COURSE PROFILE AND SEMESTER PLAN (SAP / RPKPS) Course / Subject : Introduction to Communication Science Code / Credits : ISK 4102/ 3 SKS Course Coordinator: Dyan Rahmiati, M.Si Lectures Team : Antoni, Dr. Rachmat Kriyantono, PhD Anang Sujoko, D.Comm. Sinta Swastikawara, M. I.Kom Nisa Alfira, M. A M. Fikri AR, M.A Course Description This basic course delivers concepts in communication science. It focuses on basic knowledge and understanding the definition of communication, basic communication concept, communication-process in daily life, scope and communication science growth. The objective is effective communication and more effective result. Communication act has a level of purposes; it uses various media and it is influenced by communication context. This course will teach the students to realize both the context and content of communication and to pay attention into setting of communication and the principle of communication. It is also emphasise on the use of verbal and nonverbal code in communication process. Course Objectives After completion of the course, student are expected to understand the basic concept of communication and communication as science its history and the field of communication, to create a better message with 12 communication principles, to use of verbal and non verbal code, to understand the potency of perception in message production and reception, to create message based on accurate analysis of all of previous material and to present them. Assessment : 1. In class Quiz 2. Midterm test 3. Personal and group Task 4. Final Test (Final Report) 5. Affective = 15% = 30% = 20% = 30% = 5% Note : no additional duty beyond the total evaluation assessment mark Expected Learning Outcomes Expected learning Outcomes Competence Critical Thinking Communication Skill Team work Midterm Test In class Quiz * * Personal and group task Final Assignment Compulsory References : Mulyana, D. (2009). Ilmu komunikasi : Suatu pengantar, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya Blake, R. and Harosdsen, E.O. (1979). A Taxonomy of Concept in Communication, New York: Hastings House. Effendy, O.U. (1986), Dinamika komunikasi, Bandung : Remaja Karya Effendy, O.U. (1993), Ilmu komunikasi : Teori dan praktek. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. Fisher, B. A, (1986), Teori-teori komunikasi, (Trans. Soejono Trimo), Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. Littlejohn, S.W., (1999), Theories of human communication, sixth ed., Belmont, California :Wadsworth Rogers, E.M., (1994), A history of communication study, Ney York : The Free Press Griffin, E.M. (2012). A first look at communication theory. New York : McGraw-Hil Wood, J. T (2000). Communication mosaics: An introduction. Belmont, California : Wadsworth Course Profile and Semester Plan, English Class, Department of Communication Science, Brawijaya University 3 SEMESTER COURSE PLAN (RPKPS) Course / Subject Code / Credit : Introduction to Communication Science : ISK4102/ 3 SKS Course Description This basic course delivers concepts in communication science. It focuses on basic knowledge and understanding the definition of communication, basic communication concept, communication-process in daily life, scope and communication science growth. The objective is effective communication and more effective result. Communication act has a level of purposes; it uses various media and it is influenced by communication context. This course will teach the students to realize both the context and content of communication and to pay attention into setting of communication and the principle of communication. It is also emphasise on the use of verbal and nonverbal code in communication process. Course Objectives After completion of the course, student are expected to understand the basic concept of communication and communication as science its history and the field of communication, to create a better message with 12 communication principles, to use of verbal and non verbal code, to understand the potency of perception in message production and reception, to create message based on accurate analysis of all of previous material and to present them. (1) Week 1 1 (2) Course Material 2 Introduction Course Plan Description (3) Lesson Form (4) Expected Learning Outcome 3 4 Students understand the description of subjects Lecture Self presentation (5) Assessment Criteria (Indicator) 5 Students are able to describe the courses plan (6) Mark Percentage (%) 6 2-3 Definitions and the elements of Communication Lecture discussion Students are expected to define communication 4 Communication models Group presentation Discussion Students are expected to understand of the communication process 5 Communication as science : The history, growth and the school of communication Lecture Discussion Students are expected to understand the History of the communication field Students are able to recognize and present themselves as the first step of communication process. Students are able to identify various definition of communication Students are able to explain the elements of communications. Students are expected to describe models of communication Students are capable of analysing each model into communication categories process. Students are able to explain the history of communication Students are able to describe the multiple approaches to study how communication works Course Profile and Semester Plan, English Class, Department of Communication Science, Brawijaya University 5 6 The field of communication Lecture Small Group Discussion 7 8 Midterm Test 12 communication Lecture principles Discussion 9 Message and perception Group discussion Orientation observation Students are able to explain why communication becomes a science and is included into social science Students are expected to Students are capable of understand the field of classifying 10 areas of communication communications Students are capable of describing skills in communication studies Closed book – all material Students are expected to Students are capable be able to understand the to understand 12 principles of communication communication principles Students are capable to analyse 12 communication principles in practice Students are expected to Students are capable be able to understand the to explain the process perception process and of perception how the process implied Students are capable to the message creation to explain the influence of 30% 10 Verbal Communication Lecture Discussion 11 Engaging in nonverbal communication Lecture Discussion perception Students are capable to analyse the influence of perception to the message building Students are expected to Student are capable to be able to engage in verbal describe the definition communication of verbal communication Student are capable to explain the interrelation between symbol and meaning Students are