RFP Beverage 14-19 Page 1 HARDIN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Request for Proposal RFP Beverage 14-19 District Wide Soft Drink/Beverage Vending Provision of Product, Service, Management and Audit Date Issued: Friday, June 13, 2014 Closing Time of Proposals: Wednesday, July 2, 2014, 1:30 p.m., Local time Mail/Deliver Proposal to: H a r d i n County Public Schools Attn: Jessica Annis, Director of Finance 65 W. A. Jenkins Road Elizabethtown, KY 42701 Special Conditions and Specifications for Hardin County Public Schools District Wide Beverage Vending Provision of Product, Service, Management and Audit Information pertaining to any item or condition in this invitation may be obtained by communicating with Mary Kuhn, 270-769-8877, mary.kuhn@hardin.kyschools.us This RFP is a request for Direct Bid and Service for Beverage Vending. The bid cycle shall be for one five (5) year period. Hardin County Public Schools (HCPS) district is requesting a proposal to provide Beverage vending services to school sites and support locations, such as Transportation Garages, Central Office, Maintenance, and Warehouse buildings in the Hardin County School District. The district is a large school district and has approximately, 14,500 students divided into three (3) high schools, five (5) middle schools, thirteen (13) elementary, one (1) alternative, plus ancillary administrative sites. NOTE that new replacement schools may open during this contract period, and the functions of current schools may change over this time period, per Board of Education direction. RFP Beverage 14-19 Page 2 HCPS philosophy/goal is to provide nutritious choices in keeping with national and state regulations in treating children needs as a whole in student achievement. Product marketing, placement, pricing, and promotional campaigns to promote physical activity and educational awareness of total fitness by its vendors is welcomed as a community partner in its efforts to further student achievement. HCPS philosophy is generally defined as water options, 100% fruit juices and other no or low calorie beverages. Attachment 2 is a list of defined products. TIME TABLE Proposal Due Date: Submitted for Board Approval: Commencement Date: Wednesday, July 2, 2014, 1:30 p.m., Local time July 17, 2014 August 1, 2014 DISTRICT INFORMATION Name: Address: District Liaison: Hardin County Public Schools 65 W.A. Jenkins Road Elizabethtown, Kentucky 42701 (270) 769-8877 Mary Kuhn, mary.kuhn@hardin.kyschools.us GENERAL CONDITIONS 1) The scope of this Request for Proposal does NOT INCLUDE Snacks. 2) Audit scope and subsequent vending management is directed toward surveying vending environment in facilities to ensure that, the vending program is meeting users’ needs at each site. Equipment is adequate and in good condition throughout the district (generally defined as machines less than 6 years old, energy efficient preferred), issues related to safety and equity throughout the district are addressed, and efforts are made to maximize profitability for each school site. Subcontracting MAY be allowed only with the prior written approval of HCPS. Assignment of contract can only be made with the prior written approval of HCPS. At time of assignment (or direct or indirect transfer of ownership of selected vendor company), any outstanding balances (including current or future exclusivity payments, current or past due annual payments, and current or past period commissions) shall be considered due and payable immediately to HCPS. Payment to HCPS must occur concurrent with said changes to ownership, or this contract may be considered voided at the discretion of HCPS, without presumption of damage from HCPS to selected vendor. 3) There shall be uniform product pricing across all machines district wide. In no case shall the Retail price of a product in a machine exceed any pre-stamped or pre-priced Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. 4) Selected vendor shall provide a prompt service program with a 24-hour service turnaround on problems. A detailed flowchart of vendor’s dispatch procedures and vendor’s internal management structure shall be included. The proposal shall also include the process and procedure for refunding money lost in machines. 5) Comprehensive, detailed report information must be provided monthly with each commission check mailed to the school's bookkeeper within thirty days of receipt of funds by selected vendor (i.e., on a monthly basis). Delivery invoices shall be provided to HCPS schools on a monthly basis. Vendor shall provide HCPS with a detailed report of all machines utilized in this proposal no later than 30 days from the commencement date of this RFP (including machine, type, model and serial numbers, and approximate age). Vending database for reports should provide complete detailed information that identifies each machine, type, sales, income, service calls and collection history. Failure to provide such reporting on a monthly basis shall result in a fine of not less than $100 per machine per day payable to HCPS. 6) Selected vendor must provide and monitor a consistent and standardized vending program throughout the district that addresses all safety and licensing issues, and provides for all insurance and accounting requirements. Such insurance must include a performance bond that encompassed liability for theft. The selected vendor along with a designated HCPS employee shall conduct spot audits during the year. The selected vendor shall meet on a quarterly basis with the HCPS liaison for the purpose of reviewing data and terms and conditions of this contract. 