of the center frequency. This is given as Fractional bandwidth = ππ −ππΏ ππ ≥ 0.25 where center frequency fc = ππ +ππΏ 2 Hz Where ππ is the upper frequency limit and ππΏ is the lower frequency limit for that particular frequency band.[6] ITU-R defines UWB as technology for short-range radio communication, involving the intentional generation and transmission of radio-frequency energy that spreads over a very large frequency range, which may overlap several frequency bands allocated to radio communication services. Devices using UWB technology typically have intentional radiation from the antenna with either a –10 dB bandwidth of at least 500 MHz or a –10 dB fractional bandwidth greater than 0.2 2.2.2 UWB regulations Ultra-wideband technology is governed by several international bodies, but of interest is the ITU-R which restricts the UWB frequency band as from 3.1GHz. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the USA allows the UWB technology to operate in the unlicensed 3.1GHz to 10.6GHz. These bodies also specifies the power spectral density mask for the UWB to be 41.3dBm/MHz [6] 2.2.3Advantages of UWB Principal advantages of UWB can be summarized as follows:[6] ο· Potential for high data rates. The high data rates are obtained from the extremely large bandwidth yielding high theoretical capacity. ο· Extensive multipath diversity. The ultra-short duration of the UWB waveforms gives rise to a finer resolution of reflected pulses at the receiver hence low susceptibility to multipath interference. ο· Potential small size and processing power with low equipment cost ο· Very low power density leads to low probability of signal detection. The low power density is obtained through the radio regulation emission masks ο· UWB systems are suitable for coexistence with the already existing narrow band technologies Page 13 of 47 2.2.4 UWB applications UWB offers potential for deployment of two basic communication systems: ο· High data rate short range communications eg high data rate wireless personal area networks (WPAN). An example of WPAN application is the high speed universal serial bus (WUSB) connectivity for PCs ο· Low data rate and location e.g. sensor, positioning and identification networks. It is of a particular interest to note that, UWB can trade a reduction in data rate for an increase in transmission range. [6] 2.2.6 Basic properties of UWB[10] Power spectral density Generally considered to be low and is given by πππ€ππ π‘ππππ πππ‘π‘ππ(π€ππ‘π‘π ) πππ· = πππππ€πππ‘β ππ π‘βπ π πππππ (π»π§) This means that the energy is spread out over a very large bandwidth hence low PSD. Pulse shape UWB pulses are typically of nanosecond or picoseconds order. A fast switching on and off leads to a pulse that is not rectangular but has edges smoothed off. This approximates Gaussian function curve Pulse trains Information needs to be modulated onto a sequence of pulses called pulse trains. When pulses are sent at regular intervals, the resulting spectrum will contain peaks of power at certain frequencies. These peaks of power are called comb lines and they limit the total transmit power. This effect is minimized by making the spectrum more noise like i.e. adding a small random offset to each pulse. Spectral masks UWB systems cover a large spectrum and interface with existing users. In order to keep this interference to a minimum, the regulatory groups specify the spectral mask for different applications which shows the allowed power output for specific frequencies Penetration characteristics UWB pulses are composed of large range of frequencies. The penetration capability is therefore noted to decrease with the higher frequencies. This means that, the higher frequency waves will have more of their energy reflected from walls and doors since their wavelengths are much shorter. Spatial and Spectral capacities Page 14 of 47 Spatial capacity is measured in bits/second/square meter. Spatial capacity is calculated as π πππ‘πππ πππππππ‘π¦ = πππ₯πππ’π πππ‘π πππ‘π(πππ ) π‘ππππ πππ π πππ ππππ(π2 ) While spectral capacity is calculated as π ππππ‘πππ πππππππ‘π¦ = πππ₯πππ’π πππ‘π πππ‘π(πππ ) πππππ€πππ‘β(π»π§) Since UWB systems have a large bandwidth, it therefore has very low spectral capacity compared with the existing systems. Speed of data transmission UWB