LECTURE #01 Introduction As a field of study in the modern context, manufacturing can be defined two ways, one technologic and the other economic. Technologically, manufacturing is the application of physical and chemical processes to alter the geometry, properties, and/or appearance of a given starting material to make parts or products; Manufacturing also includes assembly of multiple parts to make products. The processes to accomplish manufacturing involve a combination of machinery, tools, power, and labor Manufacturing is almost always carried out as a sequence of operations. Each operation brings the material closer to the desired final state. Economically, manufacturing is the transformation of materials into items of greater value by means of one or more processing and/or assembly operations. The key point is that manufacturing adds value to the material by changing its shape or properties, or by combining it with other materials that have been similarly altered. Module 1: Metal casting The material has been made more valuable through the manufacturing operations performed on it. When iron ore is converted into steel, value is added. When sand is transformed into glass, value is added. When petroleum is refined into plastic, value is added. And when plastic is molded into the complex geometry of a patio chair, it is made even more valuable. 1 More than one processing operation is usually required to transform the starting material into final form. The operations are performed in the particular sequence required to achieve the geometry and condition defined by the design specification. Three categories of processing operations are distinguished: (1) shaping operations, (2) property-enhancing operations, and (3) surface processing operations. Shaping operations alter the geometry of the starting work material by various methods. Common shaping processes include casting, forging, and machining. Module 1: Metal casting Classification of manufacturing processes 2 Property-enhancing operations add value to the material by improving its physical properties without changing its shape. Heat treatment is the most common example. Surface processing operations are performed to clean, treat, coat, or deposit material onto the exterior surface of the work. Shaping Processes: Most shape processing operations apply heat, mechanical force, or a combination of these to effect a change in geometry of the work material. There are various ways to classify the shaping processes. The classification used in this book is based on the state of the starting material, by which we have four categories: (1) Solidification processes, in which the starting material is a heated liquid or semi fluid that cools and solidifies to form the part geometry; (2) Particulate processing, in which the starting material is a powder, and the powders are formed and heated into the desired geometry; (3) Deformation processes, in which the starting material is a ductile solid (commonly metal) that is deformed to shape the part; and (4) Material removal processes, in which the starting material is a solid (ductile or brittle), from which material is removed so that the resulting part has the desired geometry. Module 1: Metal casting In the first category, the starting material is heated sufficiently to transform it into a liquid or highly plastic (semi fluid) state. Nearly all materials can be processed in this way. Metals, ceramic glasses, and plastics can all be heated to sufficiently high temperatures to convert them into liquids. With the material in a liquid or semi fluid form, it can be poured or otherwise forced to flow into a mold cavity and allowed to solidify, thus taking a solid shape that is the same as the cavity. Most processes that operate this way are called casting or molding. Casting is the name used for metals, and molding is the common term used for plastics. 3 In particulate processing, the starting materials are powders of metals or ceramics. Although these two materials are quite different, the processes to shape them in particulate processing are quite similar. The common technique involves pressing and sintering, in which the powders are first squeezed into a die cavity under high pressure and then heated to bond the individual particles together. Material removal processes are operations that remove excess material from the starting workpiece so that the resulting shape is the desired geometry. The most important processes in this category are machining operations such as turning, drilling, and milling. These cutting operations are most commonly applied to solid metals, performed using cutting tools that are harder and stronger than the work metal. Grinding is another common process in this category. Other material removal processes are known as nontraditional processes because they use lasers, electron beams, chemical erosion, electric discharges, and electrochemical energy to remove material rather than cutting or grinding tools. Module 1: Metal casting In deformation processes, the starting work part is shaped by the application of forces that exceed the yield strength of the material. For the material to be formed in this way, it must be sufficiently ductile to avoid fracture during deformation. To increase ductility (and for other reasons), the work material is often heated before forming to a temperature below the melting point. Deformation processes are associated most closely with metal working and include operations such as forging and extrusion. 4 It is desirable to minimize waste and scrap in converting a starting work part into its subsequent geometry. Certain shaping processes are more efficient than others in terms of material conservation. Material removal processes (e.g., machining) tend to be wasteful of material, simply by the way they work. The material removed from the starting shape is waste, at least in terms of the unit operation. Other processes, such as certain casting and molding operations, often convert close to 100% of the starting material into final product. Property-Enhancing Processes The second major type of part processing is performed to improve mechanical or physical properties of the work material. These processes do not alter the shape of the part, except unintentionally in some cases. The most important property-enhancing processes involve heat treatments, which include various annealing and strengthening processes for metals and glasses. Sintering of powdered metals and ceramics is also a heat treatment that strengthens a pressed powder metal work part. Surface Processing Surface processing operations include (1) cleaning, (2) surface treatments, and (3) coating and thin film deposition processes. Cleaning includes both chemical and mechanical processes to remove dirt, oil, and other contaminants from the surface. Coating and thin film deposition processes apply a coating of material to the exterior surface of the work part. Common coating processes include electroplating, anodizing of aluminum, organic coating (call it painting), and porcelain enameling. Thin film deposition processes include physical vapor deposition and chemical vapor deposition to form extremely thin coatings of various substances. Module 1: Metal casting Surface treatments include mechanical working such as shot peening and sand blasting, and physical processes such as diffusion and ion implantation. 