Chapter1 - Department of Computer Engineering

:‫مراجع درس‬
1-“Introduction to computer system performance Evaluation”, k.kant,
.)‫( كتاب اصلي درس است‬
2-“Performance modeling of communication Networks and computer
Architecture”, Peter G. Harison and Naresh M. pattle, Addisonwesley pub 1td/1993.
3-“Computer systems performance evaluation”, O. ferrari,
1978/prentice- Hall Inc.
4-“Computer systems performance Modeling”, C.H. sauer and K.M.
chandy, prentice- Hall/1981.
5-“Reversibility and stochastic Networks”, F.P Kelly, John-willey/1979.
6. "Performance by Design: Computer capacity planning by example."
Prentice Hall, 2004 (NEW
7. " Capacity Planning for web Services: metrics, models, and
methods," Prentice Hall. 2002 (translated into Russian and
8. "Scaling for E-Business: technologies, models, performance, and
capacity planning." Prentice Hall, 2000 (translated into Korean)
10. " Capacity Planning and performance Modeling: form mainframes
to client-server System", Prentice- Hall, 1998.
9. " Capacity Planning for Web Performance: metrics, models, and
methods", Prentice Hall, 1998.
‫ نمره‬%30
‫ ميان ترم‬-1
‫ نمره‬%40
‫ آخر ترم‬-2
‫ نمره‬%30
‫ تعدادي برنامه و مقاله تحقيقي و سمينار‬-3
Overview of Performance Analysis
purpose of evaluation
applications of performance evaluation
performance evaluation techniques
criteria for selecting an evaluation technique
applicability of evaluation techniques
steps for a performance evaluation study
performance evaluation metrics
capacity of a system
performance evaluation study example
common mistakes in performance evaluation
Computer system users, administrators, and designers are
all interested in performance evaluation since the goal is to
obtain or to provide the highest performance at the lowest cost.
A system could be any collection of H/W, S/W and firmware
components; e.g., CPU, DB system, Network. Computer
performance evaluation is of vital importance in the selection of
computer systems, the design of applications and equipment,
and analysis of existing systems.
Purpose of Evaluation
three general purposes of performance
– selection evaluation - system exists elsewhere
– performance projection - system does not yet
– performance monitoring - system in operation
Selection Evaluation
• evaluate plans to include performance as a major
criterion in the decision to obtain a particular system
from a vendor is the most frequent case
• to determine among the various alternatives which
are available and suitable for a given application
• to choose according to some specified selection
• at least one prototype of the proposed system must
Performance Projection
• orientated towards designing a new system
• to estimate the performance of a system that does
not yet exist
• secondary goal - projection of a given system on a
new workload, i.e.modifying existing system in order
to increase its performance or decrease it costs or
both (tuning therapy)
• upgrading of a system - replacement or addition of
one or more hardware components
Performance Monitoring
• usually performed for a substantial portion of the
lifetime of an existing running system
• performance monitoring is done:
– to detect bottlenecks
– to predict future capacity shortcomings
– to determine most cost-effective way to upgrade the system
• to overcome performance problems, and
• to cope with increasing workload demands
Applications of Performance
1. procurement
2. system upgrade
3. capacity planning : process of predicting when
future load levels will saturate the system and of
determining the most cost-effective way of
delaying system saturation as much as possible.
4. system design
Performance Measures
And Evaluation Techniques
Evaluation Metrics
A computer system, like any other engineering machine, can be
measured and evaluated in terms of how well it meets the
needs and expectations of its users.
It is desirable to evaluate the performance of a computer system
because we want to make sure that it is suitable for its
intended applications, and that it satisfies the given
efficiency and reliability requirements.
We also want to operate the computer system near its optimal
level of processing power under the given resource
All performance measures deal with three basic issues:
-How quickly a given task can be accomplished,
-How well the system can deal with failures and other unusual situations,
-How effectively the system uses the available resources.
We can categorize the performance measures as follows.
