July 20th PPT - Family Resource Center Association Portal

July 2015 Quarterly
Membership Meeting
ACC – 4th of July Community
Catholic Charities HIPPY!
FRCA Updates
•Kresge Foundation
•Robert Woods Johnson
•Training plan for CFSA 2.0
• Update on Staffing/open position
Delta Family Center
Panning for Gold
El Paso Cooking Matters
Review of TCHF programs
•All CHF grants cannot exceed 15 % of Centers overall
organizational budget, this will be confirmed via FRCA for TCHF
Health Coverage:
•Per Kyle, there is not an October 2015 Health Coverage
opportunity planned – the next one (if any) will be February 2016
•Kyle would like to know Centers next step, community gaps (who
is doing HC in your area, what are the collaborations, why do they
need to fund you?)
•May only renew collaborations with an option for Centers to join
•Willing to have a conference call to answer questions
Review of TCHF programs
Current funded program areas Nutrition:
•Cooking Matters (Adults/Teens, Child Care Professionals,
Families, Kids
•Eating Smart Being Active
•Exploring Foods Together
•Eat Play Grow
•Food Friends Mighty Moves
•Salsa Sabor Y Salud (Families Forward only)
•La Cocina (Roaring Fork only)
One new area to be presented: Mind Exercise Nutrition
Do-it (MEND)
Families Forward Street Zumba!
Family Link – Family Fun
FIRC fashion show
Review of TCHF Programs
•CATCH Kids Club
•CATCH Early
Childhood Education
•Coordinator class is being scheduled
FRC of the Roaring Fork SD –
Dental Checks
Review of the PIP Process
Process for programs with any single program/ curricula under 50%
Center will be required to provide a written plan to Health Team providing details on
how the Center will meet the program area in the next quarter
PIP Created
Based on data entered into ETO at each checkpoint, one or more of the following
indicators shall indicate a need for a PIP: (unless jointly agreed upon plan is submitted)
Inability to implement program with fidelity
Served less than 50% for quarterly projected participants in any two program areas or
curricula or any one single program area/curricula for two consecutive quarters
or 50% or fewer Healthy Living Assessments for completing participants; or
Inability to maintain high quality data in ETO (complete, accurate, timely); or
Inability to provide high quality financial statements (complete, accurate, timely).
Contributing factor for consideration: Significantly higher cost per person than the state
average in any program (triple or more of the state average)
PIP with funding implications*
Less than 50% of quarterly projected participants in the majority of all the programs
(more than half) proposed by an individual center, then a PIP will be created AND 10%
of funding will be held (see PIP flow chart) unless a center voluntarily reduces their
budget to align with actual performance.
Quarterly reviews will be conducted to determine if a PIP is removed, if withheld funds
can be released or if withheld funds need to be redistributed to other centers who can
meet increased numbers to help achieve aggregate outcomes
Fremont County’s Princesses
La Familia CATCH Kids Club
MEND 7-13 is a comprehensive, family-based program
that combines the three key elements of safe, effective
weight management and sustained lifestyle change,
including healthy eating, regular physical activity and
behavior change for children aged 7-13 to improve their
health, fitness and self-esteem.
La Plata – This says it all!
Morgan County Family Center
Family Gathering at the Park
TCHF Mission and PE Goals
 Mission: To improve the health and health care of Coloradans by
increasing access to quality health care and encouraging healthy
lifestyle choices.
 Priorities: All Colorado kids are fit and healthy.
 Focus: In Healthy Living, our focus is to ensure every kid in
Colorado has the opportunity to eat healthy and engage in
physical activity.
 Goals: By 2023, Colorado’s childhood obesity rate will
decrease to 10 percent and children’s fitness levels will meet
appropriate fitness standards.
 Parent Engagement program goal: To bring together the
knowledge, resources, and skills of parents and the community
to increase collective power and work to create healthier
children, families, and communities.
Parent Engagement Logic Model
 ALL logic models can be found on the portal. ETO->
Resources -> Logic Models
Parent Engagement Activity in ETO
 The ‘Notes’ section should be included as accurate data
entry requirements.
Parent Engagement – What the
data shows us…
 Family Fun Night
 Can we use TCHF funds for the entire night?
 Yard Sales
 Family Reading Night
 Planning meetings and community projects
Parent Engagement Program Assessment
 Record Touchpoints -> Select a TouchPoint -> Parent
Engagement Program Assessment
Parent Engagement
Reductions in Barriers
vs. Incentives
Gas cards
Child care
 Peer Learning training for FRC staff
 Parenting Matters
 We will provide regional trainings for Parent Engagement participants.
 BrainWise curriculum
 Teach parents important skills needed for improved communication,
conflict de-escalation & negotiation, assertiveness, and consequential
thinking, to name a few.
 Parenting Matters Communities
 The Family Leadership Training Institute
 We will fund up to 2 parents to attend this training per year.
 IF you have FLTI training in your area.
 Parents MUST attend the entire 20 week training.
Mountain Family Center
Red Nose Day
Mountain Resource Center
Diaper Shower
Parent Engagement Activity
 What does Parent Engagement look like at your
 How can you directly tie your Parent Engagement
activities to TCHF mission of reducing childhood
 What would you like to see from FRCA to support you
in Parent Engagement throughout the grant?
Pinon Project - Rafting
Prairie Family Center Staff
Timelines for Reapplication
•July 31 – Data entry for 1 year 5 month
data pull for reapplication report
•August 17, 2015 Scopes of Work/Budgets
due to FRCA
•September 18, 2015: Negotiations
completed; revised scopes/budget due to
RCRC – Child Find
Sister Carmen Community Garden
Tri County Staff
Legislative RFA
• Update and Discussion
November Retreat
November 2-4, 2015
Mt. Princeton Hot Springs Resort
15870 Co Rd. 162
Nathrop, CO 81236