Respect in Care - REPORTOct 2012-Mar 2013

Primary & Community Services Care Group
Yorkshire & Humber Local Education &
Training Board Strategic Initiative –
Improving Dignity & Respect in Care
October 2012 – March 2013
Jan Blaylock
Modern Matron
June 2013
Julie Anthony
Support Worker
Community Dental Service
Paula Crosby
Head of Health and Wellbeing Services / Deputy Nurse Director
Diane Dorling
Graphic Designer,Medical Illustration
David Equeall
Audio Visual Officer,Medical Illustration
Sharon Fitzpatrick
Service Manager, Health and Wellbeing Services /
Healthcare Governance Lead
Sue Gallagher-Clarke
PA to Head of Care Closer to Home and
Head of Rehabilitation Services
Donna Glossop
Specialist Nurse,Care Home Support Team
Margaret Graham
Graphic Designer,Medical Illustration
Mandy Higginbottom
Head of Interface Services
Jackie Homer
Transfer of Care Sister,Discharge Team.
Tim Hunt
Training & Development Officer – Patient Opinion Ltd
Bev Moulding
Senior Administrator, Healthcare Governance Team
Penny Napier
Learning and Development Team
Bob Scaife
Risk and Governance Support Officer
Alexandra Smith
Administrator, Care Closer to Home and
Health and Wellbeing Services
Rachel Smith
Senior Facilitator, Clinical Effectiveness Unit
Emma Wathall
Administrator, Care Closer to Home and
Health and Wellbeing Services
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………..
Objectives .............................................................................................................
 HumanResources ..........................................................................................
 Communication: Primary and Community Services
Patient Engagement & Experience Group .....................................................
 Service Development – Registration with Patient Opinion ............................
 Service Initiative: Dignity Roadshow ............................................................
 Primary and Community Services Dignity Chain ...........................................
 Primary and Community Services Dignity Chain - Response Themes ……..
 Primary and Community Services - Recruitment of Dignity Champions ……
Conclusion ............................................................................................................
Recommendations ...............................................................................................
References ………………………………………………………………………………
1. Yorkshire & Humber Local Education & Training Board Strategic Initiative:
Improving Dignity & Respect in Care:
Primary and Communtiy Services
Action Plan October 2012 – March 2013 …………………………………………
2. Primary and Community Services Patient Experience & Engagement Group
Terms of Reference ………………………………………………………………….
3. Patient Opinion:Information & Proposal for Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust …………………………………………………………………….
4. Budget – Finance Data ……………………………………………………………...
5. Dignity Champion Volunteer – Evaluation ……………………………………….
The National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE) quality standard for ‘Patient
Experience’ states:
‘Patients are treated with dignity,kindness,compassion,courtesy,respect,understanding and
honesty’. (2012)
Dignity has been linked with patient satisfaction and its maintenance is a key factor used
by the Care Quality Commission in the evaluation of quality nursing care.In light of the
profound failings at Mid Staffordshire Hospital and the Public Inquiry Report, Sir Robert
Frances said
‘Patients are entitled to be the first and foremost consideration of the system and all who
work in it...’ (2013).
STHFT Corporate Strategy – ‘Making a Difference’ mission statement says
‘…we touch lives at times of basic human need,when our care and compassion are what
matters most’.
And it promotes adoption of the following values:
Patient First - Ensure that the people we serve are at the heart of all we do
Respectful - Be kind,respectful,fair and value diversity
Ownership - Celebrate success,learn continously and ensure we improve
- Work in partnership with others
- Be efficient,effective and accountable for our actions
In July 2012 Yorkshire & Humber Local Education & Training Board (YHLETB) launched
an initiative called ‘Improving Dignity & Respect in Care’.This provided funding for a limited
period between October 2012 and March 2013 to help support services across the region
to raise awareness about the importance of providing care that is dignified and respectful.
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust (STHFT) were allocated funding as part of
this process,and then gave all its Care Groups opportunity to develop initiatives within their
own service areas.