communications are targeting the range of 100-500Mbps. The lower speeds of close to 100Mbps are for a target of a minimum distance of 10m, above 200Mbps for not less than 4m, and 480Mbps has no fixed minimum distance 2.2.6 UWB Transmission Schemes The transmission schemes can be categorized into two: ο· Single band approach ο· Multi-band approach 2.2.6a Single band approach This scheme employs carrier free or impulse radio communication. Impulse radio refers a generation of series of impulse like waveforms each of duration in the order of hundreds of picoseconds. Data could be modulated using PAM, PPM, OOK and PSK, and multiple users could be supported via the use of time-hopping or direct-sequence spreading approaches [6] This approach treats the whole frequency span of 7.5GHz (3.1GHz to 10.6GHz) as a whole transmission bandwidth. And therefore exploits Shannon principle to a greater degree. Channel capacity πΆ = π΅π πππ2 (1 + πππ ) This scheme suffers from certain drawbacks such as: ο· Building RF and analog circuits as well as high speed ADC to process the large bandwidth signal is challenging and requires high power consumption ο· Less flexible with regard to foreign spectral regulation and may be too broadband if foreign governments choose to limit their UWB spectral allocations. Page 15 of 47 2.2.6b Multiband approach This scheme divides the frequency band from 3.1 to 10.6GHz into several smaller bands called subbands. Each subband occupies a bandwidth of at least 500MHz in conformity with the ITU-R recommendations. The transmitted symbols are interleaved across subbands therefore the multiband approach can maintain the power being transmitted as if a large BW were being utilized This approach uses the OFDM as the modulation scheme. Advantages of multiband approach ο· Ability for a fine grained control of the PSD so as to maximize the power transmitted while meeting the spectral mask ο· Allows for peaceful coexistence with a flexible spectral coverage, and is easier to adapt to different world wide regulatory environment. ο· Processing over a smaller bandwidth eases the requirement on ADC sampling rates and consequently facilitates greater digital processing ο· Using the OFDM as a modulation scheme, reduces the effect of inter symbol interference (ISI) This scheme suffers from a complex transceiver design 2.3 MULTIBAND OFDM APPROACH OFDM relies on splitting the information to be transmitted over a large number of carriers in such a way that the signaling rate on each of them becomes significantly longer than the echo delay period The multiband OFDM approach is one of the leading proposals of IEEE 802.15.3a standards to capture the multipath energy efficiently by using OFDM technique to modulate information on each subband. The OFDM symbols are then interleaved over different subbands across both time and frequency. 2.3.1 Signal model The available UWB spectrum is divided into S subbands with a BW>500MHz. The OFDM has N subcarriers and the OFDM symbols are then transmitted over one of the S subbands. Each OFDM symbol π₯π (π‘) is constructed using an IFFT as π−1 π₯π (π‘) = ∑ ππ (π)exp(π2ππβππ‘) π=0 Where ππ (π)is the complex coefficient to be transmitted in subcarrier n during the kth OFDM symbol period and βπ = BW/N is the frequency spacing between the adjacent carriers The resulting waveform has duration of ππΉπΉπ = 1/βπ. The cyclic prefix of length ππΆπ is appended in order to mitigate the effect of multipath interference. Also a guard interval ππΊπΌ is used to provide sufficient time for switching between bands. The symbol duration ππππ = ππΉπΉπ + ππΆπ + ππΊπΌ Page 16 of 47 The complex baseband signal π₯π (π‘) is modulated to RF signal with a carrier frequencyππ . The transmitted RF signal π (π‘) is given as π (π‘) = ∑π π π{π₯π (π‘ − πππππ )exp(π2πππ π‘)} According to the IEEE 802.15.3a WPAN standard proposal, UWB signal is shaped so that it occupies only 528MHz of bandwidth This allows 14 such signals to cover the entire 7.5GHz band. OFDM allows each UWB band to be divided into a set of orthogonal narrowband channels with a much longer symbol period duration. QPSK is used to modulate the transmitter signal at the subcarriers due to the limitation on transmitter power. IEEE 802.15.3a timing parameters:[6] OFDM sub carriers 128 Data sub carriers 