European Exploration

Exploration and
By Stuart Morse
Georgia Performance Standard
• SS6H6 The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization
on various world regions.
a. Identify the causes of European exploration and colonization; include religion, natural
resources, a market for goods, and the contributions of Prince Henry the Navigator.
10/26 Opening
Complete these questions on your notebook paper.
1. What drives humans to
continue to explore new
2. What are some benefits of
exploring new areas?
3. What are some dangers of
exploring new areas?
SS6H6 a. Identify the causes of European exploration and
colonization; include religion, natural resources, a market for goods,
and the contributions of Prince Henry the Navigator
Enduring Understanding
Movement/Migration: movement and migration of people and ideas affect all societies involved
Essential Question:
- What factors, including the contributions of Prince
Henry the Navigator, influenced European nations to
begin overseas exploration?
Silk Road
Polo Explores The Silk Road
• In 1274, Italian explorers Marco and Niccolo Polo set out on a 24 year journey in
which they traveled the famous Silk Road from Italy, through brutal deserts and
towering mountains to eastern China. They traveled over 4,000 miles in all. Marco
and Niccolo were among the very first Europeans to explore the fabled empire of
China. In China, Marco Polo even worked for ruler Kublai Khan. Polo detailed his
experiences and findings in China by writing a book. Polo described materials
and inventions never before seen in Europe. Paper money, a printing press,
porcelain, gunpowder and coal were among the products he wrote about. He also
described the vast wealth of Kublai Khan, as well as the geography of northern and
southern China. European rulers were very interested in the products Polo
described. However, trading for them along the Silk Road was dangerous,
expensive and impractical. European rulers began to wonder if there was a
sea route to the east to get the products they wanted at a reasonable price.
TED video on The Silk Road
• ***IF you go to the link in the about section, it will take you to a video quiz.
Old Trade Routes
• One of the biggest reasons for
European exploration is the fact
that they were trying to find
alternative trade routes because
goods brought over land from
China and India were expensive.
• Italians and Muslims dominated the
existing trade routes and they were
able to make all the profits from
the trades.
• Italians controlled the roads in
Europe and the Mediterranean
• Muslims controlled the overland
routes from Asia (Silk Road).
There were many reasons for the exploration of
the world by the Europeans starting in the
1400’s… As a group,
• read your given reason for exploration
• Discuss it & take some notes for a very short
presentation of this reason to your classmates…
• Why do you think this would be necessary for the
Europeans to possess/ have?
Some of the reasons are:
To find a sea route to the spices of Asia
- As
spices, silks, and other luxury goods
from Middle East and Asia became
more popular and desirable, the prices
began to go up. This was because the
people who controlled the trade routes
knew they could charge more money
and the Europeans would PAY!!!!
These goods were like the Wii, everyone
wanted them and would pay BIG
BUCKS! Europeans wanted a part of
the pie
Reasons for Exploration
To find gold, silver, and precious stones
- After coming back from The
Crusades, Europeans were dazzled
by the treasures they saw in the
Middle East and in Asia. The
possibility of them finding a way to
obtain these items for themselves
was alluring. So, when they did find
these items in places such as the
Americas, they saw an opportunity
to gain these riches by colonizing
the lands they found.
Reasons for Exploration
To expand their knowledge of the world
- Once Europeans found these new areas and
found new routes, they wanted to explore more
of the world to see what else is out there. They
also wanted to see what else they could get their
hands on that might be valuable.
To expand the Christian religion
- European Christians saw an opportunity spread
Christianity to newly discovered regions of the
world. Missionaries accompanied explorers on
their voyages in order to convert conquered
peoples. This was another opportunity for
Europeans to gain control of indigenous (native)
people and their resources.
Reasons for Exploration
To build and control larger empires
- Countries such as Portugal, Spain,
England, and France began
colonizing the regions they
explored. The conquered people
supplied these European countries
with cheap labor to harvest the raw
materials. Controlling more areas
and people = more power and $.
Reasons for Exploration
To find natural resources for their newly created
- The colonies they created gave Europe control
over natural resources This meant that Europe
could make goods for less money and would not
have to import these goods from other
To open up new markets for their newly created
- Europe was able to sell these cheap goods to
their own colonies and to other countries. They
expanded their ability to make money from only
selling to their own country to selling goods to
several other parts of the world.
European Exploration
• Europeans wanted to explore to new
areas in the world because they wanted
to spread their branch of Christianity.
• Europeans wanted to spread or
achieve glory by concerning new areas.
• Europeans wanted to receive the riches
of the land from new areas to trade
and become wealthy.
Complete this
handout over the
content you have
learned today.
Prince Henry The Navigator
• Prince Henry the Navigator was the
governor of Portugal’s southernmost
coasts. He sent more than fifty
expeditions down the west coast of
Africa. Henry wanted to establish
colonies and break the Muslim hold on
trade routes.
• Henry studied navigation and
mapmaking. He established a university at
Sagres, Portugal. Students there learned
navigation, astronomy, and mapmaking.
• video of why Portugal was the leader in
Test Your Knowledge
• 1. In the 1400s, this man helped Portugal take an early lead in exploration by
providing money to study navigation, develop better boats, and encourage
voyages along the coast of Africa. Who was he?
Christopher Columbus
Francisco Pizarro
James Cook
Prince Henry
Test Your Knowledge
• 2. Why did Prince Henry the Navigator want to send ships south to Africa?
A. He hoped to learn more about marine life.
B. He wanted to prove the world was not flat.
C. He felt his father, the king, would be proud.
D. He wanted a route around Africa to the Asian markets.
Test Your Knowledge
• 3. Which religion did Prince Henry the Navigator hope to spread?
A. Hinduism
B. Buddhism
C. Christianity
D. Islam
Test Your Knowledge
• 4. Which was not a reason for the establishment of European overseas
Europeans wanted to spread Christianity to other people.
Europeans were interested in learning from other cultures.
Europeans thought that colonies would buy European products.
European industry needed more sources of raw materials.