In response to this, Primary & Community Services Care Group (P&CS) developed an
action plan( see appendix 1) This report provides progress and achievements made
against this plan.It also provides data analysis of patient and staff opinion,an evaluation of
dignity champion volunteer experience and makes recommendations in terms of securing
commitment and maintaining momentum to help services develop and implement dignity
preserving strategies,which have potential to improve the overall experience of our patient
The action plan overall objectives were as follows:
Improve communication infrastructure to support and progress the dignity and
respect agenda through out STHFT.
Promote engagement by providing opportunity to listen to patients and staff to help
develop our understanding of what dignity means to different people.
Positively influence future planning of care by identifying and sharing good practice.
Encourage open dialogue between patients and services by investment in patient
feedback mechanisms.
Support staff learning and education by developing professional and sustainable
training resources.
The action plan provided enhanced focus on key areas including
Resources,Communication,Service Development and Service Initiative:
Human Resources
Band 7 – Modern Matron hours were increased by 7.5 per week for a temporary
period from October 2012 to March 2013
Band 3 – Admin Support 7.5 hours per week commenced for a temporary period
from October 2012 to March 2013
Band 2 – Support Worker 7.5 hours per week commenced for a temporary period
from January to March 2013.
Dignity & respect work streams were reorganised and are now being progressed
under ‘Patient Experience & Engagement’ agenda.
P&CS ‘Patient Engagement & Experience Group’ has been established with
membership from relevant service and former Dignity & Respect Steering group.
P&CS Patient Engagement & Experience Group - Terms of Reference have been
agreed (see appendix 2) and dignity and respect workstreams incorporated into
Patient Experience & Engagement annual plan.
Progress updates have been provided to P&CS Healthcare Governance Group,
STHFT Equality & Human Rights Operational/Strategic Group and Patient
Experience Committee
Work has commenced developing P&CS web page.Dignity & Respect information is
being incorporated into this process,with a view to establishing a dignity & respect
web page in due course
P&CS Dignity Champion data base has been developed.This is currently located on
P&CS Ldrive and will be moved to the P&CS web home page when available
Service Development – Registration with Patient Opinion
The drive towards delivering patient centered care and a competitive healthcare
market,means that providers of care are increasingly keen to understand more about
the experience of their patients.This patient insight can inform activities to improve
overall patient experience and the quality of the care delivered.
As part of the action plan, P&CS have undertaken research to explore some of the
services available to obtain patient experience information. NHS Choices provide
information about healthcare services and a forum for patients to share stories of their
experience.While acute healthcare services and GP practices nationwide are listed on
the website,unfortunately there is no current provision for individual Community
Services, so an alternative option was sought.
‘Patient Opinion’ is a website service where the public can share their experience of
local health services.The website allows staff to ineract with patients to help improve
care. It is a not-for-profit social enterprise,which helps improve dialogue between
patient and health service providers.Patient Opinion are keen to evolve their website to
include individual Community Services,to ensure patient feedback mechanisms are
available across the healthcare pathway.
In light of this,investment has been made to register P&CS Community Nursing service
with Patient Opinion (see appendix 3)
A 12 month pilot is being organised with 2 teams from Community Nursing service.This
pilot will give P&CS the opportunity to obtain patient feedback from housebound
patients and will comprise of the following service:
Nominated services to be added to the Patient Opinion website
Nominated staff set up with email alerts and reporting functions
Tag application for specific team feedback
Tag application for feedback relating to dignity & respect
Provision of forms for electronic,written and phone feedback
Provision of Resource and Guidance pack
Provision of training for nominated staff
Service Initiative – Dignity Roadshow
In 2006 the DH launched the ‘Dignity in Care Campaign’ .The aim of the campaign is to
inspire health & social care staff and local people to place dignity and compassion at
the heart of care services and communities.The campaign is about ‘winning hearts and
minds,changing the culture of care services and placing greater emphasis on the
‘quality’ of our care provision’
In the UK,there are now over 40,000 people registered as ‘Dignity Champions’.Dignity
Champions are people who believe that being treated with dignity is a basic human
right,not an optional extra.Each Dignity Champion’s role varies depending on their
knowledge and influence and type of work they are involved in.But the role need not be
onerous,there are small things people can do that have a big impact.For exampe,simply
commending staff on a personal level for respecting dignity helps the campaign.