7) Local building control shall be provided through each building administrator. Each principal, department supervisor, or budget manager shall make all decisions regarding placement of equipment, access to building, and operation hours, as long as such acts do not violate any HCPS district, state, or federal policies in Kentucky. Contact Liaison, Mary Kuhn (270) 769-8877, mary.kuhn@hardin.kyschools.us for clarifications. At any time, building control of machines, locations, and contents ultimately fall under the auspices of principals, or on-site supervisor. 8) The selected vendor shall indicate the method of determining intervals for replenishing supplies. Two weeks after the bid is awarded the selected vendor shall provide HCPS with a proposed route schedule. 9) Submit the proposal and information on the proposal form page attachments, with the blank spaces filled in for each and every item. Only Attachments 14 and 15 may include information necessary to describe the selected vendor’s features, benefits, requirements, exclusions, charges, and definitions, beyond the blank spaces on attachments as presented. 10) HCPS reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality. No oral agreements shall be honored or authorized by HCPS. 11) At the conclusion and/or termination of this contract (for any reason), the selected vendor shall have a window of two (2) weeks to remove its equipment from all HCPS sites. Failure to provide for said removal of machines shall result in a fine of not less than $100 per machine per day payable to HCPS. The penalty failure dates under this RFP shall be in effect and start 7/30/2019. 13) The proposal shall show proof of sufficient coverage for contingent liability. Evidence of general liability, business, automobile and workers compensation insurance shall be provided. Policy limits shall be $1,000,000.00 for general liability, business, automobile and statutory minimums for workers compensation. Upon award of contract, selected vendor shall list HCPS as an additional insured on said policies and provide certificates of insurance prior to proposed start date. 14) The consumption of alcohol or drugs or tobacco products or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or possession of firearms, while on a job for the Hardin County Public Schools by any worker is strictly prohibited. Any contractor, subcontractor or any person working for the contractor or subcontractor, who violates the above rules regarding alcohol, drugs, tobacco products, or firearms, shall be subject to immediate removal from the job site. Any violation of the above rules is considered a breach of the contract between the contractor and the Hardin County Public Schools and may lead to the termination of said contract FOR CAUSE by the Hardin County Public Schools. 15) The Board of Education of Hardin County does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the educational programs or activities that it operates, and is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (P.L. 92-318) not to discriminate in such a manner. Further, the Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of disabling condition, in treatment, admission or access to, or employment in, its programs or activities, as required by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-112), as amended, Section 504; nor does the Board of Education discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, creed, political affiliation, or marital status, in the education programs or activities it operates. 16) It is the policy of Hardin County Public Schools that no asbestos-containing materials are to be purchased by the school system, supplied by any person supplying to the school system, or installed in or on school property by any person performing work for the school system. Furthermore, all products marked “May Contain Mineral Fibers” will be presumed to contain asbestos unless the manufacturer provides written certification or Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that no asbestos fibers are present in the product and identifies the fibers for which the product is marked or the supplier presents valid analysis data from an NVLAP-or AIHA-certified laboratory that the material does not contain asbestos. 