100 Number of defined pilot sub carriers 12 βπ sub carrier frequency spacing (528MHz/128)=4.125MHz ππΉπΉπ = 1/βπ. 242.42ns ππΆπ : cyclic prefix (32/528MHz)= 60.61ns ππΊπΌ : guard interval (5/528MHz) = 9.47ns ππππ = (ππΉπΉπ + ππΆπ + ππΊπΌ ) : symbol duration 312.5ns 2.4 TRANSCEIVER MODEL A typical digital communication system is as in the diagram below. information source Source encoder Error control encoder Modulator Noise Information Received Source decoder Error control decoder Equalizer fig digital communication system Page 17 of 47 Channel Demodulator The source encoder converts the analog signal to digital signal eg the ADC. The forward error control encoder places extra parity check digits to protect the information from channel error. This parity check digits are used by the decoder to check the errors that might have occurred during transmission and correct some of them. The modulator converts the bits to a waveform that is suitable for transmission through the physical channel. The receiver demodulates the signal that comes out from the channel and converts the signal into base-band signal. The equalizer is used to reduce the inter-symbol interference (ISI). The error free output of the ARQ is sent to the source decoder for conversion to a suitable form for the information sink. Page 18 of 47 CHAPTER 3 UWB MODEM DESIGN Since the BAN sensors have an integrated signal processing chips, the input to the transceiver is in digital form hence no need to include source coding as part of the transceiver design. The physical UWB transceiver design simulation includes: ο Random binary generator ο Concatenated codes ο QPSK modulator/ demodulator ο OFDM transceiver. ο Channel 3.1 Random binary generator The Bernoulli binary generator is used to generate random binary digits using the Bernoulli distribution. It produces a zero bit (0) with a probability of p and a one bit (1) with probability of 1-p. In this case an equiprobable situation is simulated where both ‘0’ and ‘1’ are produced with a probability of 0.5. The output of this generator is frame based having 256 bits per frame at a sampling rate of 1/528MHz 3.2 Concatenated codes In wireless communications, burst errors occur due to the reflection of the symbols on large surfaces e.g. buildings, trees, hills etc. in addition to that random errors also occur due to the thermal noise generated in the electronic circuitry [11]. This calls for a coding scheme with a large codeword length. A serial concatenation of codes is the most commonly used for powerlimited systems In this case a (48, 32, 8) R-S code (outer code) with symbols over GF (28 ) and a (2, 1) convolution code of constraint length 7 was used. 3.2a Reed Solomon coding/decoding A (48, 32, 8) R-S code over GF (28 ) was obtained by code shortening scheme of puncturing (zero padding) as shown in below in a matlab simulink model This code corrects up to 8 symbol errors out of the 48 symbols Page 19 of 47 Since R-S encoder is a non binary coding scheme, the 256 bit frame from the Bernoulli generator is converted to integers using bit to integer converter of M=8,resulting into 32 bytes This is the input sequence to the R-S encoder subsystem below Fig3 R-S encoder The 32 byte sequence is zero padded to 239 message bytes which is then fed to the integer input R-S encoder. This block adds 16 parity check bytes to give 255 codeword length. Since we are interested in the 48 code words, the zero padded 255 code words is passed through a selector to give the 48 codewords hence a (48, 32, 8) R-S code achieved from the (255, 239,8) R-S code. The 48 bytes is converted back to binary to give 384 bits which is passed through to the convolution encoder. In the decoder the 384 bits is converted to bytes, zero padded to and fed to the decoder which decodes the message i.e. corrects any error introduced during the transmission and removes the parity check bits. The zero padded 239 message digits from the decoder is passed through a selector to obtain the 32 original message digits which are then converted back to binary. Fig4 R-S decoder 3.2b Convolution coding/ virterbi decoding This convolution code has an information rate of ½ and constraint length of 7. It uses the poly2trellis (7, [171 133]) function to create a trellis using the constraint length, code