Every year ‘Dignity Action Day’ gives people the opportunity to promote dignity in their
communities and place of work.DH Dignity in Care Ambassador,Dame Joan Bakewell
‘’ Dignity Action Day highlights a more respectful way of behaving towards vulnerable
people.The very old and the very young clearly need our respect,but it wouldn’t do any
harm to spread the dignity message across the population - then we all can benefit’’
In support of DH Dignity in Care Campaign – Dignity Action Day,P&CS arranged a
‘Dignity Roadshow’.The roadshow was developed to help :
Raise awareness around the importance of providing dignified and respectful care.
Promote DH Dignity in Care Campaign.
Develop a dignity network by recruitment of Dignity Champions.
Obtain staff and patient opinion related to dignity & respect.
Identify and share good practice that promotes dignified and respectful care.
Develop professional and sustainable dignity & respect training resources.
In collaboration with STHFT Medical Illustration Department,a variety of professional and
thought provoking resources were developed for the roadshow, including desk top
materials, powerpoint presentation,CD and portable poster displays.These promote DH
Dignity in Care Campaign, and patient feedback initiatives i.e. STHFT ‘Tell us what you
think…’ leaflet and ‘Patient Opinion’.
The Dignity Roadshow visited various Community Service bases between 10am – 4pm
over a 2 week period on the following days :
Jordanthorpe Health Centre – Monday 25 February 2013
Beech Hill Intermediate Care Facility – Wednesday 27 February 2013
Lightwood – Mon 4th March 2013
Firth Park Health Clinic – Wed 6th March 2013
Manor Health Clinic – Fri 8th March 2013
Each venue posed different challenges in terms of accomodating the roadshow
equipment and itinery. However, resident staff were extremely helpful and most
resourceful in ensuring the roadshows were well received and fully supported.
A timetable was developed and a team of dignity champion volunteers from a variety of
Community Services kindly donated their time to help support the roadshows.
Volunteers were issued with STHFT Dignity Champion T shirts and assisted with the
following roadshow activities :
P&CS Dignity Chain
People were offered free refreshments and the gift of time with a free ‘Shoe Shine’ !
They were then offered time to consider ‘what does dignity mean to you?’and put their
responses onto ‘people shaped cards’ to create our very own‘Dignity Chain’.
The Dignity Chain proved to be a lively initiative and successful in engaging with staff
and patients and generated considerable thought provoking discussion.People were
really keen to share their professional views and personal stories.During the initiative
we received a total of 220 responses,creating an impressive 33 meters of P&CS
Dignity Chain!
An analysis of all the responses received,confirmed that dignity is a subjective concept
and means different things to different people,and this can vary at different times in
peoples lives.However,general themes also emerged from the responses that
suggested there was an overall consensus of understanding and opinion.
Dignity Chain – Response Themes
25% Treated as an individual
21%Kindness / compassion
18%Treat others as wish to be
treated yourself
13%Communication / listening
12%Maintaining privacy
12%Respecting other people's
10%Politeness / courtesy
6%Maintaining independence
6%Feeling valued
5%Offering choices
Examples of Responses:
‘Dignity is the thing you cant see,but need to preserve...treating people with
respest...preserves dignity’
‘Dignity is having my wishes respected,being taken seriously,having opportunity
to express myself and make a contribution to my community so that I feel valued’
‘Having dignity
‘Ask + Listen + Understand + Act = Dignity’
P&CS Dignity Champion Recruitment
As part of the roadshow,people were also asked to consider the ‘DH 10 Point Dignity
Challenge’ and were then given the opportunity to register as a ‘P&CS Dignity
Champion’.Dignity champions are people who, in their own way,are committed to
helping develop care services that are not only efficient,but are also compassionate
and respectful aswell.
The overall response to the recruitment of dignity champions was very
positive.However, a few people did express concerns about the potential of extra
responsibilities that maybe associated with the role.Ressurance was given to people
that the role of a dignity champion need not be onerous.The Dignity in Care Campaign
boasts ‘there are many small things we can do, that will positively influence our
patients experience of health and social care’.