17) This contract is for the Hardin County Public School District schools and facilities. This contract does include the Hardin County Public Schools Child Nutrition Program (Food Service). SCOPE OF SERVICE FOR BEVERAGES The selected vendor shall furnish all district requirements for Beverage products and related services as proposed below: Full Service (placement restrictions): Various Central Office and allied support Service Buildings Limited Service (certain time and placement restrictions): 3 High Schools, 5 M iddle Schools, 1 Alternative School Staff and Administrative Areas Only: All Elementary Schools ALL Machines shall have multi-pricing, dollar changers, and shall be equipped with programmable tamper-proof timers in those locations that have a cafeteria and where vending machines are accessible by students. If students gain access to vending machines during unacceptable time-frames, vending machines will be disconnected until repaired. All machines accessible by students must have a sign that says "Machine is operational only during this timeframe: state hours" The provision of this proposal shall include supply of Beverage vending products as well as supply and servicing of Beverage vending machines. Additionally, proposal should include any promotions that would benefit the HCPS. In all cases, ACTUAL verified and audited calculations from each submitted attachment to H CPS under this proposal shall supercede any vendor submitted (oral or written) calculations. See Attachment 1 for a list of building locations. Evaluation of this RFP shall be based on the following. Minimum requirements for the Beverage vending proposals shall include: 1) Invitation to Bid- Fill in Attachment 3 as presented. This section shall be weighted 0% of total points awarded for RFP. THIS ATTACHMENT IS MANDATORY FOR PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED. A Vendor Proposal without this document shall be considered nonresponsive, and disqualified. 2) List of References- Fill in Attachment 4 as presented. This section shall be weighted 0% of total points awarded for RFP. THIS ATTACHMENT IS MANDATORY FOR PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED. A Vendor Proposal without this document shall be considered nonresponsive, and disqualified. 3) Describe Energy Reduction Programs within Company - Fill in Attachment 4A as presented. This section shall be weighted 0% of total points awarded for RFP. THIS ATTACHMENT IS MANDATORY FOR PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED. A Vendor Proposal without this document shall be considered non-responsive, and disqualified. 4) Product Selection- Product selection should follow KRS & USDA guidelines for students and 70/30 mix for adults. (Attachment 2). Fill in Attachment 5 as presented. This section shall be weighted 20% of total points awarded for RFP. 5) Pricing of Product – Product pricing strategy should reflect the HCPS emphasis on promotion of Healthier Beverage products. Fill in Attachment 6 as presented. This section shall be weighted 20% of total points awarded for RFP. 6) Product Placement and/or Eye Appeal- Product placement reflection as it regards HCPS emphasis on promotion of Healthier Beverage products. Fill in Attachment 7 as presented. This section shall be weighted 5% of total points awarded for RFP. 7) Commission - the basis for determining commission MUST be determined on gross revenue. H C P S expects to be able to perform close estimate projections for commissions due based upon information provided by and independent of the selected vendor. Fill in Attachment 8 as presented. This section shall be weighted 20% of total points awarded for RFP. 8) Fixed Cost on 5-Gallon Premix Tanks - the proposal should include a guaranteed price per case offered to HCPS. Fill in Attachment 9 as presented. This section shall be weighted 5% of total points awarded for RFP. 9) Fixed Cost on 2 Liter Bottles - the proposal should include a guaranteed price per case offered to HCPS. Fill in Attachment 10 as presented. This section shall be weighted 5% of total points awarded for RFP. 10) Free Goods or Like Programs - the proposal should include specific information on any free goods offered to HCPS by category. Fill in Attachment 11 as presented. This section shall be weighted 10% of total points awarded for RFP. 11) Educational Programs, products and/or service - the proposal should include information on any education programs, products and/or promotions that would be beneficial to HCPS. Fill in Attachment 12 as presented. This section shall be weighted 10% of total points awarded for RFP. 12) Additional programs, items, marketing proposals and so forth - Fill in Attachment 13 as presented. This section shall be weighted 5% of total points awarded for RFP. CONTRACT CONTRACT PERIODThe selected vendor shall receive a contract period of five (5) years. No increase in pricing as presented or decrease in service shall be permitted throughout the contract