5 LECTURE #02 In this module, we consider those manufacturing processes (shaping process) in which the starting work material is either a liquid or is in a highly plastic condition, and a part is created through solidification of the material. Casting and molding processes dominate this category of shaping operations. The solidification processes can be classified according to the engineering material that is processed: (1) metals, (2) ceramics, specifically glasses, and (3) polymers and polymer matrix composites (PMCs). Casting is a process in which molten metal flows by gravity or other force into a mold where it solidifies in the shape of the mold cavity. The term casting is also applied to the part that is made by this process. It is one of the oldest shaping processes, dating back 6000 years. The principle of casting seems simple: melt the metal, pour it into a mold, and let it cool and solidify; yet there are many factors and variables that must be considered in order to accomplish a successful casting operation. CASTING PROCESS: Discussion of casting logically begins with the mold. The mold contains a cavity known as mold cavity, whose geometry determines the shape of the cast part. The actual size and shape of the cavity must be slightly oversized to allow for shrinkage that occurs in the metal during solidification and cooling. Different metals undergo different amounts of shrinkage, so the mold cavity must be designed for the particular metal to be cast if dimensional accuracy is critical. Molds are made of a variety of materials, including sand, plaster, ceramic, and metal. The various casting processes are often classified according to these different types of molds. To accomplish a casting operation, the metal is first heated to a temperature high enough to completely transform it into a liquid state. It is then poured, or otherwise directed, into the cavity of the mold. Module 1: Metal casting In an open mold, Figure (a), the liquid metal is simply poured until it fills the open cavity. In a closed mold, Figure (b), a passageway, called the gating system, is provided to permit the molten metal to flow from outside the mold into the cavity. The closed mold is by far the more important category in production casting operations. 6 As soon as the molten metal is in the mold, it begins to cool. When the temperature drops sufficiently (e.g., to the freezing point for a pure metal), solidification begins. Solidification involves a change of phase of the metal. During the solidification process, a series of events takes place. These events greatly affect the size, shape, uniformity and chemical composition of the grains. Time is required to complete the phase change, and considerable heat is given up in the process. It is during this step in the process that the metal assumes the solid shape of the mold cavity and many of the properties and characteristics of the casting are established. Once the casting has cooled sufficiently, it is removed from the mold. Depending on the casting method and metal used, further processing may be required. This may include trimming the excess metal from the actual cast part, cleaning the surface, inspecting the product, and heat treatment to enhance properties. In addition, machining may be required to achieve closer tolerances on certain part features and to remove the cast surface. Depending upon the extraction of cast product, the casting process in divided into expendable-mold casting and permanent-mold casting. A permanent mold is one that can be used over and over to produce many castings. It is made of metal (or, less commonly, a ceramic refractory material) that can withstand the high temperatures of the casting operation. In permanent-mold casting, the mold consists of two (or more) sections that can be opened to permit removal of the finished part. Die casting is the most familiar process in this group. More intricate casting geometries are generally possible with the expendable-mold processes. Part shapes in Module 1: Metal casting An expendable mold means that the mold in which the molten metal solidifies must be destroyed in order to remove the casting. These molds are made out of sand, plaster, or similar materials, whose form is maintained by using binders of various kinds. Sand casting is the most prominent example of the expendable-mold processes. In sand casting, the liquid metal is poured into a mold made of sand. After the metal hardens, the mold must be sacrificed in order to recover the casting. 7 the permanent-mold processes are limited by the need to open the mold. On the other hand, some of the permanent mold processes have certain economic advantages in high production operations. SAND CASTING MOLD: Sand casting is by far the most important casting process. A sand-casting mold will be used to describe the basic features of a mold. Many of these features and terms are common to the molds used in other casting processes. Figure (b) shows the crosssectional view of a typical sand-casting mold, indicating some of the terminology. The mold consists of two halves: cope and drag. The cope is the upper half of the mold, and the drag is the bottom half. These two mold parts are contained in a box, called a flask, which is also divided into two halves, one for the cope and the other for the drag. The two halves of the mold separate at the parting line. In sand casting (and other expendable-mold processes) the mold cavity is formed by means of a pattern, which is made of wood, metal, plastic, or other material and has the shape of the part to be cast. The cavity is formed by packing sand around the pattern, about half each in the cope and drag, so that when the pattern is removed, the remaining void has the desired shape of the cast part. The pattern is usually made oversized to allow for shrinkage of the metal as it solidifies and cools. The sand for the mold is moist and contains a binder to maintain its shape. The cavity in the mold provides the external surfaces of the cast part. In addition, a casting may have internal surfaces. These surfaces are determined by means of a core, a form placed inside the mold cavity to define the interior geometry of the part. In sand casting, cores are generally made of sand, although other materials can be used, such as