Update – February 2012
K-8th grade writing teachers are using semi-annual District Writing Assessments to diagnose
and improve student writing skills, focusing on the 6+1 Traits of Writing. Ongoing writing
projects include K-1st Grade Writing Workshops, wikis, blogs, podcasts, original mysteries,
short stories and Greek Myths in the middle school, and curriculum embedded writing projects
within the Reading series including advertisements, narrative poems, folk tales, and science
fiction. At the December In-service, teachers in grades 3-8 had an opportunity to analyze our
students written responses from the 2011 NJASK and discuss better ways to serve the needs of
our students. The data collected is being utilized to target specific areas in need of improvement
as well as to build upon the writing strengths of our students.
Student writing is highlighted in Elementary and Middle School literary magazines, class
wikis, classroom and hallway displays.
The Reading Curriculum at Harding Township School is in its second year. Last year, grades K6 adopted Reading Street, a language arts-reading program that is literature based and stresses
basic reading and writing skills. Grades 7–8 adopted a novel based curriculum that expands on
the basic skills and adds higher level comprehension and writing skills.
All teachers who participate in the Reading Street program reported favorable reviews and noted
positive achievements of the students. Kindergarten teachers noted that they are seeing students
reading much sooner than in previous years. In first grade, the teachers have observed that the
students entering this year were well prepared and have a firm grasp of the basics. Reading Street
provides all grade levels with multiple assessments. Second grade is finding that the connections
to Social Studies and Science are directly in line with the areas they cover in their grade. Their
students love the videos and the interactive white board activities. Third grade noted the benefit
of the consistency from grade to grade. Even though it is only in its second year, students are
aware of the structure of the skill lessons and are comfortable with all the components of the
Reading Program including spelling, research and vocabulary development. Fourth grade finds
teaching basic reading skills easier and makes the teachers more accountable. In fifth grade, the
teachers have added a novel to be read on their free time that correlates to the Essential
Questions of the unit. The list of novels is provided by the teachers and selected with the help of
past and present students. The novels provide excellent discussions on a bi-weekly schedule. As
noted in this year’s NJASK score, there has been significant improvement across the board in the
LAL section of the test. The program has a NJASK skills practice section and the weekly tests
given, mimic the format of the NJASK. All of this uniformity and accountability has ensured
that every child is being provided the opportunity to become the best reader they can.
The Harding Township Math Team has been busy this year. In grades K-2, we have begun
Singapore Math. Grade 3 will start Singapore Math in 2012-13. This year grades K-5 have two
or three additional math classes per week. This allows added time for problem solving practice.
We are making the Math in Focus workbooks and textbooks available online so parents and
students can access them at home.
The math curriculum will be re-written this year. It will align with the new National Core
Curriculum Standards. Although grades 3-5 have not begun doing Singapore Math, Singapore
bar modeling books have been provided for them to use during their problem solving classes.
Feedback has been positive about the problem solving strategies the students are learning. For
the first time, all of the eighth grade students at HTS are taking Algebra 1, and all seventh grade
students are taking Pre-Algebra. This is what is done in Madison. Students at all grade levels
must continue to practice and master their basic facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication,
Social Studies:
The Harding Township School Social Studies Department has been having a great year so far.
There are a number of events that we are very proud of. Kindergarten and first graders had an
amazing visit from a United States Marine. Second grade completed a “Holiday Customs”
presentation. Third grade worked on a play that is based on school elections. They will also link
with an eighth grade class to discuss law and juries. Fifth grade had the annual Explorer Wax
Museum which was incredible! State Legislator Cathy Munoz came to visit fifth and sixth
graders to talk about the importance of state and local government and government service.
Seventh and eighth graders participated and performed all roles in a mock trial. Thanks to a
grant from the Harding Historical Society all fourth through eighth graders were able to witness
a George Washington impersonator giving a speech at the First Presbyterian Church, where he
discussed what it was like to be a soldier in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.
In addition to all of these great projects and hard work, there is more to come in the second half
of the year! Third grade will be working on a project dealing with immigrants that goes far
beyond the textbook. They will also be working on a “Women in History” project in the spring.
Fifth grade will have their annual State Float parade in June. Seventh graders will be working on
an Ancient Greek Newsletter. Eighth grade will be create their Decade Scrapbooks that will
incorporate all subject areas, including Math, Science, Language Arts, Health, Art, Foreign
Language, Music, etc. It’s been a great year in Harding Township School and we look forward
to continuing the excellence!
The feedback has been very good from the 4th and 5th grade teachers that are using the new
Pearson Prentice Hall interactive text and workbooks. All of the middle school science classes
are on pace with the yearly curriculum timeline. The 8th grade finished their Balsa wood bridges
as well as their hot air balloons. The 7th grade completed the owl pellet lab and the wind turbine
blades contest. The current Hydroponics project has just started. The 6th grade used the Vernier
data collection device to gather boiling point data and input their findings into the Stevens
Institute of Technology global collaborative database - WWW. CIESE.ORG -The Center for
Innovation in Engineering and Science Education. We compared our results with science
classrooms from all over the world.