generator (octal) and feedback connection (octal). As can be seen from the figure below Output [a, b] = input[π₯1 , π₯2 ] Page 20 of 47 Where π₯1 , = (1111001) = (171)8 π₯2 = (1011011) = (133)8 polytrellis(7[171,133]) structure 1 The viterbi decoder also uses the same polytrellis function while decoding the information transmitted. Since the information rate is ½, this implies that for every one bit, two codewords are produced hence the output of the convolution encoder is 768 bits. The viterbi decoder, detects and corrects the random errors and removes the parity check bits hence its output is 384 bits 3.3 QPSK modulator /demodulator This modulator maps the binary digits from the information sequence into discrete phases of the carrier (ππ ). Where ππ = 2π(m-1)⁄M for m=0,1,2…..M. [3]in this case M=4 hence gray coded constellation mapping is as below [14]. The 768 message bits are converted to integers since m=0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, and then fed into the QPSK modulator which maps the 384 integers to complex 384 integers. Page 21 of 47 QPSK Constellation mapping 3.4 OFDM transceiver OFDM symbol consist of the data carriers, guard subcarriers and the cyclic prefix, with time durations as shown in the diagram below [13]. In this design, 128 sub carriers are used, with 96 being data carriers, 12 pilots and 20 nulls for guard. A cyclic prefix of 32 subcarriers is appended. OFDM symbol The 384 complex integers are rearranged to form a 96x4 array matrix. The matrix is the regrouped as {1,[2:10],[11:19],[20:28],[29:37],[38:46],[47:50],[51:54],[55:62],[63:70],[71:78],[79:86],[87:96] } to allow the insertion of the pilots. The pilots are inserted at the positions (2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 61, 70, 79, 88, 97, 108). The guards are then inserted at the beginning and end of the data carriers. The symbol is then passed through the IFFT to create the orthogonal signals. A cyclic prefix is the appended by rearranging and reordering the sequence as [97:128 1:128]. This command repeats the last 32 carriers at the beginning of the OFDM symbol. Page 22 of 47 The OFDM symbol is then power scaled and transmitted via the AWGN channel. The OFDM transmitter was designed as shown in the diagram below OFDM transmitter At the receiver, the received symbol is down scaled; the cyclic prefix is removed by selecting the message portion. The received message is then transformed by FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) to remove the orthogonality. The guards are then removed and subsequently the pilots. The remaining data stream is then rearranged back to the 384 constellation points and then demodulated using QPSK demodulator Page 23 of 47 OFDM Receiver 3.5 The channel Transmissions over three different channels are simulated: ο Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel (AWGN) ο Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel ο Multipath Rician Fading Channel 3.5a AWGN channel This channel adds white Gaussian noise to the input signal. The SNRs of 30dB to 50dB was simulated and results displayed. 3.5b Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel. This channel depicts a situation where the transmitted signal arrives at the receiver via different paths. This is caused by reflections from surfaces like walls. The different paths have their associated path delays and losses. Page 24 of 47 This channel multiplies the input signal by samples of a Rayleigh-distributed complex random process. In this design up to three paths are simulated and the results displayed. 3.5c Multipath Rician Fading Channel This channel portrays a situation where the transmitted signal can travel to the receiver along a dominant line-of-sight or direct path. Relative motion between the transmitter and receiver causes Doppler shifts in the signal frequency. In addition to the channel having multiple path delays and fading, the signal transmitted over this channel experiences changes in the frequency of propagation In this design up to three paths are simulated and the results displayed. 