metals, plaster, and ceramics. In addition to the gating system, any casting in which shrinkage is significant requires a riser connected to the main cavity. The riser is a reservoir in the mold that serves as a source of liquid metal for the casting to compensate for shrinkage during solidification. The riser must be designed to freeze after the main casting in order to satisfy its function. As the metal flows into the mold, the air that previously occupied the cavity, as well as Module 1: Metal casting The gating system in a casting mold is the channel, or network of channels, by which molten metal flows into the cavity from outside the mold. As shown in the figure, the gating system typically consists of a downsprue (also called simply the sprue), through which the metal enters a runner that leads into the main cavity. At the top of the downsprue, a pouring cup is often used to minimize splash and turbulence as the metal flows into the downsprue. It is shown in our diagram as a simple cone-shaped funnel. Some pouring cups are designed in the shape of a bowl, with an open channel leading to the downsprue. 8 Module 1: Metal casting hot gases formed by reactions of the molten metal, must be evacuated so that the metal will completely fill the empty space. In sand casting, for example, the natural porosity of the sand mold permits the air and gases to escape through the walls of the cavity. In permanent metal molds, small vent holes are drilled into the mold or machined into the parting line to permit removal of air and gases. 9 LECTURE #03 MOLDING SAND: The general sources of receiving molding sands are the beds of sea, rivers, lakes, granulular elements of rocks, and deserts. The common sources of molding sands available in India are as follows: 1 Batala sand ( Punjab) 2 Ganges sand (Uttar Pradesh) 3 Oyaria sand (Bihar) 4 Damodar and Barakar sands (Bengal- Bihar Border) 5 Londha sand (Bombay) 6 Gigatamannu sand (Andhra Pradesh) and 7 Avadi and Veeriyambakam sand (Madras) Molding sands may be of two types namely natural or synthetic. Natural molding sands contain sufficient binder. Whereas synthetic molding sands are prepared artificially using basic sand molding constituents (silica sand in 88-92%, binder 6-12%, water or moisture content 3-6%) and other additives in proper proportion by weight with perfect mixing and mulling in suitable equipments. The main constituents of molding sand involve silica sand, binder, moisture content and additives. • Silica sand forms the main constituent of molding sand having enough refractoriness which can impart strength, stability and permeability to molding and core sand. • The silica sand can be specified according to the size (small, medium and large silica sand grain) and the shape (angular, sub-angular and rounded). • But along with silica small amounts of iron oxide, alumina, lime stone, magnesia, soda and potash are present as impurities. Module 1: Metal casting Silica sand (88%-92%) 10 Binder (6%-12%) • In general, the binders can be either inorganic or organic substance. • The inorganic group includes clay, sodium silicate etc. • In foundry shop, the clay acts as binder which may be Kaolonite, Ball Clay, Fire Clay, Limonite, Fuller’s earth and Bentonite. • Organic group binders are dextrin, molasses, cereal binders, linseed oil and resins like phenol formaldehyde, urea formaldehyde etc. • Among all the above binders, the bentonite variety of clay is the most common. Moisture (3%-6%) • The effect of clay and water decreases permeability with increasing clay and moisture content. • The green compressive strength first increases with the increase in clay content, but after a certain value, it starts decreasing. Additives • Coal dust • Corn flour • Dextrin • Sea coal • Pitch • Wood flour • Silica flour Module 1: Metal casting Some common used additives for enhancing the properties of molding and core sands are discussed as under. 11 TYPES OF MOLDING SAND: Green sand Green sand is also known as tempered or natural sand which is a just prepared mixture of silica sand with 18 to 30 percent clay, having moisture content from 6 to 8%. The clay and water furnish the bond for green sand. It is fine, soft, light, and porous. Green sand is damp, when squeezed in the hand and it retains the shape and the impression to give to it under pressure. Molds prepared by this sand are not requiring backing and hence are known as green sand molds. This sand is easily available and it possesses low cost. It is commonly employed for production of ferrous and non-ferrous castings. Dry sand Green sand that has been dried or baked in suitable oven after the making mold and cores is called dry sand. It possesses more strength, rigidity and thermal stability. It is mainly suitable for larger castings. Mold prepared in this sand are known as dry sand molds. Loam sand Loam is mixture of sand and clay with water to a thin plastic paste. Loam sand possesses high clay as much as 30-50% and 18% water. Patterns are not used for loam molding and shape is given to mold by sweeps. This is particularly employed for loam molding used for large grey iron castings. Facing sand Backing sand Backing sand or floor sand is used to back up the facing sand and is used to fill the whole volume of the molding flask. Used molding sand is mainly employed for this purpose. The backing sand is sometimes called black sand because that old, repeatedly used molding Module 1: Metal casting Facing sand is just prepared and forms the face of the mould. It is directly next to the surface of the pattern and it comes into contact molten metal when the mould is poured. Initial coating around the pattern and hence for mold surface is given by this sand. This sand is subjected severest conditions and must possess, therefore, high strength refractoriness. It is made of silica sand and clay, without the use of used sand. Different forms of carbon are used to prevent the metal burning into the sand. A facing sand mixture for green sand of cast iron may consist of 25% fresh and specially prepared and 5% sea coal. They are sometimes mixed with 6-15 times as much fine molding sand to make facings. The layer of facing sand in a mold usually ranges from 22-28 mm. From 10 to 15% of the whole amount of molding sand is the facing sand. 12 sand is black in color due to addition of coal dust and burning on coming in contact with the molten metal. System sand In mechanized foundries where machine molding is employed. A so-called system sand is used to fill the whole molding flask. In mechanical sand preparation and handling units, no facing sand is used. The used sand is cleaned and re-activated by the addition of water and special additives. This is known as system sand. Since the whole mold is made of this system sand, the properties such as strength, permeability and refractoriness of the