capable to describe symbolic abilities Student are able to create an effective verbal communication based on the guidelines Student are expected to be Student are capable to able to understand non describe the definition verbal communication of non-verbal communication Student are capable to Course Profile and Semester Plan, English Class, Department of Communication Science, Brawijaya University 7 12 13-14 15 Students are expected to be capable in understanding the basic principles of an effective communication Final Project Discussion Students are capable of reporting the progress of social marketing report Final Test Basic Principles of an effective communication Small Group Discussion describe the types of nonverbal behaviours Student are able to create an effective non-verbal communication based on the guidelines Student are capable to analyse factors influencing an effective communication Students are capable to solve case problems PROJECT PRESENTATION ON GROUP EFECTIVE COMMUNICATIO N – CASE STUDY Group Assessment 8 [Course Profile and Semester Plan, English Class, Department of Communication Science, Brawijaya University] Assessment Description (Quiz, Midterm Test, Final Test) In order to measure student comprehension, the first quiz will be performed before mid term exam (the reading will be based on the first meeting until the fourth meeting’s materials). The reading for mid term exam will be based on first meeting until sixth meeting’s materials. The reading for final exam will be based on the whole course materials. Final Assignment Submission Due Date : Introduction of Communication Sciences Final Test Day Weigh : 30% Description Students in a group of 5 submit 1500 words report (+/- 10%) with the following structure: 1. Executive summary 2. Background of the problem 3. Situation Analysis 4. Objective 5. Problem solving – analyses using 12 communication principles, verbal and non-verbal, field of communication, and effective communication 6. Implementation in visual product, suggestion for further steps in communication proses No Assessment Criteria 1. Logic, Flow, ad Argumentation of Project Report 2. 3. 4. Accurateness of the use communication technique Communication component appropriateness and logic Report writing techniques and submission Total Maximum Score (%) 5% 10% 10% 5% 30% Assignments Will be announced during the course. Course contract: - On time attendance will be expected from both students and lecturer. 15 minutes is the maximum time for both parties in order to be allowed to join the class. Student who will miss the class is expected to write a notification letter. Course Profile and Semester Plan, English Class, Department of Communication Science, Brawijaya Un - Students are not allowed to use shirt, flip-flop, pressed body outfit, and others clothes against Indonesian norm. The inability to comply with this rules will result in expulsion from the class - Students have to pay careful attention regarding telecommunication via media such as text messaging, phone calls and email. - During the course, any electronic device such as laptop and mobile telephone are not allowed to be used. - Any fraught such as plagiarism, cheating, etc. during the course and exam will be granted with the lowest score possible, E. Score percentages: - 20% 45% 20% 15% - oral presentation critical analysis answering the questions teamwork Oral presentation score will be based on : No Criteria Maximal score 1. Theme comprehension (clear, concise and coherent) 5 2. Additional efforts (the use of case studies, video, etc) 10 3. Presentation technique (active, involving audience, on time) 5 Total 20 Student score Objectivity in-group grading Most of the assignments are group assignments therefore in order to guarantee the objectivity in group grading, students are free to ask for peer evaluation form in order to get grade transparency. 3 days after the assignments deadline/ presentation at the maximum. Plagiarism and fraught In order to avoid any fraught/plagiarism, students are obliged to fill antiplagiarism form (attached) on each assignment. By signing the form, you are complied and agreed with any consequences that might arise in the future if plagiarism was found. 1 0 [Course Profile and Semester Plan, English Class, Department of Communication Science, Brawijaya University] In order to get to know what is plagiarism and how to avoid it, you are suggested to open For group assignments, students are responsible for group work. Communication It is suggested to use email communication or text messaging if students wish to have communication with the lecturer. You can contact me at or 081231193549. However you are not allowed to use that channel if you want to inform your inability to attend the class. Please take careful attention in choosing your language to convey your message in mediated communication. Attendance and grade clarification For academics purpose you are obliged to attend the course 12 times at the minimum before you are allowed to join the final exam. Please mind that this is academics regulation therefore I have no authority whatsoever to change this regulation, and this regulation has nothing to do with the final grade. There is no make up test in order to refine your grade if you are not able to comply this attendance regulation. Grade clarification will be accepted 1 week at max after the grade has been published. Course materials and Announcement Every course related materials will be uploaded each weeks on my wiggio account. Class coordinator is expected to invite all the students on the wiggio. Syllabus, assignments related information, course grade will also be uploaded in wiggio. Students are expected to join the account by their own (please do not only rely to your friend on this matter). Please mind that every course materials that I uploaded are only for internal purposes and you are not allowed to share it without my permission. What I expect from you: • On time. However if you have urgent matter you can inform me and I will make sure the class coordinator knows it • Turning off your phone or put it on silent mode. • Perform good attitude in the academic context • If you missed the class it is up to you on how you can catch what you missed • Please mind academic rules regarding attendance regulation, I have no authority on that matter • Seminar slide will be available on Wiggio, so does the recommended materials Course Profile and Semester Plan, English Class, Department of Communication Science, Brawijaya Un • • Be active and participate during the course, you have to maximize your class contribution Reading all the materials before the course is compulsory What You expect from me • On time (including 15 minutes tolerance). • Providing relevant materials, coherent with the syllabus • Providing feedbacks for your assignments • Providing grade transparency