3.6 Overall design diagram Page 25 of 47 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS 4.1 AWGN CHANNEL SNR = 30dB 4.1.1. Transmitted signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (ns) 300 350 400 450 Offset=0 Fig 4.1.1 1a transmitted signal Received signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time (ns) Offset=0 Fig 4.1.1 .1b Received signal Page 26 of 47 5 6 7 Error rate calculation Signal spectrum -80 -90 dBm / Hz -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 RBW: 20.62 MHz, NFFT: 128, Span: 21.12 GHz, CF: 0 Hz -10 Page 27 of 47 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Frequency (GHz) 2 4 6 8 10 Eye diagram In-phase Amplitude Eye Diagram 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 50 100 150 100 150 Quadrature Amplitude Time (ps) 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 50 Time (ps) Time scatter plot Scatter Plot 1.5 Quadrature Amplitude 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 In-phase Amplitude Page 28 of 47 1 1.5 SNR = 38dB Transmitted signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (ns) 300 350 400 450 Offset=0 Received signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time (ns) Offset=0 Page 29 of 47 5 6 7 Error rate calculation Signal spectrum -80 -90 dBm / Hz -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 RBW: 20.62 MHz, NFFT: 128, Span: 21.12 GHz, CF: 0 Hz -10 Page 30 of 47 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Frequency (GHz) 2 4 6 8 10 Eye diagram Eye Diagram In-phase Amplitude 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 50 100 150 100 150 Quadrature Amplitude Time (ps) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 50 Time (ps) Time scatter plot Scatter Plot 1 0.8 Quadrature Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1 -0.5 0 In-phase Amplitude Page 31 of 47 0.5 1 SNR= 45dB Transmitted signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (ns) 300 350 400 450 Offset=0 Received signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time (ns) Offset=0 Error rate calculation Page 32 of 47 5 6 7 Signal spectrum -80 -90 dBm / Hz -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 RBW: 20.62 MHz, NFFT: 128, Span: 21.12 GHz, CF: 0 Hz -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Frequency (GHz) 2 4 6 8 Eye diagram Eye Diagram In-phase Amplitude 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 50 100 150 100 150 Quadrature Amplitude Time (ps) 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0 50 Time (ps) Page 33 of 47 10 Time scatter plot Scatter Plot 1 0.8 Quadrature Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 In-phase Amplitude 4.2 Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channel Single path with no delay period Transmitted signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 Offset=0 Page 34 of 47 50 100 150 200 250 Time (ns) 300 350 400 450 Received signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Time (ns) Offset=0 Error rate calculation Signal spectrum -80 -90 dBm / Hz -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 RBW: 20.62 MHz, NFFT: 128, Span: 21.12 GHz, CF: 0 Hz -10 Page 35 of 47 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Frequency (GHz) 2 4 6 8 10 Eye diagram In-phase Amplitude Eye Diagram 1 0 -1 0 50 100 150 100 150 Quadrature Amplitude Time (ps) 1 0 -1 0 50 Time (ps) Time scatter plot Scatter Plot 1.5 Quadrature Amplitude 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 In-phase Amplitude Page 36 of 47 1 1.5 Multiple paths with no delay period Transmitted signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (ns) 300 350 400 450 Offset=0 Received signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time (ns) Offset=0 Page 37 of 47 5 6 7 Error rate calculation Signal spectrum -80 -90 dBm / Hz -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 RBW: 20.62 MHz, NFFT: 128, Span: 21.12 GHz, CF: 0 Hz -10 Page 38 of 47 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Frequency (GHz) 2 4 6 8 10 Eye diagram Eye Diagram In-phase Amplitude 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 0 50 100 150 100 150 Quadrature Amplitude Time (ps) 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 0 50 Time (ps) Time scatter plot Scatter Plot 1.5 Quadrature Amplitude 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 In-phase Amplitude Page 39 of 47 1 1.5 Multipath Rician Channel Single path with no delay period Transmitted signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time (ns) 300 350 400 450 