molding sand must be higher than those of backing sand. Parting sand Parting sand without binder and moisture is used to keep the green sand not to stick to the pattern and also to allow the sand on the parting surface the cope and drag to separate without clinging. This is clean clay-free silica sand which serves the same purpose as parting dust. Core sand Core sand is used for making cores and it is sometimes also known as oil sand. This is highly rich silica sand mixed with oil binders such as core oil which composed of linseed oil, resin, light mineral oil and other bind materials. Pitch or flours and water may also be used in large cores for the sake of economy. PROPERTIES OF MOLDING SAND: Refractoriness is defined as the ability of molding sand to withstand high temperatures without breaking down or fusing thus facilitating to get sound casting. It is a highly important characteristic of molding sands. Molding sand with poor refractoriness may burn on to the casting surface and no smooth casting surface can be obtained. Refractoriness can only be increased to a limited extent. The degree of refractoriness depends on the SiO2 i.e. quartz content, and the shape and grain size of the particle. The higher the SiO2 content and the rougher the grain volumetric composition the higher is the refractoriness of the molding sand and core sand. Refractoriness is measured by the sinter point (The temperature at which a molding material begins to adhere to a casting is known as sintering point) of the sand rather than its melting point. Module 1: Metal casting Refractoriness 13 Permeability It is also termed as porosity of the molding sand in order to allow the escape of any air, gases or moisture present or generated in the mould when the molten metal is poured into it. All these gaseous generated during pouring and solidification process must escape otherwise the casting becomes defective. Permeability is a function of grain size, grain shape, and moisture and clay contents in the molding sand. The extent of ramming of the sand directly affects the permeability of the mould. Permeability of mold can be further increased by venting using vent rods Cohesiveness It is property of molding sand by virtue which the sand grain particles interact and attract each other within the molding sand. Thus, the binding capability of the molding sand gets enhanced to increase the green, dry and hot strength property of molding and core sand. Green strength The green sand after water has been mixed into it, must have sufficient strength and toughness to permit the making and handling of the mould. For this, the sand grains must be adhesive, i.e. they must be capable of attaching themselves to another body and therefore, and sand grains having high adhesiveness will cling to the sides of the molding box. Also, the sand grains must have the property known as cohesiveness i.e. ability of the sand grains to stick to one another. By virtue of this property, the pattern can be taken out from the mould without breaking the mould and also the erosion of mould wall surfaces does not occur during the flow of molten metal. The green strength also depends upon the grain shape and size, amount and type of clay and the moisture content. Dry strength/thermal stability As soon as the molten metal is poured into the mould, the moisture in the sand layer adjacent to the hot metal gets evaporated and this dry sand layer must have sufficient strength to its shape in order to avoid erosion of mould wall during the flow of molten metal. The dry strength also prevents the enlargement of mould cavity cause by the metallostatic pressure of the liquid metal. It is the ability of the sand to get compacted and behave like a fluid. It will flow uniformly to all portions of pattern when rammed and distribute the ramming pressure evenly all around in all directions. Generally sand particles resist moving around corners or projections. In general, flowability increases with decrease in green strength, an, decrease in grain size. The flowability also varies with moisture and clay content. Module 1: Metal casting Flowability or plasticity 14 Adhesiveness It is property of molding sand to get stick or adhere with foreign material such sticking of molding sand with inner wall of molding box Collapsibility After the molten metal in the mold gets solidified, the sand mould must be collapsible so that free contraction of the metal occurs and this would naturally avoid the tearing or cracking of the contracting metal. In absence of this property the contraction of the metal is hindered by the mold and thus results in tears and cracks in the casting. This property is highly desired in cores Reusability Since large quantities of sand are used in a foundry it is very important that the sand be reusable otherwise apart from cost it will create disposal problems PATTERN AND CORE Module 1: Metal casting Refer entire chapter of pattern and core in “introduction-to-basic-manufacturingprocesses-and-workshop-technology” 15 GATING SYSTEM IN MOLD 1. Pouring basin It is the conical hollow element or tapered hollow vertical portion of the gating system which helps to feed the molten metal initially through the path of gating system to mold cavity. It may be made out of core sand or it may be cut in cope portion of the sand mold. It makes easier for the ladle operator to direct the flow of molten metal from crucible to pouring basin and sprue. It helps in maintaining the required rate of liquid metal flow. It reduces turbulence and vertexing at the sprue entrance. It also helps in separating dross, slag and foreign element etc. from molten metal before it enters the sprue. 2. Sprue It is a vertical passage made generally in the cope using tapered sprue pin. It is connected at bottom of pouring basin. It is tapered with its bigger end at to receive the molten metal the smaller end is connected to the runner. It helps to feed molten metal without turbulence to the runner which in turn reaches the mold cavity through gate. It some times possesses skim bob at its lower end. The main purpose of skim bob is to collect impurities from molten metal and it does not allow them to reach the mold cavity through runner and gate. It is a small passage or channel being cut by gate cutter which connect runner with the mould cavity and through which molten metal flows to fill the mould cavity. It feeds the liquid metal to the casting at the rate consistent with the rate of solidification. Module 1: Metal casting 3. Gate 16 5. Runner It is a channel which connects the sprue to the gate for avoiding turbulence and gas entrapment. 6. Riser It is a passage in molding sand made in the cope portion of the mold. Molten metal rises in it after filling the mould cavity completely. The molten metal in the riser compensates the shrinkage during solidification of the casting thus avoiding the shrinkage defect in the casting. It also permits the escape of air and mould gases. It promotes directional solidification too and helps in bringing the soundness in the casting. 