These measures are intended to evaluate how quickly a given task can be
accomplished by the system.
Possible measures are:
waiting time.
Processing time.
Conditional waiting time(waiting time for tasks requiring a
specified amount of processing time),
Queue length. etc.
Usage Level:
These measures are intended to evaluate how well the various
components of the system are being used.
Possible measures are:
Throughput and utilization of various resources.
These measures indicate if the system would remain continuously
operational for the duration of a mission.
Possible measures are:
the distribution of the work accomplished during the mission time,
interval availability (Probability that the system will keep performing
satisfactorily throughout the mission time),
life-time (time when the probability of unacceptable behavior increases
beyond some threshold).
These measures indicate how reliable the system is over the long run.
Possible measures are:
number of failures/day.
MTTF(mean time to failure).
MTTR(mean time to repair).
Long-tern availability, and cost of a failure.
These measures are useful when repairs are possible and failures
are tolerable.
These measures indicate how effectively a user can get his or her
work accomplished.
Possible measures are:
user friendliness.
And understandability.
The relative importance of various measures
Because these measures are difficult to quantify, we shall not consider
The relative importance of various measures depends on the application
In the following, we provide a broad classification of computer systems
according to the application domains, indicating which measures
are most relevant:
General purpose computing:
These systems are designed for general purpose problem solving.
Relevant measures are:
responsiveness, usage level. and productivity.
Dependability requirements are modest, especially for benign failures.
High availability:
Such systems are designed for transaction processing environments:
(bank, Airline. Or telephone databases. Switching systems. etc.).
The most important measures are responsiveness and dependability.
Both of these requirements are more severe than for general purpose
computing systems,
moreover, any data corruption or destruction is unacceptable.
Productivity is also an important factor.
3. Real-time control:
Such systems must respond to both periodic and randomly occurring
events within some(possibly hard) timing constraints.
They require high levels of responsiveness and dependability for most
workloads and failure types and are therefore significantly overdesigned.
Note that the utilization and throughput play little role in such systems.
4. Mission Oriented:
These systems require extremely high levels of reliability over a short
period, called the mission time.
Little or no repair/tuning is possible during the mission.
Such systems include fly-by-wire airplanes, battlefield systems, and
Responsiveness is also important, but usually not difficult to achieve.
Such systems may try to achieve high reliability during the short term at
the expense of poor reliability beyond the mission period.
Systems like the ones used for unmanned spaceships need long life
without provision for manual diagnostics and repairs.
Thus. In addition to being highly dependable, they should have
considerable intelligence built in to do diagnostics and repair either
automatically or by remote control from aground station.
Responsiveness is important but not difficult to achieve.
1.2. Techniques of Performance Evaluation
There are three basic techniques for performance evaluation:
(1) measurement.
(2) simulation. and
(3) analytic modeling.
The latter two techniques can also be combined to get what is
usually known as hybrid modeling.
In the following, we discuss these briefly and point out their
comparative advantages and disadvantages.
1.2.1 Measurement
Measurement is the most fundamental technique and is needed
even in analysis and simulation to calibrate the models.
Some measurements are best done in hardware, some in
software, and some in a hybrid manner.
1.2.2 Simulation Modeling
Simulation involves constructing a model for the behavior of the
system and driving it with an appropriate abstraction of the
The major advantage of simulation is its generality and flexibility,
almost any behavior can be easily simulated.
However, there are many important issues that must be
considered in simulation:
1.It must be decided what not to simulate and at what level of
detail. Simply duplicating the detailed behavior of the
system is
usually unnecessary and prohibitively
2.Simulation, like measurement. Generates much raw data.
must be analyzed using statistical techniques.
3.Similar to measurements. A careful experiment design is
essential to keep the simulation cost down.
Both measurement and simulation involve careful experiment
design, data gathering, and data analysis.
These steps could be tedious;
moreover, the final results obtained from the data analysis only
characterize the system behavior for the range of input
parameters covered.