Offset=0 Received signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time (ns) Offset=0 Page 40 of 47 5 6 7 Error rate calculation Signal spectrum -80 -90 dBm / Hz -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 RBW: 20.62 MHz, NFFT: 128, Span: 21.12 GHz, CF: 0 Hz -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Frequency (GHz) 2 4 6 Eye diagram In-phase Amplitude Eye Diagram 1 0 -1 0 50 100 150 100 150 Quadrature Amplitude Time (ps) 1 0 -1 0 50 Time (ps) Page 41 of 47 8 10 Time scatter plot Scatter Plot 1.5 Quadrature Amplitude 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 In-phase Amplitude Multiple paths with no delay period Transmitted signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 Offset=0 Page 42 of 47 50 100 150 200 250 Time (ns) 300 350 400 450 Received signal 1 0.8 Amplitude 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time (ns) Offset=0 Error rate calculation Page 43 of 47 5 6 7 Signal spectrum -80 -90 dBm / Hz -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 RBW: 20.62 MHz, NFFT: 128, Span: 21.12 GHz, CF: 0 Hz -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Frequency (GHz) 2 4 6 8 Eye diagram In-phase Amplitude Eye Diagram 0.2 0 -0.2 0 50 100 150 100 150 Quadrature Amplitude Time (ps) 0.2 0 -0.2 0 50 Time (ps) Page 44 of 47 10 Time scatter plot Scatter Plot 1.5 Quadrature Amplitude 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 In-phase Amplitude Page 45 of 47 1 1.5 CHAPTER 5 RESULT ANALYSIS AWGN Channel From the results obtained, the time scatter plot and the Eye diagrams shows the ISI. The wider the eye the lower the ISI. This is further proved by a keen look at the scatter plots, if the plots are randomly distributed, it shows that the noise power is higher than the signal power. Another possible explanation could be due to the effect of ISI. This analysis plus the results shows that for a given transmission bandwidth, the system performance improves as the SNR increases. This is in line with the Hartley- Shannon law for white Gaussian channel The error calculations done further proves that indeed as the SNR increases, an error free transmission is possible Multipath Rayleigh /Rician Fading channel The results obtained thus far aren’t conclusive especially for the multipath portions of the simulation. This is because the comparison done using matlab simulink especially the error rate calculation does not take into account the delay effect and multiple paths from which the signal arrives. But a keen comparison of the transmitted signal and the received signal proves that the same signal transmitted is the same one received even under multipath fading conditions. This can be attributed to the advantage the OFDM scheme has of being robust against multipath interference. One thing is clear though, for the simulation considering only one path, the error rate was found to be zero with minimum ISI. Signal spectrum From the signal spectrum it is noted that the transmitted signal has a PSD of around -80dbm/Hz. Thus this modem ensures low spectral density transmission though not in conformity to the -41.3 dBm/Hz required by the regulating bodies. Transmission speed From the parameters mentioned before, OFDM symbol duration is 312.5 ns this gives a maximum throughput of 3.2MHz. The speed is given by: πππ‘π = (πππ‘π ππππππππ )π₯ (ππππππ πππ‘π )π₯( πππ₯πππ’π π‘βπππ’πβππ’π‘)π₯ ππ’ππππ ππ πππ‘π 32 = 96π₯ (96) π₯ 3.2 π₯ 2 = 204.8ππππ This rate could be reduced to 102.4 Mbps by a time spreading gain of 2, i.e. the IFFT to transmit at the same time the complex conjugate of the signal. Page 46 of 47 CHAPTER 6 CONLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Conclusion The objective of this project was to study both the UWB wireless communication systems and WBAN applications and then design and demonstrate a modem to be used in those applications. This has been achieved, and the modem simulation showed that it can achieve an error free transmission at a lower PSD and at a very high data rate. Recommendations UWB and Body Area Networks are potential areas for research. They are still emerging technologies which still needs to be explored for more applications. REFERENCES [1] Garth V. Crosby, Tirthankar Ghosh, Renita Murimi, Craig A. 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