bio 1000 test 4 review

Bio 1000 test 4 review
The test is over blood, cardio, blood vessels, immune system, lymphatic system, respiratory system,
digestion, kidneys (urinary, renal) nutrition
No reproduction on the test
Usual suspects as your studying, that is:
Know the structure and function in the notes
Things in bold, italic and underlined are likely test questions
Things I emphasized
And all the notes are game so please review what we covered in class including the long hand
notes we took
Test format
Is what your used to
Multiple choice
Some true false
This test has 65 questions
What is the function of blood
What is found in blood
Found in the plasma
What proteins would you find in blood
What is erythropoiesis?
What do WBC do?
What do phagocytes do?
Be able to identify the WBC
What is the difference between platelet plug and coagulation
What are the different blood types?
What antibodies attack the blood types?
Who is the universal donor / recipient?
What is an emboli vs thrombus?
What is the function of the cardiovascular system?
What are the layers of the heart?
Be able to trace blood flow through the heart (this will be asked via questins)
So you will have to know the atria, ventricles, and the tubes that come in and out of the heart
What is the function of the atria? The ventricles?
What are the names of the 4 valves in the heart? And where would you find them?
What nourishes the heart?
What is the pacemaker of the heart
How is blood pressure measured?
What happens to the heart (and body for that matter) when in sympathetics vs
What are the blood pressure ranges?
Blood vessels
What is the function of arteries vs veins and their differences?
What are the layers of the blood vessels?
Difference between laminar and turbulent blood flow
Atherosclerosis vs arteriosclerosis
Immune system
What are the functions of the lymphatic system
What do the nodes do? The spleen? Tonsils?
What are the different lines of defense (hint 3) and what are the aka’s?
Know all 5 immunogloublins
Know the parts to the upper respiratory vs lower respiratory system
What is the function of the respiratory system
Difference between esophagus and trachea
Where does actual gas exchange occur in the lungs?
What are the different parts with in the lung?
What does the diaphragm do during breathing
What is a blue bloater
What is a pink puffer
What is emphysema vs chronic bronchitis vs asthma?
Know the structures and accessory structures to the digestive system
What is the protective layer to the stomach
What is the function of the pyloric and ileocecal valve (sphincter)
What are the structures that make up the urinary system?
What are each of these structures function?
What functions does the kidney do?
Know the difference between the renal cortex, medulla, glomerulous
What is the structure and function of the liver and gallbladder?
Define emulsion
What are the typical types of foods we eat (think energy)
What are the fat soluble vitamins?
What digestive enzyme breaks down starches
What is miscillization?
What are the different lipoproteins? And what do they do?
What is the recommend range for cholesterol scores
The difference between TMR and BMR
Be able to calculate calories based on what a person eats