1.2.3 Analytic Modeling
Analytic modeling involves constructing a mathematical model of
the system behavior(at the desired level of detail) and solving
The main difficulty here is that the domain of tractable models is
rather limited.
Thus, analytic modeling will fail if the objective is to study the
behavior in freat detail.
However. For an overall behavior characterization, analytic
modeling is an excellent tool.
The major advantages of analytic modeling over the other two
techniques are
(a) it generates good insight into the workings of the system
that is
valuable even if the model is too difficult to solve,
(b) simple analytic models can usually be solved easily, yet
surprisingly accurate results, and
(c) results from analysis have better predictive value than those
obtained from measurement or simulation.
1.2.4 Hybrid Modeling
A complex model may consist of several submodels, each
representing certain aspect of the system.
Only some of these submodels may be analytically tractable, the
others must be simulated.
We can take the hybrid approach. Which will proceed as follows:
1. Solve the analytic model assuming no fragmentation of
memory and determine the distribution of memory holding
2. Simulate only memory allocation. Holding. And deallocation.
And determine the average fraction of memory that could not
be used because of fragmentation.
3. Recalibrate the analytic model of step 1 with reduced memory
and solve it.
(It may be necessary to repeat these steps a few times to get
1.3 Applications of Performance Evaluation
Performance modeling and evaluation may be needed for a variety
of purposes;
However, the following needs stand out:
1. System design:
In designing a new system.
One typically starts out with certain performance/ reliability
objectives and a basic system architecture.
And then decides how to choose various parameters to achieve
the objectives.
This involves constructing a model of the system behavior at the
appropriate level of detail, and evaluating it to choose the
At higher levels of design, simple analytic reasoning
may be adequate to eliminate bad choice,
But simulation becomes an indispensable tool for
making detailed design decisions and avoiding
costly mistakes
2. System selection:
Here the problem is to select the “best” system from
among a group of systems that are under
consideration for reasons of cost, availability,
compatibility, etc.
Although direct measurement is the ideal technique to
use here.
There might be practical difficulties in doing so (e.g., not being
able to use them under realistic workloads, or not having the
system available locally).
Therefore, it may be necessary to make projections based on
available data and some simple modeling.
3. System upgrade:
This involves replacing either the entire system or parts there of
with a newer but compatible unit.
The compatibility and cost considerations may dictate the vendor,
So the only remaining problem is to choose quantity, speed, and
the like.
Often, analytic modeling is adequate here;
however, in large systems involving complex interactions between
subsystems. Simulation modeling may be essential.
Note that a direct experimentation would require installing the new
unit first, and thus is not practical.
4. System tuning:
The purpose of tune up is to optimize the performance by
appropriately changing the various resource management
Some examples are process scheduling mechanism.
Context switching, buffer allocation schemes, cluster size for
paging, and contiguity in file space allocation.
It is necessary to decide which parameters to consider changing
and how to change them to get maximum potential benefit.
Direct experimentation is the simplest technique to use here, but
may not be feasible in a production environment.
Since the tuning often involves changes to aspects that cannot be
easily represented in analytic models, simulation is
indispensable in this application.
5. System analysis:
Suppose that we find a system to be unacceptably sluggish.
The reason could be either inadequate hardware resources(CPU,
memory, disk, etc.)
Or poor system management.
In the former case, we need system upgrade, and in the latter, a
system tuneup.
Nevertheless, the first task is to determine which of the two cases
This involves monitoring the system and examining the behavior
of various resource management policies under different
loading conditions.
Experimentation coupled with simple analytic reasoning is usually
adequate to identify the trouble spots; however, in some cases,
complex interactions may make a simulation study essential.
1.4. Workload Characterization
Irrespective of which of the three basic performance evaluation
techniques we use.
We need to provide certain inputs to the real system or its model.
There are two categories of relevant inputs.
