PETROFED (6th Programme on Oil & Gas transportation through Pipeline) IIPM GURGAON 8th- -10th July , 2009 Intricacies of Design of a Gas Pipeline & Main Equipment , System in Gas Pipeline by Rahul Gautam Chief Manager (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD 1 Contents Typical Pipeline System Typical Input Parameter for designing Design Basis Modeling & Simulation Optimization 2 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Typical Pipeline System Pipeline Types Gas Source Gas Gathering System Gas Treatment Gas Transmission Gas Distribution Typical Gas Transmission & Distribution DT SV DT: Dispatch Terminal SV: Sectionalizing Valve IP : Intermediate Pigging Station RT : Receiving Terminal IP RT RT 3 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Typical Pipeline System x- ings RAIL/ROAD/RIVER GAS FIELD RECEIVING TERMINAL / DELIVERY TERMINAL CS GGS & GT CTP IP SV GAS RECEIVING STATION SV: Sectionalizing Valve IP : Intermediate Pigging Station CS: Compressor Station RT : Receiving Terminal GGS : Gas Gathering System GT: Gas Treatment Typical Schematic for Pipeline System Typical Pipeline System A typical gas pipeline system comprise of the following • Gas Receiving Station - Place where pipeline receives the gas. • Sectionalizing Valve Station - To carry out routine maintenance or emergency maintenance of pipeline venting of gas is to be restricted. • Intermediate Pigging Station - To ensure continuous gas flow through pipeline, regular and periodical cleaning of pipeline is required. - The pigging is carried out various kind of Pig e.g. Scrapper Pig, Gauzing Pig, Foam Pig etc. 5 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Typical Pipeline System TYPICAL SV STATION P G Utility Connection – 2” T G AV P G T G By pass Line MANIFOLD FOR PG /TG Utility Connection – 2” MAINLINE Typical Pipeline System TYPICAL INTERMEDIATE PIGGING STATION From OriginatingStn To Terminal Stn To Utilities PRS AV AV IJ IJ MOV MOV FLOW TEE RECEIVER LAUNCHER FLOW TEE BALL VALVE TS V GLOBE VALVE GATE VALVE Blow Down R-LNG FLOW DIRECTION TEG-THERMO ELECTRIC GENERATOR(Utilities) Typical Pipeline System • Compression System - To economize the flow through pipeline - Located enroute of the pipeline to boost the gas pressure - Reciprocating compressor verse Centrifugal compressor - Reciprocating compressor : up to gas volume of 200000 SCM/Hr higher compression ration ( up to 10) - Centrifugal compressor : higher volume flow Compression ratio 1.5 to 2.0 Compressor installation like a process plant requiring all kind of utilities (Power, Water, Air, Fuel , Fire Fighting and Control Room System) • Receiving Terminal - For supplying gas to various customers : designed to handle the required flow for single and multiple users. - The terminal contain filters, pressure regulator, heater, metering device, online gas chromatograph, flow computer and odorizing unit (if required) Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD 8 Contd.… Typical Pipeline System CS Off take of Gas Gas Supply Pressure CS CS CS CS Delivery of gas TRANSPORTATION OF GAS WITH COMPRESSOR STATIONS (TYPICAL) Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD 9 Contd.… Typical Pipeline System Scrubber Filters P R Unit PCVSDV-1 1 Metering Unit Custody T/P Meter-1 Flow computer-1 15 Mts Gas Chromatograph SDV-2PCV-2 By-Pass Meter-2 Flow computer-2 40 Meter Schematic (Typical ) for Receiving Terminal at Customer site Not to Scale Typical Input Parameters Type of Natural Gas - Associated Gas - Non Associated Gas / Free Gas - Dry Natural Gas - Wet Natural Gas - Sour Natural Gas Gas Composition Gas Supply Pressure and Temperature Gas Volume ( To be Transported) and off-Take of gas enroute pipeline ( if any) Route / Terrain Delivery Point Gas volume at delivery point Required Pressure and Temperature at Delivery Point 11 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Design Basis Pipeline System Starting Point - Supply Gas Pressure (Kg/Cm2g) - Supply Gas Temperature (deg. C) - Gas Volume - Gas Quality and