7. Chaplets Chaplets are metal distance pieces inserted in a mould either to prevent shifting of mould or locate core surfaces. The distances pieces in form of chaplets are made of parent metal of which the casting is. These are placed in mould cavity suitably which positions core and to give extra support to core and mould surfaces. Its main objective is to impart good alignment of mould and core surfaces and to achieve directional solidification. When the molten metal is poured in the mould cavity, the chaplet melts and fuses itself along with molten metal during solidification and thus forms a part of the cast material. FACTORS CONTROLING GATING DESIGN The following factors must be considered while designing gating system. (i) Sharp corners and abrupt changes in at any section or portion in gating system should be avoided for suppressing turbulence and gas entrapment. Suitable relationship must exist between different cross-sectional areas of gating systems. (ii) The most important characteristics of gating system besides sprue are the shape, location and dimensions of runners and type of flow. It is also important to determine the position at which the molten metal enters the mould cavity. (iii) Gating ratio should reveal that the total cross-section of sprue, runner and gate decreases towards the mold cavity which provides a choke effect. (v) Developing the various cross sections of gating system to nullify the effect of turbulence or momentum of molten metal. (vi) Streamlining or removing sharp corners at any junctions by providing generous radius, tapering the sprue, providing radius at sprue entrance and exit and providing a basin instead pouring cup etc. Module 1: Metal casting (iv) Bending of runner if any should be kept away from mold cavity. 17 RISER IN MOLD Metals and their alloys shrink as they cool or solidify and hence may create a partial vacuum within the casting which leads to casting defect known as shrinkage or void. The primary function of riser as attached with the mould is to feed molten metal to accommodate shrinkage occurring during solidification of the casting. As shrinkage is very common casting defect in casting and hence it should be avoided by allowing molten metal to rise in riser after filling the mould cavity completely and supplying the molten metal to further feed the void occurred during solidification of the casting because of shrinkage. Riser also permits the escape of evolved air and mold gases as the mold cavity is being filled with the molten metal. It also indicates to the foundry man whether mold cavity has been filled completely or not. The suitable design of riser also helps to promote the directional solidification and hence helps in production of desired sound casting. Considerations for Designing Riser While designing risers the following considerations must always be taken into account. (A) Freezing time 1 For producing sound casting, the molten metal must be fed to the mold cavity till it solidifies completely. This can be achieved when molten metal in riser should freeze at slower rate than the casting. 2 Freezing time of molten metal should be more for risers than casting. (B) Feeding range 1. When large castings are produced in complicated size, then more than one riser are employed to feed molten metal depending upon the effective freezing range of each riser. 2. Casting should be divided into different zones so that each zone can be feed by a separate riser. 4. Riser should maintain proper temperature gradients for continuous feeding throughout freezing or solidifying. Module 1: Metal casting 3. Risers should be attached to that heavy section which generally solidifies last in the casting. 18 (C) Feed Volume Capacity 1 Riser should have sufficient volume to feed the mold cavity till the solidification of the entire casting so as to compensate the volume shrinkage or contraction of the solidifying metal. 2 The metal is always kept in molten state at all the times in risers during freezing of casting. This can be achieved by using exothermic compounds and electric arc feeding arrangement. Thus it results for small riser size and high casting yield. 3 It is very important to note that volume feed capacity riser should be based upon freezing time and freezing demand. Riser system is designed using full considerations on the shape, size and the position or location of the riser in the mold. SOLIDIFICATION TIME Whether the casting is pure metal or alloy, solidification takes time. The total solidification time is the time required for the casting to solidify after pouring. This time is dependent on the size and shape of the casting by an empirical relationship known as Chvorinov’s rule, which states: Where TTS= total solidification time, min; V=volume of the casting, cm3; A=surface area of the casting, cm2; n is an exponent usually taken to have a value =2; and Given that n = 2, the units of Cm are min/cm2, and its value depends on the particular conditions of the casting operation, including mold material (e.g., specific heat, thermal conductivity), thermal properties of the cast metal (e.g., heat of fusion, specific heat, thermal conductivity), and pouring temperature relative to the melting point of the metal. The value of Cm for a given casting operation can be based on experimental data from previous operations carried out using the same mold material, metal, and pouring temperature, even though the shape of the part may be quite different. Module 1: Metal casting Cm is the mold constant. 19 Chvorinov’s rule indicates that a casting with a higher volume-to-surface area ratio will cool and solidify more slowly than one with a lower ratio. This principle is put to good use in designing the riser in a mold. To perform its function of feeding molten metal to the main cavity, the metal in the riser must remain in the liquid phase longer than the casting. In other words, the TTS for the riser must exceed the TTS for the main casting. Since the mold conditions for both riser and casting are the same, their mold constants will be equal. By designing the riser to have a larger volume-to-area ratio, we can be fairly sure that the main casting solidifies first and that the effects of shrinkage are minimized. Before considering how the riser might be designed using Chvorinov’s rule, let us consider the topic of shrinkage, which is the reason why risers are needed. CASTING DEFECTS There are numerous opportunities for things to go wrong in a casting operation, resulting in quality defects in the cast product. In this section, we compile a list of the common defects that occur in casting, and we indicate the inspection procedures to detect them. Casting Defects Some defects are common to any and all casting processes. These defects are illustrated in Figure and briefly described in the following: (a) Misruns, which are castings that solidify before completely filling the mold cavity. Typical causes include (1) fluidity of the molten metal is insufficient, (2) pouring temperature is too low, (3) pouring is done too slowly, and/or (4) cross-section of the mold cavity is too thin. (b) Cold Shuts, which occur when two portions of the metal flow together but there is a lack of fusion between them due to premature freezing. Its causes are similar to those of a misrun. (d) Shrinkage cavity is a depression in the surface or an internal void in the casting, caused by solidification shrinkage that restricts the amount of molten metal available in the last region to freeze. It often occurs near the top of the casting, in which case it is referred to as a ‘‘pipe.’’ The problem can often be solved by proper riser design. (e) Microporosity consists of a network of small voids distributed throughout the casting caused by localized solidification shrinkage of the final molten metal in the dendritic structure. The defect is usually associated with alloys, because of the protracted manner in which freezing occurs in these metals. Module 1: Metal casting (c) Cold shots, which result from splattering during pouring, causing the formation of solid globules of metal that become entrapped in the casting. Pouring procedures and gating system designs that avoid splattering can prevent this defect. 20 (f) Hot tearing, also called hot cracking, occurs when the casting is restrained from contraction by an unyielding mold during the final stages of solidification or early stages of cooling after solidification. The defect is manifested as a separation of the metal (hence, the terms tearing and cracking) at a point of high tensile stress caused by the metal’s inability to shrink naturally. In sand casting and other expendable-mold processes, it is prevented by compounding the mold to be collapsible. In permanentmold processes, hot tearing is reduced by removing the part from the mold immediately after solidification. Some defects are related to the use of sand molds, and therefore they occur only in sand castings. To a lesser degree, other expendable-mold processes are also susceptible to these problems. Defects found primarily in sand castings are shown in Figure 11.23 and described here: (a) Sand blow is a defect consisting of a balloon-shaped gas cavity caused by release of mold gases during pouring. It occurs at or below the casting surface near the top of the casting. Low permeability, poor venting, and high moisture content of the sand mold are the usual causes. (c) Sand wash, which is an irregularity in the surface of the casting that results from erosion of the sand mold during pouring, and the contour of the erosion is formed in the surface of the final cast part. (d) Scabs are rough areas on the surface of the casting due to encrustations of sand and metal. It is caused by portions of the mold surface flaking off during solidification and becoming imbedded in the casting surface. Module 1: Metal casting (b) Pinholes, also caused by release of gases during pouring, consist of many small gas cavities formed at or slightly below the surface of the casting. 21 (e) Penetration refers to a surface defect that occurs when the fluidity of the liquid metal is high, and it penetrates into the sand mold or sand core. Upon freezing, the casting surface consists of a mixture of sand grains and metal. Harder packing of the sand mold helps to alleviate this condition. (f) Mold shift refers to a defect caused by a sidewise displacement of the mold cope relative to the drag, the result of which is a step in the cast product at the parting line. (g) Core shift is similar to mold shift, but it is the core that is displaced, and the displacement is usually vertical. Core shift and mold shift are caused by buoyancy of the molten metal. Module 1: Metal casting (h) Mold crack occurs when mold strength is insufficient, and a crack develops, into which liquid metal can seep to form a ‘‘fin’’ on the final casting. 22 SHELL MOLD CASTING Shell mold casting process is recent invention in casting techniques for mass production and smooth surface finish. It was originated in Germany during Second World War. It is also called as Carning or C process. It consists of making a mold that possesses two or more thin shells (shell line parts, which are moderately hard and smooth with a texture consisting of thermosetting resin bonded sands. The shells are 0.3 to 0.6 mm thick and can be handled and stored. Shell molds are made so that machining parts fit togethereasily. They are held using clamps or adhesive and metal is poured either in a vertical or horizontal position. They are supported using rocks or mass of bulky permeable material. Thermosetting resin, dry powder and sand are mixed thoroughly in a muller. Complete shell molding casting processes is carried in four stages as shown in Fig. 13.4. In this process a pattern is placed on a metal plate and it is then coated with a mixture of fine sand and Phenol-resin (20:1). The pattern is heated first and silicon grease is then sprayed on the heated metal pattern for easy separation. The pattern is heated to 205 to 230°C and covered with resin bounded sand. After 30 seconds, a hard layer of sand is formed over pattern. Pattern and shell are heated and treated in an oven at 315°C for 60 secs., Phenol resin is allowed to set to a specific thickness. So the layer of about 4 to 10 mm in thickness is stuck on the pattern and the loose material is then removed from the pattern. Then shell is ready to strip from the pattern. A plate pattern is made in two or more pieces and similarly core is made by same technique. The shells are clamped and usually embedded in gravel, coarse sand or metal shot. Then mold is ready for pouring. The shell so formed has the shape of pattern formed of cavity or projection in the shell. In case of unsymmetrical shapes, two patterns are prepared so that two shell are produced which are joined to form proper cavity. Module 1: Metal casting Internal cavity can be formed by placing a core. Hot pattern and box is containing a mixture of sand and resin. Pattern and box inverted and kept in this position for some time. Now box and pattern are brought to original position. A shell of resin-bonded sand sticks to the pattern and the rest falls. Shell separates from the pattern with the help of ejector pins. It is a suitable process for casting thin walled articles. The cast shapes are uniform and their dimensions are within close limit of tolerance ± 0.002 mm and it is suitable for precise duplication of exact parts. It has various advantages which are as follows. There are some advantages and disadvantages of this process which are given as under. 