Dignity champions were given a variety of information about the campaign and
associated resources and training materials that are available from its website
They were also given ideas for promotional events and ways of developing dignity
preserving strategies at both operational and organisational level.
During the roadshow,P&CS recruited an impressive total of...169 Dignity Champions!
P&CS action plan for utilising the funding from YHLETB Strategic Initiative – Improving
Dignity & Respect in Care, has provided P&CS with an excellent opportunity to review its
current arrangements for progressing the dignity & respect agenda and improve its
communication infrastructure to support this.
A considerable amount of comittment,thought and effort has been undertaken by numerous
staff from a variety of services and disciplines to successfully deliver this plan.It was
completed on time and within its designated budget (see appendix 4) and achieved the
P&CS Patient Experience & Engagement Group has been established creating an
appropriate forum to discuss and progress the dignity & respect agenda.
Substantial investment has been made to register P&CS with ‘Patient Opinion’
website service. The pilot with Community Nursing service will provide a structured
process to receive feedback specifically related to dignity from housebound patients,
and offer staff opportunity to respond and interact with its patients,to help inform and
improve quality of care provision.
Professional dignity & respect training materials and promotional resources have
been developed and designed specifically for STHFT.These versatile and portable
resources have been created to be sustainable and are now available for use within
other services areas across the trust.
A significant scoping exercise has been undertaken to obtain patient and staff
opinion to understand peoples individual perception of dignity.This has helped
provide a benchmark for P&CS,with useful data which can be used to influence
future dignity preserving strategies.
A remarkable amount of staff agreed to register as a Dignity
Champion,demonstrating their interest and commitment to the essential principles of
health care. A P&CS Dignity Champion data base has been developed, providing an
excellent forum for all these staff to network and share inovative practice that
promotes dignified care.
An evaluation of the Dignity Champion volunteer role at the dignity roadshow event
has been undertaken using Survey Monkey, and has provided extremeley positive
feedback in terms of overall experience and associated learning (See Appendix 5).
This action plan has now been entered on DH Dignity in Care website and registered as STHFT activity for ‘Dignity Action Day –
2013’ and is considered as a shared resource to help inspire others.
This action plan embraces STHFT ‘PROUD’ values and may be used as evidence to
measure against quality improvement for Care Quality Commission and
Commissioning for Quality Innovation (CQUINS) Payment Framework.
Delivery of this action plan has been successful in raising awareness and generating
thought provoking debate with staff and patients around the importance of providing
dignified care.
Preserving dignity evokes a very personal response.Overall people seem very clear about
what dignity means to them as individuals and common themes have been identified.
It is also clear that there are many barriers to preserving dignity, and entering the
healthcare system can challenge this and lead to people feeling undervalued and
However, during this time, we have also identified a ‘most caring workforce’. They are
interested,willing and committed to help improve the quality of service for their patients.Its
now vital we maintain momentum and secure this commitment and nurture the potential of
P&CS Dignity Chain.
Promote and utilise P&CS Patient Experience & Engagement Group as a ‘dignity
forum’ to share dignity preserving strategies.
Encourage dignity champions to utilise pool of dignity & respect materials/resources
and undertake dignity awareness initiatives within their own service areas.
Encourage and support dignity champions to identify and develop dignity preserving
strategies within their own service areas.
Develop dignity & respect in-service training awareness sessions that provide staff
with opportunity for reflective practice using ‘Patient Stories’.
Consider and explore possibility of implementing NHS Institute for Innovation and
Improvement – ‘The 15 Steps Challenge – Quality from a Patients Perspective’.
Report prepared by : Jan Blaylock, Modern Matron
On behalf of : Paula Crosby
Deputy Nurse Director and Head of Health and Wellbeing Services
30 May 2013
National Institute of Health & Clinical Excellence – Quality Standards – CG 138 Information
for People who use NHS Services – Standard for Patient Experience in Adult NHS
Services (2012)
The Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust – Public Inquiry-Press Statement (2013)
Robert Francis QC.
Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – Making a Difference – Corporate
Strategy 2012-2017
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement – The 15 Step Challenge - Quality from a
Patients Perspective (2012)
Appendix 1
STHFT Primary & Community Services Care Group
Dignity & Respect Action Plan - Incorporating Yorkshire & Humber Local Education &
Training Board funding.
This action plan compliments the P&CS Care Groups current Dignity & Respect Action Plan 2012 /
2013 providing enhanced focus on specific areas for a limited period between October 2012 and
March 2013
Raise awareness/enhance focus around the dignity & respect agenda
Obtain staff and patient opinion related to dignity & respect issues
Identify current practice that actively promotes dignified & respectful care and share
throughout the P&CS Care Group.
Protected Time
Band 7 - Modern Matron hours increased by 7.5 for temporary period from October 2012 to
March 2013
Band 3 - Admin support 7.5 for temporary period from November 2012 to March 2013
Band 4 - Link Worker 7.5 support for temporary period from Dec/Mar 2013
Reorganise and progress dignity & respect work streams under ‘Patient Experience &
Engagement’ agenda
Establish P&CS Care Group ‘Patient Engagement Group’ with membership from relevant
service and former Dignity & Respect Steering Group
Promote DH Dignity Campaign and obtain Dignity Champion representation for each
Business Unit
Add all new Dignity Champions to DH data base and P&CS Care Group data base
Provide P&CS Care Group Risk & Governance Group with quarterly progress update
Provide update for Learning & Development Newsletter
Create P&CS Dignity & Respect web page.
Scoping Exercise
All Community Services to undertake baseline assessment of current practice which
promotes dignified & respectful care
Promote use of STHFT ‘Tell us what you think’ leaflet among all Community Services via
Dignity Champion network
Register P&CS Care Group with ‘Patient Opinion’ and promote its use among all
Community Services via Dignity Champion network
Awareness Initiative
Develop and launch P&CS Care Group – ‘Dignity & Respect Road Show’ This will incorporate
display stands with professional resources promoting the ‘DH Dignity Campaign’ and the
recruitment of ‘Dignity Champions’. A programme of visits to various Care Group locations and
specific promotional events will be developed. The road show will also include the following
‘Gift of Time - Shoe Shine!’. In exchange for registering as Dignity Champions, staff and
patients will be offered the gift of time with a free shoeshine.
‘Dignity Chain’ – Staff and patients will be offered the opportunity to consider what dignity &
respect means to them, and then be asked to put their responses on ‘people shaped cards’
to create our very own Dignity Chain.
Services will be given the opportunity of creating and promoting their own Dignity &
Respect initiative at local level.
The initiative will inform and support P&CS Care Group quality improvement against
outcomes for CQC and CQUINS.
Establishing P&CS ‘Patient Engagement Group’ and developing the Dignity Champion
network will provide robust infrastructure to progress the dignity & respect agenda
effectively throughout the Trust.
Investment in professional materials will ensure resources are sustainable and available for
future dignity & respect awareness initiatives throughout the Trust.
Engagement with patients/staff and the sharing of good practice will develop our
understanding of dignified & respectful care, influencing future action plans, leading to
enhanced patient care and experience.
The initiative will be registered as the P&CS Care Group activity for the DH Dignity
Campaign - ‘Dignity Action Day 2013’.
Prepared by: Jan Blaylock – Modern Matron
On behalf of : Paula Crosby – Head of Well Being & Deputy Nurse Director
Date : 19th November 2012.
Appendix 2
P&CS Patient Experience & Engagement Group – Terms of Reference
Management group
Purpose of the Group
To ensure that the engagement of patients is an integral part of practice for all
staff and services within the Primary and Community Services Care Group.
Objectives of the Group
To ensure that the people we care for are treated with respect and to maintain
their dignity.
To develop, deliver & monitor patient engagement action plan.
To be advocates for patient engagement activities within the Care Group.
To disseminate and implement good practice.
To develop & identify tools to monitor Care Quality Commission outcomes:
1: Respecting & involving people who use services
7: Safeguarding people who use service from abuse
10: Safety & Suitability of premises
To ensure the focus of the group is in line with national policy drivers:
NHS Outcomes Framework (2012-13 and 2013-14) Domain 4 ‘Ensuring
that people have a positive experience of care’ and it’s 9 improvement
DH Patient Experience Policy Programme.