period, unless mutually agreed upon or outlined specifically in the proposal. Proposed start date of this contract is August 1, 2014 with a termination date of July 31, 2019. AUTHORIZED SIGNATUREIf the proposal is submitted for an individual, it shall be signed and notarized and a full name and address shall be given. If it is submitted for a firm, or partnership, it shall be signed with the copartnership name or by a principal of the firm who shall sign his/her own name and the name and address of each member shall be given. If incorporated, a Certificate of Incorporation for the Secretary of State must also be presented to the Hardin County Schools prior to award of contract. Subject to the provision regarding assignment, this agreement shall be binding on the successors and assignees of the parties hereto. CONTRACT TERMSTerms of RFP and response shall constitute the contractual arrangement between the HCPS and the selected vendor. Terms of the RFP supercede in the case of a conflict between the RFP and Vendor response. In all instances of disagreement, whether written or oral, established terms and policies of HCPS SHALL PREVAIL. CRITERIA FOR BEVERAGE VENDING PRODUCT/SERVICE 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The Beverage products supplied under this proposal shall follow KRS & USDA guidelines for students and 70/30 mix for adults to promote Healthier Lifestyles and Beverage Consumption. Retail pricing structure as well as product selection shall be uniform across the district. Product requirements/size subject to change based on any new regulatory guidelines. The selected vendor shall position vending machines in location as deemed appropriate by the Building Administrators. Selected vendor shall be given the opportunity to meet with decisionmaking personnel at the local building level in order to make suggestions as appropriate for the goals of the selected vendor and for HCPS. This shall ensure utilization of the selected vendor’s professional expertise for maximization of data and other marketing and pricing opportunities provided by the vendor. All products and related services must be delivered and deliverer must register in the building administrative offices upon arrival during normal business hours. All employees and sub-contractors (if any) of selected vendor MUST have visible identification, such as uniforms, photo ID badges and identifiable company vehicles. ESTIMATED USAGE FOR BEVERAGES The selected vendor from this proposal shall provide products on the basis of an indefinite quantity contract. It shall be the responsibility of the selected vendor to determine average usage for the purpose of providing economies of scale pricing based on the following data: Number of buildings, product selection, product placement, product retail pricing levels, and/or vending machines. HCPS does not guarantee quantity usage dollar volume of sales. INSTRUCTION FOR SUBMISSION This section provides information about how The Proposal for Service should be structured and includes specific items that must be addressed. Also included are questions that must be answered in order for the selected vendor to be considered. Each proposal should be constructed according to the format provided below. PROPOSAL MUST BE SUBMITTED IN TRIPLICATE (THREE COPIES) ECONOMY OF PREPARATION Proposal should be prepared simply and economically, providing straightforward, concise delineation of the selected vendor’s capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Fancy binding color displays and promotional materials, etc. are not necessary. However, technical literature about the selected vendor’s experience and qualifications may be included. A minimum of five (5) references must be provided with the RFP. The emphasis should be completeness and clarity of content. In order to expedite the evaluations, it is essential that specifications and instructions contained in these instructions be followed exactly. The evaluation process shall not provide credit for capabilities or advantages that are not clearly shown in the written proposal for services. The following information is requested in preparing a response to the Request for Proposal (RFP). In addition, a table of content, a cover letter and an executive summary is required. MANAGEMENT REPORTS This section requires you to describe any management reports that shall be provided to the HCPS. Please attach examples of reports and describe any unique reports that can be customized to our specifications. Note that any and all reports, may, at the agreement of the selected vendor and of H CPS, be submitted directly to HCPS in electronic format. For each report, provide the following information: Report Name: Title Description: How is information organized (i.e. major fields)? Frequency: How often are reports issued? FIRM ADDENDUM (OPTIONAL) This section is provided for the submission of any additional information not included elsewhere and considered to be pertinent to the evaluation of the Request for Proposal. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Please outline a proposal for a pre-installation walk thorough and implementation plan, clearly indicating steps to be taken from the commencement date (August 1, 2014) REGULATIONS The selected vendor shall be required to obtain any necessary licenses and permits and shall comply with all local, federal, state and government codes and ordinances without cost to the HCPS. NON-WAIVER OF DEFAULTS Any failure by HCPS to enforce or require the strict keeping and performance of any terms and conditions of the contract shall not constitute a waiver of such terms and conditions nor shall it affect or impair the right of HCPS to avail itself of such remedies as it may have for any breech of the terms and conditions. INSPECTION OF FACILITIES The HCPS may require an inspection tour of selected vendor’s facilities at the location where the products or services provided shall be initiated. COPYRIGHT AND PATENTS Selected vendor shall hold the HCPS, its officers, agents, servants, and employees harmless from liability of any nature or kind because of any copyrighted composition, secret process, patented or unpatented invention, articles or appliances furnished or used under this bid, and agrees to defend, at its own expense any and all actions brought against HCPS or themselves because of the unauthorized use of such articles. PROTECTION OF DATA Selected vendor shall take all precautions necessary and appropriate to assure the confidentiality of H CPS record information. Selected vendor shall limit access to the HCPS records only to selected vendor’s authorized employees. Except as authorized by the HCPS, selected vendor shall not reproduce any of the HCPS records. The HCPS shall have the right to review selected vendor’s procedures for handling the HCPS records and may make such inspections as it deems necessary to assure that selected vendor is adequately safeguarding the HCPS record information. DISCLOSURE OF PROPOSAL INFORMATION Proposals submitted become a matter of public record. Where, in the course of making a proposal, a vendor submits technical or business information that is claimed to be proprietary or confidential, the vendor shall so indicate. HCPS shall give consideration to the claim of confidentiality/proprietorship where legally permitted. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT FOR POOR OR NON- PERFORMANCE HCPS may terminate the contract, if the selected vendor fails to perform at the level specified in the contract document. HCPS shall follow the procedure outlined below, prior to a contract being terminated: Step 1 Issue warning letter and outline violations and length of time to correct the problem. Step 2 Issue letter of Intent to Cancel Contract, if problem is not resolved by given date. Step 3 Issue letter to cancel account. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE Some circumstances may warrant cancellation of contract for an offense without using all or any of the steps for poor or non-performance. This would be when a circumstance is severe and warning letters would not meet the gravity of the circumstance. Termination of contract shall result in forfeiture of Performance Bond EVALUATION CRITERIA This Request for Proposal shall be evaluated under established “Best Value” criteria and weighting outlined above. Further evaluation of proposals shall be based on, but not limited to the following criteria: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Product, pricing, quality, and availability. Value added considerations and benefits to the HCPS District. The quality of service, personnel and facilities of the selected vendor’s organization, as determined solely by the HCPS. The selected vendor’s relevant experience, qualifications and success in providing a service of the type described in this document. The selected vendor’s reputation for quality service and problem solving within the marketplace. The contractual terms proposed by the selected vendor that would govern any contract relationship with the HCPS. The selected vendor’s capability to provide requested services in a timely manner as agreed upon. The selected vendor’s financial stability. The selected vendor’s references from five accounts. Any other factors relevant to the selected vendor’s capability and willingness to satisfy the requirements of this contract. TERMS AND CONDITIONS All conditions and provisions of the RFP are deemed to be accepted by the selected vendor and incorporated by reference in the statement of qualifications and shall apply to subsequent contract arrangements. Late - Late qualifications shall not be accepted, however they may be filed for future requirements. Facsimile - Facsimile qualifications shall not be accepted. Indemnity - The selected vendor shall indemnify the HCPS against all damage caused to persons or property as a result of the negligent