23 Advantages The main advantages of shell molding are: (i) High suitable for thin sections like petrol engine cylinder. (ii) Excellent surface finish. (iii) Good dimensional accuracy of order of 0.002 to 0.003 mm. (iv) Negligible machining and cleaning cost. (v) Occupies less floor space. (vi) Skill-ness required is less. (viii) Better quality of casting assured. (ix) Mass production. (x) It allows for greater detail and less draft. (xi) Unskilled labor can be employed. Module 1: Metal casting (vii) Moulds formed by this process can be stored until required. 24 (xii) Future of shell molding process is very bright. Disadvantages The main disadvantages of shell molding are: 1. Higher pattern cost. 2. Higher resin cost. 3. Not economical for small runs. 4. Dust-extraction problem. 5. Complicated jobs and jobs of various sizes cannot be easily shell molded. 6. Specialized equipment is required. 7. Resin binder is an expensive material. 8. Limited for small size. VACUUM MOLD CASTING Module 1: Metal casting Vacuum molding, also called the V-process, was developed in Japan around 1970. It uses a sand mold held together by vacuum pressure rather than by a chemical binder. Accordingly, the term vacuum in this process refers to the making of the mold rather than the casting operation itself. The steps of the process are explained in Figure below. Because no binders are used, the sand is readily recovered in vacuum molding. Also, the sand does not require extensive mechanical reconditioning normally done when binders are used in the molding sand. Since no water is mixed with the sand, moisture related defects are absent from the product. Disadvantages of the V-process are that it is relatively slow and not readily adaptable to mechanization. 25 INVESTMENT CASTING Steps in investment casting are described in Figure 11.8. Since the wax pattern is melted off after the refractory mold is made, a separate pattern must be made for every casting. Pattern production is usually accomplished by a molding operation—pouring or injecting the hot wax into a master die that has been designed with proper allowances for shrinkage of both wax and subsequent metal casting. In cases where the part geometry is complicated, several separate wax pieces must be joined to make the pattern. In high production operations, several patterns are attached to a sprue, also made of wax, to Module 1: Metal casting In investment casting, a pattern made of wax is coated with a refractory material to make the mold, after which the wax is melted away prior to pouring the molten metal. The term investment comes from one of the less familiar definitions of the word invest, which is ‘‘to cover completely,’’ this referring to the coating of the refractory material around the wax pattern. It is a precision casting process, because it is capable of making castings of high accuracy and intricate detail. The process dates back to ancient Egypt and is also known as the lost-wax process, because the wax pattern is lost from the mold prior to casting. 26 Module 1: Metal casting form a pattern tree; this is the geometry that will be cast out of metal. Coating with refractory (step 3) is usually accomplished by dipping the pattern tree into a slurry of very fine grained silica or other refractory (almost in powder form) mixed with plaster to bond the mold into shape. The small grain size of the refractory material provides a smooth surface and captures the intricate details of the wax pattern. The final mold (step 4) is accomplished by repeatedly dipping the tree into the refractory slurry or by gently packing the refractory around the tree in a container. The mold is allowed to air dry for about 8 hours to harden the binder. 27 PRODUCT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS If casting is selected by the product designer as the primary manufacturing process for a particular component, then certain guidelines should be followed to facilitate production of the part and avoid many of the defects enumerated in Section 11.5. Some of the important guidelines and considerations for casting are presented here. Geometric simplicity: Although casting is a process that can be used to produce complex part geometries, simplifying the part design will improve its castability. Avoiding unnecessary complexities simplifies mold making, reduces the need for cores, and improves the strength of the casting. Corners: Sharp corners and angles should be avoided, because they are sources of stress concentrations and may cause hot tearing and cracks in the casting. Generous fillets should be designed on inside corners, and sharp edges should be blended. Section thicknesses: Section thicknesses should be uniform in order to avoid shrinkage cavities. Thicker sections create hot spots in the casting, because greater volume requires more time for solidification and cooling. These are likely locations of shrinkage cavities. Figure 11.24 illustrates the problem and offers some possible solutions. Draft: Part sections that project into the mold should have a draft or taper, as defined in Figure 11.25. In expendable-mold casting, the purpose of this draft is to facilitate removal of the pattern from the mold. In permanent-mold casting, its purpose is to aid in removal of the part from the mold. Similar tapers should be allowed if solid cores are used in the casting process. The required draft need only be about 1_ for sand casting and 2_ to 3_ for permanent-mold processes. Use of cores: Minor changes in part design can reduce the need for coring, as shown in Figure 11.25. Surface finish: Typical surface roughness achieved in sand casting is around 6 mm (250 min). Similarly poor finishes are obtained in shell molding, while plaster-mold and investment casting produce much better roughness values: 0.75 mm (30 m-in) Among the permanent-mold processes, die casting is noted for good surface finishes at around 1 mm (40 m-in). Module 1: Metal casting Dimensional tolerances: There are significant differences in the dimensional accuracies that can be achieved in castings, depending on which process is used. Table 11.2 provides a compilation of typical part tolerances for various casting processes and metals. 28 Module 1: Metal casting Machining allowances: Tolerances achievable in many casting processes are insufficient to meet functional needs in many applications. Sand casting is the most prominent example of this deficiency. In these cases, portions of the casting must be machined to the required dimensions. Almost all sand castings must be machined to some extent in order for the part to be made functional. Therefore, additional material, called the machining allowance, is left on the casting for machining those surfaces where necessary. Typical machining allowances for sand castings range between 1.5 mm and 3 mm (0.06 in and 0.12 in). 