Gas Composition Route /Terrain - Class location - x-ings ( NH/SH/RAIL/ROAD/RIVER/MAJOR RIVER) Delivery Point - Delivery Gas Pressure (Kg/Cm2g) - Delivery Gas Temperature (deg. C) - Gas Volume - Gas Quality and Gas Composition 12 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Design Basis Linepipe - Design Pressure - Wall Thickness - Roughness with internal coating and without internal coating - Gas Composition - Soil temperature - Elevation - Efficiency - Flow - Configuration -Velocity in pipe Metering - Supply Pressure and temperature - Flow - Gas Quality and Gas Composition - Type of meter (Orifice / Turbine Meter / USM) - Configuration - Pressure Loss - Accuracy - Rangeability Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD 13 Contd.… Design Basis Compressor Station - Gas arrival pressure and Temperature - Compressor Ratio - Discharge Pressure and Temperature of Gas - Flow - Gas Quality and Gas Composition - Compression efficiency - Compression spacing - Compressibility - Configuration - Compression Power 14 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Modeling and Simulation Pipeline modeling constitutes a Graphical Representation of the pipeline system involving receiving stations Sectionalizing Valve Station, Intermediate Pigging Station, Compressor / Pump Station and Receiving Terminal. - Pipeline design (optimal Line pipe size, compressor requirement, loop line and other equipments location including SCADA & Telemetry System) - Pipeline performance (Throughput optimization) - Tracking gas composition - Minimize fuel consumption - Pipeline systems operation - Create Emergency Plan - Leak Detection Module - Alarms Generation 15 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… End Point Dedicated Pipeline Spurline Trunk Line TRUNK LINE 40 KM CUSTOMER LOCATION TAP-OFF POINTS CGD SPURLINES Compressor Starting Point TYPICAL SCHEMATIC FOR MODELLING PIPELINE SYSTEM Modeling and Simulation - Compressibility - Improving delivery by making use of line pack which being function of Pipeline pressure. Simulator model basically works with various equation of state to compute the desire result by employing advance numerical solutions technique. Most of the simulator models have been developed by various companies who have been involved in pipeline design or information technology solution including monitoring & Control of Physical parameters. 17 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Modeling and Simulation Hydraulics /Simulation Flow Equation - General flow equation - Cole-Brook white equation - Modified Cole-Brook White equation - AGA equation - Weymouth equation - Panhandle A Equation - Panhandle B equation The General Flow equation , also called the fundamental flow equation, for the steady state isothermal gas flow in a gas pipeline is the basic equation for relating the pressure drop with flow rate Qb = 1.15 x 10^-3 * (Tb/ Pb) ( P1^2-P2^2 / G Tf L Z f ) ^0.5 * D^2.5 Where Qb- gas flow rate in m3/day, Tb- base temperature , K (273+deg.C), P1- U/S pressure in kpa f- friction factor, P2 –down stream pressure , kpa, G- gas gravity (air=1.00) Pb- base pressure in kpa , Tf –average gas flow temperature, K (273+deg.C) Z-gas compressibility factor at the flowing temperature , D-pipe inside diameter 18 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Modeling and Simulation Velocity in Pipes - Represents the speed at which gas molecules move from one point to another - Due to compressibility , the gas velocity depends upon the pressure - Vary in pipeline, even the pipe diameter is constant - Highest velocity at the down stream of pipeline where the pressure is the least - Least velocity at the up stream where pressure is higher The gas velocity at any point in a gas pipeline is given by u=14.74 (Qb/D^2) (Pb/Tb) (ZT/P) Where u – gas velocity( m/s) , Qb - gas flow rate, measured at standard condition ( m^3/day), D- pipe inside diameter ( mm ), Pb- Base pressure (Kpa), Tb- average gas flowing temperature (deg. K), Z- compressibility factor at the