To be aware of any new guideline in development for patient engagement and
experience (NICE).
To refer to recommended resources for work undertaken such as:
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement:
NHS Quality Board: Patient Experience Framework.
Chair : Mandy Higginbottom ( Head of Interface Services)
Jan Blaylock : (Modern Matron)
Andy Niblock (PCASS)
Lynette Hall (Matron)
Ros Neal (IT)
Lisa Farndon (Podiatry)
Gill Agar (Physiotherapy)
Keith Gower (Performance)
Catherine Firth
Sue Hunter (Matron)
Adele Eckherdt
Sue Barnston (Stroke Nurse Specialist)
Brian Hodges (Patient Representative)
Anne Rutland (Evening and Night Service)
Marie Dixon
Liz Eaton (GP Collaborative)
Mike McCrave (PCASS)
Mirriam McCheleka
Karen Rodgers (ICT Nurse Lead)
Jayne Stocks
Wesley Vernon (Podiatry)
Carole Wraith (ICT Nurse Lead)
Rebecca Wheater (Physiotherapy)
Sue Blakemore (Case Manager)
There must be 10 members of the group in attendance with the chair or nominated
deputy chair present
Frequency of Meetings
Bi monthly and ad hoc meetings to be called when necessary.
Accountable to Primary & Community Services Risk and Governance Group.
Inception of group and review responsibilities
Date of group inception
January 2010
Date of last review in terms of membership
January 2010
Name of Chair/Lead who is responsible for reviewing
Mandy Higginbottom
Date of next review
October 2013
Appendix 3
Patient Opinion
Information for professionals
Thousands of people are sharing their stories about their experiences of health services on
Patient Opinion. Hundreds of organisations are listening and responding to their patients on our
site. Millions are reading these conversations.
Do you know what your patients are saying about you?
What does Patient Opinion do?
Patient Opinion is a website where the public can publish their experiences of local health
services. The website allows health service staff to interact with these patients to help improve
care. Patient Opinion is a not-for-profit social enterprise. We exist to help
improve dialogue between patient and health service providers and to
improve health services.
How does it work?
 Members of the public anonymously post a story (positive or negative) on the website about
a local health service (we have their email address, but you wont know who they are). Our
highly experienced team moderates all stories to ensure they are not defamatory for any
member of staff.
 Health service staff can then be alerted when a story is posted about the health service, ward
or department that they are interested in.
 The organisation can then publish a response to the story on the
Proposal for Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Community Services
These are the main elements of the support available from Patient Opinion to support Sheffield
Teaching Hospitals Community services work on “dignity and respect”.
1. Patient Opinion would build nominated services onto the site, in a way which will be most
accessible for both patients and staff. All feedback will be tagged to that service.
2. Patient Opinion will set up as many staff as required with email alerts and reporting
functions so that staff can easily see, respond to and report on all the feedback generated.
Postings will be tagged appropriately with dignity, respect or any other chosen tags.
3. Patient Opinion will provide coded feedback leaflets for patients and carers to submit
feedback as an alternative to going online.
4. Patient Opinion will provide a resource pack with guidance on responding, generating
feedback and administering the website. They will also provide WEBEX training and
telephone support to up to 5 key staff.
5. Patient Opinion will provide a workshop with key staff and any other stakeholders to scope
out posting generation, share ideas and experiences and help set key targets for the work.
6. Patient Opinion will help monitor and review the progress of the work and provide links with
work in other areas where appropriate. For example current work with the RCN around
nurse education.
Appendix 4
Yorkshire & Humber Local Education & Training Board Strategic Initiative –
Improving Dignity & Respect in Care.
Budget – Finance Data
Admin Support
Sub Total
Road show & other events
Printing & Stationery
Hobbycraft supplies
Display Boards
Patient Opinion Registration
T Shirts
SPA Vouchers
Sub Total
Total Expenditure
Grand Total
Appendix 5
Dignity Champion Voulunteer –Survey Feedback