The first category includes parameters that can be controlled by
the system designer/administrator, e.g. the scheduling
Interconnections between devices, and resource allocation
The second category includes inputs generated by the environment in
which the system is used ,e.g.,
The interarrival times and service demands of incoming jobs, and are
usually not under the control of the system designer/administrator.
These inputs can be used for driving the real system(as in easurement)
Simulation model, and for determining distributions for
analytic/simulation modeling.
We refer to these inputs as the workload.
Workload characterization is one of the central issues in performance
evaluation because it is not always clear what aspects of the workload
are important.
In how much detail the workload should be recorded, and how the
workload should be represented and used.
1.5. Benchmarking Computer Systems
When selecting a machine for a given application environment, it is
useful to have some comparative benchmarks available that can be
used to either narrow down the choices or make a final selection.
In a selection scenario, it is usually not possible to actually access the
machine and do a detailed evaluation;
instead, one must depend on the published data on the machine.
The benchmarks are primarily intended to provide an overall
assessment of various machines on the market.
Benchmarks are usually run by vendors or third parties for “typical”
configurations and workloads, and not by the user interested in the
selection process.
Although this is a necessary limitation for practical reasons,
It also leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation and misuse of
the measure both by the vendors and the users.
It is therefore important to examine the advantages and
disadvantages of commonly used measures.
Steps for a Performance Evaluation Study
1. State the goals of the study and define the system boundaries.
2. List system services and possible outcomes.
3. Select performance metrics.
4. List system and workload parameters.
5. Select factors and their values.
6. Select evaluation techniques.
7. Select the workload.
8. Design the experiments.
9. Analyze and interpret the data.
10. Present the results. Start over, if necessary.
Performance Evaluation Metrics
 Different performance metrics are used depending upon the
services offered by the system:
 correctly performed
 turnaround time - the time between the submission of
a batch job and the completion of its output
 response time - the interval between a user's request and
the system response
 throughput (or productivity) - the rate (requests per unit
time) at which requests are serviced by the system
 utilization of a resource - is a measured as the fraction
of time the resource is busy servicing requests
Performance Evaluation Metrics
 incorrectly performed
 reliability - measured by the probability of errors or the
meantime between errors
 unable to do
 availability - the fraction of total time during which the
system is at the disposal of the users
MTTF - mean time to failure, MTTR - mean time to repair
Performance Evaluation Metrics
 Performance metrics can be categorised into three
classes based on their utility function:
Higher is Better or HB
Lower is Better or LB
Nominal is Best or NB
metric (e.g., response time)
metric (e.g., throughput)
metric (e.g.,
Cost/performance Ratio
 A commonly used metric for comparing two or more
systems in system procurement application
cost includes h/w and s/w licensing, installation and
maintenance costs
performance is measured in terms of throughput
under a given response time constraint
Response Time
CPU or I/O
Send command
Transmission time
Wait in output queue
Wait in input queue
Transmission time
Keying in of command
 defined as the time interval between the instant the inputting
command to an interactive system terminates and the
corresponding reply begins to appear at the terminal
Start output
Stand-alone response time
Response time
Response Time
 response time depends very much on the type of the command the
system executes:
 light commands - requires less than one quantum of CPU time (e.g.
text editing commands - insert, delete, modify; requests for
information such as date and time, etc.
 heavy commands - requires more than one quantum time to be
executed (e.g. compilation, execution, sort, etc.)
 The mean response time Rm does not provide complete
information about an interactive system's performance, i.e.
variability of performance. The standard deviation of response
time, , is commonly used:
( Ri  Rm ) 2
i 1
 
n 1
where Ri is the response time of the ith command.
 defined as the rate (requests per unit time) at which
requests are serviced by the system
 examples:
batch systems
- jobs per second;
interactive systems
- requests per second;
- packets per second (pps) or
bits per second (bps);
transaction processing systems - TPS
 Depending on the system, throughput is influenced by
many factors:
 e.g., in a computer network, good routing combined
with congestion control schemes can improve
response time
routing 1
routing 2
Capacity of a System
 Nominal capacity: maximum achievable throughput under
ideal workload conditions (e.g., bandwidth (in bps) of a n/w)
 Usable capacity: maximum throughput achievable without
exceeding a prespecified response time limit
 Knee capacity: throughput at the knee (point beyond which
response time increases rapidly with load but increase in
throughput is small)
Performance Evaluation Study Example
1. System Definition:
The goal of the case study is to compare the performance of data
transfer using remote pipes to those of data transfer using
remote procedure calls.