29 THE BASIC PERMANENT-MOLD PROCESS Permanent-mold casting uses a metal mold constructed of two sections that are designed for easy, precise opening and closing. These molds are commonly made of steel or cast iron. The cavity, with gating system included, is machined into the two halves to provide accurate dimensions and good surface finish. Metals commonly cast in permanent molds include aluminum, magnesium, copper-base alloys, and cast iron. However, cast iron requires a high pouring temperature, 12500C to 15000C, which takes a heavy toll on mold life. The very high pouring temperatures of steel make permanent molds unsuitable for this metal, unless the mold is made of refractory material. Cores can be used in permanent molds to form interior surfaces in the cast product. The cores can be made of metal, but either their shape must allow for removal from the casting or they must be mechanically collapsible to permit removal. If withdrawal of a metal core would be difficult or impossible, sand cores can be used, in which case the casting process is often referred to as semi permanent-mold casting. Module 1: Metal casting Steps in the basic permanent-mold casting process are described in Figure 11.10. In preparation for casting, the mold is first preheated and one or more coatings are sprayed on the cavity. Preheating facilitates metal flow through the gating system and into the cavity. The coatings aid heat dissipation and lubricate the mold surfaces for easier separation of the cast product. After pouring, as soon as the metal solidifies, the mold is opened and the casting is removed. Unlike expendable molds, permanent molds do not collapse, so the mold must be opened before appreciable cooling contraction occurs in order to prevent cracks from developing in the casting. 30 Module 1: Metal casting Advantages of permanent-mold casting include good surface finish and close dimensional control, as previously indicated. In addition, more rapid solidification caused by the metal mold results in a finer grain structure, so stronger castings are produced. The process is generally limited to metals of lower melting points. Other limitations include simple part geometries compared to sand casting (because of the need to open the mold), and the expense of the mold. Because mold cost is substantial, the process is best suited to highvolume production and can be automated accordingly. Typical parts include automotive pistons, pump bodies, and certain castings for aircraft and missiles. 31 DIE CASTING Die casting is a permanent-mold casting process in which the molten metal is injected into the mold cavity under high pressure. Typical pressures are 7 to 350 MPa. The pressure is maintained during solidification, after which the mold is opened and the part is removed. Molds in this casting operation are called dies; hence the name is die casting. The use of high pressure to force the metal into the die cavity is the most notable feature that distinguishes this process from others in the permanent-mold category. Die casting operations are carried out in special die casting machines, which are designed to hold and accurately close the two halves of the mold, and keep them closed while the liquid metal is forced into the cavity. The general configuration is shown in Figure 11.12.There are two main types of die casting machines: (1) hot-chamber and (2) cold-chamber, differentiated by how the molten metal is injected into the cavity. Module 1: Metal casting In hot-chamber machines, the metal is melted in a container attached to the machine, and a piston is used to inject the liquid metal under high pressure into the die. Typical injection pressures are 7 to 35 MPa. The casting cycle is summarized in Figure 11.13. Production rates up to 500 parts per hour are not uncommon. Hot-chamber die casting imposes a special hardship on the injection system because much of it is submerged in the molten metal. The process is therefore limited in its applications to low melting- point metals that do not chemically attack the plunger and other mechanical components. The metals include zinc, tin, lead, and sometimes magnesium. 32 In cold-chamber die casting machines, molten metal is poured into an unheated chamber from an external melting container, and a piston is used to inject the metal under high pressure into the die cavity. Injection pressures used in these machines are typically 14 to 140 MPa. The production cycle is explained in Figure 11.14. Compared to hot-chamber machines, cycle rates are not usually as fast because of the need to ladle the liquid metal into the chamber from an external source. Nevertheless, this casting process is a high production operation. Cold-chamber machines are typically used for casting aluminum, brass, and magnesium alloys. Low-melting-point alloys (zinc, tin, lead) can also be cast on cold-chamber machines, but the advantages of the hotchamber process usually favor its use on these metals. Molds used in die casting operations are usually made of tool steel, mold steel, or maraging steel. Tungsten and molybdenum with good refractory qualities are also being used, especially in attempts to die cast steel and cast iron. Dies can be single-cavity or multiple-cavity. Single-cavity dies are shown in Figures 11.13 and 11.14. Ejector pins are required to remove the part from the die when it opens, as in our diagrams. These pins push the part away from the mold surface so that it can be removed. Lubricants must also be sprayed into the cavities to prevent sticking. Because the die materials have no natural porosity and the molten metal rapidly flows into the die during injection, venting holes and passageways must be built into the dies at the parting line to evacuate the air and gases in the cavity. The vents are quite small; yet they fill with metal during injection. This metal must later be trimmed from the part. Also, formation of flash is common in die casting, in which the liquid metal under high pressure squeezes into the small space between the die halves at the parting line or into the clearances around the cores and ejector pins. This flash must be trimmed from the casting, along with the sprue and gating system. Module 1: Metal casting Advantages of die casting include (1) high production rates possible; (2) economical for large production quantities; (3) close tolerances possible, on the order of 0.076mm for small parts; (4) good surface finish; (5) thin sections are possible, down to about 0.5mm; and (6) rapid cooling provides small grain size and good strength to the casting. The limitation of this process, in addition to the metals cast, is the shape restriction. The part geometry must allow for removal from the die cavity. 33 34 Module 1: Metal casting