actions or wrongful acts of the selected vendor, its employees, servants and/or agents. The selected vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless the district, its employees, servants and/or agents for all claims, demands, actions, suits, or proceedings initiated by third parties arising from the negligence or wrongful acts of the selected vendor, its employees, servants and/or agents. The selected vendor shall take all reasonable precautions for safety and reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to all students, HCPS employees and other third parties, where applicable. Applicable Regulations - All services provided should comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations now and in the future. Kentucky Law - Any contract resulting from this request is subject to Kentucky law and jurisdiction with venue in Hardin County. Contractual Disagreements – If reasonable attempts to reconcile differences in implementation of terms of this RFP still prevail after exhausting methods previously described, established HCPS policies and goals SHALL PREVAIL over any selected Vendor terms and conditions. HCPS shall provide selected Vendor with written documentation of such decisions. Attachment 1- Building Locations Central Hardin High School Tim Issacs Chris Bauer Principal Assistant Principal/AD 300-6760 982-3369 268-6666 Principal Assistant Principal 312-7178 505-6313 John Hardin High School Lynn Gibson Fawnda Cox Hardin County Schools Performing Arts Center Bart Lovins Director 304-6165 Lonnie Dennis Principal Althea Hurt Assistant Principal 351-2203 (h) 304-6605 (c) 312-3677 Principal Asst. Principal 505-5510 765-8372 Principal Assistant Principal C: 859-481-3533 C: 312-0821 Jama Bennett Principal Chris Corder Assistant Principal H: 877-2858 C: 272-6432 H: 735-6067 Principal Assistant Principal 401-3114 734-3676 Principal Asst. Principal 234-3409 769-2405/270-855-9288 North Hardin High School Bluegrass Middle School Michael Elmore Myra Lewis East Hardin Middle School Daniel Lockwood Brittany Nickell J. T. Alton Middle School North Middle School Laura McGray David Allen West Hardin Middle School Jon Thomas Patty Wren Creekside Elementary Laura Price Principal Mary Donna Atcher Counselor H: 325-3365 C: 766-2434 C: 268-0897 Melissa Case Principal C: 272-7868 Josh Belcher Assistant Principal C: 270-999-1510 Emily Campbell Principal Sue Boggs Office Manager H: 769-2875 C: 765-0175 H: 737-2033 G. C. Burkhead Elementary School Heartland Elementary School Howevalley Elementary School Beth Handel Principal 765-7369 735-6162 Principal Custodian 505-2097 230-3783 Jennifer Lewis Principal Linda Reed Asst Principal 358-0169 317-4252 765-5509/765-8758 Lakewood Elementary School Shelee Clark Kim Terry Lincoln Trail Elementary School Meadowview Elementary School Jim Sullivan Principal Tiffany Jones Asst Principal H: 769-9960 C: 268-6039 C: 765-8421 Principal Head Custodian 505-5227 300-5602 New Highland Elementary School Daniel Mullinis John Bernardi North Park Elementary School Beth Brandenburg Principal Brooke Custis Assistant Principal 763-0409 312-4849 348-3570 Radcliff Elementary School Joan Jackson-Cooke Principal Utona Bieber Assistant Principal 877-5977 (C) 828-4648 319-5030 Rineyville Elementary School Billy Coffey John Akers Principal Custodian 723-8861 234-1238 312-1628 Greg Sutton Principal Cathy Bruce Office Manager H: 877-7222 C: 401-7674 H: 877-0133 C: 300-7759 Vine Grove Elementary School Woodland Elementary School Dawn Tarquinio Mary Silva Principal Office Manager 502-533-6393 900-1282 300-0137 Principal 760-912-8909 Gary Milby Associate Superintendent Bobby Lewis Associate Superintendent 769-1523 401-8695 358-8819 317-5651 Brown Street Education Center Robert King Central Office Central Office Annex Building Steve Boone Network Admin Gina Ryan HCEC-TV Director Anna Bray Production Spec 369-8528 735-7663 737-2106 735-6355 763-1081 312-4439 Mulberry Helm Kim Adkins Renae Harrison Program Director Instructor Randy Mullins Custodian 502-827-1007 325-4473 735-6267 765-3008 Child Nutrition Office Mary Kuhn Director 270-737-3671 270-505-3885 502-689-4514 John Skaggs Director Simmons, Don Shop Foreman (H) 769-8428 (C) 766-9389 (H) 737-1129 (C) 766-8407 Bus Garage Building & Grounds David Wyatt Director Patrick Owens Custodial Supervisor Cathy Cross Maintenance Supervisor (H) 369-9682 (C) 268-1990 (C) 312-9575 (270) 242-2816 (H) 502-974-2630 (C) 268-1986 (H) 769-9411 (C) 872-3533 ATTACHMENT Smart Snacks - Nutrition Standards for Beverages The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act Requires that USDA establish nutrition standards for all foods and beverages sold in school – beyond the Federal child nutrition programs in schools. The standards would not apply to items sold during nonschool hours, weekends, or off-campus. The law specifies that the nutrition standards shall apply to all foods sold: Outside the school meal programs On the school campus, and At any time during the school day. Effective July 1, 2014 o Applicability A la carte in the cafeteria In school stores Snack bars Vending machines Other venues What are competitive foods? All food and beverages sold to students on school campus during the school day, other than meals reimbursable under programs authorized by the NSLA and the CAN Where do the standards apply? All areas of the property under jurisdiction of the school that are accessible to students during the school day When do the standards apply? School day – The period from the midnight before, to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day Opportunities to sell beverages: 1. To students during the school day. See standards below. 