The Weather bug system is up and running. The Technology Student Association is going very
well. We have approximately 20-25 7th and 8th grade students who meet weekly. The students
have registered for either or both of the following events- 1. “SIEMENS Corporation: We can
change the world” middle school science and technology challenge. www.wecanchange.com. 2.
“The Edison PSEG Foundation: The Thomas Edison Invention Challenge.”
Academic Intervention Program:
In Language Arts we have worked on test taking strategies, main idea, author’s purpose, making
predictions, speculative writing prompts, and expository writing prompts. We are currently
focusing on making inferences.
In math we have worked on number and numerical operations, computation, and patterns. The
test prep books we use have questions very similar to questions that students will see on the
NJASK. Groups are limited to 5 students so we can really focus on what the student needs
The Kindergarten students have just finished designing their clay frames. A picture of each
student will be placed in the frame giving someone at home a remembrance of their year. First
Grade students are creating dioramas in which to place their clay fish. We researched what items
or creatures you might find at the bottom of the ocean and the students created those items out of
Model Magic. The 2nd grade students recently began their Effigy Pinch Pots. The 3rd grade
students are just completing a unit on Aboriginal Dot Painting. 4th graders recently completed
their ceramic animal boxes and are now beginning their Swatch watch project. The 5th grade
students have just completed a unit on Cubism. We researched the history of Cubism, the six
different characteristics of Cubism, and the life and work of Pablo Picasso, one of the founders
of Cubism. 6th graders are completing their ceramic treasure boxes. We are fortunate to offer the
students a wide variety of art media to work with in the 7th and 8th grade classes: Ceramics,
Painting, Sculpture, Printmaking, and Textiles
Ambassador Program, Character Education, Guidance:
The Ambassadors have met with Mr. John Munroe for several weeks for training on leadership,
anti-bullying strategies, and promoting a safe and positive school environment. They have
visited K-5 classrooms to discuss their roles as Ambassadors and performed skits for the younger
students on how to recognize, refuse, and report bullying. Currently, we are preparing for the 8th
grade transition to Madison High School with the scheduling appointments in February.
8th grade finished the unit of My Friends and I and two lessons of My Home. 7th grade finished
the units of My School Life and two lessons of Time and Weather. 6th grade finished the units of
Greeting, Numbers, Body Parts and My Family. We celebrated Chinese New Year and had
Chinese culture introduction in each grade. 8th grade focused on Chinese living and daily life. 7th
grade focused on telling time and Chinese education. 6th grade had a general introduction about
Chinese history, family and society.
The students in the 3rd grade are currently working on Architecture. They are designing and
building a haunted house. The 4th grade is currently working on Juice Caboose. Through market
research and scientific investigation, students are challenged to develop a new juice drink. The
5th grade is working on designing their own restaurant through the World of Free Enterprise
project. The WOFE project guides students to understand the workings of a business in a free
market economic system. The 6th graders are currently working on a WOFE-type project creating
their own hotel/resort. Students are creating their own website and constructing a hotel room out
of balsa wood. The 7th and 8th graders competed at Junior Model United Nations Day on Feb. 3rd
at Seton Hall University. The nations Harding delegations represented this year are Malta,
Monaco, Chile, Norway, Australia, Canada, and Zamia.
This year’s topics included:
1. Education of Women: What action/measures should the United Nations take to ensure
the right to a formal education for women?
2. Healthcare for Children: What action should the United Nations take to secure
preventative and critical healthcare for children?
3. Deforestation: What action should the United Nations take to prevent deforestation
Our delegation for Education of Women came in 1st place and our delegations for Healthcare for
Children and Deforestation received honorable mention.
In 5th grade, the students are finishing up an introduction to France and French culture. In 6th
grade, students have completed Units 1 and 2, “Getting acquainted” and “Daily Activities” in
French. In 7th grade, students are learning about “Daily Activities” and “People and
Possessions.” In 8th grade, students are learning about “Buying clothes” and “Leisure-time
activities”. Students are able to engage in dialogue about description of clothes, cost and make
comparisons. The students discuss weekend activities, summer and winter sports, and holiday
Health/Family Life:
The 6th graders just finished learning about the different body systems and how important they
are to overall health. The 7th graders are learning how their bodies and minds are changing as
they go through puberty. The 8th graders are learning about the different stages of life and how to
prepare for adulthood.
Library/Media Center:
Early elementary students have been exploring ways to tell a story, including how different
people might choose to organize their own storytelling. Upper elementary students have been
exploring different sources of information. The TV production class has been launched and we
are expecting our first broadcast before spring break.
