Branding - Utah's Credit Unions

How to Create a
Marketing Plan that
Matters in 2014
Presented by Owen Fuller, Fit Marketing
#ucua @owenfuller
Owen Fuller
Child #11
Alaska Grown
President at Fit Marketing
“Credit unions that invest more
marketing dollars per member see
larger membership growth, asset
growth and loan growth.”
“Nearly half of all bank and credit
union marketers admit they struggle
to quantify the results of their efforts,
and two-thirds say they need to be
doing a better job quantifying
marketing ROI.”
Our Challenge
Create a meaningful marketing plan that guides
your efforts in 2014
Before you start
• Make sure it aligns with the your purpose (why do you exist outside
of making money), core values and big hairy audacious goals
• Make sure it aligns with your business strategy for 2014
Broad aspirations & concrete goals
Where you play & where you don’t
How you win
Management systems
• Think 70-20-10
For more info see: Five Questions of Strategy &
Components for your Marketing Plan
Brand Style Guide
Branding Signals
Buyer Personas
Action Plan & Editorial Calendar
Brand Style Guide
Name variations
Logo variations
Commonly used phrases
Brand essence
Brand Signals
Branding is the art of creating the signals that generate the feelings of your
brand essence.
Your customers’ brand experiences occur at each touchpoint, no matter
how small
To improve your branding, consider:
– each environment where you can convey a signal
– what signal you are currently sending in each environment
– what you can change to send the right signal
• Start with why
• Begin with the end in mind
• Define what a successful outcome will look
like and how it will be measured
Buyer Personas
• Background/demographics
• Goals
• Problems
• How to help
• What that help means to her
• Real quotes
• What role do you play in
her story?
Focus on selling to members first
Single-service members
Declining balances
Profit analysis
New members
Overcoming the Monster
Rags to Riches
The Quest
Voyage &
• Differentiate or die
– Hours
– Leader in mobile banking
– Best place for families to bank
• Price on purpose
• Not “full-service” or “member-first”
Action Plan & Editorial Calendar
Brainstorm 50-100 problems for each persona
Create an inventory of existing content (repurpose
your best content regularly)
Identify each channel were you can connect with
your key buyer personas
Create an editorial calendar
– Types of content (direct mail, blog posts, videos,
premium content, online magazines, social
posts. etc)
– Targeted persona(s) & story archetype
– Map to stage of the buying cycle (attention,
interest, desire, action, loyalty)
– Consider seasonal promotions, data from MCIF
– Goals (2-3 KPIs) to measure each initiative
• Leading KPIs
• Lagging KPIs
• Use the NPS to see how you are doing
– “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to refer a
friend or colleague to __”
– Why?
How to Create a
Marketing Plan that
Matters in 2014
Presented by Owen Fuller, Fit Marketing
#ucua @owenfuller