flowing temperature, dimensionless Erosional Velocity -Gas velocity is directly related the flow rate. As the flow rate increases, so the gas velocity increases. -As the velocity increases, vibration and noise are evident -Higher velocities will cause erosion of the pipe interior over a long period of time. u (max) =100 / (d) ^1/2 u (max) – ft/ s, d = gas density at flowing temperature , lb/ ft ^3 19 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Modeling and Simulation Reynolds Number -Reynolds number is used to characterize the type of flow in a pipe, such as laminar, turbulent or critical flow - It is also used to calculate the friction factor in pipe flow - It depends upon property of gas, pipe diameter etc. Re = u D d / n Where Re- dimensionless, u-average velocity (m/s), D- inside diameter (mm), d- gas density(kg/m^3), n-gas viscosity (kg /m-s) The Reynolds number is Re =0.5134 (G Qb/n D) (Pb/Tb) Where G – specific gravity of gas (air=1.0), Qb - gas flow rate, measured at standard condition ( m^3/day), D- pipe inside diameter ( mm ), Pb- Base pressure (Kpa), Tbaverage gas flowing temperature (deg. K), n-viscosity of gas , poise Laminar flow – The Re. No. is less than and equal to 2000 Turbulent flow - The Re. No. is greater 4000 Critical flow - The Re. No. is undefined and in between 2000 and 4000 20 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Modeling and Simulation Friction factor - Friction factor is dimensionless parameter and depends upon Reynolds Number of flow. - Darcy and Fanning two friction factor are generally used, But Darcy friction factor is more common. Friction factor (ff ) = Darcy Friction factor (fd) /4 Moody diagram is graphic plot of the variation of the friction factor with the Reynolds number for various values of relative pipe roughness. It is a dimensionless parameter obtained by dividing the absolute (or internal pipe roughness )by the pipe diameter. Where Re- dimensionless, u-average velocity (m/s), D- inside diameter (mm), d- gas density(kg/m^3), n-gas viscosity (kg /m-s) Relative roughness : e / D Where e = absolute or internal roughness of the pipe (mm) D= pipe inside diameter (mm) 21 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Modeling and Simulation Moody diagram Critical Turbulent Pipe internal Roughness Pipe Material Roughness (mm) •Riveted Steel 0.9 to 9.0 •Commercial/ 0.045 Welded Steel •Cast Iron 0.26 •Galvanized Iron 0.15 •Asphalted Cast Iron 0.12 •Wrought Iron 0.045 •PVC, drawn tubing, glass 0.0015 •Concrete 0.3 -3.0 Roughness Friction factor Laminar Reynolds Number 22 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Modeling and Simulation Other Parameters - The effect of intermediate delivery volumes and gas injection rates along a gas pipeline - The effect of contract delivery pressure, and regulating the pressure through control valve - Thermal effects due to heat transfer between the gas and the surrounding soil in the buried pipe due to Soil temperature Thermal Conductivities Joule Thompson Effect 23 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Optimization Pipeline Configuration - Without Intermediate Compressor - With Intermediate Compressor - With Intermediate Compressor and Loop Lining 24 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Optimization Pipeline Configuration - The total pressure required for transporting gas in a pipeline under various configuration, such as series and parallel 100MMSCMD 80 MMSCMD 50MMSCMD Series 20 MMSCMD 30 MMSCMD 50MMSCMD Parallel 100MMSCMD 50 MMSCMD 25 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Optimization Metering System Orifice Standard AGA Rep 3 Accuracy < 1% Turbine Ultrasonic AGA Rep. 7 AGA Rep. 9 +/_0.5 % Rangeability 3:1 10:1 Pressure Loss (Kg/Cm2g) 0.5 0.1 Cycle Flow Variation Generally over reg. Liquid in gas Corrosion & erosion Appreciable Corrosion & damage to moving parts < +/- 0.5% 50:1 Negligible Not Affected Corrosion possible 26 Rahul Gautam Chief Manger (Pipeline) Project Development GAIL(INDIA) LTD Contd.… Thank You 27