Instrumental Music:
Each group works on scales, rhythms, and their repertoire for the concert. Each piece was
chosen with specific skills in mind. Similarly, the fifth grade band worked on adding new notes
beyond the B-flat scale and increasing their dynamic ranges. The fourth graders are beginners so
we are working our way through the Essential Elements book. The middle school band and jazz
band continue to improve and has begun preparing for the spring concert. One of the goals is to
really individualize what each student needs to work on which is ideal in the instrumental
Kindergarten is preparing for their Sweetheart Concert by learning Valentine’s Day songs. 1st
grade is learning about the instruments of the orchestra/instrument families. 2nd grade is
exploring music from all over the world, most recently Australia and Antarctica. 3rd grade has
been playing recorders and can successfully play “Hot Cross Buns.” 4th grade is learning about
Baroque composers. 5th grade is studying major and minor, especially the C major scale as well
as basic sight reading skills. 6th grade is currently working on a mini production of “Once on this
Island.” Students in grade 7 have been studying the history of American Music. We have listened
to, danced dances, and played keyboard selections from the music from the 1900s-1950s.
Students also interviewed someone that was a teenager between 1930 and 1950 to receive
firsthand knowledge about music and dancing. Students in grade 8 have recently been studying
music from the Baroque and Classical periods including music, composers, lifestyle differences
and historical connections.
The Harding Township Husky Pups preschool is in full swing for the second year! The program
offers a multi-sensory, interdisciplinary curriculum that reaches all students. This year the New
Vernon Volunteer Fire Department visited the children, giving them a tour of the fire truck, as
well as a demonstration with the fire hose and bright lights. The Quiver Farm will be coming
again this year to deliver twelve eggs, which will hatch during their time in our classroom!
Another new and exciting hands on activity this year will be when the chef from Il Capriccio
will teach a cooking lesson to the children!
Physical Education:
Students are learning about floor hockey. They are working on stick handling skills, passing,
shooting, spacing and positioning. Students also continue to work on gross motor skills by
participating in loco motor activities, eye-hand coordination games, and lead-up games. We have
participated in Team Building Initiatives, Soccer, Basketball, Floor Hockey, Seasonal/Holiday
games and a Fitness unit.
Spanish classes have been reinstated this academic school year within the Kindergarten through
fourth grade classrooms. The students are adapting very well to the new language and are
learning through thematic units that build in both vocabulary, as well as cultural content.
Students have been highly encouraged to speak the target language in class, as well as work
collaboratively in order to construct complete sentences and/or descriptions. The Golden Soccer
Ball has been utilized to promote teamwork within the classroom.
The fifth grade has just wrapped up their first lengthened exposure to the Spanish language
throughout the first and second marking periods. General topics have been discussed such as
colors, months of the year and personality traits. French and Spanish teachers meet regularly to
discuss common study topics and activities to promote similar experiences in both languages
within the fifth grade experience.
World Language teachers have been meeting regularly with both the Madison Junior School and
Madison High School teachers in order to align the curriculums of each school.
The sixth grade students are working within a unit concerning the people around them, including
teachers, family and friends. They have worked with two irregular verbs in order to describe one
another, as well as themselves, according to physical attributes.
The seventh grade students have just completed a unit revolving around the home-life, including
the parts of a house as well as the chores involved in maintaining a home. Students have created
digital presentations to describe in detail the rooms and aspects of their own home, including
uploaded pictures and a typed composition.
The eighth grade students have been working on a unit revolving around the concept of “a
healthy body, a healthy mind.” They are currently working on a comic strip project in which
they will be using reflexive verbs to describe the daily routine of a fictitious character.
From preschool through 8th grade, teachers and students can be seen incorporating technology
into a variety of projects, writing assignments, wikis, blogs, podcasts, BrainPop Jr., lessons for
Singapore Math and Reading Street, STEM, SmartBoard activities utilized to enhance learning
inside and outside of the classroom. 21st century skills are a focus for our students.
For our young students, we are using a program called “Type to Learn Jr.” Students learn to
locate the letters of the alphabet and numbers on the keyboard. Students learn basic input and
output skills, and to create and use file folders to save and retrieve data. Our two computer labs
and three mobile carts of laptops are in constant use. In grades 1-8 all students receive computer
instruction. The 7th grade class is studying Excel. We are currently working on creating graphs.
The 8th grade class just started the Finance Unit where we will examine spending, borrowing,
and budgeting. We will see how long it takes to save a million dollars.
We have kicked off our TV production class in January and we are moving in the direction of
going 1:1 with iPads or laptops for upper school students in 2012-2013. We had a full day Inservice (professional development) in January on 1:1. We had two formal presentations from two
middle school teams on how iPads and 1:1 can be utilized to improve instruction and learning.
I want to thank our District Curriculum Committee and our teachers for highlighting just a few
things going on at HTS. If we were to highlight everything, it would be longer than War and