2. Services:
The services offered by the system are the two types of channel calls
- remote procedure call and remote pipe.
3. Metrics: The resources are the local computer (client), the remote
computer (server), and the network link. Restricting the study to
only correct operation, we have the following performance metrics:
(a) Elapsed time per call
(b) Maximum call rate per unit of time, or equivalently, the time
required to complete a block of n successive calls
(c) Local CPU time per call
(d) Remote CPU time per call
(e) Number of bytes sent on the link per call
4. Parameters: The system parameters that affect the performance of
a given application and data size are the following:
(a) Speed of the local CPU
(b) Speed of the remote CPU
(c) Speed of the network
(d) Operating system overhead for interfacing with the channels
(e) Operating system overhead for interfacing with the networks
(f) Reliability of the network affecting the number of
retransmissions required
The workload parameters that affect the performance are the
(a) Time between successive calls
(b) Number and sizes of the call parameters
(c) Number and sizes of the results
(d) Type of channel
(e) Other loads on the local and remote CPUs
(f) Other loads on the network
5. Factors: The key factors chosen for this study are the
(a) Type of channel. Two types-remote pipes and remote
procedure calls-will be compared.
(b) Speed of the network. Two locations of the remote
hosts will be used-short distance (in the campus) and
long distance (across the country).
(c) Sizes of the call parameters to be transferred. Two
levels will be used-small and large.
(d) Number n of consecutive calls. Eleven different values
of n -1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,…, 512, 1024, - will be used.
The factors have been selected based on resource
availability and the interest of the sponsors.
6. Evaluation Technique: Since prototypes of both types of channels
have already been implemented, measurements will be used for
evaluation. Analytical modeling will be used to justify the
consistency of measured values for different parameters.
7. Workload: The workload will consist of a synthetic program
generating the specified types of channel requests. This
program will also monitor the resources consumed and log the
measured results. Null channel requests with no actual work but
with monitoring and logging activated will be used to determine
the resources consumed in monitoring and logging.
8. Experimental Design: A full factorial experimental design with
23 x 11 = 88 experiments will be used for the initial study.
9. Data Analysis: Analysis of Variance will be used to quantify the
effects of the first three factors and regression will be used to
quantify the effects of the number n of successive calls.
10. Data Presentation: The final results will be plotted as a function
of the block size n.
Common Mistakes in Performance Evaluation
1. Is the system correctly defined and the goals clearly stated?
2. Are the goals stated in an unbiased manner?
3. Have all the steps of the analysis followed systematically?
4. Is the problem clearly understood before analyzing it?
5. Are the performance metrics relevant for this problem?
6. Is the workload correct for this problem?
7. Is the evaluation technique appropriate?
8. Is the list of parameters that affect performance complete?
Common Mistakes in Performance Evaluation
9. Have all parameters that affect performance been chosen as
to be varied?
10. Is the experimental design efficient in terms of time and results?
11. Is the level of detail proper?
12. Is the measured data presented with analysis and interpretation?
13. Is the analysis statistically correct?
14. Has the sensitivity analysis been done?
15. Would errors in the input cause an insignificant change in the
16. Have the outliers in the input and output been treated properly?
Common Mistakes in Performance Evaluation
17. Have the future changes in the system and workload been
18. Have the variance of input been taken into account?
19. Have the variance of the results been analyzed?
20. Is the analysis easy to explain?
21. Is the presentation style suitable for its audience?
22. Have the results been presented graphically as much as
23. Are the assumptions and limitations of the analysis clearly