2. To students during non-school day 3. To adults anytime in areas non-accessible to students List in detail all varieties and sizes available on the provided forms. Make sure products are broken down into the three categories. 1. Students – school day 2. Students – non-school day 3. Adults ATTACHMENT Accessible to Students during school day Milk Elementary Middle High No Vending 12 oz. limit 12 oz. limit No Vending No Vending No size limit 12 oz. limit No size limit 12 oz. limit No Vending None 20 oz. limit No Vending None Lower-Calorie Beverages Maximum No Vending serving size 12 oz None Beverages with less than 5 calories per 8 fluid ounces, or up to 10 calories per 20 fluid ounces Up to 60 calories per 12 oz, or up to 40 calories per 8 oz Accessible to students during non-school day Accessible to Adults 70% nutritional items 30% nonnutritional items Water Fruit/Veg. Juice Water Other “caloriefree” Unflavored nonfat and lowfat milk, flavored nonfat Plain water 100% fruit and/or veg. juice, 100% juice diluted with water – no added sweeteners Calorie-free flavored water Other beverages 70% nutritional items As stated above, no volume size regulations As stated above, no volume size regulations 30% nonnutritional items ATTACHMENT PROPOSAL FORM The undersigned agrees to furnish and install said vending products and equipment for the HCPS district, Elizabethtown , KY, in accordance with the attached specifications and other documents herein and at the stated terms related to said vending products and equipment as may be installed and/or serviced by the contractor without exclusion or exception. Non-Collusion statement/declaration under penalty of perjury: Further The undersigned declares that he/she holds the position indicated below as a corporate officer or owner or partner in the business entity submitting these qualifications; that the undersigned is informed of all the relevant facts surrounding the preparation and submission of these qualifications, that the undersigned knows and represents and warrants to HCPS district that these qualifications are prepared and submitted without collusion with any other person, business entity or corporations; and, that the Firm submitting these qualifications instate only person, business entity, or corporation with any interest in the resultant contract. I herewith declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. It is to be understood that the contractor(s) for vending products and equipment for the HCPS district, if engages in a contract, agrees to protect, defend and save harmless the HCPS district from any suits or demands for payment that may be brought against it for the use of any patented material, process, article or device that may enter into the manufacture, construction or form a part of the work covered by order or contract; and that (s) he further agrees to save harmless the Board of Education from any suits or demands for payment that may be brought against it for, or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any party or parties by, or for any of the acts of the contractor, his servants or agents. Federal Excise Taxes or Kentucky Sales and Use Taxes are not applicable to any purchase made use of HCPS. Proposals should not include any such taxes. Exemption certificates will be furnished as required. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE EXECUTED BY CONTRACTOR FIRM BY ADDRESS_ TELEPHONE/EMAIL_ DATE_ TITLE_ CITY _ STATE_ ZIP CODE_ ATTACHMENT SIGNATURE_ ATTACHMENT LIST OF FIVE (5) REFERENCES Please provide five references including contact name, address, phone number, email with at least one in the educational field and one national account of at least similar size. 1) Name: Address: Phone/email =============================================== 2) Name: Address: Phone/email =============================================== 3) Name: Address: Phone/email =============================================== 4) Name: Address: Phone/email =============================================== 5) Name: Address: Phone/email =============================================== ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 4A ENERGY REDUCTION PROGRAM FORM Please describe the Company’s Energy Reduction Program(s):